InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Human ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Rated for language and mature themes. Sorry for the long wait. Hopefully you guys aren't going to be just as confused as I am. I had to reread the whole story again. Goshes, that would be my fault. I know, no excuses, but hey, I'm still alive and kicking. Good thing for you guys! All right, new chapter! =]
Chapter 8 - Human
Inuyasha brought his nose down towards her intoxicating scent, sniffing around the bruised areas. They were relatively new, but smelled so familiar. Pulling away, he examined each spot, stroking lightly.
`What kind of monster did this to her?'
Kagome felt soft pricklings along her neck down towards the front. They continued to feel around whatever exposed skin she had, irritating her to her limits. Swatting the annoying things away, she heard a cuss.
`Damn Wench.'
Still sleepy, she ignored the noise of whatever had made it and turned on her stomach to sleep. Once she thought it would be silent and calm, there was a tug at her dress as she felt her body lift high before settling down into a comfortable mold.
“Stupid Woman! Didn't you hear what I said?” Inuyasha whispered, seething through his teeth. No matter what he did to wake her up, she completely ignored him. Then she hit his hands away while he was examining her mysterious bruises. He even set her in his lap, but she continued to sleep soundly, more soundly than he expected. `Seriously, she doesn't know who she's messing with.'
Ready to dump her back on his bed, she tugged at his hanging forelocks pulling his face directly on top of her own until their noses touch. Her eyes were still gently shut, her breathing even, as a small smile formed at the corners of her mouth. Inuyasha completely flushed at her simple action. Just that small, adorable way she smiled had his cheeks on fire, his heart thumping, his stomach mushy and… she did it all the while sleeping.
`What is her problem with always touching me when she's most vulnerable?' Inuyasha contemplated. Carefully, he untangled the tiny hands that grasped his hair and let it settle atop her chest. As if to respond to his action, she snuggled closer wrapping both arms around his torso. Inuyasha sucked in his breath, but his nose only filled with her sweet scent, allowing her to touch him regardless of his conflicting thoughts. He sat for who knew how long holding her in his arms, petting her cheek with the backside of his knuckles. It felt so familiar to him, every touch, every gesture, even her damn cute smile, everything was as if he had lived through it once.
He reluctantly set her back down on his bed listening to her whimper about the missing heat he provided for her. He chuckled to himself, something he'd been doing more often with her around.
“`Keh, Pathetic human,'” he snickered while brushing some of her bangs away.
Ready to leave her to her peace, a hand unexpectedly found its way to a place on his body where it was forbidden for anyone to touch. Inuyasha's eyes shot open, his eye brows twitching, as he found the culprit who had grabbed his family jewels so casually: Kagome; the sole reason he had taken such a long plunge in the cold water. Taking short shallow breaths, Inuyasha went to remove her hand from his now throbbing member. One second, his hand was on top her of hers. Two seconds, it was still on top of hers. Three seconds, he jumped, startling Kagome awake.
Kagome yawned, wiping the tiny tears forming in her eyes. She realized, she had fallen asleep on Inuyasha's bed again and the warmth had disappeared from her. Sitting up, she almost didn't notice Inuyasha leaning up against a chair near the balcony doors, but she heard him mumbling to himself. Stretching quickly, she covered her shivering body with the discarded robe on the side.
`Hopefully he hasn't seen the marks yet.' Cautiously, she scampered to where he stood stiff and out of breath.
“Inuyasha,” she called out, but he stood silent, not acknowledging her presence. Giving him a couple of moments to himself, he continued to ignore her. Annoyed, she scrambled back on the bed, lying flat on her back. Her fingers unconsciously ran across the marks underneath the robe. For some reason, she didn't feel ashamed about them as she had in the beginning.
Paying absolutely no attention to her surroundings, she hummed to herself for a while before Inuyasha's harsh voice broke her incessant melody.
“Wench!” Inuyasha was standing on the farthest side of his bed making sure to keep his eyes away from her voluptuous figure splayed on his bed.
“Yes master,” she stated dryly before laughing at his forlorn expression. “Come on. Lighten up.” Motioning for Inuyasha to sit beside her, it took all the nerves he had just to not pounce on her. The soft expression of her while sleeping, her cheerful personality, to the way the curls around her face showed off the brightness of her eyes, those naughty hands of hers and most of all, those forbidden lips that he had so secretly taken a sample of earlier that morning. His insides were roasting as she sat there blowing her bangs to the side.
