InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ Do Inu Youkai make good Nurses? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back one and all! Hope you all had a good Fourth of July. ~ Hugglez and gummy bears for all ~
Summary: Well things are going along normally for the Inu gang, that we all know, means something is about to go wrong. Kagome gets into an accident and a certain hanyou comes to her aid. Now she's stuck with him, in her house… alone. Ohh… wonder where this will lead. Find out in… Chapter 4: Do Inu Youkai make good nurses?
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Rin: 18
Ayame: 18
Disclaimer: I Don't own the Inu gang… Rumiko Takahashi gets all the credit for that.
Kagome walked along the hall thinking to her, never noticing the world around her. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she never saw the foot coming at her, nor could she stop herself once it was to late. A sharp pain shot through her leg as someone kicked her hard in the leg, just below the knee. With her arms pin wheeling at her sides, she fell flat on her face, her books scattering in front of her. Laughter burst out around her, making her wish the floor would just open up and swallow her whole. She got to her knees, wincing at the pain when she put her weight on her left leg, and gathered up her things.
“ Have a nice trip bookworm? You should watch where you're going from now on.” Drawled Kikyo as she stepped around Kagome, kicking her history book down the hall, her little group of followers tagging along after her. Kagome clenched her fists tightly as she fought to keep her temper in check. Kikyo was not worth her time, so she would not waste it with a reply to her catty comments, and dirty tricks. When she managed to gather up her things again and got to her feet, when the final bell rang. With a groan she made her way to the next class.
Inuyasha was leaning back in his chair as it balanced on two legs, staring out the window. He listened to the teacher drone on, and on, not really paying any attention. His mind kept going back to the last conversation with his mystery girl. That night he had tossed and turned, thanks to all to vivid dreams that left him aroused and confused. He hadn't seen her since that night last week, and was impatient to catch her again. He was snapped out of his daydreams when the door opened as a tardy Kagome walked in.
“ Miss Higurashi, I trust you have a good reason for your lateness?” Inuyasha watched as Kagome shook her head, before bowing slightly to the teacher and turned to head to her seat. His eyes narrowed when he noticed her limping down the aisle, before taking her seat before him. Scribbling a quick note on a scrap of paper, he leaned forward in his seat, flicking the note so it landed on her desk near her hand. Kagome blinked in surprise as she picked up the note, and with a glance around her, opened it.
` What's with the limp wench?'
Kagome stared at the note before turning her head slightly to look over her shoulder at Inuyasha. When he nodded towards her leg she blushed slightly, before turning back in her seat and scribbled a reply. When she was done she glanced around quickly, before flicking the note up and over her head, which landed in Inuyasha's open palm. With a quiet chuckle over her slick move, he unfolded the note and scanned its contents.
` It's nothing… I was stupid and not watching where I was going.'
Inuyasha frowned as his eyes flicked back up to stare at Kagome's back. He had watched her running back and forth at her job at the diner, balancing heavy and overloaded trays with the balance and grace of an expert, and never once faltered or stumbled as she weaved her way through the crowd of customers… yet she expected him to believe she was clumsy enough to trip over her own feet when she walked? Scribbling once again on the paper, he folded it up and waited till the teacher turned back towards the blackboard, before tossing it over her shoulder once more. When she picked it up to open it she frowned slightly as she read it.
` Bullshit, it was Kikyo wasn't it?'
Kagome swallowed down the nerves that bunched up in her throat as she scribbled her answer, before folding it once again. When the teacher called on someone to volunteer to come up to the board to answer the equation, she raised her hand, and with a flick of her wrist sent the note behind her into Inuyasha's waiting hands. He watched as she limped slightly to the front of the room, before lowering his eyes to the note.
` What makes you think that? She never has anything to do with me.'
He jotted down a quick answer and waited till she returned to her seat. When she made it back he slid the note a crossed his desk, which slid off and into her open palm as she turned to sit. Glancing down at her lap she opened the note, her eyes widening as she read it.
` Don't give me that… I know what she's been doing to you. Why won't you stand up to her.'
Kagome thought over his words for the rest of the class, leaping to her feet when the bell rang. Having forgotten about her leg she swore under her breath when it gave out on her, almost making her hit the floor, only to be caught up in strong arms as they wrapped around her waist. Looking up into Inuyasha's face, she winced at the angry look in his eyes. He merely took her arm and wrapped it over his shoulder, taking her weight into his arms as he helped her walk towards the door. The teacher looked at them oddly as they passed, but said nothing. Kagome stared in confusion as they headed in the opposite direction of her next class, but every time she tried to ask Inuyasha where he was going he growled at her. Finally getting tired of it, Kagome reached over and grabbed hold of his nipple through his shirt and gave it a hard twist. Inuyasha howled in pain as he stumbled, almost dragging the both of them to the floor.
