InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ And The Mystery Girl Is??? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back my faithful readers. Well I can definitely say that I did not expect this quick a response to the latest chapter, but ~ major hugglez to everybody ~ Your all spiffy… (My word I lay claim to it) So sorry for the delay in updating, but due to Hurricane Rita cutting power for almost a week, and the insanity of work after words I haven't had time to get the chapter out. And for all you antsy people who are just DYING to find out how the baka finds out the secret… You can finally hold off on the plots to capture and torture me. (Hopefully…)
Summary: Anywho, dish soap cake aside, Inuyasha didn't do to bad a job… I mean the buildings still standing, no fatalities… sounds like a good day in my book. He has yet to come up with an answer to his nagging question… Kagome, or his Mystery Girl? Meanwhile Kagome is driving herself insane debating over every little detail of whether she should let her secret out or not. And now… after much anticipation and much hyper active induced review posting. I give you… ~ drum roll followed by random cough from audience~ Chapter Seven: And the Mystery Girl Is????
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 about to turn 17
Rin: 18
Ayame: 18
Disclaimer: I almost own my car, I do own my shoe… I own something under the bed that looks blue o.O, I'm sad to say it but the evil lawyers making me, I Don't own Inuyasha, but neither do you …. So HA! (God I need a life…) I also don't own the songs I use to entertain you folks
“ No way Roku, you sooo lost. Deal with it and pay up!” Miroku scowled a crossed the table at Kagome as she smiled superiorly at him. There was no way he was going down without a fight… his most prized possession was at stake!
“ Come on Kagome, two outta three?” Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed deeply before turning to face him. They each held out their right hand making a fist.
“ One, two, three!” They slammed their fists down, Kagome's index finger and middle finger sticking out, while Miroku's hand lay flat, making him swear loudly. The process was repeated, only to have Kagome's hand end up flat and Miroku's hand stayed in a fist.
“ DAMN IT!” Kagome smiled as she reached a crossed the table, snatching up his strawberry Jell-O snack pack off the table.
“ When are you gonna learn Miroku? You can't beat me, so why punish yourself every day?” Sango patted Miroku on the shoulder as he pouted and stared at his lost Jell-O mournfully. Suddenly his eyes hardened as he glared at kagome.
“ One day I shall defeat you Oh dark one… Good shall overcome all evil.” To further set the mood he ended his proclamation by jumping up and striking a superman pose on his chair, his chest puffed out. Several other kids stared at him, as though he'd lost his mind. Kagome simply raised a brow as she raised her foot up until it was resting on his chair.
“ Overcome this lecher.” With a swift kick she sent his chair out from underneath him. With his arms flapping in the air, gravity stepped in and sent him crashing to the floor. Sango knelt down to see if he was still alive, then sat up again and continued eating her lunch when she saw he wasn't unconscious.
It had been almost two weeks since the day Kagome had gotten hurt, and though she was still on strict orders to take it easy from kaede, she could make it around without using the crutches. Ever since the night of the movie marathon, Kagome had been jumpy and uneasy whenever Inuyasha was around. She had come dangerously close to blowing her cover, and needed to keep on her toes from here on out. It wasn't that she was never going to tell him, she just wanted to wait till the right time. She didn't want him to hate her because she had lied to him about knowing who his mystery girl was. She sighed deeply as she picked at the Jell-O, her appetite suddenly gone. She turned and looked towards the empty seat beside her, wondering where Inuyasha was, and cursing herself for doing it. Sango and Miroku looked to each other then back at Kagome as she scrunched her shoulders in further and laid her head down on her arms. Sango cleared her throat, making Kagome roll her head to the side as she glanced up at her.
“ Kagome, sometimes he skips lunch and hangs outside in the courtyard. I'm sure you can find Yash out there if you want to.” Kagome blushed slightly at being caught thinking about Inuyasha. She “keh'd “ under her breath, making Sango fight back a laugh. She was starting to act like Inuyasha more and more, though she denied it when anyone called her on it.
“ I don't care where he is. It's not like I own him or anything.” Kagome gathered up her trash and the half eaten Jell-O pack, and much to Miroku's dismay tossed it in the trash. “ I'll catch you guys later.” Kagome tugged the hood of her dark green hoodie over her head and walked away. When she made it to the door, she was suddenly shoved hard from behind, making her slam face first into the wall. She swore as she gripped her throbbing nose tightly, as she blinked away the stars that were swimming before her eyes. When she dragged her hand away she noticed blood on her hands. Her gaze whipped around to look behind her, glaring when she noticed one of Kikyo's cronies, Kagura, standing behind her smirking, with her hands on her hips.
