InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ What's so great about Cyber Sex? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back to the nonsense that is I! Wow, so many people are reading and liking my stories. Woohoo for me! ~does happy dance~. Thanks to Strawberry Taurus, aznangelstarQT, dbzgurl_34, fujinakaheero, dvs, destinys_darkangel1823, mumbofan1, Bad_boy_lover, Fashion_Victim, Ying_and_Yang_Twins, and a special thanks to Psychotic for the new screen name idea. ~big hugglez~ Ahem, anyways back on track.
Summary: Kagome is at wits end trying to dodge Inuyasha to keep her secret as long as she can. He has other plans though. He's grilling Miroku to get as much information as he can, which is getting him no where since he's sworn to secrecy upon the threat of a beating from Sango. Not to mention Kagome is having problems avoiding a pesky wolf demon that can't take a hint. Now on with the story.
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16, about to turn 17
Ayame: 18
Rin: 18 ( will add ages of others as they appear)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inu gang, Rumiko Takahashi does, and she aint sharing.
Kagome paced around her room for the third time, her cell phone glued to her ear as she cursed under her breathe.
“ Come on Sango, pick up the damn phone!” After a few more rings it finally picked up.
“ Kagome, why are you calling me at… 6am! Ugh, this has better be good.”
“ Sango I need your help, you have to threaten Miroku to keep his mouth shut or you'll hurt him. Sango blinked in confusion as she sat up in bed.
“ Kagome, I threaten him to keep his mouth shut every day. It hasn't stopped him yet.” Kagome moaned in frustration.
“ No Sango, I'm serious. You need to get to him before Inuyasha and tell him to not say ANYTHING about me when he asks.” Sango tossed her covers back as she stood and made her way towards her shower. Turning on the water and adjusting the temperature she listened to Kagome flow into a paranoid rant over the phone.
“ Kagome calm down, I'll get to Miroku and warn him. Why do you not want Inuyasha to know about you anyways? Didn't you used to have a thing for him?”
“ I still do Sango, but that's not the point. I ran into him in a chat room, and now he's determined to get to Miroku to find out who I am. You can't let him find out yet.”
“ Why not?”
“ Because he will hate me when he finds out who I really am.” Sango sighed sadly as she walked back to her room, pulling clothes out of her closet.
“ Kagome, give him a chance to know you. I've known him for years and he's not like all the others. He needs a girl like you. He would love you once he got to see the real you.” Kagome snorted out a laugh, as she bounded down the steps into the kitchen, opening the fridge to dig through it for a quick breakfast.
“ Come on Miroku spill it, I know you know who she is. If you don't tell me I'll beat you into oblivion.” Miroku blinked in innocence, holding his hands out in front of him defensively. Inuyasha growled slightly under his breath, his ears flattening against his head as the blaring of someone's sound system reeked havoc on his sensitive hearing. He hadn't been able to get the girl off his mind ever since she'd signed off that night. All he knew was she lived near Miroku, and was friends with him and possibly Sango. His head snapped up and a sly smirk came acrossed his face. “ Sango… cya Monk!” Inuyasha leaped over a stunned Miroku, racing acrossed the parking lot, sliding into the door. As he skidded to a stop he looked left, then right in search of Sango. Finally spotting her coming out of the girl's room he pounced on her, stepping in her way making her come to a halt. Sango's eyes snapped up in surprise, a smile coming acrossed her face as she leaned against the wall.
“ Well hello Yash, did you need something?” She giggled when his eyes narrowed, and he “keh'd” under his breath.
“ Sango do you know a girl that has a screen name Super Queen K?” Sango schooled her face to look confused, when she was smiling inside.
“ I'm not sure Yash, I know way to many people's screen names. Why do you ask?” He frowned in frustration before slamming his fist into a locker beside them. Sango watched him in silence, her brow raising up in amusement.
“ I ran into her in a chat room, but she wouldn't tell me her name. All I could get out of her is she knows the lecher, but he won't tell me anything. I figure you might know her since she lives near him.” Sango scrunched up her face in thought.
