InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Questions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Rated for language and mature themes.
A/N: All right!!! Now we will get into the next chapter. And thank you reviewers, your answers will be answered in this chapter. Don't be too impatient. LOL. Characters are definitely OOC. Rated for language and mature themes in later chapters. Thank you!
Chapter 3 - Questions
Lunch passed, but no one ate. The king sat with his wife staring across the table at Miroku who brought the soldier from the human territory. Observing how far apart the soldier and Miroku sat, Inu Tashio assumed that the soldier was most uncomfortable being in a world of mainly demons. The solider wore light weight salmon colored clothes with thin but strong armor. On his face, he wore a mask that hid his mouth and nose only revealing his piercing brown eyes, his upper lids painted a light pink. His hair was high in a long black pony tail, much like Inu Tashio's. Behind him, he carried a large boomerang. The king could tell this soldier must have been part of the legendary demon slayers. Slowly, the soldier began to untie the mask to reveal his entire face. The King cringed in his seat. This soldier was no man, but a woman. No wonder she sat so far from Miroku. The king sighed inwardly; sometimes Miroku didn't know how to keep his hands to himself.
“My deepest apologies for being so rude your majesty of demons,” she said with the utmost respect, her eyes never faltering. “My name is Sango. I was given orders to find my King's daughter, Princess Kagome. I have no doubt that she is here somewhere. If you return her to me, the chance of war with your kingdom will be severed.” Inu Tashio thought for a moment.
“And Demon Slayer Sango, what makes you believe she is in our Kingdom?” Inu Tashio couldn't remember ever taking the Princess from the human kingdom.
“From what Lord Miroku,” she glared at him, “Says, he and your son, Prince Inuyasha I presume, found her in your territory. Then Prince Inuyasha kidnapped her and brought her here.” The queen gasped.
“There must be some mistake, my dear son wouldn't do such a thing as kidnap, and especially a young human maiden,” the queen refused to believe such things. She grasped onto her husband's hand completely unsure of what to think. Sango continued, but was rudely interrupted by Miroku's sudden outburst.
“Ahem. If I could just quickly explain the minor details that Lady Sango leaves out. One, it was Princess Kagome who wandered into our territory first. Two, Inuyasha was only looking to help since she was mortally wounded—” Sango suddenly stood, both hands balled at her side.
“Mortally wounded!? How dare you keep this information from me? You told me yourself that she was doing fine!” Sango was furious; her precious friend who left without consulting her was in danger of dying?
Sango and Miroku began to squabble, each blaming the other. She raised her hand to slap the monk. Sango had been worried that something like this would happen. A tear dripped down her cheek. Turning to bow for the king and queen, she exited the large conference doors.
“Sorry my lord, but I think we will continue this chat another time,” Miroku turned his heel to follow the tearful girl, but was stopped.
“Wait Miroku. Where are Inuyasha and the young maiden Kagome?” The queen asked.
Miroku's shoulders slumped. Should he tell the truth or save Inuyasha's butt? Seeing as Inuyasha never gave a rat's ass about his own, Miroku would tell the truth.
“He disappeared after I told him about possibly being a kidnapper, not to mention him wanting to ditch the lunch. As for the young maiden, she disappeared earlier in the morning while I tried to stop Inuyasha. Now, if you'd please excuse me.” He ran out of the room quickly looking for the direction Sango could have gone. He could care less about Inuyasha's situation, but suddenly, he felt the need to comfort the demon slayer.
Soaking in the information, the king was going to murder Inuyasha when he got back. His son, his own flesh and blood, was on the verge of starting an unnecessary war. Dear kami, what have I done to give birth to such an idiot son? His wife, knowing exactly what he was thinking gently punched at his arm.
“Darling, don't think so low of our Inuyasha. I am sure he has a reason,” the queen gently placed a kiss on his cheek to soothe his worrying, but the king knew he'd have to tell her.
“My wife, what reason does Inuyasha have but the fact that the young maiden resembles Lady Kikyo?”
A sad expression crossed the queen's face as she gripped her husband's hand tighter. Dear lord, when will my Inuyasha let her go?
He jumped from tree to tree, his red haori flapping beside him. Too much was happening at one time. First he thought he found Kikyo, figured out she was Kagome, who he'd kissed, kinda, if he called that a kiss. Then he found out she was the princess of the human kingdom, who ran away from her kingdom and he was being charged with kidnapping her. Inuyasha mentally slapped himself. Stupid, Stupid. Only Miroku can do such things and get away with it. Inuyasha jumped deeper into his forest. He needed some time to think.
