InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ Who is that mystery girl? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well so far chapter 1 was a success! Thanks to The Ying and Yang Twins, and psychotic_gum_wielding_bizatch ( nice name) for the reviews. Thanks to you two I shall continue on with the story…
Summary: Inuyasha, and Kagome decide to try out the chat room, and come acrossed each other. They find out that they have a lot in common, and things really start to click between the two. But Kagome freaks out when she realizes its Inuyasha! Should she tell him who she is? Will he hate her when he finds out? Ohhh the anticipation! And now on with the story…
Genre: Romance, Comedy, and a little Action and Drama
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16, about to turn 17 ( will add ages of others as they appear)
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and the gang, Rumiko Takahashi does, though I call second dibs!!!
Kagome opened her door, cursing as she dropped her bag by the door and slowly started to peel away her clothes, heading towards her shower. The plans she had made with Sango after school had been cut short, due to the idiocy of popular kids pranks. Adjusting the temperature of the water, she stepped under the spray of water, sighing as the warmth seeped into her. Leaning her head against the wall, her mind drifted back over the day.
Kagome was dragging her books out of her locker as Sango stood beside her begging, and dancing around in a circle.
“ Please Kagome, won't you come out with us? I know you need to get home to be with your brother, but couldn't you make a small side trip? We can even go home and pick him up to come with us.” Kagome turned with a refusal on her lips, but she blinked in confusion at the sad puppy dog eyes Sango was making at her. She groaned slightly, her shoulders hunching in defeat.
“ Alright Sango, I'll go with you guys. Sheesh, why do you always gotta use that face on me?” Sango smiled innocently, as she looped her arm through kagome's and proceeded to drag her down the hall.
“ Because it always works..” she replied with a laugh. As the girls walked along the hall towards the doors chatting Kagome glanced up and slammed to a halt. Sango feeling the pull on her arm, turned to look at Kagome in puzzlement. “ Kagome what's wrong?” Kagome's eyes dulled slightly as she stared towards the exit.
“ You never said he was going with us..” she mumbled quietly. Sango turned and looked at the exit, realization snapping into her eyes as she saw Inuyasha standing with Miroku as they waited. She knew Kagome tried her hardest to avoid all of the so called “ popular crowd” because they were cruel, and mean to her and always had something up their sleeves that ended up humiliating poor Kagome. Inuyasha never had a part in it, though he never really noticed what they did, because he never really noticed Kagome. Kagome felt bad for bunching him in with the others, but where ever he went the others were sure to follow, most especially his girlfriend Kikyo. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad, and hated Kagome with a vengeance, though she could never figure out exactly what it was she did to bring on this hate. Sango tugged her against her side, wrapping her arm around Kagome's shoulders.
“ Come on Kagome, she's not coming with us, and she's no where in sight. I think we can make it out of the school with you in one piece.” Kagome looked around the halls warily before looking back at Sango.
“ Promise?” Sango crossed her heart, and saluted Kagome smartly, drawing a laugh out of the girl. They made there way towards the exit, when suddenly a cry came from behind them.
“ Fire in the hole!” Before she knew what was happening Kagome heard a noise above her head. Looking up she saw a bucket hooked to the ceiling, with a rope attached to it. Suddenly with a tug on the rope the bucket tipped and dumped today's lunch special of pea soup surprise over her. With a small scream Kagome tried to move, but her body never quite got the message, so she stood there frozen in place as she was covered with the nasty, sticky muck. Laughter erupted behind her as Kagome slowly turned around. There stood the bane of her existence, Kikyo, with her crowd of friends, Kagura, with her younger sister Kanna, Kaguya, and Yura. Kikyo smiled as she stepped up to Kagome looking her up and down.
“ Didn't your mother ever teach you not to play with your food?” she remarked with a smile. The other girl's howled with laughter, as the rest of the students in the hall joined in. Kagome bit back the scream that was rising in her throat, and blinked away the tears that threatened to pour down at any second. She swore she would never give Kikyo the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Turning towards the door she ran down the hall, shoving her way past Miroku, who stared after her in shock, and Inuyasha who blinked in surprise, seeing a messy green blur fly by. They turned towards Sango as she came to a stop beside them, worry etched on her face.
