InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ Inu Youkai Suck as Waiters... ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back my mass of loyal toadies… I am being over run with a fatal case of writers block at the moment with my story True Love. Don't panic though; I'm going to keep up with Once Upon a Chat Room, so all you loyal readers won't plot to beat me senseless.
Summary: Kagome narrowly avoided disaster when Inuyasha text'd her cell phone, and managed to survive having him spend the night at her house with having a heart attack. Now she's gotta find a way to get to work with her busted leg. Inuyasha steps in to save the day, and creates total chaos. Find out how in… Chapter Six: Inu Youkai Suck as Waiters.
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 about to turn 17
Rin: 18
Ayame: 18
Disclaimer: For the buhmillionth time, I DO NOT own Inuyasha and the gang, Rumiko Takahashi does, nor do I own the songs that run through my tiny lil brain when I write, I just toss them in for the heck of it.
Thanks to everyone who review'd, ~ hands out cookies to all~ And I agree with you all, it was pure genius, the way Kagome got out of that mess ~laugh maniacally~ Now on with the story.
Kagome reached over Inuyasha for the bag of cookies as she rolled her eyes and sighed over dramatically.
“ I said I was sorry Sango, gah it was just a joke!” Sango narrowed her eyes as she glared at Kagome, then shot her gaze towards Inuyasha who was fighting to control his laughter, making him clam up and retreat to the kitchen for more popcorn. Sango shook her head before getting up and heading towards the bathroom. Miroku decided to play the peacemaker for once, since he had already been beaten within an inch of his life by opening his mouth.
“ Ok Kagome it's your turn to pick a movie.” Kagome got to her feet, and hopped on one leg towards the movie case, then started digging through the many movies. When she finally found what she wanted she put it in the DVD player and started hopping back towards the couch, landing in her spot just as Inuyasha came back from the kitchen with more popcorn. She smiled innocently up at him as he stopped before her and glared down at her.
“ Don't you know how to STAY OFF YOUR FEET?” They all got comfy as the movie started.
“ What movies is this anyways Kags?” asked Miroku as he reached for a handful of popcorn.
“ It's a movie my cousin in America told me about. It's called Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It's hilarious!” Inuyasha blinked in surprise as he stared over at Kagome.
“ You got a cousin? In America?” Kagome nodded and mumbled around a mouthful of cheetos, and popcorn. And managed to spit a few crumbs at him. Inuyasha grimaced as he brushed off the crumbs that landed on his chest. “ Real nice Higurashi.” Miroku laughed as he tugged Sango down into his lap when she was going by him on her way back from the bathroom.
“ Ahh, how is Gabe? It's been so long since we saw her when she visited last summer.” They fell silent as the credits started and soon they were laughing like crazy. (A/N: If you've ever seen this movie, you know just how funny it is.. if not then you should.)
Kagome twitched her nose as something tickled it slightly. She blinked, trying to bring the world into focus as she stretched like a cat. She glanced around the room, giggling as she noticed the sleeping lumps around her. Miroku lay sprawled acrossed the floor, his sleeping bag wrapped around one leg, his hand reaching out towards Sango, as if he were trying to grope her in his sleep. Sango was curled up in a tight little ball, her pillow clutched tightly in her arms as she mumbled in her sleep. She turned to the pile of hair and blankets next to her, smiling to herself. Inuyasha laid sprawled acrossed the couch, his leg dangling over the arm of the couch, an arm thrown over his eyes as if to block out the light. She still couldn't believe that Inuyasha Taikaeda, spent the night at HER house, and watched movies all night long. She was finding it harder and harder to keep her heart hardened towards him. She enjoyed hanging out with him, they'd make good friends… even though that's all they would ever be. She sighed as she tossed her blanket back and managed to get to her feet using the crutches Sango had brought with her for Kagome to use. She managed to make it to kitchen, and to the counter before plopping down on a stool and grabbed the phone. After dialing she sat, tapping her fingers impatiently on the counter as she waited for Azyumi to pick up. Finally after four or five rings it picked up.
