InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ Love is an IM away... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Welcome all to my second fanfic attempt. Some of you have read and enjoyed my first story... “ When true love comes knocking...” and have had much praise for it. So this is an opening for my next shot at authorness... (Oh making up new words again) I will keep up with my first story so don’t worry about not finding out what happens, this is just tossing an idea out there, if you guys like it lemme know and I will continue the story.

Summary: Kagome is a quiet creative type, but don’t get on her bad side.. She’s feisty when she’s mad. She’s mostly a loner, except for a few close friends... and the usual stalking pains. Inuyasha is the most popular guy in school, as well as the hottest. He’s dating the most popular girl in school, Kikyo, though he’s not sure why. They have nothing in common except their popularity. These two are browbeaten into trying out a chat room for lonely single teens by their friends, and end up meeting under aliases. They soon hit it off and a relationship is blooming. Find out if love really is just an IM away...

Genre: Romance, Comedy, a little drama and action.

Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16, about to turn 17 ( will toss ages of others in as they appear)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and the gang... Rumiko Takahashi does, I’m just borrowing them. And now on with the story...

Kagome walked along the sidewalk, her mind wandering off as usual. The sunlight was shining down on her, birds were chirping... it was another bright spring day. She lived with her mother, and younger brother named Souta, and their grandfather, affectionately known as gramps, at the old family shrine he took care of. They had moved there after her gramps had fallen ill. He was getting on in years and needed someone to help him out with the shrine. So they had packed up and moved to Tokyo. Passing people glanced at the girl in curiosity as she mumbled under her breath as she walked, seemingly having a conversation with no one in sight. Also her looks always seemed to draw attention. Her hair was dark as raven wings, with bluish highlights shining in the light, and it cascaded down to the middle of her back. Her eyes, which were usually cloudy and staring off into space, were a deep rich brown. Her body was lean, due to the regular torture of high school gym, as well as an after school job. It had just enough curves to turn a few heads in appreciation. She wore a loose yellow t-shirt with a bright red button in the middle of the chest, with the words “ Panic Button! Caution before pressing.” printed on it. Anyone who had the nerve to push at the button on her shirt got a surprise. No matter what she was doing, Kagome would slam to a halt, throw her arms in the air and run in circles screaming, before once again going back to whatever she was doing, acting as though nothing had happened. Because there was still a lingering chill in the breeze, she had a dark green hoodie pulled on over this, and her hands were deep in the pockets. She wore a pair of matching dark green tight fitting low-rise jeans that flared out at the bottom, with her blue Sketchers on. The chaotic look of the clashing colors would have looked ridiculous on anyone else, but on Kagome it seemed to fit, if you knew her personality. She was a loner type that only had a few close friends that really knew the “true her”. She was a creative, artistic type, who spent her time drawing, and writing, trying to get all the stories that flew around in her head out on page... before they were lost from the world. She had a wild insane side to her that came out when the mood struck her. Today she was silent as she walked to school, mumbling a new storyline to herself so she wouldn’t forget it before she could get it down on paper. She walked along, seemingly oblivious to the guy sneaking along behind her. When he was right behind her he pounced, leaping towards her. Before he could wrap his arms around her, she simply stepped to the right dodging him, allowing him to fall face first to the ground with a groan. With a smirk on her lips, she turned and looked down at the guy, placing her hands on her hips.

“ Miroku haven’t you learned yet? When will you stop trying to be such a pervert, always trying to sneak up on me and cop a feel?” The guy on the ground simply rolled to his side, resting his head on his hand and leaned on his elbow smiling up at her.