A weak wind blew across his nose as he caught a whiff of his surroundings. He stopped at one of the trees to sniff again. A familiar scent lingered below him. It was that sweet smell again, the one that the girl emitted from her body. He was crazy to imagine her scent. There was no way she was out here by herself. Inuyasha brushed away his thought and continued to his favorite spot, the god tree. As he approached the sacred spot, his nose was attacked with stale tears and Kagome. Blinking a couple times, he thought his eyes were fooling him, but clearly she sat on her knees, hands covering her tearing face. He wriggled his nose again, but clearly, her scent was everywhere. Moving his little ears, he heard her whimpering lightly, for what reason, he didn't know, but she definitely wasn't injured in any way. With a swift movement, he jumped to face her, bending at his knees. She didn't look up.
“Hey wench! I know you know I'm here. Answer me!” Inuyasha shouted, but he didn't mean to. He just didn't know to handle women. Sometimes he wished he was Miroku. Taking his finger, he poked her shoulder gently, making sure not to stab her with his claw. She continued to cry softly. Annoyed, Inuyasha stood, about to jump onto the branch ahead when a hand unexpectedly reached out to grab his sleeve. It was Kagome.
Her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying for a while. He squatted, his back facing her as he waited for her to finish her lamentation. He wouldn't question her, but rather wait until she was done. All the while, Kagome cried harder, Inuyasha listening, making his heart wrench out for her. He wanted to comfort her like he'd never done before, but somewhere in his heart the feeling of betrayal remained. He promised himself he'd never let a woman break his barrier, yet here he was letting this human do what she wanted.
The sun was getting higher and higher, when Kagome finally stopped. Her breath was ragged while hiccups echoed from her lips. She let go of Inuyasha's sleeve and slumped forward, her head resting gently on his back as her arms wrapped below his waist. Inuyasha went stiff as a tingling feeling ran down his spine. Was she conscious of what she was doing to him? She whispered,
“Can you… can you feel it crying?” Kagome hiccupped in between words, “This tree… it has seen so many things, felt loneliness, betrayal… and pain,” Kagome paused while she let go of Inuyasha, unaware of her actions. Inuyasha couldn't help but relate to the pain of the tree. She headed towards the tree with Inuyasha trailing behind. Putting her head against the tree's trunk, both arms wrapping as much of the tree as possible, Kagome spoke softly.
“You're no longer alone. I, Kagome Higurashi, Princess of the Humans, descendent of Midriko, will continue to listen. As my token of promise, I lend you my strength.” She closed her eyes, letting the energy escape from her body. Within moments, the tree was engulfed in warm tranquil aura that channeled deep within the roots.
From a distance, Inuyasha witnessed the power of a miko. He never knew what a calm sensation it could deliver. It was as if she was speaking with it, healing its wounded heart. Despite, being half-demon, Inuyasha began to feel the after burn of the purification powers. His skin started to peel. Backing away, he stayed only enough to escape the fiery rays she released.
Kagome was drained, every ounce of her power, given to the tree. Her knees gave way as she breathed deeply. Her eye sight becoming hazy, her body feeling fatigued, swaying back and forth. She managed a smile as a small voice whispered, Thank You, Miko. Letting her body rest, Kagome collapsed; her mind empty. She landed gently into the arms of Inuyasha, her eyes opening and closing. Her named echoed in her ears as the light began to fade.
Something in her mind was breaking. A thick glass shattering with its broken pieces breaking into smaller ones that embedded themselves into her mind.
Stop! Stop it! Pain. A new devilish sting coursed down her every nerve. She was losing control.
Sango sat hidden behind the statue out in the court yard. She let small sobs escape her. Her father had told her that tears were showing weakness, but at times, it was all right to just let it go. A wave of emotion washed over her as her tears spilled continuously. Why if she was too late to save Kagome? She would blame herself. Sango trembled lightly. She hadn't felt this way since her father and her clan passed away, leaving her brother in her care. Oh how she wished for Kohaku's comfort.
A hand reached out to rub her shoulder gently; she flinched, wiping away her tears. It was the perverted monk. Brushing his hand off, she walked the opposite direction not bothering to wait for him. He had no right to see her in this state. She walked faster unsure of her location, but as long as she was away from him, she'd be okay. Faster and faster, yet he was still behind her. Crazy man! What is he trying to do?
Miroku chased her relentlessly. She probably wanted to be alone, but he wouldn't let her wallow in her pain alone. From experience, Miroku knew what it was like to be alone. Most of his life he'd spent keeping himself company, knowing one day he would end up killing himself with his cursed hand. He had to explain to her that Kagome was fine now and that Inuyasha wasn't in the wrong. Women, they never waited to hear what men had to say before running away. Miroku ran faster grabbing her wrist. She struggled to get away, but he held her tightly.