“ Aww, poor Higurashi… better watch your step.” Kagura strolled towards her, leaning close when she stood before her. “ Maybe now you'll learn to stay away from what doesn't belong to you.” Kagome snarled softly as she turned and shoved the door open before walking out of the cafeteria. She walked down the hall towards the girl's bathroom and ducked inside. After a glance around to make sure she was alone, she turned to one of the mirrors to check the latest damage. She grimaced slightly as she saw her nose was swelling up, and her bottom lip was split.
` Probably bite it when I hit the wall…' she thought to herself grimly as she turned on the faucet. Filling her hands with water, she rinsed the blood out of her mouth and off her face. When she was finished she dried her face and hands, then for lack of anything else to do, stared at herself in the mirror. She looked hard at the girl who stared back at her. Hair mussed and flowing every which way, eyes wide and full of pain, and sadness.
` She looks so sad, and pathetic… Why would he ever want to be friends, or more then that with her?'
Kagome stared at her reflection, as if waiting for some kind of answer. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. With a deep sigh, Kagome tugged her hood back over her head and slowly made her way to her next class.
Kagome sighed to herself as she walked along the street towards work. By some cruel twist of fate, she had been put in almost all the same classes as Inuyasha, and had spent all the rest of the day avoiding him, so he wouldn't notice her newest injuries. She trudged along, kicking an empty soda can as she walked. Kagome blinked as she felt a drop of water hit her on the nose. When she glanced up, she scowled darkly as the rain started to fall, slowly at first then harder as she stared up at it.
` Figures… the one day I miss the bus and have to walk to work it rains.'
Kagome sighed as she tugged her hood back over her head and began walking again, kicking the can along harder this time, as if to vent some of her pent up frustration. As she was about to rear back and give it a good kick, the roar of an engine behind her made her jump and spin around. She stared in awe as a car slowed to a stop beside her. She admired the sleek shape of it, the snow-white paint job shinning brightly. Her eyes rose to the window as it rolled down. Suddenly a head looked out the window, making Kagome gasp, blinking in confusion when she noticed the silver head lean out. The driver killed the engine before leaning back to look over at her. This man had the same blindingly silver locks as Inuyasha. The resemblance was there, but where Inuyasha had his small triangular dog-ears, this man had ears that looked more elfin like. She also noticed that his eyes were the same brilliant amber, and stared down at her, with no hint of expression in them. She fidgeted at the cold stare, blushing slightly as she realized he was staring at her swollen nose and lip. He stared at her for a few minutes more before nodded his head towards the passenger side.
“ Since it seems the rains not about to ease up, hop in and I'll give you a ride.” Kagome blinked in confusion, as though she didn't understand his words. Just then a rumble of thunder rolled around them, making Kagome remember she was standing in the middle of the rain. She turned back to the man, who was watching her in his unwavering cold stare. She hesitated for a second more before tugging open the door and sliding into the passenger side. Once she was settled her mind seemed to come out of it's foggy haze and began to rage at her.
` Are you freaking crazy? You don't even know this man, yet because he “looks” like Inuyasha your just gonna hope in his car and ride along? What if he's a crazed murderer?'
Before Kagome could open her mouth to suddenly refuse the ride and hop out, the man shoved the car into gear and with a roar of the engine shot down the street. Suddenly she jumped when she heard the man speak.
“ Where am I taking you girl?” Kagome realized he was waiting for an answer, and blushed slightly as she stuttered her reply.
“ Feudal Era, on Fifth Street.” The man nodded as he turned, silence filling the car until they came to a stop in front of the diner. Kagome turned to face the man smiling brightly as she unsnapped her seatbelt. “ Thanks for the ride, umm…”
“ Sesshomaru.”
“ Right. Well Sesshomaru would you like to come in? Dinner is on me, for the ride.” Sesshomaru eyed her silently before killing the engine and stepping out of the car. Kagome stepped out, watching the man as he rounded the car, coming to stand beside her. She took the time to look him over. He wore a white silk dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had baggy black cargo jeans, with matching black boots. His hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail at the base of his neck, and hung down passed his knees. Soon he fell into step beside her as they raced through the rain towards the diner. He opened the door and stepped aside for her to go ahead of him. Kagome smiled slightly at his manners as she walked in. Once inside Kagome yelped as she was yanked to the side. She was spun around and found herself face to face with Inuyasha, a mixture of anger and worry rolling around in his eyes. Kagome blinked in surprise when she noticed this.
` He was worried? Over me?'
` Well duh… of course he was. He is your friend isn't he?'Kagome felt an overwhelming sense of confusion at that thought. Was he her friend… maybe more then just that? It was then that she realized Inuyasha was staring at her expectantly. He had been talking to her and she was too distracted to notice.