“ Hello, Feudal Era…”
“ Oh Azy, it's Kagome. I need to talk to you about…” Kagome broke off and cursed as she realized the answering machine had picked up.
“ We're not open yet, since it's the ungodly time of day before ten a.m, and I need my beauty sleep. Call back when I'm alive and we can talk business. ~ Beep~.” Kagome growled slightly under her breath as she slammed the phone down in its cradle. She turned back towards the living room as a sleepy Sango walked in followed by a half alive Miroku, who already sported a bright red handprint acrossed his face. She smirked slightly as she wrinkled her nose at him.
“ Getting started early today Roku?” He smiled widely as he took up the spot before the fridge, searching for food. Kagome rolled her eyes as she moved her crutches back under her arms as she started her slow pace towards the stairs. Sango turned from getting some orange juice to look at Kagome.
“ What are you doing Kagome? Shouldn't you be taking it easy?” Kagome grunted under her breath as she paused to lean against the wall to catch her breath.
“ I gotta get ready for work Sango. Ayame needed today off for a doctors appointment so I'm covering for her. And unlike some people,” Kagome turned her gaze towards Miroku who grinned smugly. “ I'm not rich as sin, and have to work to earn my keep.” Miroku frowned slightly as he moved to lay a hand on Kagome's shoulder.
“ Kagome, you know that I would give you every penny I had if you would just ask. Also I'm sure Azyumi would be more then happy to let you off for a few days on to account of your leg.” Kagome sighed deeply as she started to swiftly, and agilely spin her crutch around with her fingers, like a baton. She knew these were her best friends, but yet she still felt a sting to her pride when she had to admit she needed help money wise. It was taking all her money just to keep herself and her brother clothed and prepared for school, as well as giving what extra money she had left over to her mother towards bills, and care towards the aging shrine, and her cankerous, aging gramps. She reached up and patted Miroku's hand that was on her shoulder and smiled sweetly.
“ I know you would Miroku, but I would be indebted to you, and I know how your mind works and what you would ask as payback.” She stuck out her tongue and laughed when Miroku grinned sheepishly. “ Anyways, I need you two to help me upstairs and getting dressed.” Miroku's eyes nearly bugged out as he went into pervert mode, causing Sango to beat him over the head, before turning to help Kagome up the stairs.
Inuyasha blinked in confusion as he stretched his sore, cramped body, giving a yawn so wide, his tongue curled giving him a most decidedly canine look. He glanced around the room through sleep filled eyes.
` Why the hell am I sleeping on the couch?' Then he remembered this wasn't his house, and why he was there. He looked around for the others, grumbling slightly when he saw the others were nowhere in sight. He tossed back the covers and made his way towards the bathroom. When he reached the top of the stairs he heard the distinct sound of a shower running. He cocked his ears to listen.
“ Oww! Miroku that hurts. Do you have to push it in so far?” Inuyasha blanched as he shook his head to clear it. He couldn't believe he had just heard that.
“ Well Kagome, this wouldn't hurt so much if you would just relax. Just sit back and leave it all to me sweetheart and I'll make it all better.” Inuyasha felt his blood boil as his fists clenched tightly at his sides.
“ That fucking bastard! How could he do this to Sango? With my Kagome!” he growled under his breath. He stormed forward and slammed the door open ready to confront them. The door swung open, making Kagome squeal loudly. Inuyasha burst in, ready to beat the monk within an inch of his life, when he slammed to a halt at the sight before him. Kagome stood balanced on one leg while Sango held her up. Miroku knelt before her trying to put some plastic wrap around the bandages on her leg to keep it dry while she was in the shower. He also realized she was still fully dressed, and glaring at him.
“ Inuyasha, what the hell is your problem? Gah, it's bad enough I got Miroku sticking pins in my leg, but I've got you slamming through doors and staring at me like I've grown horns or something.” Inuyasha swallowed slightly as he fought to find a way out of this mess. Miroku smirked from his spot on the floor before Kagome, waggling his eyebrows suggestively at Inuyasha.
