InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ Movies, Popcorn, and Chaos Galore! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ waves to all the happy anime freaks~ Hiya everybody, it's that time again. Time for me to spout the utter nonsense that leaks out of my head to you poor unsuspecting souls.
Summary: The gang is all at Kagome's house for movie marathons and a sleepover, and Kagome is spazing out. She's never had guys over at her house before… let alone staying the night! Things are going great, that is until Inuyasha decides to send his mystery girl a quick text message with his phone. ( I'm not sure if everyone's phones can do that, but mine can! Maybe I'm just special, but whatever) When Kagome's cell phone gets the message how's she gonna explain this? Will her secret come out? Find out in… Chapter 5: Movies, Popcorn, and Chaos galore!
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Rin: 18
Ayame: 18
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inu gang, or any of the songs I just so happen to use to brighten up my chapters. Their own creators own them. ( since I forgot to do disclaimer for it last time… and last chapter's song was Don't Cha, by the Pussycat Dolls, ft Busta Rhymes)
I'd like to say a quick thanks to all of you who review'd, and to a certain someone ( I'm not gonna name names cuz it wasn't a flame, just someone's opinion) Yes it may seem similar to the movie Cinderella story, the only similarities are that Yash, and Kikyo are dating and she is cruel to Kagome, and the online dating. The rest of the story will have nothing to do with the movie. Though I must admit I had fond feelings about your suggestion to shove Kikyo off a cliff LOL. Anywho, I'm trying folks so bear with me, my work schedule is reeking havoc on me so I usually end up writing at 5 in the morning after working all night, so my creativity is a little low. Things will get better. Now that that's been said…own with the madness!
Kagome sighed as she glanced at the clock again for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes, before glancing back at Inuyasha. They had been sitting there in silence, each one not having a clue what to do. Suddenly the doorbell rang, making them both jump.
“ I'll get it, you stay off your foot.” Mumbled Inuyasha as he went to answer the door. He yanked it open, ready to get rid of whoever was on the other side, only to stop and blink in surprise when he saw Sango, her little brother, Miroku, and another kid he guessed to be Kagome's brother. “ Uhh, what are you guys doing here?” Sango smiled as she held up bags of assorted goodies, which she proceeded to stuff into his arms as she walked by.
“ We came to drop Souta off and check on Kagome. We figured we'd come take care of her so you could leave, since you probably have more important things to do.” Sango bite the inside of her cheek to hold back the grin as she watched Inuyasha's face cloud over.
“ What like I can't take care of her good enough? Besides why would I leave?”
“ Uhh, could it be your girlfriend who has been ranting every since you disappeared from school today. She's been driving me nuts trying to butter me up to find out where you are, then when that didn't work she tried to threaten it outta me. I had to use my secret weapon on her.” Kagome cocked her head to the side in confusion.
“ Do I really wanna know what this “ secret weapon” is?” Sango plopped down on the couch next to Kagome, and propped her feet up on the table before her.
“ It's simple… I turned Miroku loose on her.” Inuyasha, who was taking a drink from one of the cokes Sango had brought along, started to laugh while drinking and started to choke. Kagome's eyes widened as she looked over at Miroku, who shuddered, then smiled crookedly. “ She's the only girl he's never went pervert on. I used to think it was outta consideration for Yash, but really its just cuz he can't stand her.” Sango chuckled as she tossed her arm over Miroku's shoulders, hugging him slightly. “ He gave her ass a squeeze and her mouth just slammed shut. She just screamed and ran the other way. I tell ya I've never been more proud of the lecher in my life.” Miroku's brow raised up as he pondered whether he should take that as a compliment or not. Shrugging the thought away he wrapped an arm around Sango's waist, dragging her towards him with a smirk plastered a crossed his face.
“ Though I must admit it will take me months before I feel clean again…” Inuyasha snickered slightly as Kagome stared at him in confusion. “ It was well worth the prize I get.” Inuyasha took a few deep breaths to calm down his growing hysteria.
“ And what might this prize be monk?” Miroku's eyes gleamed as he glanced at a blushing Sango.
“ Full lecher privileges for two weeks.” Inuyasha couldn't hold it in anymore. He fell to the floor as he held his sides while he laughed until he turned blue in the face. Kagome giggled at the look on Sango's face as she shoved Miroku off the couch and into the floor. Kagome cleared her throat as she patted Sango on the arm.
“ Now now Sango, isn't that breaking the full lecher privileges rule?” Sango smiled smugly as she snatched up one of the bags she had brought along and started digging through it.
“ Nope, shoving is allowed… just no punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, opening of cans of whoop ass.” Inuyasha sat up as he was taking deep breaths to get his laughter under control.
“ Oi, I wish I coulda seen the look on her face. Damn monk, haven't I always told you to carry a camera where ever you go?” Miroku smiled slyly as he reclined in the lazy-boy next to the couch.