“ Umm, I'm sorry Inuyasha. What did you say?” Inuyasha growled softly under his breathe.
“ I said why have you been avoiding me all day, and what the hell happened to your face? Did Kikyo do this to you?” Kagome blushed slightly when he mentioned her face.
“ No Kikyo didn't do this to me.” She snapped back at him. `Well at least she didn't this time.'Kagome laid her hand on Inuyasha's arm trying to calm him down. She could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. She didn't know how or why she knew it was coming from him, she just had this weird feeling. She had always been able to sorta sense other feelings and had felt a need to soothe and comfort them. “ I was avoiding you because I didn't want you to make a huge deal about this.” Inuyasha opened his mouth to argue further, when he finally seemed to notice the man standing behind Kagome. His eyes narrowed as a fierce growl rolled through his chest.
“ What the fuck are you doing here?” Kagome gasped, and just when she was about to tear into Inuyasha for being rude the man behind her stepped around her and leaned lazily against the counter. His cold eyes seemed to stare down at Inuyasha, and Kagome swore she saw the hint of a smile on his face, but it was gone as if it was never there.
“ Wondering where my little brother ever learned to treat his women so callously.” Kagome and Inuyasha both jerked back and shouted simultaneously.
“ She's not my woman!”
“ You're his brother?” Kagome stared in shock for a second before shaking her head to clear it. ` Of course, I'm such a baka! Sesshomaru is the eldest Taikaeda son, future co-president, as well as Inuyasha, to one of Tokyo's most powerful companies, Youkai Inc. They have a hand in every form of technology, and major exports and imports for all the western lands.'
` He sure is a hottie! So far he is way more polite and well mannered then Inuyasha. Maybe you should just get with him and forget about the stubborn baka.'
` No way! Erm, I mean sure he's hot and all but… wait I'm not even with Inuyasha, why would I think I had a chance with his brother?' Kagome jerked as Inuyasha's voice penetrated through her thoughts. “ What was that Inuyasha?”
“ I said he's my halfbrother, and why won't you tell me who did this to you? What are you to good to ask for help now?” Kagome's eyes narrowed as she felt her temper boil over, her fists clenching at her sides.
“ Did you ever stop to think that by helping or hanging out with me, you only make it worse?” Kagome gasped when she realized what she'd said, while Inuyasha stared at her in shock. He reached out and gripped Kagome's wrist tightly as he dragged her towards the door, which she went along with no struggling since she was still in a dazed shock. Sesshomaru watched them leave the diner, silently pondering the things he'd over heard. Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, he turned towards the kitchen door as Rin came through it, her head turned down as she dug in the pockets of her apron as though she were looking for something. She came to a stop before him, yet continued to rummage around in her pockets, not yet having looked up at him.
“ Welcome to Feudal Era, I'm Rin and I'll be your tour guide today.” Sesshomaru found himself chuckling at her comment, making her head snap up. Chocolate orbs met amber as their eyes met and held. Rin stuttered as the words died on her lips as she stared at the man before her. `Daamn he's hot!!!'The single thought ran through her mind. Sesshomaru's brow lifted slightly, making Rin realize she had been staring at him. She snapped into gear as she silently scolded herself for acting like a ditzy blonde (A/N: No offense to ditzy blondes, some of my best friends are… I know I am… well at least half blonde)Sesshomaru felt his lip curve up in as close to a smile as he was known for as he watched the array of emotions run a crossed her face, surprise, a flick of appreciation, then anger for a second before her bright smile was back on her face.
“ Well I was offered dinner on the house by Kagome, but she seems to be busy at the moment.” Rin turned towards the window to see Inuyasha tugging Kagome along before she turned back to Sesshomaru.
“ Well looks like its up to me to take care of you. Just follow me big guy and I'll take care of you.”
Meanwhile out side, Inuyasha tugged Kagome along until they came to a tree that was to the right of the diner. It was huge enough to completely shield them from the pouring rain. Inuyasha turned to face Kagome, blinking in surprise when he saw her staring at the ground numbly. He took a deep breath to calm the anger that was bouncing around in his stomach.
“ All right Kagome, I want you to tell me why I make things worse by wanting to help you or by hanging out with you.” Kagome turned away to watch the rain, sighing as she wrapped her arms around herself tightly, shivering in the slight breeze as it fluttered by, lifting her hair off her shoulders making it dance in the wind, like ebony colored streamers. For a second he thought she hadn't heard him, or was planning to ignore him. Just as he was about to ask her again, she spoke so low he almost missed it.