“What do you want? Can't you see I want to be alone?” her voice trembled, hiccups forming. Unanticipated, Miroku wrapped his arms around her. She tried to push him away, pounding her fists against his chest, but he held her tightly. She tried to resist but his arms were so strong, like her father's. No matter how much she disliked him, a part of her wanted someone to hold her like this, to comfort her and listen to what she had to say. All the emotions she buried deep inside her crumbled as she wrapped her arms around him. Burying her face into his chest, she wished to see her friend. She wanted Kagome to be safe.
Miroku's heart pounded loudly. He'd always fooled around with women, but she was different. He never once held someone so intimately before, despite what Inuyasha believed. Rubbing his hands in circular motions on her back, he fought his inner self to not grab her any lower. She remained in his arms for awhile, but he was at his limit, any longer and… it was too late. His right hand lowered down to her bum, grabbing it firmly. This is more like it, Miroku smiled.
Sango's tears stopped. She was feeling better. Despite their first meeting, he was quite the gentleman. She felt a hand venture down her back, but didn't think much about it. His hand crept lower until it gripped her below. A vein snapped in her brain. Pulling out her boomerang, she whacked him on the head.
“You LECHER!” She whacked him again, “Just when I was changing my opinion of you!” She was going to hit him again, but she felt a demon's presence.
“Mi… Miroku,” Inuyasha mumbled, one knee rested on the ground, his breath ragged. This caught the attention of the demon slayer and the monk.
Sango rushed to the white haired demon, only keeping her eyes on Kagome's unconscious body. She had never seen Kagome so lifeless. The once cheerful Princess who knew only smiles and laughter laid in the arms of a demon. As Miroku said, Kagome was mortally wounded and this demon was attacking her. Misunderstanding the situation, Sango used her boomerang to attack Inuyasha, but he barely blocked it as he flew five feet away, Kagome still in his arms. Miroku watched his friend struggle, something Inuyasha never did. Then noticing Kagome's aura, Miroku saw her whitish pink power glow out of her, spilling into Inuyasha. Her sub consciousness is purifying him!
With a swing, Sango was going to whip her weapon at the white haired demon that refused to let Kagome go. With her sharpened side, she let it crash down. Seeing the impact of her attack, Sango dropped her weapon as Miroku winced in pain. The sharp blade of her boomerang had descended on his arm, leaving a deep gash as blood flowed out rapidly. He had protected the demon from the attack. Confusion rang in Sango's mind.
Ripping his robe, Miroku quickly wrapped it around his arm, knotting it with his teeth. Miroku suddenly grabbed Kagome from Inuyasha's arms, pressing his forefingers on Kagome's head. A light flowed out and suddenly died down. Passing Kagome to Sango, he went to Inuyasha's side.
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha!” Miroku shouted. Inuyasha lied on the ground motionless. His arms, hands and chest were burnt, his face pale, and his ears no longer there. The tips of Inuyasha's hairs started to turn black, his claws disappearing. Miroku knew what was happening to Inuyasha. He needed to get Inuyasha back to the castle before his secret was exposed. Wrapping an arm around the half demon's torso, he slung Inuyasha's arm over his shoulder and walked away passing Sango until his back faced her.
“You'd better hurry and bring the princess back to the human world. You're mission is over,” Miroku said before walking away. “Just pretend nothing ever happened”
Sango was silent. She didn't know what to say or do. Knowing she had misjudged the situation, guilt welled up inside. A tear suddenly fell as she wiped it away. That tear had absolutely no relation with the monk. She did not start to like him in any way. Absolutely not. Yet the tears kept coming. She whistled weakly, knowing her neko would find her shortly.
“Kirara! Kirara!” Sango's voice trembled slightly, but as she assumed, her neko cat transformed, licking Sango's tears away then licking Kagome's inert face. Sango rubbed Kirara's head as she lifted her and Kagome on Kirara's, back. “Kirara! Let's go home.” With Kagome safe and Kirara's speed, they would be back at the human kingdom by nightfall. Sango held Kagome tightly as they soared in the air. Kagome slumped in Sango's arms. A light pink glow emitted from her body suddenly surrounding Sango and Kirara. The neko cat growled in pain, faltering in the air. Sango realized that Kagome was using her purification powers as it started to affect her demon cat. She had witnessed it many times when Kagome practiced with the other priestesses. Kirara growled in pain.
“Kirara! Down now!” The neko cat swooped below barely able to make a landing. Kagome's power was overfilling now. They couldn't take Kagome back yet. Desperately trying to wake Kagome, Sango threw her boomerang to a faraway tree commanding Kirara to wait there. Sango prayed that Kirara would be all right. She didn't want to leave Kirara alone, but Kagome's power flowed out wildly hurting demons. She could tell her pet was exhausted from the sudden attack. With a quick lick to the cheek, Kirara limped away, awaiting her master's return.