“ Well Yash, next you talk to her, try to find out as much as you can. Maybe then I can help you out.” Inuyasha nodded slowly as he turned and walked off, his mind racing as he planned. Sango waited until he rounded the corner before bursting into laughter. If she had anything to say about it those two would end up together.
Kagome was sitting in the library with Sango sitting next to her, and Miroku and Inuyasha sitting acrossed from them. She was constantly fidgeting and glancing up at Inuyasha, worried that he would somehow find her out. She glanced over at Sango, her eyes narrowed… and if looks could kill, Sango would be six feet under by lunch. She had come to meet Sango so they could work on their science project together, unfortunately the guys were there for the same reason. Kagome was about to turn and run from the room, only to be stopped by Sango.
“ Come on Kagome, it's not like he will instantly guess your secret just by looking at you. Besides he's been seeing you every day for the past 4 years almost.” Kagome glared at Sango before glancing over at the guys, who ere sitting at the table, Inuyasha gesturing wildly with his hands as he talked.
“ That's not what I'm worried about, it's Miroku that bothers me. I KNOW he will not keep his mouth shut. He won't be able to pass up the chance to tease me about it even if Inuyasha was there.” Sango sighed deeply before dragging Kagome towards the table.
“ If the monk opens his mouth I'll murder him for you alright?” Kagome didn't have a chance to answer, since Miroku had glanced over and waved to the girls. Inuyasha turned towards them nodding to Sango and glancing curiously at Kagome. He had seen her somewhere before but couldn't quite put his finger on where.
“ Hey Kagome, feel like sitting with us at lunch today? It's not pea soup day so I think your safe.” Inuyasha's eyes widened as he realized this was the girl Kikyo humiliated the other day. Before he could say anything to her she stood up and walked around the table, coming to a stop beside Miroku, who was watching her warily. She leaned over smiling sweetly at him, placing her lips near his ear.
“ Miro, your safe for now, but you will get it later.” She whispered as she pinched him hard on his side making him yelp, before returning to her seat. Inuyasha having heard the whole thing, thanks to his inu hearing, raised his brow slightly as he looked at Miroku, who paled slightly beneath the heated glares coming from Sango. Something was going on here and he was going to find out. He turned towards Kagome, finally getting his first good look at her. His eyes widened as he noticed how much she looked like Kikyo.
` Keh, she's probably just like her no doubt.' He though to himself with a slight grumble under his breath. He watched her as she sat there talking with Sango about going shopping over the weekend, when he had a brilliant idea.
“ Hey Kagome…” Kagome jerked slightly hearing her name come from him before turning to look at him suspiciously. He was smiling at her with a crooked grin, his bangs falling to hang over his eyes, as he stared at her. “ You wouldn't happen to know anyone with the screen name Super Queen K would ya?” Kagome suddenly felt her throat close off, fighting to drag air into her lungs.
` Calm down Kagome, he doesn't know it's you. He just thinks he can get information out of you. Just string him along a little bit. Make something up.' She opened her mouth to reply, having rehearsed what she was planning on saying, but nothing wanted to come out. As much as she wanted to she couldn't bring herself to lie to him. “ Umm… sure I think I do.” Inuyasha straightened up in his seat, gripping her hand as he stared straight into her eyes.
“ Really? Who is she? What's her name?” Kagome gulped slightly, regretting opening her mouth. They both glanced at where he had gripped her hand in his excitement and blushed hotly before jerking their hands back.
“ I umm… I don't know her name, but I've chatted with her before. She's got two different screen names, but I can't think of the other one.” Inuyasha's face fell for a second before he smiled slyly. He was getting somewhere at least.
“ Umm… yea she lives on my street, I think, about a block or so down from Miroku.” Kagome glanced over at Sango, a pleading look in her eyes, begging for help. Sango reached over and with her elbow, knocked over Inuyasha's coke, spilling it into his lap. As he jumped up to get away from the spilled drink. Kagome grabbed her books and leaped to her feet. “ I'm outta her guys or I'm gonna be late. Sango will you pick up Souta for me today?” Sango nodded as Kagome turned and ran from the room. Inuyasha looked up in time to see her running from the room. He leaped over the table to run after her, stopping in mid step when Sango reached out and snagged him by the edge of his shirt. He turned on her with a snarl in his throat as Sango smiled sweetly at him.
“ Leave her alone Yash, she'll be late if you bothered her an y more.” Inuyasha blinked in surprise as he stared at Sango.
“ She's going to work, she has special permission to leave early every other day as long as she can keep up with her classes.” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes as he looked towards the door where Kagome had gone wondering to himself.
“ Where does she work at?” Sango smiled to herself as she plotted silently in her mind.
Acrossed town Kagome pressed her hand to the small of her back, trying to ease the pain as she blew her bangs out of her eyes. She dragged the tray of empty dishes towards the kitchen, nudging the door open with her hip. Smiling to herself as she came in during the middle of the usual argument between Keido, the cook, and Azyumi the owner of the diner called “ Feudal Era!” It was decorated with all sorts of antiques and things from the past. The waitresses even had to wear costumes from the era. Kagome was wearing traditional robes of a priestess. The other servers consisted of a wolf demon girl named Ayame, who wore a simple outfit made of white fur and boots to match. Her bright red hair was pulled into two pigtails on the top of her head. Her bright emerald green eyes shined with a mischievous light, as she went from table to table talking and joking easily with the customers. The other girl, a human girl named Rin, was slight and petite, her body full of way to much energy for one her size. She had dark hair, which was usually pulled into one pigtail on the side of her head, and shinning brown eyes. She was dressed in a yellow kimono, with matching sandals. They were all friends, since they all went to the same school, having met their freshman year. Rin lived with her aunt, since a gang of wolf demons killed her parents when she was younger. People who didn't know the girls would think that Rin and Ayame could never be friends because of this, yet they were as close as sisters in a way. Suddenly a loud crash snapped Kagome out of her thoughts as she turned towards the arguing pair. Azyumi was a tall graceful looking woman, with black hair that hung down past her hips, and bright blue shinning eyes. She had the body of a model and flaunted it to its fullest extent. Her full bodied laugh would draw the gazes of everyone around her, as she would tease and laugh, turning down all the advances of the many men without them even realizing she was giving them the heave ho. She was wearing a dark blue kimono that stopped at midthigh, with white knee-high leather boots, that weren't actually feudal era type, but she liked them anyways. She was arguing with Keido, a big and burly bear demon, that would growl and grump about everything, but had the softest heart imaginable when it came to “ his girls” as he had dubbed the three teens. He made it his daily routine to argue with Azyumi, and she with him, even though everyone knew they had deeper feelings for one another. But Keido was to timid to put the moves on Azyumi, so they kept the relationship like it was… daily arguments, and fierce fights, with them always ending it with Azyumi planting a big kiss on the bear as he grumbled and blushed. The present argument was about the days special. Azyumi wanted Keido to make some changes to his recipe, but he wasn't budging.
“ Now listen here woman, these recipes have been in my family since before your grandmother was a bump under her mother's apron. I'm not about to let some headstrong female with a bee in her bonnet change one thing. Why my mother would come back from the grave to skin me alive!” Azyumi growled, as much as humanly possible, under her breath as she stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her foot tapping out her impatience on the hard wood floor. Kagome sighed as she made her way to the sink and began washing the dishes, trying her best to ignore the insults flying back and forth behind her. Azyumi suddenly smiled slyly before putting on her most innocent face. She walked up to Keido, who stepped back watching her warily. She kept going until she was almost nose-to-nose with him.
“ Alright love, we won't change about it. When we got bankrupt and out of business from no more customers, since they can't get things made the way they ask, I'm sure the girl's and I will be able to manage. Kagome your mum still has that second job right? She can manage to pay the bills on her own right?” Kagome looked over her shoulder at Azyumi, who winked at her making Kagome suppress the urge to laugh. She pulled up her saddest look she could achieve, gnawing on her bottom lip to add to the look.
“ I'm sure she can manage… I don't know how I'll get the money for college though. I didn't really wanna go anyway.” Kagome heard Keido groan and swear under his breath at that. Slamming down a frying pan against the sink he whirled around on Kagome.