“ What's wrong Yash? You jealous that I get to fondle the sweet Kagome and you don't?” Inuyasha bared his fangs and growled at Miroku.
“ Lecher, you have till the count of ten to run. One, two…” Miroku smirked slightly, then paled when Inuyasha seemed to skip a few numbers in his counting. “ Six, seven, eight…” He scrambled to his feet, dropping Kagome's leg in the process, making her yell in pain as he shot from the room, with Inuyasha hot on his heals. Sango shook her head and giggled slightly as she finished helping Kagome wrap her leg securely, while sounds of a fierce beating were heard coming from the living room below. Kagome meanwhile was cursing under her breath as she started getting the shower ready for herself.
“ What the hell is up with him?” Sango cleared her throat to get Kagome's attention, before she smiled widely.
“ I think that Inuyasha seemed to be a little jealous.” Kagome scoffed at the idea and shoved Sango towards the door.
“ Get real Sango, I think you've been hanging around the Lecher to long… your starting to lose brain cells.” Sango laughed and walked from the room, leaving Kagome with none to comforting thoughts. Could Sango be right? She shoved the thoughts away as she stripped then stepped into the shower.
Kagome was currently ignoring Inuyasha's ranting as she made her way into the diner on her crutches. She stopped long enough to try and yank the door open, when Inuyasha stepped in her way and yanked it open for her. She blinked at him in surprise before mumbling a thank you and made her way inside. He followed her inside and resumed his ranting.
Feh, stupid wench… Can't even wait for your leg to heal up before you go out and try to overwork yourself. I think you can stand to miss a day or so.”
“ No I can't Yash.”
“ Oi bitch, is having damn spending money that important to you?” Kagome was loosing her patience, but him calling her bitch was the last straw. She spun around, making Inuyasha slam to a stop at the extremely pissed look on her face.
“ Look Taikaeda, not everybody has the privilege of being born rich. I've got responsibilities to take care of. I have to work my butt off to just keep food and clothes for my brother and keep the shrine from falling down on our heads. So buzz off and let me get to work!” Inuyasha stared at her in disbelief, as he fought off an overwhelming surge of guilt for upsetting her.
“ What about your mom? Doesn't she work?” Kagome sighed, feeling all the anger melt out of her.
“ She works six days a week, in a dead end secretary job, with a boss who steals all her ideas for himself to get credit and promotions from the higher ups, as well as deal with his perverted hands, to deal with the constant repairs for the shrine, as well as Gramps's medicine and doctors visits. Not to mention coming home to two kids, and a house to run. I help her as much as possible. So excuse me if I can't miss a few days of work.” Kagome was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, having only shared the details of her family life with only Miroku, and Sango. She was fighting off the need to cry as she stood before Inuyasha trying to gather up the left over shreds of her dignity. “ Look Inuyasha, I'm sorry I snapped on you, but I really do need to get to work. If I promise I will take it easy will you not worry?” Inuyasha sighed deeply before nodding. Kagome smiled and jerked her head towards the door. “ Now come back me up, cuz Azy is gonna be murder to deal with when she sees me.” They moved into the diner to see Rin waiting tables, while Azyumi played the job of hostess and cash register. She turned and gasped when she caught sight of Kagome. She hurried towards her clucking like a motherly hen.
“ Oh my goodness child! What happened to you?”
“ I had a bit of an accident at school. It looks worse then it is, really.” Azyumi eyed her critically before smiling slightly.
“ I suppose there's no way I can convince you to take the day off is there?” Kagome rolled her eyes before shaking her head and growled softly under her breath making Inuyasha chuckle drawing Azyumi's gaze towards him.
“ And who might you be hot stuff? I didn't know Kagie had such a sexy looking guy hidden on us.” Kagome chocked as she was taking a drink from a bottle of water Rin had brought her, while Inuyasha turned bright red.
“ It's not like that Azy, he's just a… umm.. friend. He brought me to work.”
“ Well he can keep you company and out of trouble, you will be working the cash register and greeting people, but that's it young lady. You will stay off your feet.”