“Don't worry dog boy, I only came to apologize, so stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat.”
“Dog boy?” That got his attention. “And what makes you think you can call me that so lightly wench?”
“And what makes you think you call me Wench so lightly, dog boy?” Kagome retorted, throwing it back in his face. They started a silent staring competition, not once breaking the connection, until Inuyasha sneezed, causing another round of heavenly laugh to erupt from Kagome. Soon Inuyasha began to laugh along, falling on the bed beside her. From the corner of her eye, she could see the handsome features of the demon prince. His fangs hung out carelessly from his mouth as he laughed, his ears moving in motion with his voice. She hadn't realized that she'd been gawking at him for the last couple of seconds when his voice broke her day dreaming.
“And who was staring at whom like a piece of meat?” Inuyasha chuckled as a pillow connected with his face.
“Was not.” Kagome stated with a fact. “It's just; I haven't seen you laugh before. It was… cute.” Shying away from him, she bundled the robe by her neck, fisting the cloth tightly.
Inuyasha, pulled himself up, trying to hide the smile that surfaced on his lips. `Did she… did she just… just call me… cute? Hah! In your face you Souta person.' Keeping his cool, he turned to face and noticed she fidgeted with the cloth by her neck.
“So tell me,” he began, getting closer to her as she slowly backed up against the bed frame, “Where did you get those?” He gently ripped the robe away revealing the purplish marks that she had so terribly tried to hide from him. In an attempt to escape his question, she slid off the bed towards the door. She knew she had no chance of getting there without him catching her first, but, it was worth a try.
And, as she expected, he had caught her right as she dashed for the door, pinning her to the ground; an all too familiar feeling during her stay in the demon territory thus far.
“Do I have to do this every time I want to talk to you?” Inuyasha stared deep into her dark brown orbs his eyes never faltered from her.
“… No,” she could barely answer with his charming voice and those eyes that saw through her very soul.
“Then, where did you get those injuries?” He asked, slowly releasing her hands and helping her sit up. She didn't say anything but he immediately recognized the change in her scent. She was clearly embarrassed.
“Are you going to tell me about it, or will your scent tell me what's wrong, eh?” He leaned back on his hands, not looking at her. He still was having trouble controlling himself and her silence was not helping his impatience.
“Well, you see,” Kagome twiddled her thumbs to calm herself, “When we were wrestling you -”
“So,” Inuyasha's voice was suddenly quiet, “I'm the one who did it right?” Kagome turned to gaze at him, but his back was facing her.
“Inuyasha, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know! It was my fault for… for leading you on.” Somehow her voice came out awkward towards the end of her sentence.
“What do you mean?” He turned to face her as his voice began to rise. “I should have known not to wrestle with such a weak human. All I ever do is hurt innocent people.”
“Inuyasha listen to me—” Kagome was cut off.
“No, you listen to me! I hurt you with my own hands Kagome! It was my fault! If I didn't start with rolling off the bed, you wouldn't have been hurt or -” Before he could continue, Inuyasha covered his ears from Kagome's loud barking scream.
“You didn't hurt me you stupid egotistical jerk! These are kiss marks! KISS. MARKS!” Puffing her angry cheeks she hadn't realized that she had said it so strongly. Oh yes, she had said it loud and clear. Kiss marks.
Inuyasha's face exploded with heat. No wonder he couldn't smell where those marks had come from, they were masked in his own scent. Staring blankly, his mind replayed the scene over and over again:
Licking the underside of her jaw, he heard her giggle. Hearing her uncontrolled laughter, Inuyasha's couldn't stop his hands from sliding down the sides of her arms, his tongue retreating as his lips took over, placing sloppy kisses along her neck.
Her breath pitched.
Inuyasha heard Kagome whimper under his touch. She couldn't push him away, the way his body melded right into her own. With each of his kisses, she craned her neck for him to access letting him roam farther. Irritated by the neck chain around her neck, Inuyasha tugged at it. Not breaking, he decided to work around it.
Each of his touches sent shivers down her back, as she threw her head back liking how he teased her, kissing up to her chin. He couldn't get enough, not with Kagome's arousal burning through his nostrils. His demon, rising slowly, was asking for more.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome spoke, breaking his train of thought.