Sango had to remain calm. Kagome wouldn't wake; Kirara had been purified for only a couple of moments that could have killed her, they had nowhere else to go, but back to the demon's castle.
Inuyasha's breathing was even now as Miroku exited the room. Rubbing his sore back, Miroku trudged down to the castle's entrance. He leaned on his staff for support. Any moment now, Lady Kaede was to arrive. He was to be her escort. Shortly arriving near the castle gates, Miroku noticed a group of guards gathered in a circle. Out of curiosity, he piped his way through the overgrown demons to see what was happening. He couldn't believe his eyes.
In the center laid Kagome, her power pouring out of her, stinging the demons as Sango tried to reason with them while protecting Kagome's body. She had been kicked around, beat, cuts on her body, yet she refused to fight back. She wasn't looking for a fight, only some refuge for her friend. A guard, his hair long and yellow, right below his waist stepped up, gripping Sango up by her neck.
“Leave now human! And take you filthy purifying friend with you! You are not welcome!” The guard spat at her before tossing her on the ground.
Sango lifted herself up painfully, but continued to stand.
“Not until I see the king!” The guard kicked her effortlessly as his followers laughed. Sango coughed out some blood. She was fine. Compared to other battles with demons, she'd never felt better. Stepping up to the guard, she grabbed his neck collar with both fists. “I SAID, I'm not LEAVING, until, I see the KING!” This time she spat right into his face.
“Why! This crazy bitch! You want to die so bad! I'll send you to see the King, of hell!” The yellow haired guard pulled out his sword, swinging wildly at her head. She quickly pulled out her hidden katana to block it, but it was coming to fast. She could only dodge it to hit her in the arm instead of the head. With only seconds left, there was a cut as metal collided against metal. Sango collapsed on the ground next to Kagome.
Feeling her arm, there was no injury. Someone had pushed her down intentionally. Lifting her head Miroku stood, his staff blocking the guard's attack. He turned to give her a crooked smile making her heart skip a beat. Miroku pushed the sword away and stared into the eyes of the guard. Instantly, the circle dissipated leaving only the guard, Miroku and the two women.
“Lord Miroku, please forgive me,” the guard tried to explain on his knees, but Miroku sauntered off towards Kagome and Sango. Once again, he put his forefingers on Kagome's forehead sealing her leaking power. He didn't understand why it was happening again. Perhaps it had something to do with the shikon no tama still in his pocket.
“You!” Miroku pointed his staff at the guard, “What is your name?”
“It… It's Kane sire,” he stuttered.
“Well then Kane, I'd advise you to apologize to this woman and to her friend when she wakes up later.”
Kane bowed down to Sango.
“My lady, my deepest apologies,” he grasped her hand in his, quivering in fright of what Lord Miroku would punish him with. Miroku saw in the corner of his eye a blush that crept on Sango's face as if she was embarrassed. Never once had Sango showed that face to him. With a jealous look, Miroku hit Kane with his staff.
“Enough apologizing. You will wait here for Lady Kaede, and then escort her to the King's office where his majesty awaits. If I hear anything about your disobedience, you will answer to none other than Inuyasha-sama,” Miroku said, making sure the last part was heard only by the demon guard. Kane's face turned pale. With a stiff nod, the guard ran off towards the entrance to wait for Lady Kaede. Miroku breathed slowly. Inuyasha sure was rubbing off on him.
Returning his attention to the women, he noticed Sango sit quietly beside Kagome with her head down. He bent down to their level trying to see her eyes, but his cheek came in contact with her fist.
“You idiot priest, monk, diplomat… whatever you are!” Sango puffed out steam, “I absolutely did not need your help!!!” Her face was angrily against his as their foreheads touched. This was her first time she'd ever been so close to a man besides family. Her eyes were enchanted by his violet ones as his midnight hair tickled her forehead ever so lightly. She needed to breathe. Pushing him away, she helped lift Kagome a little ways before Miroku took over for her.
“I'll get her. You better follow me to get your wounds bandaged,” he said humbly leading the way, but she didn't follow. Instead, she took a vile from her back pocket and chugged it.
“I can't yet. I promised a friend that I'd go back for her.” Sango tossed the empty vile at Miroku who caught it. “Don't worry, this potion makes it so I don't feel any pain for an hour. I'll be back by then.” She ran farther away, back tracking her steps before turning around. “You'd better be waiting for me you pervert!” Sango shouted from the top of the hill with a smile. Miroku nodded. He wanted so much to go with her, but he had Kagome to deal with.
Quickly taking the princess inside, Miroku couldn't help but smile. She calls me a pervert and tells me to wait for her even though I said those things back then. Am I forgiven so quickly? He chuckled to himself. He'd definitely be waiting for her return.
My Thanks: