InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Chat room... ❯ And The Mystery Girl Is??? Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ Bow's before the applauding crowd ~ Thanks everybody for your response and support. I'd like to take this time to thank you all for sticking it out this long.
Summary: Last time Inuyasha actually pulled his head out of his ass and dumped Kikyo. Now he's got nothing to stop him from getting with his mystery girl… or Kagome. The ever present dilemma for our poor baka. And what happens when Inuyasha breaks the riddle and finds out Kagome's secret? Find out now in… Chapter 8: And The Mystery Girl Is??? Part 2!
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 about to turn 17
Rin: 19
Ayame: 19
Sesshomaru: 23
Disclaimer: ~ hugglez Inuyasha tightly around the neck, while he struggles to get loose ~ He's all Mine!
~ Lawyers swarm around wielding their briefcases of doom ~ Erm… ok he's not mine… He belongs to Rumiko-sama.
` Thinking'
“ Talking”
`Arguing with annoying voices in heads'
Now on with the story…
Kagome couldn't believe it, even though she'd seen it with her own eyes. Inuyasha had actually broken up with Kikyo, and she hadn't taken it well. Practically had steam shooting out her ears. Though what still completely puzzled Kagome, was the fact that Inuyasha had stood before the whole school, declared her his friend, and dared anyone to try anything to her. She had stumbled along beside Inuyasha in silent shock as they headed towards homeroom. She was now sitting at her desk in homeroom staring off into space, when she felt something poke her in the side. When she turned to find the source of annoyance, she blinked in surprise to see Sango slipping her a folded up note. She glanced around to make sure no one was watching before taking the note and unfolding it to read.
~Kagome, Inuyasha begged me to help him solve the riddle and I agreed. You need to avoid him until lunch then split for work. I'll try and hold him off as long as I can. ~
Kagome gasped quietly as she turned around to see Sango watching her with a worried look in her eyes. Kagome nodded slowly before turning back in her seat, scrambling to think of a way to avoid Inuyasha without him knowing something was up. Suddenly the door to the classroom opened, drawing her gaze up, snapping her mind outta the haze. Kagome's eyes widened as the answer to her prayers, and her worst nightmare walked into the door.
“ Koga…” Inuyasha flicked his ear towards Kagome at her murmured gasp, wondering why she suddenly looked so pale. He turned towards the door to watch the stranger stroll in and pause just inside the door. He could feel the guy's youkaiand judging by his scent and the brown tail that was hanging behind him, he was a wolf demon. Inuyasha didn't know why but he felt the hair on the back of his neck rise as a growl started deep in his throat, though he had no idea why… but there was just something about him that bugged him. He followed the wolf with his eyes as he strolled up to the teacher's desk, handing her a slip of paper before stuffing his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight over to his left foot as he leaned against her desk. She scanned the note before turning to face the class.
“ Everyone, we have a new prisoner in the big house. His name is Ookami, Koga.” She turned back towards Koga smiling as she gestured towards an empty seat beside Kagome, making Inuyasha scowl darkly. “ Why don't you take that empty seat over there.” Koga gave a quick nod to the teacher before making his way towards the seat to Kagome's left. When he reached it he plopped down next to her and leaned a crossed the isle, smirking at her.
“ Surprised to see me Kagome?” Kagome nodded dumbly as she stared at him in shock.
“ What are you doing here Koga? You said before that you were moving to Hong Kong.”
“ Well my pops got transferred here for a new job at Youkai Inc., and we moved here.” He smiled cockily at Kagome as he leaned until he was a breath away from her. “ And I couldn't help but jump at the chance to see my woman again.” Inuyasha felt like someone had slammed a fist dead center in his gut, knocking the breathe right out of him.
` Kagome told me she never had a boyfriend, why the hell is this mangy wolf calling her his woman?'
` Maybe they had something going at Kagome's old home. Sounds like Kagome cared enough to keep in touch.'
Inuyasha clenched his fists tightly as he glared at Koga as he murmured softly to Kagome, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but next to the wolf. Suddenly the bell rang, drawing Inuyasha out of his thoughts. When he turned towards Kagome he saw she was already on her feet and making a beeline towards the door. Inuyasha sighed, wondering why Kagome was avoiding him today. He made his way out the door, heading towards his next class, his thoughts running like crazy through his head.