“ What the fuck was that for wench?”
“ Inuyasha if you don't put me down right now, and tell me where you're taking me, I'm going to do something you'll regret.” Inuyasha raised his brow as he glanced over at her, and seeing she was dead serious he slammed to a halt. Swearing loudly as he admitted defeat as he settled her more comfortably against him.
“ I'm taking you to the nurses office. Your leg is hurting you and you should get it checked out.” Kagome eyed him warily before nodding slowly. Inuyasha smirked slyly as he swung her up in to his arms bridal-style, and trotted down the hall. When they reached the office he simply kicked the door open and walked right in before kicking it closed again. A woman with long flowing gray hair, wearing a nurses uniform, turned away from the cabinet she was digging through, blinking in surprise as she stared at Kagome in Inuyasha's arms.
“ So what seems to be the problem?” Inuyasha smiled wickedly as he cuddled Kagome in his arms.
“ Well ya see Kaede… She took one look at me and just fainted away. I think I was just to damn sexy for her.” Kagome's eyes widened as her face turned a deep crimson, before she whacked Inuyasha upside the head with her fist.
“ Dream on you baka! Now put me down.” Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders as his grin widened.
“ Ok Kags, you're the boss.” Kagome let out a loud shriek as Inuyasha tossed her a crossed the room towards one of the beds in the corner. She landed with a hard bounce that knocked the wind out of her, and almost fell right back off again. Kaede rolled her eyes as she walked over and sat on the stool beside Kagome.
“ Ok, first off what is ye name child, and where does it hurt?”
“ Kagome Higurashi, and it's my leg. I… uhh. Wasn't watching where I was going and fell.” She finished lamely as she watched Inuyasha glare at her out of the corner of her eye.
“ What she means is, she was walking down the hall and someone tripped her, and now she's limping, and can't stand on her own.” Kagome hung her head as she stared at the floor away from Inuyasha's hard stare. Kaede took Kagome's leg in her hands and tested it by moving and bending her ankle around. Kagome gasped at the sharp stab of pain that shot through her leg, and winced as she bit her lip to keep from yelling out at the pain. Kaede tsk'd under her breath as she frowned slightly.
“ I'm afraid tis worse then ye thought child… You've hurt it pretty bad. I believe it's a bad sprain. I'm going to bandage this and you'll have to keep off of it as much as ye can for the next few days. Inuyasha could ye be so kind as to fetch me a bandage from the cabinet in the other room?” Inuyasha ”keh'd” under his breathe as he turned and left the room. When he was gone Kaede turned and looked straight into Kagome's eyes, making her swallow as a lump of nerves formed in her throat. “ Now that he's gone, I can tell that someone did this to you child. The marks on your leg have the imprint of someone's shoe on it. They must have kicked you pretty hard to do this much damage. All ye have to do is let me know and they can be dealt with.” Kagome's eyes shot open as she shook her head vigorously.
“ NO! Erm… I mean no Kaede please; I don't want any one to bother with it. I'm sure it was just an accident.” Kaede stared at her a bit longer, making Kagome fidget under her gaze before she sighed and nodded her head. Before Kagome could utter another word Inuyasha stomped back into the room, dumping a few rolls of bandages onto the table next to Kaede, before stomping back over to the door to lean against it. Kagome turned slightly pale as she noticed the dark scowl on his face as he glared at her.
` He knows…' she thought to herself.
` Of course he knows… how could he not? His inu senses are way better then any normal persons you nitwit!' Her inner self raged back at her. Kagome swallowed down her fear as she glued her eyes to the floor as Kaede continued doctoring her leg. When she finished Kagome went to move off the bed, only to yelp as Inuyasha swept her off her feet before they could touch the floor. With a grunt of thanks to Kaede he turned towards the door.
“ Hold it Inuyasha! Kagome will be needing these.” He looked over his shoulder to see Kaede holding up a set of crutches.
“ Feh, she doesn't need those damn things.” With that he turned and walked out of the room. Kagome opened her mouth to argue with him, but one look from him had her clamping her mouth shut. After a while she noticed they were heading towards the exit and not her classroom.
“ Inuyasha where are we going?” Instead of answering he shoved the door open with his shoulder and continued walking towards his car. When he got to it gently leaned over and sat Kagome in the seat, and strapped her in. Before she could move he was beside her and shoving the car into gear, and took off with a screech of tires.
“ Where do you live wench?” Kagome stared at him blankly before mumbling the address. They rode the rest of the way in silence, Inuyasha glaring out at the road ahead, while Kagome stared at her lap mournfully. Finally not being able to stand the silence anymore, she reached over and turned on the radio. A smile broke out on her face as she heard the song start and with a squeal she started singing along.
Are you ready?
Lets dance
Baby (ooooh)
I know you like me ( I know you like me)
I know you do ( I know you do)
That's why whenever I come around
She's all over you ( she's all over you)
I know you want it ( I know you want it)
It's easy to see ( it's easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be fucking me ( babe)
 Inuyasha stared at kagome in disbelief as she sang along. Not noticing his eyes on her she started dancing to the beat in her seat.
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriends was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
 Kagome happily sang along, since this was one of her favorite songs, despite the fact that it was in English. With her laughter sparkling in her eyes she looked over at Inuyasha, winking saucily as she sang to him. Inuyasha's eyes widened as he felt his mouth go dry. He'd never seen Kagome act this way… so alive, so provocative. He found he couldn't take his eyes off her, barely bringing them back to the road in time to keep the car on his side of the road.
Fight the feeling ( fight the feeling)
Leave it alone ( leave it alone)
Cause if it ain't love
It just ain't enough to leave my happy home ( my happy home)
Let's keep it friendly ( let's keep it friendly)
You have to play fair ( you have to play fair)
See I don't care
But I know She ain't gonna wanna share…
 Kagome couldn't help the little flutter she felt in her heart as she felt Inuyasha's eyes boring into her. She couldn't have thought of a better song when she thought of Inuyasha. She glanced over at him seeing the little smirk that hide at the edge of his lips. 
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
I know I'm on your mind
I know we'd have a good time
I'm your friend
I'm fun
And I'm fine
I ain't lying
Look at me shine
You ain't blind ( you ain't blind)
I know I'm on your mind
I know we'd have a good time
I'm your friend
I'm fun
And I'm fine
I ain't lying
Look at me shine
You ain't blind
I know she loves you ( I know she loves you)
So I understand ( I understand)
I'd probably be just as crazy about you
If you where my own man
Maybe next lifetime ( maybe next lifetime)
Possibly ( possibly)
Until then friend possibly
Is a drag for me
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Don't cha…
 Inuyasha cleared his throat as he watched her out of the corner of his eye. Kagome turned to him with a smile plastered a crossed her face, that faded away when she noticed how intensely he was staring at her. Cursing herself under her breath she dropped her gaze to her lap. They rode in uneasy silence until Kagome pointed to the left.
“ Stop there, I can walk to the house from here.” Inuyasha pulled to the curb, killing the engine. Kagome unfastened her belt and shoved open the door. “ Thanks for the ride Inuyasha.” She went to step out of the car, coming to a halt when Inuyasha gripped her arm tightly. Glancing back over her shoulder, her brow raised as she looked at him in confusion. He scowled at her fiercely, making Kagome's breath lodge in her throat.
“ Just where do you think your going wench?”
“ Uhh, to my house… duh.”
Keh, and just how do you expect to walk up all those steps by yourself.” Kagome looked around for the crutches as she remembered Inuyasha had left then behind in Kaede's office. Before she could say a word he gripped her hand in his and tugged her up and out of the seat. With a yelp she suddenly found herself seated on his back, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, his hands gripping her thighs as he settled her more comfortably. “ Hang on tight wench.” Kagome's eyes widened as she opened her mouth to ask why, only to give a high pitched yelp as Inuyasha leapt into the air speeding up the many steps leading towards her house in the blink of an eye. He came to a stop at the door, chuckling slightly under his breath as he Kagome's face pressed tightly against his back. “ You gonna unlock the door or what?” Kagome blinked a few times before she realized they were standing at her front door. She dug in her pocket for her keys before handing them to Inuyasha, who unlocked the door and shoved it open as he walked inside the kitchen. Once inside Kagome scrambled down from his back, nearly dropping to the floor in the process. He glanced at her for a second before a slight scowl darkened his face.