“ I could have been popular ya know.” Inuyasha blinked in confusion, yet wisely kept his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt. “ I had the chance to rule the school, be Kikyo's right hand man, so to speak. It was back when I had just moved here… I hadn't even met Miroku or Sango yet. Kikyo thought I had real potential, offered me the spot of being her “friend”. I would have taken it to, but a girl that you would probably call “bookish” or “nerdy” walked down the hall passed us. Kikyo tripped her, making her slam into the lockers. She thought it was hilarious, and insulted the poor girl enough to make her burst into tears.” Kagome stared off into space as the memories flooded around her, bringing back all the old pain she thought she had overcome. Her eyes filled with all the tears she had never let the ones who tortured her every day see, and before she could stop it a single tear fell. She hastily dried her eyes, hoping that Inuyasha hadn't seen her dry. When she thought she had herself under control again she took a deep breath and continued her story. “ I realized that I didn't ever want to be like her, and told her where she could stick her offer of friendship. If I had to be like her to be popular, then I'd rather be an outcast for life! She didn't take that very well, and she showed me every day just exactly what I had given up. It was mostly petty things, like just making me look like a fool in front of the entire school, humiliate me for life, that sort of thing.” Kagome hesitated for a second, as she glanced over at Inuyasha. “ It didn't start getting rough until you came along. When she noticed I sorta, umm, noticed you, then she hooked up with you and she got possessive and territorial. It's gotten worse when we started hanging with each other.” Kagome giggled nervously as she realized she couldn't seem to stop the words from coming out of her mouth. “ She thinks that I could actually stand a chance of stealing you away from her. Insane I know, right?” She turned her head away from him not wanting to see his face when he laughed in her face at the very idea. Inuyasha watched her silently, before reaching out to smooth a strand of hair that fell over her face back behind her ear.
“ I think you got a very good chance Kagome.” He said softly, smiling when Kagome's head whipped around to stare at him in utter shock. She continued to watch him warily, making him chuckle as he turned her back towards the diner. “ Come on Kags, we don't want you to get fired for goofing off at work.” Kagome nodded slowly as she let him lead her back inside.
Kagome cursed as she yanked her hand away from the stove, and sucked on her burned finger. She had spaced out again and managed to burn herself when she grabbed the pan with her bare hand. She scowled at the wall as she argued with herself.
` You wouldn't have burned yourself if you were waiting tables instead of hiding in the kitchen getting in keido's way when your supposed to be helping him.'
` Shaddup already! I'm not hiding… I just didn't feel like bussing tables today.'
` Yea, sure… pull the other one; it's got bells on it! Fess up Higurashi, your scared that he thinks you're a complete moron, and you couldn't take seeing the truth in his eyes.'
Kagome frowned sadly as she stared off into space again. Suddenly the sound of a throat being cleared snapped her outta her thoughts. She turned to stare at Keido, who was watching her silently. She blinked innocently as she stared back at him.
“ Umm, what were you saying Kei?” Keido continued to watch her, making Kagome swallow down the lump in her throat. She reached for a bottle of water she had near her and took a long drink.
“ Is there a reason why you decided to work kitchen duty today, or are you just hiding from him?” Kagome chocked while drinking, and took several minutes before she stopped coughing. When she was finally under control she stared at the bear sheepishly.
“ Is it that obvious?” Keido chuckled softly as he went back to chopping vegetables. Kagome sighed as she went back to stirring the pot of soup that was the days special. She started humming a song she'd had stuck in her head all day. She chuckled as she thought of how much the song reminded of her situation between Inuyasha and herself. Suddenly she stopped as an idea hit her. She jumped to her feet and raced towards the coat rack where her messenger bag was hanging and rummaged through it for her cell phone. When she found it she whipped around and headed for the stock room, flapping her hand absentmindedly at Keido as he watched her. “ Be right back!” When she was sure the door was closed behind her she started dialing away, then fidgeted from foot to foot until they picked up.
“ 103.6 FM, how can I help you?”
“ Yea, I'd like to make a dedication…”
Inuyasha sighed as he stared at the swinging door that separated the diner from the kitchen. He hadn't seen Kagome since she had disappeared into the kitchen, claiming it was her turn to do clean up duty. He stabbed at his bowl of ramen with his chopsticks, stirring it around, suddenly loosing his appetite. Sesshomaru watched him silently, while he sipped his milkshake.
“ What's eating you Yash? I've never seen you leave ramen half eaten.” Inuyasha growled half-heartedly at him, before turning his gaze back towards said bowl of ramen. His head snapped up when he heard the kitchen door swing open, only to frown when he saw Rin stumble through it, as though someone had shoved her. When she noticed them staring at her, she giggled and made her way over towards the edge of the counter.