` First things first, solve the riddle and find out who Mystery girl is… then make things better with Kagome.'
Kagome sighed as she was walking to work, thinking about the events of the day. Avoiding Inuyasha, without seeming like she was doing it, and staying away from Koga was harder then she thought. Koga was getting more and more persistent these days.
Kagome was standing at her locker, digging through it searching for her Japanese history book, when Koga showed up next to her, leaning against the wall of lockers, smirking at her.
“ So Kagome, why do I get the feeling you've been avoiding me? I can't take care of my woman if you don't tell me what's up.” Kagome bristled slightly at Koga's delusional possessiveness. She slammed her locker shut, whipping around to glare at the cocky wolf as he watched her.
“ Listen carefully Koga, cuz I'm only gonna say this once. I am NOT your woman. I never have been and I never will be. We went through this before back in Kyoto. The only feelings I have for you, is annoyance when you start this “my woman” crap.” Koga chuckled as he shoved away from the lockers and pet Kagome on the head, like he would have done a puppy or small child.
“ Now Kagome I know you don't mean that. You're just surprised to see me and mad because I didn't tell you I was moving here. I'll be here when you finally come to your senses.” With that he walked off towards his next class leaving a stunned Kagome standing in the hall. She finally snapped out her shocked state and glared after the retreating wolf.
Keh, come to my senses huh… when pigs fly.” She turned and stormed down the hall, swearing under her breathe about annoying cocky wolves.
~ End Flashback~
Kagome narrowed her eyes as she stormed angrily down the street. Through out all the thoughts of the evil and painful things she'd love to do to Koga… one thought reined supreme.
` What is Inuyasha going to do when he finds out the truth?'
~ Back at school ~
Inuyasha sat at their usual table, drumming his claws on the table in annoyance as he waited for Sango and Miroku to show up. Just when he was at the end of his patience, Sango and Miroku appeared before him, setting down their trays before sitting a crossed from the extremely pissed looking hanyou.
Feh,about time.” Sango narrowed her eyes at him as she pointed at him with her fork.
“ Now look here dog boy, I don't have to help you with this damn riddle. I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. So get out of whatever mood your in before I beat you out of it.” Inuyasha blinked in surprise at the fierce looking girl before him, before sighing dejectedly.
“ Kagome. She's been avoiding me like the plaque. And who the hell is that mangy wolf that's always hanging around her?” Sango bit her lip to keep from letting out all her friend's secrets.
“ I dunno Yash… you'll have to find out from Kagome. Now do you want help with this riddle or not?” Inuyahsa glared at the table for a second before nodding finally. When Sango held out her hand for the riddle, Inuyasha handed over the scrap of paper he had jotted it down on. Sango looked it over before smirking slightly. Kagome had picked a very clever way of hiding her name. She dug in her bag until she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.
“ Ok Yash, this is pretty easy to figure out. The numbers are in to much of a pattern to be just random numbers, and since it's supposed to be a name then the only answer is that each number represents the order in which that certain letter appears in the alphabet.” She wrote out the whole alphabet, and then numbered each letter. When she was finished she handed it over to him. “ Now see if you can figure it out on your own.” Inuyasha glared at her for a second before turning his attention to the task at hand. He concentrated and slowly but surely he searched through until he had all the numbers deciphered. When it was just a bunch of letters he looked back up at Sango, frustration showing in his eyes.
“ I thought you said it would spell out her name?” Sango laughed, then seeing the look on Inuyasha's face, she took pity on him and took the paper from him. As she scanned it over again she found out why he was so lost.
“ The letters hadn't been in the right order to just spell out her name. Who ever she is, she wanted to make your brain work on this one.” Inuyasha “keh'd” under his breathe before going back to the riddle. He scanned over all the letters, when suddenly he felt his heart stop. His gaze shot up to glare angrily at Sango, who gulped slightly at the fierce look in his eye. She giggled nervously as she edged a little farther away from the pissed off hanyou. “ Well I guess you figured it out.” Inuyasha stood up so fast his chair toppled over, making so much noise it drew the attention of the others around them.