“ But Azy, Ayame isn't coming today remember? We will be short a waitress. Where are we gonna find help on such short notice?”
“ I'll do it.” Kagome turned in shock to stare at Inuyasha. Azyumi and Rin turned to look at Inuyasha.
“ You? Waiting tables? Do you even know what your doing?” Inuyasha “feh'd” under his breathe.
“ I catch on fast.” Azyumi looked him up and down before nodding her head and grinning. She motioned for Inuyasha to follow her.
“ I've got the perfect costume for you hun. Follow me.” Kagome shook her head as Inuyasha went with Azyumi, before making her way towards the counter and plopped down on the stool behind it. She winced slightly as her leg started to throb a bit. She was gonna have to keep from looking in pain or Azyumi would send her home for sure.
A few minutes later, Kagome was talking to Rin while they were customer free when Azymui came out of the back.
“ Presenting our newest temp waiter…. Inuyasha!” Kagome and Rin applauded and whistled while waiting for Inuyasha to come out. When he did Kagome almost swallowed her tongue. Inuyasha looked hot in the blood red kimono of a samurai, with a wooden sword strapped at his waist. His long silver hair flowing over his shoulders gave him the perfect look. When he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest, and glared slightly, he looked all the more like a mighty warrior. Kagome snapped out of her daze at Azymui's voice. “ Well what do you think?”
“ Umm… great Azy.” Kagome stuttered, while fighting the blush that was creeping over her face. Azyumi clapped her hands before throwing her arm around Inuyasha's shoulders and steered him towards the kitchen.
“ Allrighty I'm gonna teach the pup here the ropes. You just stay off your feet Kagie.” Kagome had a bad feeling that this day was about to get so much worse.
Kagome sighed and pressed her fingers to her forehead to suppress the headache that was coming on. So far Inuyasha had dropped six bowls of stew, three plates of fries, two hamburgers, five smoothies. He fought off over exuberant girls, who were hot for him and wanted to play with his ears, and nearly took the head off some guy who was flirting with Kagome at the register. When Kagome looked at him like he had gone crazy, he had blushed and mumbled something under his breathe before escaping back tot eh kitchen. He looked ready to murder an elderly man who kept telling him that serving food was women's work, he needed to be a man and find mans work, before whacking him with his cane.
He was currently mopping the floor, and Kagome felt sorry for him. He looked exhausted, and his bangs were hanging over in his eyes as he worked. Rin wandered over to Kagome and leaned against the counter as they watched him work.
“ So Rin, how do you think he did?” Rin raised her brow as she glanced back at Kagome and smiled wickedly.
“ I'll say this for him… he does look good in that uniform.” Kagome and Rin burst out laughing, clamming up when Inuyasha looked their way.
Feh, what's so damn funny wench?” Rin smiled sweetly up at Inuyasha as she skipped towards him.
“ We were just marveling at your super watering skills Yashie!” Inuyasha scowled at her before turned his glare on Kagome who had started laughing again. Suddenly the front door swung open as Ayame raced in breathing heavily. She waved to the others as she stripped off her black hoodie that covered her uniform.
“ Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Traffic sucks today.” She turned and caught a glance of Kagome's bandaged leg. “ OH MY GOD! Kagome don't tell me you covered for me when you were hurt.” Kagome smiled and waved her hand, dismissing Ayame's worries away.
“ No Ayamye, I didn't do anything today. These goons wouldn't even let me get up to use the bathroom by myself.” Azyumi sailed through the kitchen door and over to Inuyasha, hugging tightly.
“ And my lil pup, your off waiter duty. How about helping out in the kitchen for a while? That way you can get away from the customers for a while and grab a bite to eat at the same time.” Inuyasha nodded, relief shinning brightly on his face as he followed her towards the kitchen. Once they were gone the two girls pounced Kagome and started grilling her.
“ Ok Kags, spill it. Why are you and Inuyasha Taikaeda hanging out? I thought you hated and avoided all the popular kids?” asked Ayame. Kagome frowned slightly at Ayame as she fiddled with the hem of her uniform.