“ How about some tunes guys? This quiet is about to drive me over the edge.” Inuyasha simply “ keh'd” while Sesshomaru shrugged. Rin stuck her tongue out at the two before switching on the radio and screwed with the stations. When she landed on the one she was searching for she sauntered off towards the kitchen door again snatching Ayame as she passed.
“ Hey! Rin what the hell are yo…”? Rin dragged the irate wolf demon towards the kitchen.
“ Keido needs us in the kitchen, he wants to go over the specials with us.” Before she could open her mouth again, Rin shoved her through the door, leaving Inuyasha and Sesshomaru staring after them in confusion. They sat in silence as they listen to a few commercials before the DJ's voice came over the airwaves.
“ And now you all know what time it is. It's Free for all Thursday! Any song you guys wanna hear, we'll find it for ya and get it on. Next up, we've got a few dedications. This one goes out to Inuyasha…” Inuyasha's head snapped up at hearing his name, blinking in confusion. “ From Mystery Girl, here's My Dirty Little Secret, by All American Rejects.”
~ Let me know that I've done wrong
When I've known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Inuyasha blinked a few times, before bursting into laughter. He couldn't believe it, she was taunting him again, and on live radio nonetheless. He tuned into the song to listen to see if there was any hidden messages.
Who has to know
When we live such fragile lives
It's the best way we survive
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Kagome peeked around the kitchen door's edge, with Rin and Ayame peeking around her. She had been holding her breath until Inuyasha burst out laughing. She hopped up and down excitedly.
` He got the joke! I knew he would.'
She went back to watching, smiling when she saw Inuyasha start to keep time with the beat on the tabletop.
Who has to know
The way she feels inside (inside)
Those thoughts I can't deny (deny)
These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie)
And now I try to lie
It's eating me apart
Trace this life out
I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret)
I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Who has to know
Who has to know
“ And that was My Dirty Little Secret, by All American Rejects, going out to Inuyasha, from Mystery Girl. Now to shake things up, were taking a few calls before the next few songs. What's your dirty little secret?” Inuyasha tuned out the radio as his mind was racing, thinking about his mystery girl. Hearing a throat clearing next to him, he looked over at Sesshomaru, who was smirking slightly.
“ Do I even wanna ask about this so called Mystery Girl, and her dirty little secret?” Inuyasha laughed at his brother's rare show of humor.
“ I haven't figured out who she is yet, and it's driving me crazy.” Sesshomaru watched him silently before turning towards the kitchen door, as the three girls poured out of it, Rin and Ayame laughing and teasing Kagome, who was fighting desperately to not blush. It took him about three seconds before he figured out that Kagome was the Mystery Girl, but being the older, smarter, and tougher brother… he decided to let his dunce of a younger brother fend for himself on this one.
Kagome walked into her room, dropping her messenger bag next to the door, peeling her clothes off as she made her way towards the shower. After a quick shower, she came back into the room, wearing a black tank top that said “ Out of my mind… Please leave a message.”, and a pair of black boxers on. She had a towel over her head, and was drying her hair as she wandered towards her desk. With a final shake of her head, she sent the left over water droplets flying, drawing a laugh out of her.
“ Hell I've barely been around him a couple of months and I'm acting like a dog now.” She sighed as her thoughts turned towards a certain hanyou, which seemed to be happening more and more lately. She dropped down into her chair, and propped her feet up on the desk, with the keyboard in her lap. She couldn't stop herself from wondering if he would be online again.
Kagegausui has logged on!
Inuyasha sat tipped back in his chair, his foot balancing him as he was playing paddleball… on the verge of extreme boredom. When he saw the message that his mystery girl had logged on, he flipped his chair over in his haste to get to his keyboard and ended up dumping himself on his head. He lay on the ground one leg in the air, twitching slightly as he fought to clear the stars away that were clouding his vision. When he could finally see straight he was back up in his chair in seconds and scrambling to send her a message before she logged off.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Hey! Where've you been? I've been looking for you for days.
Kagome blinked in surprise, before a small smile spread out over her face. She couldn't seem to stop herself from taunting him a little bit.
Kagegausui: Hey puppy, listen to any good songs today?
Inuyasha chuckled softly as he remembered earlier that day in the diner then frowned when he also remembered outside the diner with Kagome. He scowled as he stared off into space, trying to work out his feelings.
` I can't deny it anymore… I have to choose between them. I can't keep stringing them both along.'
` Well technically your not stringing Kagome along, cuz she's convinced that she'd never have a chance with you. And Mystery chick is giving you a run for your money. '
Inuyasha growled fiercely deep in his throat, clenching his fists so tightly his claws dug into the palms of his hands.