“ Where is she?” Miroku stuttered slightly as he racked his brain to think.
“ Umm… I think she left early for work today.” Inuyasha growled softly under his breathe as he reached down to grab his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder.
“ When I get done with her, we're going to have a little chat about lying to your so called friends.” With that he turned and stormed out of the cafeteria. When he was gone Sango turned to look at Miroku who was slightly paler then normal, as he glanced back at her. Miroku cleared his throat before jerking his head towards the exit.
“ Wanna skip and hide from the mad dog?” Sango nodded and the two hightailed it towards the parking lot and the safety of Miroku's car.
Inuyasha was marching through the halls, his face covered with a wicked looking scowl, innocent bystanders dodging out of his way at the look on his face. One single thought was running over and over in his mind.
` Why did she lie to me?'
` She has her reasons… Don't do something stupid like show up at her job and scream at her. It's only gonna make things worse'
` She LIED to me! She deserves to get yelled at.' He raged at the voice in his head.
` What the hell do you expect? For years you never bothered to notice her or try to defend her against all the bastards that tortured her. Now because you've graced her with your friendship and attention, she's supposed to pour out everything to you? That's bullshit and you know it.' Inuyasha “keh'd” loudly as he slammed open the front door and stomped his way towards a dark red, and silver motorcycle parked near the edge of the lot. When he was astride it he fired it up, and strapped on his helmet.
`What about Koga? She said she never had a boyfriend, but he's keeps calling her his woman.' The voice in his head sighed as he spun in a tight circle, making a u-turn in the middle of the lot before shooting out the exit.
` Are you such a bakathat you can't piece it together on your own? If she is the mystery girl, then remember back when you were chatting with her.'Inuyasha thought back to all their conversations, trying to remember if she had ever mentioned anything about the mangy wolf.
~ Flashback ~
Inuyasha stared at the screen in confusion. Suddenly his face lit up with excitement as his fingers scrambled to reply.
Fear_My_Bite_Not_My_Bark: Oh K it's you! I didn't think you were gonna show up. What are you doing on a different screen name?
Kagegausui: Aww… did ya miss me already? Poor lil pup. LOL. As for the name, I'm hiding out from my stalker.
~ End Flashback ~
Inuyasha growled deeply as he maneuvered through traffic as he made his way towards the diner.
` That mangy wolf is stalking her? I'll kill him!' Once again that annoying voice tried to reason with him.
` Now now, why don't you find out the whole story before you start killing people. It's better to ask and listen before jumping to the wrong conclusions, and having to hide the bodies.'
Inuyasha “keh'd” under his breath, not wanting to admit the voice in his head was actually making sense. When he reached the diner, he sat on his bike for a few seconds trying to gather his thoughts. Finally he heaved a deep sigh, before hopping off the bike and making his way towards the diner. When he reached it, he yanked the door open, sending the bells over it to jingling rapidly before settling down as the door closed behind him. He glanced around taking in the few customers sitting around the diner, but turned towards the kitchen door as it opened and Ayame and Rin passed through it. They had been talking as they walked, yet as soon as they noticed Inuyasha they both glared at him fiercely. Inuyasha blinked in surprise as the two girls pounced on him and whacked him over the head with their order pads. He rubbed his throbbing head as he swore.
“ Fucking hell! What the hell was that for?” Rin put her hands on her hips, while Ayame crossed her arms over her chest… both of them continued to glare at the irate hanyou.
“ For being a jerk and upsetting Kagome. What did you do to her?” Inuyasha growled low under his breathe as he glared right back at the two.
“ What did I do? Feh, I didn't do anything.” Inuyasha fought to control his temper, his demon blood simmering. He took a deep breath before turning back towards the two girls before him. “ Where is Kagome?” Ayame narrowed her eyes as she snorted under her breath.
“ Why should we tell you? So you can track her down and make things worse? She doesn't need you making her life harder then it already is.” Rin gasped as she elbowed Ayame in the side.
“ Ayame don't!” she hissed under her breath, making Inuyasha narrow his eyes in suspicion.