“ I thought that was just in reference of my visits to the girls locker room?” Kagome's eyes widened as she gasped. Before Miroku knew what hit him, she grabbed up a book from the table and slammed it over his head as hard as she could. He hit the floor face first, and lay there twitching slightly.
“ Sorry Miro, but I never promised to not beat you for you lecherous ways. I should have known that was you I caught spying on me!” Inuyasha breath wheezed out of his chest as he felt his fists clench. The lecher had seen Kagome half naked! A fierce need to beat Miroku senseless overtook him before he managed to shake it off.
` Why the hell do I care if he saw her? I barely know the girl.'
` Could it be that your jealous that he saw her and you didn't? Or is it the fact that you don't want anyone else seeing what's yours?'
Inuyasha “keh'd” under his breathe as he continued to argue with himself, unnoticed by the others who were discussing the plans for the night. He snapped out of his haze though when he felt someone touch him. He glanced down to see Kagome tugging on his shirt to get his attention. He blanched as he realized they had asked him something, and he fought to try and remember it.
“ Uhh… what was that?” Sango looked up from her bag she was digging through.
“ We're gonna have a movie marathon/sleepover. You gonna join in?” Inuyasha scoffed as his brow rose up.
“ Sleepover? What the fuck are we, ten year olds?” Something caught his attention, making him turn to see Kagome's face cloud over before she hung her head dejectedly. He felt his heart clench at the sight of her being so sad as he tried to backpedal his way out of this mess. Miroku chose this moment to climb to his feet, tossing his arm around Inuyasha's shoulders.
“ Oh come on Yash ol' buddy. Its not like it's a sleepover. We just stay up all night watching movies, and crank calling or…” Miroku slides his eyes towards Kagome and winks, making her blush. “ Commit vandalism on neighboring sticks in the mud. Then we just sorta crash in the living room when we finally come out of our sugar induced insanity fest. We've been doing it for the past four years. Why don't you stick around and we can show these girls how real men reek havoc.” Inuyasha seemed to ponder the thought. Spending the night with his two best friends, and Kagome, who was starting to fill Inuyasha's thoughts almost as often as his mystery girl, reeking havoc and gorging on food and sugar. Sounded like a plan to him. He smiled wickedly and rubbed his palms together.
“ I'm in.” Miroku cheered and high five'd him, while Kagome tried to hide the fact that she was relieved he was staying. Suddenly she had a thought.
` Inuyasha Taikaeda, the hottest guy in the WHOLE school, is staying at my house tonight!' ~ insert panic attack here~
` Oh calm down, he's just a guy. A very HOT, SEXY guy… but he's just like Miroku. Well except for the lecher attacks.'
Kagome suddenly had the urge to change her clothes, and she jumped to her feet before she remembered about her leg. She squealed as her arms flapped as she tried to keep from falling. Inuyasha caught her as she started to fall, wrapping his arms around her waist, while she gripped his shirt tightly in her fists. He scowled down at her.
“ What the fuck do you think your doing wench? Trying to break yourself even more?” Kagome's eyes narrowed as she fought the urge to pinch him hard.
“ I want to change and I have to get to my room to do that genius.” Inuyasha's face broke out in a wicked grin, making Kagome jerk back warily. Before she could open her mouth he swung her up and over his shoulder. Kagome let out a high-pitched yelp as she hung upside down over his shoulder, her hair flopping in her face as she braced herself against his back.
“ What the fuck do you think your doing Taikaeda?” she yelled. Inuyasha's eyes widened at her swearing, making him grin even bigger.
“ Well you need to get to your room don't you? Just point the way.” Sango chose this moment to put in her two cents.
“ Up the stairs, second door on the right.” Then she went back to digging through the bags as she got out all the junk food they had brought along. Kagome opened her mouth to give Sango hell for not helping her, but only managed to mumble obscenities as Inuyasha turned and sprinted up the stairs. When he came to her door he turned the knob and walked right on in. He expected it to be some prissy drama queen's room, like Kikyo's…, which was all pink and frills. He was surprised to find it was nowhere near that. Her room was filled with color and odd things. Her walls were painted opposite colors, two walls parallel to one another were painted a dark grape soda purple, while the other two were a dark Nile blue that had hints of green. The two colors sorta flowed together, but still stood out against each other. Maybe she was high on something when she painted it. Her bed was a queen-sized bed, with a rod iron headboard and posts. Draped over it were white curtains that surrounded her bed, and were tied back by dark purple ribbons. Her comforter was a velvet dark purple that almost matched her walls, with matching pillowcases and sheets. Scattered around her room were bookshelves filled with books and odds and ends. But what caught his attention the most was the dozens and dozens of candles and assorted scents that filled the room. He took a deep breath and enjoyed the scent that was Kagome. Sakura blossoms, ocean breeze, and peaches. Kagome poked him in the side finally drawing his attention back to her. Inuyasha glanced back at her as she stared up at him expectantly.