“Come again?” He said bluntly, trying to hide his reddening face.
“I said don't worry about it. I'm not angry about it,” Kagome gave him a convincing smile, but it still didn't help his resolve.
“Yeah,” It seemed like his voice pushed out the odd word.
“Then,” Kagome looked to him, but he was clearly distraught, “I'll go first. Sango must be looking for me.” Not looking back, she shuffled towards the door, shutting it quietly behind her.
`Wow, you are such a loser Inuyasha.' He told himself, picking up his body and resting on the center of the bed. Stuffing his nose into her fresh lingering scent, he shut his eyes for a moment to think.
`She didn't blame me even though I did that to her eh?' He was already dozing off.
Well rested, Inuyasha stretched his muscular arms and yawned only to come head to head with Miroku.
“Lecher. Even watching men sleep now.” Inuyasha chucked a pillow into Miroku's gut, as the monk tried to stand tall.
“Ah, you caught me,” Miroku scoffed, “Usually, you'd throw me out the moment I step through the door, but I've been in here for almost half an hour and you've slept through quite peacefully.”
“What'd you say monk?” Inuyasha was completely baffled.
“You've got ears, and I know you heard me. Perhaps your deep slumber had something to do with the Human princess? Tell me, does she smell that go—”
“Don't finish that sentence,” Inuyasha cut off, grabbing the plate of food that Miroku had brought in. Scarfing down the cold rations, he set the plates back on the table side as he grabbed the cup of water.
“Impressive Inuyasha, but I think Princess Kagome would be appalled to see you eat in that fashion, heck, even I am,” Miroku teased and Inuyasha didn't pay the least attention.
Leaping off his bed, Inuyasha wandered out towards his balcony. Oh how he loved the fresh nature air as it filled his lungs. Maybe it was the way the blue skies danced across or how the wind always blew him a refreshing feeling. Whatever it was, he felt extremely at peace.

Miroku leaned against the balcony door, crossing his arm on his chest. `Something good must have happened.' Miroku chuckled.
“You're probably not up to going with me to see how the ladies are doing, so I'll see you around,” Miroku declared, ready to leave the hanyou by himself, but today had proved to be an interesting day for him.
“Sure, I'll go.” Inuyasha surprisingly replied, already backing into the room and advancing to the door.
“Already missing the Princess, are you now?” Miroku poked fun as Inuyasha stomped out of the room ahead of him. “They're at the training grounds if you're wondering. I'll meet you down there!” Miroku shouted down the hall. `Hmm… Did I hit a soft spot?' Following behind the disappearing Prince, Miroku couldn't help but let a small smile surface.
In the mean while, Kagome knocked back an arrow, staring closely at the target ahead before letting it rip through the air. It missed.
Falling to her knees, Kagome took a deep breath to calm her fretting nerves. She had been at it for almost two hours and she had yet to hit the target that seemed so far, yet so close. She didn't understand why she couldn't shoot straight anymore. She had practiced since she was young and only had come out second best to Kikyo. Oh how she envied Kikyo's talent and poise, despite always being compared to her.

`Kagome, what a hopeless Princess. What good will come out of our kingdom if she is to take over one day? Kikyo should have been the true heir to the throne.' Those hateful words replayed in her brain over and over again.
`Did you guys hear?' A noble woman gossiped as a twelve year old Kagome coincidentally walked by the door, `Kikyo was chosen over their Princess to follow Lady Kaede into the Demon lands to resolve our long disputed war with the demons.''
Another woman spoke, `Thank goodness. The princess would just make us look like fools. We'd end up getting eaten by those beasts.' They all began to howl with laughter.
“Kagome! Kagome!” Sango had shouted, running to her friend. Bending down to Kagome's level, Sango stared at the blank eyes Kagome bore. Squeezing her shoulder, Kagome blinked twice before giving Sango a reassuring smile.
“I'm sorry; I'm just a little frustrated I guess.” Kagome stood, brushing her red and white training gown. “I'm really all right.” Picking her bow and arrow back up, Kagome continued her grueling training, shooing Sango back to where Kaede was. `I have to get better at this. Souta is waiting for me.' Putting those nasty thoughts in thoughts in the back of her mind, she continued even though her fingers were trembling.