“ What do you mean I'd make her life harder then it is?” Rin frowned sadly as she shook her head at him.
“ It's not our place to tell you that Yash… you'll have to ask Kagome that.”
“ Where is she?”
“ Tokyo Heights.” Inuyasha nodded before turning and moving towards the door. When he reached his bike and tugged his helmet over his head before taking off, his mind was racing as he turned and headed towards the outskirts of the city.
` Tokyo Heights… why would Kagome be at the cemetery?'
Kagome stood beneath a great oak tree at the top of a hill, as the sun fell below the horizon. A slight breeze tossed her hair out behind her as she looked down at the tombstone that stood there. She knelt down before it, tracing her fingers along the words.
Akira, Higurashi
Born: October 18th, 1960 ~
Died: October 18th, 1998~
Beloved father, and husband…
Kagome took a deep breath as she stared sadly at her father's grave, losing the fight to keep the tears at bay. She drew her sleeve across her eyes, attempting to dry her eyes. Hearing a noise behind her she spun around to see Inuyasha standing behind her. He had been on the verge of confronting her for the lies, the words sticking in his throat when he smelt her tears. Kagome scrambled to her feet, almost losing her balance and falling on her rear. When she was steady on her feet, she took a deep breathe before raising her gaze to meet his, making his heart clench at the sight of her eyes, red and puffy from crying. He couldn't bear the sadness and pain was in her eyes.
“ I know you hate me Inuyasha… your probably feeling the urge to strangle me right about now.” Inuyasha's eyes widened upon hearing her say that.
“ Kagome, I don't hate you. Sure I admit I'm rather pissed right now, but I just want to know why. Why did you lie to me? All those times I asked you if you knew who she was. All the times I told Sango and Miroku about the things we talked about, and you just sat there like you knew nothing about it… why didn't you tell me the truth?” Kagome hung her head dejectedly, not wanting to see the look on his face when she told him the truth.
“ I didn't like lying to you Inuyasha. Before I got to know you better, I thought you would be… well, repulsed when you found out it was me. Some pitiful girl that couldn't stand up for herself. Then after that… I was scared.” Inuyasha watched her silently, fighting the urge to gather her close in his arms, and ease all her pain away. He wanted to know the truth now. Know everything that she was keeping from him.
“ Scared of what Kagome?”
“ I was scared that if I told you who I was, and that I…” Kagome blushed slightly as she stuttered. “ Umm, had feelings for you, that you would just laugh in my face, and tell me I was an idiot. Or that you would hate me for lying to you.” She turned to face Inuyasha, feeling a sense of dread when he stared down at the grave behind her thoughtfully. She started fiddling with the zipper of her hoodie, fighting to control the overwhelming urge to crawl off somewhere and hide. She was so engrossed in her nervous fit; she almost missed his next words.
“ Is that your dad?” Kagome blinked stupidly for a second before nodding slowly. She turned back towards the tombstone, wrapping her arms around herself, to fight off the chill as the wind picked up. Inuyasha watched as the wind toyed with her hair, which glistened in the fading sunlight. “ Yea, he died when I was ten in a car accident.” Inuyasha tilted his head to the side as he listened intently to her, not wanting to miss a word. “ He was the closest person to me in the whole world. There was no one else that I felt like I could trust with my secrets, or my dreams. He never treated me like I was a silly little kid; he actually listened to me when I talked to him… like what I said really mattered.” The smile that had slipped onto her face when she spoke about her father, slipped away to be replaced by sadness that filled her eyes. “ He was on his way home from work when he was hit by drunk driver that ran a stop sign.” She felt her heart clench up as the memories of that night flooded back to her.
~ Flashback ~
A ten-year-old Kagome bounced down the stairs followed by a three year old Souta at a much slower pace. They raced into the kitchen, squealing when thunder rang out from the storm that was raging outside, circling around their mother as she finished cooking dinner. Kagome finally came to a stop beside her mother, wobbling slightly when Souta slammed into her when he couldn't stop in time from chasing after her.