“ What's this about not having the money? You told me your mother was getting a promotion at work and didn't need as much help from you any more. That you were saving your own wages for yourself now.” Kagome blinked at the bear, shrugging her shoulders as she fought to suppress her laughter. Keido sighed deeply as though he were being forced into something despicable, his shoulders slumping forward in defeat. “ Alright woman, I'll change the recipe… but only for my girl's sake. I'm not doing this because you told me to do it or anything.” Azyumi nodded looking the picture of innocence as she tossed her arms around Keido's neck hugging him tightly making him blush deeply. Just then the swinging door opened as Ayame poked her head inside, a sly smile on her face.
“ Since the war seems to be over, Kagome there's some guy asking for you out here. He's a hottie!” With a wink she disappeared back out, letting the door swing behind her. Kagome whipped her hands on the dishtowel stuck in her apron before walking out of the kitchen. She slammed to a halt when she entered the diner, seeing Inuyasha standing at the door looking around. Swallowing down the lump of nerves in her throat, she walked towards him. When he noticed her he smiled slightly at her outfit, making her blush slightly.
“ What are you doing here Inuyasha?” He stammered slightly, since he didn't quite know why himself.
“ Just stopped by for a quick bite to eat. Nothing more.” He smiled convincingly, though he frowned slightly when Kagome's eyes dulled slightly and she hung her head.
“ Inuyasha, I told you I don't know what her other screen name is. I'm sorry I can't help you.” Inuyasha felt an instant stab of guilt before he shoved it aside.
Keh, is that the only reason I'd talk to you?” Kagome stared at him as if he had grown a second head.
“ Uhh… yea pretty much. We've gone to the same school for the past 4 years or so and until today you probably never knew my name.” Inuyasha flinched slightly, knowing it was the truth. He looked up at Kagome watching her for a second before getting an idea. Suddenly he put on a sad little pout, lowered his ears until they touched the sides of his head and whimpered deep in his throat. Kagome blinked in surprise, then sighed as her heart melted at the sweet, sad face. ` Ugh, I can't resist Sango when she uses the puppy eyes on me… how the hell can I resist an actual puppy doing it.' She thought to herself. She rolled her eyes, as the pathetic whimpering grew louder, slapping him softly upside the head. “ Alright already, sheesh… go use your sympathy routine on someone else.” Inuyasha smiled as he tossed an arm around her shoulders, noticing the way she froze up when he touched her. He wondered why she was so afraid of him. Seeing her act like this towards him made him feel like someone was stabbing him in the heart. He didn't know what it was about her, but something was drawing him to her. He froze doe a second as he blinked in shock.
` Whoa there boy, you just met this girl and your already getting all protective over her? First this online girl and now Kagome? What the fuck is wrong with me?'
` Your falling for her.” Inuyasha snorted at himself.
` I can't be falling for both of them. I've barely known either one.'
` So get to know them… then maybe you will find someone who will make you happy, instead of Kikyo who just wants to change you.'
Inuyasha didn't know how long he stared off into space arguing with himself, but he snapped back to reality when he saw a hand waving in front of his face. He shook his head and turned to look down at Kagome, who was watching him warily.
“ Inuyasha are you all right?” she asked. He nodded slowly watching her, and then smiled down at her, making her heart beat speed up.
“ By the way… all my friends just call me Yash. Now how about you take a break and eat with me.” Kagome stared at him in shock before finally snapping out of it and nodded at him as she led him to the bar.
Later that night Kagome was pacing her room with her cell phone glued to her ear once again, raging at Sango.
“ Sango I don't know what to do… he is being so nice to me. It's freaking me out! I have no idea why he's bothering with me. He probably thinks if he hangs out with me he can get the other screen name out of me.” Sango sighed as she sat in her kitchen sharing a pizza with Kohaku, and Miroku. She walked to the fridge, opening it to drag out a few cokes as she held her cell phone with her shoulder.