` Of course Kagome has a chance! What's not to like about her? She's hot, sweet, caring, hilarious, has an actual sense of humor. You'd be crazy to not…'
` Not love her?'smirked the voice inside his mind. Inuyasha opened his mouth to deny it, then realizing he was alone and talking to himself, he “keh'd” before he remembered he was supposed to be talking (or typing, whatever) to his mystery girl.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Uhh, sorry zoned out… what were you saying?
Kagegausui: Are you ok Yash?
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Yea I'm fine, just got a lot on my mind.
Inuyasha stared at the screen for a few seconds wondering what he should do. Then images of Kagome flooded his mind. Kagome laughing at Miroku as he lay on the ground all swirly eyed after grabbing Sango's ass and getting slammed upside the head by her fist. Kagome smiling warmly at him when he had managed to make it the rest of the day without breaking anything or killing anyone the day he worked at the diner for her when she was hurt. Kagome standing outside the diner, crying as she told him the story of being tortured every day by Kikyo and her crew. He snapped back to reality when he noticed she was talking again.
Kagegausui: Well I've got your next clue to figure out my name… that is if your still man, erm demon enough to take the challenge.
Inuyasha smirked as he flexed his muscles in a manly display, that no one could really see.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Feh, lay it on me wench.
Kagegausui: All right…this one is a riddle. 11, 13, 5, 1, 7, 15, 9, 8, 7, 21, 18, 9, 19, 8, 1. Ok there's your clue.
Kagegausui: LOL, when you can figure that out, you'll know who I am. Now I gotta run, I need to get my homework done before I crash. Laterz Yash!
Kagegausui has logged off!
Inuyasha stared at the screen for a few minutes as he studied the list of numbers she'd rattled off to him. He stared at it so long his brain started screaming for the horrid abuse he was putting it through. Suddenly he grinned as he shoved back from his desk, digging around in his pocket for his cell phone.
“ I'll call Sango, she's the queen of riddles.”
Sango sat on the couch, trying to concentrate on the movie they were watching, while Miroku was gazing at her instead of the movie. He stretched his arms high over his head, trying to smoothly play it off, then dropped his right arm along the back of the couch, draping a crossed Sango's shoulders. Sango turned to glare at him, making him grin innocently. Sango turned back to the movie, tensing up when Miroku leaned over and nuzzled her neck softly with his lips. She brought her hand up to shove him away from her, her arm losing it's strength when she felt Miroku's teeth scrape along her skin teasingly, before he lapped at the spot with his tongue. Sango gasped softly, her fingers gripping Miroku's shirt tightly in her fist, supposedly to shove him away from her, but instead trying to tug him closer. Taking the soft moans coming from her as encouragement, Miroku trailed his lips up her neck, kissing his way towards her mouth. When he reached it his lips crashed down on her own in a fiercely passionate kiss. Sango gasped, and when her lips parted Miroku took full advantage of it, slipping his tongue between her lips to taste every inch of her mouth, his tongue teasing and coaxing hers' to do the same. Sango fell into the kiss, and despite her lack of experience she felt her instinct take over.
She wrapped her arms around Miroku's neck, moaning in pleasure when she felt his hands stroking along her spine teasingly. Hearing her moans, Miroku eased her back, until she was lying on the couch his body pressed intimately against her own. Miroku slid his hands down until he was cupping her buttocks, raising her hips up so they were pressed up against his own. Sango gasped when she felt the proof of his arousal pressing in to the sensitive core of her being. They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of “ The Imperial March” playing on Sango's cell phone. Miroku let lose a deep growl, or an as humanly possible one, before burring his face against Sango's neck.
“ Damn you Inuyasha…” Sango came to her senses at his swearing and shoved him off her and into the floor. She ignored his string of curses as she clamored over him to get her phone and answer it.
“ What's up dog boy?” Inuyasha's brow rose up when he heard her panting, as if out of breath, feeling a wicked grin break out over his face.
“ Did I interrupt something Sango?” Before Sango could open her mouth Miroku sat up from his spot on the floor, glaring at the phone in Sango's hand.
“ Yes! Now beat it Yash.” Sango slapped Miroku upside his head, making the poor monk see stars as he fell over in a dazed heap on the floor again.
“ Ignore the lecher… now what did you need?” Inuyasha stared blankly into space before his brain snapped into gear again.
“ Oh yea, Sango I need your help, PLEASE?” Sango blinked in surprise at hearing the hanyouactually saying please, instead of just ordering someone around. “ I finally got a clue about the Mystery chick, but it's some fucked up riddle. I need your help to figure it out.” Sango mentally sighed, wanting to help Inuyasha, who sounded so desperate… yet feeling like she was betraying Kagome as well.