“ Momma, when's daddy gonna be home? We wanna give him his present.” Souta clapped happily as he hopped up and down. Before their mother could answer there was a knock at the door. Korari stumbled over her children as they continued to dance in place and bounce around her. When she finally managed to step over the rug rats, she went to the door and opened, she blinked against the rain that blew in as two policemen stumbled inside. Korari gasped in surprise as she stepped back to allow them to come in, watching them silently as they shook off the water that covered them. The older of the two glanced up at Korari, before tugging his hat off as he stared at her gravely.
“ Mrs. Higurashi?” Korari nodded silently, not finding the ability to answer. The older man glanced over to his companion, who turned his gaze towards his feet silently, before turning back to face Korari. “ I have bad news about your husband.” Korari paled as she gasped, her hand flying to cover her mouth. The older man swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat before he continued. “ I'm very sorry, but there's been an accident.”
~ End Flashback ~
Kagome sighed as she pushed the memories away before turning back to face Inuyasha. She was fighting to hold the tears off as she thought of the best way to explain things to him.
“ It hurt me deeply when my dad died and it took me a long time to learn to deal with the pain. Since then I've been scared to let anyone else get close to me, because I don't know if I could deal with the pain of losing someone else.” Kagome lowered her gaze to the ground, not wanting to see the look on his face when he told her she was a fool for being a coward. When she felt a pair of strong arms come around her, she blinked in confusion as Inuyasha hugged her tightly. Her tongue was tied in knots as her mind tried to process what was going on. Her hands moved of their own accord as they gripped his shirt tightly. She inhaled deeply, taking in his scent of a forest after the rain, her nerves calming slightly as she breathed him in. She laid her head against his chest, drawing comfort from the steady beat of his heart. She jumped slightly when he spoke.
“ Kagome, I've gotten to know you over the past few months, in person and through chatting. I've been agonizing over the decision of who to choose, you or whom I've begun to call The Mystery Girl. Do you know who I picked?” Kagome wondered why he was telling her this when she was both of those people, but she didn't wanna interrupt him. “ I picked you.” Kagome felt her heart speed up and opened her mouth to say something, but was hushed when he laid a finger on her lips. “ I know picking doesn't really matter now since they were both you, but at the time I didn't know it. I was going to tell you I had feelings for someone else that night you gave me the riddle, but you ran off before I could.” Kagome was speechless. She had no idea that Inuyasha, the hottest guy in school, would ever be friends with her… let alone have feelings for her. Inuyasha pulled Kagome back a bit so he could look her in the eye.
“ Kagome I know your scared of getting hurt, and I can't promise that I won't screw things up… but I'd never intentionally hurt you. I'd sooner cut out my own heart. All I'm asking is that you give me a chance to show you that life is worth living, and not passing on things because you might get hurt.” He smiled slightly as he brushed her bangs out of her eyes, drawing a smile out of her as well. “ So what do you say Kags?” Kagome stared at him for a second, before smiling back.
“ I'm game if you are pup.” She fired back saucily, making him laugh. When she started to laugh she was cut off when he leaned forward, brushing his lips a crossed her own, cutting off all brain activity instantly. Kagome gasped in surprise at that, giving Inuyasha the opportunity to slip his tongue in to explore her mouth, coaxing her tongue into a teasing little dance. Kagome moaned in pleasure, as he tilted his head slightly, changing the angle of the kiss. His hands, itching to touch, slid up her back to cradle the back of her head as he kissed her deeply. When they finally broke apart for air, Inuyasha laid his forehead against her's as they both panted from loss of breath as they stared into each other's eyes. Inuyasha wondered at the feeling of being whole and complete that had come over him when he kissed Kagome, while she was praying with all her might, that for once she could finally dare to be happy.
~ Hugglez her Inuyasha plushy tightly as she snifflez~ Aww the fluffiness… Well, the secret is out, Inuyasha and Kikyo are no more, and it looks like Inuyasha and Kagome are coming together. But will life go great for the new lovebirds… or will trouble come calling? Find out soon in the next few chapters to come, but next up is… Chapter 9: Dating, Insanity, and Lecherness… Oh My! See ya soon! ~ Waves and tosses candy to everyone before scampering off ~