“ Kagome when are you going to stop thinking the worst? Maybe for once he actually likes you and just wants to be friends.” Kagome laughed scornfully as she stomped towards her bed, then turned to go back towards her desk.
“ Yea right Sango, I may not be a genius, but I'm not a complete baka!” Sango rolled her eyes as she sat down at the table.
“ Why are you bunching him in with all the others Kags? What has he ever done to you?” Kagome stopped her pacing as she thought.
“ Well… nothing I guess, but that doesn't mean he will protect me from the others, especially Kikyo.” Kagome made a face as she thought of the vindictive girl, who hated her with a vengeance for no real reason.
“ Then stop worrying Kagome, and enjoy it while it lasts. Do you really wanna live your life with regrets wondering what would have happened if you had let down your guard and let him be friends with you?” With that Sango said goodbye and hung up, while Kagome stared at the phone deep in thought. Realizing Sango was right she decided to make a few changes in her life.
“ I wonder if he's online? It's almost the time we said to meet up.” She raced over to her computer and logged in. A soon as she did she yelped and tried to log back off before she got caught, but it was too late.
Don'tHateMeCuzI'mSexy has logged on!
Don'tHateMeCuzI'mSexy: Heya Kagome! How's my woman doing tonight? Kagome groaned loudly as she thumped her head against the desk.
SuPeR_queen_K: Koga for the last time… I AM NOT YOUR WOMAN! What on earth makes you think I am?
Don'tHateMeCuzI'mSexy: Your confused my love, I know you want me deeply!
SuPeR_queen_K: Yea sure… if you say so. Anyways Koga I gotta run.
Don'tHateMeCuzI'mSexy: WAIT! Why do you gotta go? Can't you stay a while? We can chat, and stuff… ;)
Kagome glared at the screen, her temper coming to the ends of its leash. Without ever bothering with a reply she logged off, and switched to her second screen name. One that only Sango and Miroku knew. She was way proud of her creative skills in coming up with this name. Kagegausui, meaning in the shadows, or in the background, never really being noticed. Or a mirror image, since others claimed she could almost pass for Kikyo's double, though she herself couldn't see it. Once she logged in she noticed Inuyasha was already on. Deciding to mess with him a little she sent him a quick message.
Kagegausui: Hey there sexy, saw you with another girl in a diner… ditching me after only one night? Gee and here I thought our late night talk mean something to you
Inuyasha stared at the screen in confusion. Suddenly his face lit up with excitement as his fingers scrambled to reply.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Oh K it's you! What are you doing on a different screen name? I didn't think you were gonna show up.
Kagegausui: Aww… did ya miss me already? Poor lil pup. LOL As for the name, I'm hiding out from my stalker.
Inuyasha's eyes went wide in shock, before they narrowed and a massive growl erupted from him. He clenched his fists so tightly his claws dug into his palms. The slight pain drew him out of his angry haze, making him blink a few times to clear his head.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: What stalker? Who is he… tell me and I'll kill him!
Kagome stared at the screen before bursting into laughter. When she could finally control herself again she tried to sooth his anger.
Kagegausui: Are we jealous?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Keh, me jealous? Yea right! I just can't stand weirdo freaks who get there jollies following others and who can't seem to take a hint to get lost.
Kagegausui: LOL That's him alright. Are you gonna be my big bad guard dog Inuyasha?
As soon as the words were out she knew her mistake. With a curse that would have made her mother faint, Kagome wracked her brain for an excuse.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Hey! How'd you know my name?
Kagegausui: Well I figured it out, duh! Not THAT many dog demons in our school, plus you said you know Miroku… so I figured it out.
Kagome breathed a sigh of relief, sinking down in her chair. Inuyasha sulked slightly as he stared at her response.
Fear_My_Bite_N ot_My_Bark: Well then you should make it even and tell me your name.
Kagegausui: Nuh uh! You have to figure that out on your own. You're a smart pup you can do it
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Aww come on, ya gotta at least give me a hint.
Kagome thought for a second on how to get herself out of this mess.
Kagegausui: I'll give you one hint every time we talk. #1. I'm a girl.
Inuyasha blinked as he stared at the screen before roaring with laughter.