“ All right Yash, I'll help you with it tomorrow at lunch ok? I never do good at riddles in the morning.” Inuyasha sighed in relief, feeling as though a great weight was being lifted off his shoulders.
“ Thanks Sango, I owe ya one.” With that Sango hung up, hoping she was doing the right thing. Miroku plopped down onto the couch beside her, snaking his arms around her waist before nuzzling her neck softly.
“ Now where were we Sango my love?” Before she could reply, Sango blushed madly when she felt a hand settle on her rear, before giving it a quick squeeze. With a yelp she swung around, slamming him over the head with throw pillow. She glared at him before jumping to her feet and storming up the stairs, leaving a dazed and confused Miroku sitting by himself on the couch.
Kagome was hurrying down the shrine steps on her way to school, listening to Sota as he rattled on about the many reasons why Inuyasha was the coolest. Ever since the night he had stayed at her house, her brother had become one of the two member, Inuyasha all male fan club. He and Kohaku sung his praises nonstop. She shook her head as she chuckled under her breath before glancing up when a strange noise caught her attention. She noticed a strange car at the curb. She slowed her pace as she looked over the car, trying to figure out who owned it. It was a 05' Scion XB, painted a black cheery pearl color, with dark tinted windows. She glanced towards the driver's side when the window glided down to reveal a perversely grinning Miroku.
“ Hey hot mama! Wanna take a ride in my love box?” Suddenly Miroku's head was shoved forward, making him slam face first into the steering wheel, giving a loud honk when he hit the horn. “ Fuck! Kohaku that hurt.” Miroku turned around to glare at Sango's little brother, who blinked innocently.
“ Wasn't me.” Miroku turned to glare at Sango who smiled sweetly at him, before leaning over him out his window.
“ Come on Kagome, we'll give you a lift.” Sango yelped when she felt a hand groping her chest. She shot back to her seat and slapped Miroku a crossed his cheek. Kagome shook her head as she, and Sota ran down the remaining steps and hopped into the back seat. When Miroku had pulled away from the curb and was headed towards the school, Kagome leaned forward between the front seats, laying her chin on his shoulder while he drove.
“ So Roku, where'd you get the hot wheels?” Miroku grinned as he turned towards the younger boy's school to drop them off first.
“ You remember when I said Mushi needed to borrow my car a few weeks ago?” Kagome nodded silently as they once again pulled out into traffic as they made their way towards the school. “ Well the old fart wrecked it.” Kagome blinked in surprise for a few seconds before bursting into wild fits of laughter. Miroku glared over his shoulder at her until she finally got herself under control and was down to a few giggles instead of full out laughing. “ So anyways… as an apology he got me this sweet ride.” Kagome whistled in appreciation as she flopped back in her seat again.
“ Hell if the old man is in a generous mood, tell him to give me a car.” Kagome frowned slightly as she said this, making the two up front wonder if she was being serious or not. Miroku suddenly grinned wickedly as an idea came to him.
“ Hey Kagome, how much have you got in the car fund now?” Kagome scrunched up her face in thought before she sulked slightly.
“ About maybe five hundred or so. I had to take a big chunk out of it for new school clothes for Sota this year.” Kagome chuckled to herself under her breath. “ Damn brat is growing like a weed.” Miroku smirked slyly as he glanced over at Sango who was watching him silently, trying to figure out where he was going with this.
“ Well I know someone who is desperate to sell a pretty nice car for almost dirt cheap. Its just sitting around never getting used so they are looking for someone to take it off their hands. If you want I can get a hold of them for you.” Miroku snuck a peak in his rearview mirror to see the look on her face, nearly laughing out loud at the starry eyed look on her face. She leaped forward grabbing Miroku by the collar of his shirt, nearly chocking him to death in her excitement.
“ Are you kidding me? Of course I want you to ask them!” Kagome bounced in utter happiness before she suddenly froze as she thought for a second then glared at him. “ This isn't another one of those times when your dad tries to give me a car now is it? Cuz I won't hesitate to beat the living snot outta you Miroku.” Miroku swallowed down a lump of fear that lodged it's self in his throat as he remembered the last time he had tried to secretly help out Kagome, and nearly got the crap kicked outta him. Kagome was very independent and didn't take to kindly to anything remotely resembling charity. She wanted so badly to prove herself to her friends and family, and never to be a bother to any of them by asking for help. He waved his hand franticly, as if to wave away the very idea, as they pulled into the school parking lot.
“ Do I look like I have a death wish?” asked Miroku sarcastically. Kagome smirked wickedly as she opened the door to hop out of the car.