“ Is she ok Sango?” asked Miroku as he watched her run through the window as she ran down the sidewalk. Sango sighed as she wrapped her arms around Miroku's waist snuggling up against him.
“ She won't be ok, until she finally gets out of this damn school.” Inuyasha blinked in confusion at the two, about to ask what the hell was going on, when Kikyo sauntered up to him trailing her fingers along his arm with a smirk.
“ Iuyasha, I'm ready to go home when you are.” Inuyasha snarled at her slightly before jerking his arm away from her.
“ So take yourself home, or better yet just ask your most favorite person in the world, Naraku to take you home. Since you seem to think he's so damn great.” Kikyo's eyes narrowed as she dug her nails into Inuyasha's arm, making a low growl rumble through his chest.
“ You could try and be a little more like him ya know, he's rich and handsome, and doesn't waste his time with the lowlife people.” She drawled out, staring straight at Sango as she said this. Sango's eyes burned with a fire of pure fury as she lunged at Kikyo, only to be stopped in the nick of time by Miroku when he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her back. Kikyo laughed tauntingly , the laughter dying as she noticed the cold fury radiating in Inuyasha's eyes. He leaned forward, making her flinch away in fear as he got nose to nose with her.
“ Go home Kikyo… NOW!” Kikyo gulped slightly before stepping back, her usual mask of indifference back in place. With a “humph” and a flounce of her hair she turned and walked back to her friends, snapping her fingers, the group following at her heels like dogs. Inuyasha watched her go in silence before nudging Miroku with his elbow, drawing the monk's attention.
“ Hey lecher… what was that chat room name again?”
End Flashback*
Kagome blinked her eyes realizing the water was turning cold. ` How long have I been standing here?' she thought to herself as she picked up the soap and began to wash up. A few minutes later she walked back into her room wearing a pair of green running shorts, with a white tank top. She stood before her desk as she rubbed her hair dry with the towel. When she finished she gave a quick shake of her head sending left over water droplets into the air around her, making her laugh with glee. She wouldn't let Kikyo bother her, she was the better person here. Tossing the towel towards her hamper in the corner, she sat down at her computer and logged onto her chat name.
( Kagome = SuPeR_qUeEn_K, Inuyasha = Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark)
SuPeR_qUeEn_K has logged into the chat room!
Kagome watched as the few people in the chat room tossed comments, jokes, and a few good natured insults back and forth.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark has logged into the chat room!
Inuyasha sat back and watched the conversation fly past him, cursing himself under his breath. This idea was feeling stupider by the minute. Meanwhile Kagome giggled as she saw the newest name enter the chat room. She before she could lose her nerve she sent him a quick IM.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K : If you bite to hard I might bite back. ;)
Inuyasha blinked in surprise, before chuckling to himself. ` Maybe this wasn't such a dumb idea after all.' He thought to himself.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: is that a promise?
Kagome laughed softly as she sat back in her chair, setting the keyboard acrossed her lap.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: maybe, though knowing my luck… you're probably a girl :P
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: I AM NOT!! Keh, wench!
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: LOL! So what's up? This is kinda my first time in one of these chat rooms. What do we do now?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Hell if I know, it's my first time too though..
Suddenly Kagome was spammed with about 4 offers to have cyber sex. She glared at the screen as she put the names on her ignore list.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Ugh! I hate random idiocy!
Inuyasha stared at the screen for a second before bursting into laughter.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: How many offers did ya get?
Kagome blushed slightly as she hesitated, then she tossed caution to the wind as her keys flew over the keyboard.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: about 4 so far, though one I know from school… the lecher will get smacked tomorrow.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: You know Miroku???
SuPeR_QueEn_K: yea.. I've known him since my freshman year, how about you?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: almost all my life… WAIT! If you know Miroku then I know you! What's your name?
Kagome bite her lip as she thought for a second.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: I am the elusive one who stays one step ahead of all who pursue me :P
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed for a second before he started typing again.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: aww come on, who are you?
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: really ya wouldn't know me, I don't hang out with him much inside of school, I just live near him.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: how close?
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: if I told you that you'd probably show up on my door to serenade me or something, then I'd be forced to throw a shoe at you or something.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: LOL, yea sure, I might keep your shoe for a chew toy.