Sango had walked back to her original spot under the tree. The sun was scorching hot the whole time they had been out, but Kagome never once took a break for water or rest. She was getting worried for her friend. She knew Kagome was capable of doing anything even if it risked her life. Sitting down next to Kaede, away from Kagome's hearing range, Sango let out a sigh.
“Is she all right dear?” Kaede asked worriedly.
“Better than before,” Sango said quietly as she continued to observe her friends multiple failures.
“Are you kidding, she's the worst archer I've ever seen,” a male voice quipped from behind. Whipping her head around, Sango saw Inuyasha and Miroku arrive beside her.
“Inuyasha, you shouldn't say such a thing, especially to a fine young woman as Kagome,” Miroku tried to convince, but it earned him a whack in the shin from a certain demon slayer.
“At least Kikyo could hit the damned target,” Inuyasha spoke, regretting it the moment he did. `Oh shit.'
Sango stood, fists clenched, ready to respond to his words with actions as Miroku held her away, but she never got her chance as everyone heard a loud snap.
In sync, all heads twisted in Kagome's direction where she had collapsed beside her broken bow. Crinkling his nose, Inuyasha got a strong whiff of her blood. Without thinking, he dashed to her leaving everyone to trail slowly behind.
`Stupid Wench can't ever stay safe when I'm gone.' Inuyasha cursed under his breath forgetting everything he had just said before.
Kagome cradled her right cheek, squinting her eye from the pain, the blood oozing through her finger tips. She hadn't pulled the string that hard, but obviously, it had snapped causing a wild whiplash effect as it hit her square in the face and arm. Trying to see how badly it had split the skin from her upper limb, a hand reached out. She tipped her head upwards but the bright sun blurred her vision.
“Inuyasha?” She assumed, his gruff voice giving him away.
“You weak human,” he retorted, already ripping the cloth away by her arm to examine the damage done. There was a long ghastly purplish line that marked itself down the creamy skin of her bicep. That irritated him. With one quick motion with his claw, he cut out a long strip of cloth from his robe and quickly wrapped it around her bleeding appendage.
Moving on, he gently removed the hand that she used to protect her face. Her bottom eye was already swelling along with her cheek, and the deep gash the damned string had caused looked absolutely nasty. If the injury in her arm had him irritated, the mark on her face had him visibly pissed off. He could just imagine the scarring that it would leave on her beautiful face. He wouldn't let that happen. And because of that overwhelming feeling, his lips descending on her face, alarming her as his tongue flicked in and out around the wound.
Kagome cringed at first, but slowly relaxed into his touch. Both of his hands held onto her face as if she were the most fragile thing in the world. She shut both eyes, allowing him to douse her pain with a warm feeling that she recognized the very first time she set eyes on him. `He saved me once because of this,' she remembered. The ways he cared for her, she would never forget. Then, how gentle but meticulous he had been when bandaging her arm. It made her heart beat faster.
Within their own dimension, neither acknowledged the forgotten members, who stopped in their tracks the moment Inuyasha graced Kagome with his tongue. Sango tugged at Kaede's sleeve with disbelief, her eyes never once faltering from the scene ahead.
“What's… what's he doing to her?” Sango asked a little embarrassed.
“If my assumptions are correct Sango, Inuyasha is ridding Kagome of the wound. It is said that only hanyou have this rare special saliva that can heal. I've only heard of it once, but I've never seen it with my own eyes,” Kaede explained quite mystified herself.
“And might I inquire that this only works for one's mate,” Miroku added crossing his arms across his chest. All the years Miroku had thought he'd known Inuyasha, well; it seemed he hadn't known Inuyasha that after all.
Everyone observed Inuyasha's every movement.
After a couple more strokes across her cheek, Inuyasha gently finished it off with a tender kiss below her eye. He smiled at his handiwork. There was absolutely no trace that anything had been there before, just some minor swelling that would be gone later in the day. With the sleeve of his haori, he wiped her cheek from his saliva and noticed the slight blush that rose from her face.
“What? Why so embarrassed, it's not like I haven't done it before!” Inuyasha pointed out, stuffing his hands into his sleeves. He started to retreat from her, but her hand grabbed at the back of his robe. Spinning around, he saw her point her finger directly to the left of him and he could only stand still as Miroku, Sango, and Kaede gaped at what he had said.
“Then, my friend, what else have you done with her that I am not aware of?” Miroku asked innocently, a mischievous smile surfacing. Sango nudged him at the side for asking such a stupid question, but Miroku held his ground.