“ I think you might… if Sango ever found out about that camera that was hidden outside her window.” Kagome jumped out of the car, chuckling to herself as Miroku paled with fright and Sango reddened with anger. As Kagome walked towards the school's entrance shouts and sounds of a severe beating could be heard coming from Miroku's car as it rocked from side to side before settling down once again. The few students that were standing around in the parking lot watched warily as the car settled down, then backed away when the passenger door opened as a slightly irritated Sango stepped out and started towards the school. Sango managed to catch up to kagome, but when she opened her mouth to say something she noticed Kagome was slightly pale as she stared in shock at something before them. When Sango turned to see what had alarmed her friend so badly her eyes widened as well. Standing about twenty or so feet ahead of them was a huge crowd of people standing in a semi circle around Inuyasha and Kikyo, who seemed to be in the middle of a huge argument. The two stood in silence as the words of the argument carried towards them.
“ WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME? Inu baby I can't believe your doing this to me! First you don't spend any time with me, since you're always off with your stupid friends, and now your breaking up with me! After everything we've been through together… I thought you loved me.” Kikyo sobbed out hysterically as she stood before the annoyed looking hanyou, who had his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her go through her tantrum.
“ How could I love someone who is as cold and heartless as you Kikyo? What about the way you treat people around here? Do you think I could stand myself if I went out with someone who tortured innocent people like you do?” Kikyo's eyes widened slightly as she tried to put on her most innocently shocked face.
“ Inu baby how could you even think that? Who's been lying to you, saying such cruel things about me?”
Feh, I don't have to listen to anyone else Kikyo… I've seen it myself.” Kikyo never even heard him as she spun around suddenly, as if she had sensed her presence, towards Kagome. Her eyes narrowed as her fists clenched tightly.
“ You!” She stormed towards Kagome, a path clearing through the crowd instantly. When she came to a stop before Kagome she stomped her foot, looking more like a two year old, then a seventeen year old. “ I bet you're the one spreading these evil lies about me to my man.” Kagome eyed her silently as she placed her hands on her hips.
“ They can't be lies when it's the truth Kikyo.” Kagome stated calmly. Kikyo's eyes widened as she let out a shrill screech before slapping Kagome so hard a crossed the face, that she stumbled slightly. Suddenly something inside Kagome snapped, as she leaped towards Kikyo with a fierce growl rolling out of her. Sango snatched Kagome around the waist, holding her back as she lunged for the girl before her. Kikyo stepped back warily, as if searching for her group of toadies to back her up, blinking in shock when she saw them edging away from the dangerous looking Kagome. Finally Kagome seemed to calm down, and pulled Sango's arms from around her waist. She stepped up until she was almost toe-to-toe with Kikyo, glaring at her fiercely.
“ Now listen and listen good Kikyo… I'm sick and tired of you bullying me and trying to humiliate me because I turned down your offer of being one of your mindless cronies.” Random gasps were heard around them, as the other kids heard the petty reason for Kagome's torment all these years. Kikyo's head swung around wildly as she heard a few whispers start, feeling her rein of “queen of the school” tumbling down around her. “ I've never done anything to you, nor will I ever do anything to you, because I won't sink to your level. But if you ever lay a hand on me again… I swear to all that's holy and some that isn't, you'll regret that you ever messed with me.” Kagome took a deep breath, feeling as though a mighty weight had been lifted off her chest, finally feeling good and whole for the first time in a long time. Inuyasha, who had been standing silently to the side, walked over to Kagome's side, smiling widely with pride at her standing up to address the rest of the crowd around them.
“ Kagome is my friend, and any one who decides to mess with her, is gonna have to deal with me. Got it?” With his final words Inuyasha stared straight at Kikyo, daring her to try any kind of retaliation against Kagome behind his back. With that said he turned Kagome towards the school and walked inside, a shocked Sango and Miroku following after them. The rest of the crowd buzzed with chatter as they separated to head towards their classes and such, leaving a furious Kikyo standing with her fists clenched at her sides, her group of toadies standing to the side warily, as if waiting to be turned on any second.
` Just you wait Higurashi…When I'm through, you'll regret you ever crossed me.”
~ Dodges random objects being tossed at her as audience boo's ~ I know, I know… evil cliffy, but I gotta save something for the next chapter. So Inuyasha is no longer tied down by the evil Kinky-ho, he is getting ready to start things up with…(insert name here) So Sango warns Kagome about her helping Inuyasha with the riddle, and Kagome hightails it to hide, fearing the worst once Inuyasha finds out here secret. Find out what happens next time in… Chapter 8: And The Mystery Girl Is???? Part 2! See ya soon!