Fear_My_Bite_ Not_My_Bark: Well no shit Sherlock! I know that already, give me something else.
Kagegausui: Nope! Only one hint a day. Deal with it.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: wench! I'll get you for this.
Kagegausui: Gotta figure out who I am first pup.
Inuyasha stared in silence for a second, watching the random chatter fly by in the main chat room, a grin suddenly taking over his face.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Ok I gotta do it… it's killing me!
Kagome stared at the screen warily as all kinds of thoughts ran through her head.
Kagegausui: uhh… do what?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Wanna Cyber?
Kagegausui: ROFL! Yea sure… let me get out my leather and whips.
Inuyasha's eyes bugged out at this, and he squirmed in his seat slightly.
Kagegausui: I never really saw the point to cyber sex, I mean why bother flying solo when it's a lot better to have company.
Inuyasha chocked as he was taking a drink from his coke, and almost spit it all over his laptop.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Hey your downing the lecher's way of life.
Kagome howled with laughter.
Kagegausui: True… We've always accused him of playing with his mouse to much. One handed typing is probably his best skill… EWWW MENTAL IMAGE! Get it out!
Inuyasha laughed until his sides ached. He could not believe the sense of humor this chick had. Most of the girls he knew would have thrown a fit if he joked like this around them.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: So I take it you've never… you know.
Kagegausui: Never what?
Inuyasha could feel the blush creeping throughout his face, as he tried to ignore the slight tightening in his pants that this turn of conversation was causing.
Fear_my_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Ya know… touched yourself.
Kagegausui: OH… uhh… no.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Why not… it's normal. Everybody does it.
Kagome turned bright red, as she felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach.
Kagegausui: Nah, never really felt the urge to I guess. What about you?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Oh well sure… 2 or 3 times a day… I am a guy ya know :P
Kagegausui: LOL! Of course how silly of me. I'm sure you have a lifetime subscription to Play Boy under your bed.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Nah, Play Boy's for wimpy lechers who can't get women.
Kagegausui: and I'm sure you've got tons of women who do nothing but satisfy your needs all day long.
Inuyasha swore loudly as his groin tightened slightly, easing back in his chair to ease the pain. He had never gotten this turned on by a simple conversation. What the hell was wrong with him. He was turning into Miroku more and more every day. He had known this girl for maybe 2 days, and he was already thinking about her like this.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Hey K, how about it?
Kagegausui: You mean…
Fear_my_Bite_Not_My_Bark: yea. Come on live on the wild side… I dare ya.
Kagome blushed even redder at the challenge. She swallowed down the lump of nerves that were lodged in her throat.
Kagegausui: I wouldn't even know where to start…
Fear_my_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Just think of my hand doing things to you instead of yours. Think of all the things you want me to do to you, and while thinking of them I want you to touch yourself.
Kagome gulped, wondering how the hell she got herself into these messes all the time. Suddenly there was a knock at her door.
“ Kagome, dinners ready! Mom said get the lead out!” Kagome released the breath she was holding and praised the lord for annoying little brothers.
Kagegausui: Sorry Yash, gotta run! Dinners ready, maybe next time ;)
Kagegausui has logged off!
Inuyasha swore loudly as he shoved back from his desk.
“ She got away this time… but she can't run for long.” With a wicked grin he decided it was time to eat… after a very LONG, cold shower.
Haha fooled ya! You dirty minded hentai's. Sorry but the mood just didn't feel right for any fun stuff yet. Plus my brain has sorta gone AWOL on me. Well, Kagome is in quite a mess now. Inuyasha is closing in on her. The more time she spends with him, the more her feelings for him grow. He soon convinces her to hang out with him, Sango, and Miroku, supposedly to get info from her on his Mystery Girl, but soon they both start to fall for each other. And Kikyo is not happy at all when Inuyasha stops spending time with her. Will things finally get going between Inuyasha and Kagome or will the evil fates toss them a curve ball they will never expect? Find out next time in Chapter 4: Detective work, and decisions in love. ( Ugh I need to work on my chapter titles) See ya soon!