“ Dear, sweet Kagome, why would I stop when it is part of my charm, that you women all love about me.” Kagome snorted out a laugh as she held out her hand. Taking hold of it Miroku pulled himself to his feet. After dusting off he wrapped his arm around Kagome’s shoulder as they walked towards the school. Miroku was one of the most popular guys in school, though he had a reputation for being a lecher, and a womanizer. He had dark black hair that hung down to his shoulders, and was tied back at his neck in a small ponytail. He wore a black tank top shirt underneath a purple button up shirt. His jeans were black baggy cargo pants, with random patches of band names sewed on it. His purple Sketchers looked old and worn, though he kept them because they were his favorites. Kagome glanced over at him as they walked. They had known each other since her freshman year, when her family had just moved here, and they were as close as siblings, with the occasional perverted leer or grope from Miroku, and a slap from Kagome.
“ What happened to your car Miro? Why you walking with the lowlifes?” Miroku heaved a deep sigh before he answered.

“ Mushi needed to borrow it, his is in the shop again.” Kagome giggled softly. Mushi was Miroku’s grandfather that he lived with, since Miroku’s parents were so busy traveling all over the world for business trips. He saw them maybe one weekend out of every month, before they were off again. It wasn’t like they ignored him or anything; they took him on tons of trips when he was younger. By the time he was 12 he could speak 8 different languages, he had just wanted to be able to have one place to stay, and finish his high school years. So he had moved back to his hometown to live with his grandfather at the beginning of his freshman year. They were going to one of the few school’s that allowed demons to go to school along with humans. This was a time when a few people were still antsy about finding out demons lived amongst them, but they had to get with the times and learn to deal with it. Kagome had been excited to start at her new school, having never gone to a school with demons before. Miroku was used to it since he had gone to this same school all his life. He had tried to pull Kagome into his circle of friends, but she had never felt like she fit in with the popular crowd. She didn’t want to live a life that was dictated by fads, and popularity contests. She was happy being by herself, or just hanging out with Miroku, and his girlfriend Sango. She and Kagome had hit it off, and became best friends. They had a lot in common and as it happened their younger brothers were in the same classes, and were also best friends. They spent too much time to count at each other’s houses, it almost seemed like they belonged there. Sango lived with her younger brother Kohaku, and their father. Her mother had died by complications during childbirth when she had Kohaku, so Kagome’s mother had tired her best to take the little guy under her wing and spoil him as much as she could. Kagome, who’s father had died in an accident when she was about 10, and Souta was 4, knew how it felt to loose a parent, and had grown to think of Sango’s father as if he was her own sometimes. Kagome glanced over at Miroku, smiling to herself.

“ So why didn’t you just get a ride from Sango?” Miroku pouted slightly, making Kagome laugh harder.

“ She won’t let me ride with her for a week.” Kagome tsked under her breath and patted Miroku on the cheek as they walked into the school parking lot.

“ Well if you wouldn’t grab her ass so much you wouldn’t get punished like that.” Miroku pressed his hand to his heart and dropped to one knee in the middle of the parking lot.
“ Oh woe is me, for I shall always fall victim to the wrath of the beautiful Lady Sango! Her eyes are like warm honey, her hair like brown silk. Oh how I love thee!” Miroku sighed deeply before smirking perversely “ And her ass is soft as...” He never finished his lewd comment for the very subject of his rants had stepped up behind him. At this last comment her cheeks turned bright red from the blush that was spreading acrossed her face. She slammed her fist against the back of Miroku’s skull sending him to the ground in a dazed pile. He rubbed the back of his head, before turning his most charming smile up at her. “ Morning Sango, my love. I see we are in a pleasant mood this morning, I didn’t get hit hard enough to knock me out this time.” Sango glared at Miroku as she settled her backpack over her shoulder.

“ Cool it you lecher, I won’t hesitate to hurt you.” Kagome covered her mouth to stifle the laugh that threatened to come out. When it was under control she stepped over to Sango, wrapping her arm through her’s.

“ Better watch it Sango, I think he likes it when you threaten him like that.” Sango blushed again, as she and Kagome walked towards the school, with Miroku running to catch up.

“ Ya know Kagome, if you were to try out those Internet chat rooms for singles, like Miroku and I did, maybe you would find a cute guy to grope you and you can beat on him too.” Kagome laughed wildly, holding onto her sides. She finally stopped laughing and seemed to think it over.