`Keh, damn wench can't wait to get away from me. After all I did for her' He thought bitterly. Before he could say anything she started hopping on one leg a crossed the room, her arms swinging at her sides to keep her balance. His eyes nearly bugged out as he heard her swearing under her breath as she hobbled along, and fought to keep from laughing. Finally she came to a stop beside the counter, her breath coming in pants as she exerted herself. She snatched up the cordless phone and started dialing frantically, before dropping down to sit on the stool beside her.
“ Come on Sango, pick up… pick up!”
Kagome? Why are you calling me from home? Why aren't you here in this hell hole they call school?”
“ Sango I kinda had an accident…” Kagome winced and pulled the phone a few inches away from her head as Sango started to screech at her over the phone. “ The nurse said it's nothing more then a slight sprain.” Inuyasha's brow rose as he stared at her, wondering why she lied to play down her injury. Most girls he knew would be sucking as much attention and pity they could out of anyone around them… not trying to avoid it. “ Yes Sango I made it home safely. No I didn't walk, I got a ride from… uh, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha's eyes widened slightly as he saw Kagome start to blush. This girl was starting to really confuse him, yet he constantly found himself thinking about her and didn't know why. He snapped back from his thoughts as he heard her laugh. “ Whatever Sango… you've been around the lecher to long. Anyways, I just called to ask if you would pick Souta up for me, and let him know our little date is canceled.” She laughed again at some private joke, while Inuyasha fought to control a sudden jealous urge.
` Who the hell is this Souta guy? Why is she dating him? Wait… why should I care?' he thought to himself.
` Uhh, could it be because you're starting to like her?' his conscience taunted. Inuyasha snarled softly as he listened in closer.
“ Well hell if he puts up a fuss just knock him upside the head and keep him at your house for the rest of his life. Your dad needs extra manual laborers doesn't he?” Inuyasha's jaw dropped as he stared at Kagome in confusion. With a laugh she said goodbye then hung up the phone. She turned to find him staring at her oddly. “ Umm… sorry about that. I had to get Sango to…”
Keh, whatever wench, I don't wanna hear about some guy your dumping on her.” Kagome's eyes narrowed in puzzlement, before she burst out laughing. Inuyasha glared at her as she held her sides as she laughed until she turned bright red. “ What's so fucking funny?” he snarled at her. Kagome fought to control her laughter as she whipped tears away from her eyes.
“ This so called guy, is my little brother. He and Sango's brother are best friends so she picks him up sometimes. So since I'm gonna be walking anytime soon, I needed her to get him.” Inuyasha was torn between embarrassment at over reacting for nothing, and relief that it wasn't some guy she was dating. He would worry about why he felt then need to be relieved later. Kagome took a deep breath to keep her laughter under control as she stood and hobbled passed him towards the living room. She almost toppled over when his hand snaked out, gripping her wrist tightly.
“ Hey wench, what are you trying to do? Fall flat on your ass and make you leg worse?” Kagome glared at him as she tried to yank her arm free.
“ Well if it wasn't for your damn girlfriend, I wouldn't be in this damn mess.” Kagome gasped at her mistake, jerking back at the fierce wave of anger that filled Inuyasha's eyes.
“ I knew she had something to do with this! Why did you say she didn't?” he demanded as he gave her a slight shake. Kagome gulped slightly at the barely controlled anger she could feel radiating off of him.
“ I didn't think you'd believe me.” She whispered so softly he almost missed it. Inuyasha felt his anger melting away as he took a deep breath. He smiled at her, making Kagome's heart melt.
“ I know how she is Kagome, and I know she's been torturing you. What I don't know is why you don't stand up to her.” Kagome simply shrugged as she stared at the floor. Inuyasha placed a finger under her chin, lifting her gaze back up to his. Their eyes met and held for a few seconds before Kagome turned away blushing. Inuyasha chuckled slightly as he grabbed her arm and slung it over his shoulder and helped her into the living room. “ So what shall we do now, since I can't very well abandon you all alone like this.” Kagome blinked as she stared at him before she smiled brightly.
“ Well you can always wait on me hand and foot. I'll allow it this time.” Inuyasha barked out a laugh as he settles Kagome on the couch… his mood suddenly brightening as he thought of spending the day with her alone. It didn't sound as bad as he thought it would.
~ Well now Inuyasha, and Kagome alone… sounds like the perfect way for him to get to know her better. Except when Sango and Miroku show up, which kills that idea. So the foursomes decide to have a little movie marathon/ sleepover party… although Kagome is freaked about having Inuyasha stay the night, in HER house. Find out how it goes in… Chapter 5: Movies, Popcorn, and Chaos galore! See ya soon!