“You can put me down any time now Yash.” Inuyasha blushed slightly, having forgotten about her hanging over his shoulder. He lowered till she was sitting on her bed. He glanced around, and then much to Kagome's utter shock, he made his way over to her dresser. He yanked open a drawer and started digging through the clothes.
“ What the hell do you think your doing Taikaeda?” Inuyasha ignored her as he continued digging, finally coming up with a handful of clothing, which he tossed towards her. Kagome caught the bundle as she stared at him in confusion. “ Ya know I coulda picked out my own clothes.” Inuyasha “keh'd” under his breathe as she leaned back against the dresser staring at her like he was waiting on her for something. Kagome stared right back at him until she realized he meant to stand right there until she was done changing. Kagome gasped and launched a pillow at his face, which he ducked.
“ Oi wench! What was that for?”
“ Umm, could you be so kind as to get the hell outta my room so I can change.” Inuyasha blinked as an image of Kagome undressing before him made his face break out in a fierce blush. He coughed to clear his throat and turned back to go out the door. Kagome released the breath she never realized she was holding and scrambled to change. She made a face at the extremely short shorts he had picked out, as she tugged them on and the tank top that had a happy bunny on it that said “ You Suck!”
Once she was done she hobbled over to the door. When she pulled it open Inuyasha turned and scooped her up into his arms again, before running down the stairs. When he reached the living room he dropped Kagome onto the couch before plopping down next to her. He spied a bag of cheetos lying on the table and snagged it and dug in. Kagome rolled her eyes as she turned towards Sango.
“ So what movie are we watching?” Inuyasha grunted and mumbled around a mouthful of food.
“ No chick flicks!” which Miroku and the younger boys immediately agreed with. The argument soon broke out over what to watch when they finally decided to watch Napoleon Dynamite, since the younger guys hadn't seen it yet. Kagome pointed Miroku in the direction of the DVD's and soon the all settled down to watch. Inuyasha couldn't believe she actually owned and liked this movie. She continuously surprised him at every turn. Thinking about great girls, he got the urge to text his mystery girl. He dug in his pocket for his phone and typed a quick message before sending it. Suddenly the sound of Special Ed, from Crank Yankers, filled the air.
“ I got mail! I got mail! I got mail! YAY!”
It continued on while Kagome rummaged through her bag at her feet to get her cell phone while Inuyasha cracked up over her phone's ring tone. She smiled to herself, until her eyes fell on the name of the message. Her face went pale, and she thought her heart stopped. How the hell was she gonna explain this. She KNEW Sango would bug her about who text'd her, and she couldn't just say it out loud with Inuyasha right there in the room. She buried her phone back in her bag, only to come face to face with six pairs of questioning eyes. She put on her most innocent face.
“ What?”
“ Who was the message from?” asked Sango as she wrestled the cheetos away from Inuyasha. Inuyasha eyed Kagome as she fidgeted nervously. It was kinda odd that she got a message exactly when he sent one to his mystery girl.
` I wonder… Nah it can't be. Could it?'
` Why not? She lives on the right street, and knows the lecher. She looks just like the description. And you know she has the same kind of sense of humor and makes the same kind of comments. Besides do you think it would be so bad if it was her?'
Inuyasha pondered this to himself as Sango tried to torture the answer out of Kagome. In order to get her to shut up Kagome grabbed Miroku's sleeve and dragged him towards her.
“ Miro, Sango had a wet dream about you!” The two younger boys screamed out in disgust, while Miroku looked like he was about to go in to pervert overload. Inuyasha chocked on some chips as he burst into laughter at the completely blown away look on Sango's face. Miroku turned to look at Sango with a lecherous glow in his eyes.
“ Why my dear Sango… I had no idea you dreamt of me like that. Maybe we can act it out one da…” Sango leapt up from the couch and with a loud screech whacked Miroku to death with her pillow. Kagome laughed, but was cut short when Sango turned a murderous look on her. She gulped slightly as she scooted to the far edge of the couch.
“ Now Sango, it was just a joke.” Sango advanced on her, steam almost literally pouring out of her ears. “ Umm… Inuyasha. SAVE ME!” Inuyasha smirked as he jumped up and scooped Kagome into his arms before he shot out of the room, with Sango hot on their tales… while Miroku laid on the ground seeing stars. There were a few loud crashes and screams as the chase continued on into the night… effectively drawing everyone's mind away from Kagome's secret just a little bit longer.
How much longer can Kagome keep the secret going? Maybe not too much longer cuz my brain is dying on ideas. I styled Kagome's room after my own (because I just felt like it) the next morning comes, and Kagome's gotta find someway to work with her busted leg. Inuyasha steps in and does the work for her…, which means incoming disaster. Find out what in the next chapter… Chapter 6: Inu Youkai suck as waiters! See ya soon!