‘ It couldn’t hurt to try, and it’ll get Sango off my back about being lonely.’ she thought to herself. “ I’ll think about it Sango.” she finally mumbled. As they made their way along the rows of cars, a silver mustang came flying into the parking lot with a screech of its tires. Music was blaring as the driver sailed into a parking spot, giving the engine a final rev before killing it. The driver, a young guy about 18, vaulted out of the car landing on his feet. He glanced around the lot before his eyes came to rest on Miroku, and the girls. With a smirk he made his way over to them. He had long flowing silver hair that hung down to his waist. On his head sat two small triangular dog-ears that twitched this way and that, taking in all the sounds around him. The ears gave him away as being a demon, or in his case a hanyou, or half/demon, as well as the fangs that showed when he smiled, and the claws he had. His eyes were a bright amber color that sparkled in the light. He was about 5'11, with a muscular build, that showed under his tight fitting red t-shirt. Over this he wore a black hoodie, with matching black baggy jeans. On his feet were red Sketchers that looked like they had seen better days. Seeing him approaching them, Kagome slipped her arm out of Sango’s.

“ I’ll catch you guys later.” With that she ran off towards the school doors. The guy turned to watch her out of the corner of his eyes. Before he could really notice her Miroku got his attention by slapping him on the back. He turned to look at his best friend since kindergarten, a slight smirk forming on his lips.

“ I see you started early today monk.” Miroku laughed at the nickname he had been given back in grade school. His ancestors had all been monks, until his father had broken the tradition, and Miroku’s grandfather was always after him to learn the monk’s ways. He had started training when he was little, though he never lived his life the way a monk should... though his ancestors hadn’t either. He reached up and rubbed the lump forming on the back of his head and smiled ruefully. Sango rolled her eyes, as she leaned against Miroku, glaring at him when his hand started to wander towards her rear. With an innocent look he brought his hand to rest at her waist drawing her towards him.

“ So Inuyasha, what’s up man? Heard you and Kikyo got into it again.” The boy’s eyes narrowed as he growled under his breath.

“ Yea, the damn bitch keeps complaining because I don’t get an appointment to get those damn pills.” Miroku and Sango nodded in understanding. Years ago before demons had finally come out in the open, there had been clinics that offered them a medical way to cloak their demon appearance. Most simply used their own magic abilities to do it, though the few that didn’t have this ability there was always the pills. Kikyo had been trying to convince Inuyasha to get the pills so he would look human all the time, instead of just once a month, when his night of vulnerability came around with the new moon, and he lost his demon blood and became full human. “ Keh, she’s always trying to make me do things that make me look more human. I’m not going to hide my demon side so she can make me into some pretty boy for her to show off.” Inuyasha raged as he fell into step beside the couple as they made their way to the school. Miroku reached over and patted Inuyasha on the back.

“ Well Yash, why don’t you try one of those Internet chat rooms for singles? That’s how Sango and I met up. Maybe if you find some one there we can all hang out, and you can finally ditch Kikyo.” Inuyasha raised his brow at the chat room idea and started to toss it aside, when it started to appeal to him.
“ Maybe I’ll try it out...” he mumbled as he thought it over. Sango clapped her hands in glee as she turned to Miroku.

“ Now if we can just get Kagome to do it and she can find someone then we will have our own little crew.” Inuyasha paid her no attention as they stepped into the school, before separating to head towards their lockers and homerooms.

Well that’s chapter one... Hope you all liked it. I decided to go with a different angle to things. I know your all thinking this will be a Kikyo bashing, but like you should have learned from my other story, I don’t bash her... she just may not have large parts in my stories. Later on I might try one for all you kikyo haters, but for now I’m staying neutral on it. And before I get accused of ripping off the movie “ A Cinderella Story” yes I am using the idea about an Internet relationship, but that’s as far as the similarities go. Anyways... They try it out and after a little bit of a rocky start things start get going between the two. Just wait and see for yourself.. That is if you guys think I should keep going. Lemme know and I’ll get chapter 2 out pronto. ~ waves and scampers off to rummage for food~