Kagome stared at the screen in confusion.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: you're a dog? Oh wait you must be a dog demon. Or a wolf maybe.
Inuyasha blanched as he stared at the screen in shock, ` Damn it! I need to think before I speak.. or type.. whatever.' He thought to himself.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: umm, yea..
sorry, I'll shut up now.. I should think before I speak.. or type.. whatever.
Inuyasha blinked for a second before laughing at her reply. This chick was alright, but who the hell was she?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: nah, it's cool..
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: So are you? A demon I mean? I don't mean to pry but I'm just curious and bored outta my mind.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Dog demon… what about you? Maybe we can go sniff through some garbage together? ~wink wink~
Kagome laughed at the lame joke.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Down boy.. don't make me use the rolled up newspaper.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Keh, just try it.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: LOL
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: So mind if I ask what you look like?
Kagome hesitated for half a second as she thought over how to describe herself. She looked in the mirror on her closet door at her reflection as she started to type.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Well, dark brown eyes, long black hair, with slight bluish highlights, maybe 5'6 or so…What about you? There can't be that many dog demons in the school.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Nuh uh! If you won't tell me who you are, then I won't tell you!
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: that is sooo not fair.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Keh, deal with it wench!
Kagome's eyes widened as she gasped. It couldn't be him.. could it? Only one person had that trademark response, AND was a dog demon, or in his case half/demon. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was actually flirting and talking with Inuyasha Taikaeda, the hottest boy in school! The wild urge to flee from the chat room took over, but she stopped before she could do it. She had always harbored secret feelings for him, what was the harm in having a little fun?
` Maybe he likes you back, you never know.' Came the annoying voice from in her head.
` Humph, yea right, if he found out who I was he'd hate me forever.'
` You won't know until you try..'
They sat in silence for a minute before Inuyasha replied with a sly grin.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: So your not gonna tell me where you live?
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Nope! You might sneak over here to try and find out who I am, and we can't have that. Especially since you might not want to talk to me once you find out.
Kagome gasped and swore at herself. Why did she write that, now he's going to think she's some kind of pathetic fool. Inuyasha stared at the screen in puzzlement.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: why would I not wanna talk to you? I think you're hilarious and great.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: yea well I bet you have a girlfriend already who might have a tiny problem with us chatting like this.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Well, were sorta fixing to break up anyways. Damn bitch keeps trying to change me into something that I'm not.
Kagome felt her heart reach out to him at the sadness she could feel in his words.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Well if she keeps trying to change you, then she doesn't love YOU… and it's not worth it… well at least that's what I think.
Inuyasha stared at the screen thinking over her words. They made more sense to him then anything he had every thought himself.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Well it's getting late, I should get some sleep.
Inuyasha started to panic at the thought of her leaving without him knowing how to find her again.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Will you msg me tomorrow?
Kagome thought it over for a full 2 seconds before her face broke out in a sill grin.
SuPeR_qUeEn_K: Sure… I'll look for you tomorrow about 5pm or so. See you then my lil pup. LOL
SuPeR_qUeEn_K has signed off!
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark has signed off!
Inuyasha sat back and smiled to himself, thinking about the girl he had just met. He meant to find out more about her, and figure out who she was. He planned to grill Miroku tomorrow at school, as well as thank him for forcing him into trying out the chat room. Meanwhile, acrossed town Kagome smiled to herself as she settled down under her covers, and stared up at the ceiling. She couldn't wait to tell Sango about her chat with Inuyasha. Suddenly the smile faded away from her face, replaced by a worried look. What if he got mad when he found out who she was? She turned over and tried for the sleep that never came.
Well, long chapter. I'm sorry if it kinda sucks, but I got the urge to do this after working a 11-hour shift at work all night long, so sleep depravation is kicking in. And I know Kagome's screen name sucks, but I wracked my brain trying to think of one. If you guys have any suggestions I can change it and come up with a good plot for why she had to. Any who next chapter coming soon. Inuyasha is prowling the school trying to figure out the identity of his mystery girl, and things start to heat up between the two in the Private chat rooms ~ wicked grin~ Oh gods! I'm turning into Miroku again! ~runs away screaming~ See ya again soon!