“ I don't hate him, he's never done anything to me. He just…. Never noticed me. It's like I didn't exist. So he…”
“ So he never bothered to stop the others.” Added Rin when Kagome had trailed off. Kagome nodded her head sadly as she stared at her lap. “ But that's no reason to lump him in with the others Kags.” Unknown to them Inuyasha was listening in from the other side of the kitchen door. He felt his heart clench at the sadness in her voice. It's true, he never noticed her before… and not until he finally started hanging out with her did he really see how much the other kids tortured her, especially Kikyo. He went back to listening when he heard Kagome talking again.
“ I don't lump him in with the others, I just don't understand him. Why he is nice to me, or hangs out with me. I'm just a nobody, a loser that does nothing but write and live off in lala land half the time. He's probably going to get tired of me and ditch me sooner or later.” Inuyasha fought back the savage growl that was fighting its way out of him.
“ Come on now little man… you've got all day to spy on the females. It's time to eat.” Inuyasha jumped and turned towards Keido, blushing slightly at being caught listening in to the girls. He headed over towards the counter and plopped down on a stool. He sniffed at the heaping bowl of ramen in front of him and fought the urge to drool.
“ How did you know I like ramen bear?” Keido rumbled out a deep chuckle as he maneuvered around the kitchen, while Inuyasha dug in.
“ My girl told me. Kagome made sure for me to make you a huge bowl of it for lunch.” Inuyasha stared at him for a second before he turned and looked towards the door leading back to the diner. Kagome was always puzzling him. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she went and did something that completely threw him. He wondered over the many feelings he had over this girl. He thought she was great, smart, funny, and thought of her as one of his few real friends. He didn't know what it was about her that drew him to her. He wanted to find out as much as he could about her. And any guy he saw looking at her or that tried to talk to her, Inuyasha would snarl and growl at them till they fled in the other direction. Suddenly he sighed deeply as his thoughts turned towards his mystery girl. He found life sucked when you had the same feelings for two different girls… even though he had never seen one of them. He knew he couldn't keep putting off deciding between the two, but how the hell was he gonna make up his mind. While his mind wandered he finished his ramen. When Keido noticed he was finished he took his empty bowl and put it in the sink.
“ All right pup, now your gonna help me make a cake for today's dessert special.” Inuyasha shrugged as he went to work following the old bear's orders. After a lot of mishaps, and a lot of patience on Keido's side, the cake was done. Keido sliced up a few pieces and put them on plates. He and Inuyasha then carried them out to the girls. They were standing around chatting with each other since there weren't any customers at the moment. Keido cleared his throat to get their attention, making all the girls look his way.
“ What's up old man?” asked Ayame as she hugged him tightly.
“ Well, the pup here has baked a cake and we need you girls to test it out for us.” They all eagerly grabbed their slices and dug in. Suddenly their faces turned bright red and they started spitting out the mouthfuls, before Rin and Ayame ran for the bathroom. Inuyasha stared at them all blankly.
“ What the hell is wrong with you all?” Kagome cleared her throat before answering.
“ Umm, Yash it just tastes really, bitter.” Keido looked thoughtful for a minute before he took a small bite, and made a face at the taste.
“ Pup when I told you to put in the sugar, where did you get it from?”
“ The last jar on the right, why?” Keido burst into laughter, as Kagome giggled softly. Inuyasha stared at her blankly. “ Am I missing something?” Kagome took a deep breath to stop her giggles then laid her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
“ Umm, inuyasha… that was dish soap powder.” At the startled look on his face she couldn't fight it any longer and burst into wild laughter, right along with Keido.
Well, so much for a life time career as a chef for Inuyasha. Then again… there might be a worldwide demand for dish soap cake… ~shudders~ then again maybe not. I'm sorry if this chapter sucked… I promise the next will be better. Well I've made up my mind. The next chapter is when I will finally let the baka figure out Kagome's secret. I had to drag it out for a few chapters… and seven is about as long as I can wait. Find out what happens in the next chapter… Chapter Seven: And the Mystery girl is???? See ya soon!