“I… I don't have to answer to that!” Inuyasha said flustered. Grabbing the young priestess by the hand, he walked right pass everyone as Kagome tumbled along puzzled.
Sango, ready to stomp after them was stopped by Miroku. He firmly wrapped his large palm around her thin muscular arm, something Sango hadn't realized before.
“Miroku-sama, let me go! He might do something to Kagome!” Sango pleaded, but Miroku shook his head. Looking to Kaede for guidance, the slayer was only responded with the same answer.
“I don't think Inuyasha will harm her Sango. When Kagome had hurt herself, did you not see how gentle he had been?” The elderly woman tried to persuade. Sighing in defeat, Sango shrugged Miroku off of her and began to walk in the opposite direction as her friend. `Kagome and I are going to have a long talk after this,' she told herself.
“Do you think she'll be all right?” Miroku questioned, watching the troubled slayer disappear ahead. Kaede only shrugged.
“Perhaps, you should ask her yourself. I'm sure she'd be more than glad to relay her feelings,” Kaede encouraged with a bright smile. That brought a brightness in Miroku's eyes, something Kaede had never seen from the young monk the years she had known him. Kaede only smiled as he scampered after the young woman. `Oh, young love these days,' she said to no one in particular, before taking her old self towards the garden that needed tending too.
They had walked quite a far distance into the castle before Kagome could even say a word.
“Inuyasha, where are we going?” He didn't answer her and continued at a constant pace. Her hand was still intertwined with his large ones as they slowed down by the door, which he led her into. Kagome watched as he shut the door and locked it before turning in her direction. Inuyasha smirked, picking her up and setting her down on one of the many beds that arranged themselves in equal rows. Getting on top of the bed as well, Inuyasha reached towards her, his face inching closer and closer towards her face.
“Hey… dog boy, what do you think you're doing?” She asked with a shaky voice. He was so close to her, just like those other times. She closed her eyes, and shifted herself against the bed frame anticipating his touch, but nothing happened. Flashing her eyes opened, she only saw a small grin paste itself on his face as he turned his head to grab a small kit on the table beside her.
“What did you think I was going to do to you?” He laughed, trying to cover his obvious amusement with her expression. He could feel small tears form from his very eyes due to the enjoyment he felt just being around her, but it soon came to an end when she punched him in the arm.
“It's not that funny,” Kagome pouted, “I wasn't thinking you'd do anything to me you self centered jerk.” Crossing her arms, she winced, forgetting the injury at her arm. This caught Inuyasha's attention as he quickly unraveled the medicine kit.
“Here, let me see.” He kindly reached for her arm that she reluctantly let him touch. Unwrapping the soaked cloth around her injured arm, Inuyasha froze. It looked worse than it had before. The wound still bled profusely and around, it had turned into a dark purple.
“What exactly were you thinking about when you pulled that damned bow?” He tried not to say it with anger, but it came out that way. She ignored him, staring anywhere but in his direction. “Fine, be that way wench. I'll just have to straddle the answer out of you later,” he teased, cleaning her wound with a liquid from the vile.
“Ouch! That hurts!” she shouted into his sensitive ears pulling her arm away form him.
“Bitch! That hurt!” he bellowed, rubbing his throbbing ears.
“Well, that stuff in the bottle stung like hell!” she bit back, blowing on her bleeding wound.
“Well, that's the only way I can clean it without… doing the other thing,” he said the second part so quietly that she barely heard it.
“Actually,” she said in a small voice, “I prefer that other way better,” admitting her preference without shame. Inuyasha nearly fell off the bed after hearing her say that. He never believed anyone in his lifetime would ever say anything like that more or less prefer it.
“Then,” he gently reached for her arm which she offered, “Wench, don't watch me… I'll get embarrassed.”
Getting the message, Kagome felt his warm tongue along her arm the moment she turned her head. This time, an electric shock shot went right through her every nerve, nothing she'd ever felt the first two times he had done it. The pain she felt dissipated with every heart beat. It made her toes curl and her skin burn at his every touch. Within a couple of seconds, she couldn't find a pattern to her breathing; the pleasure she was feeling was overwhelming her senses. Using her free arm, her hands had found their way to his fuzzy ears, caressing them with the care Inuyasha used on her.
Inuyasha's nose noticed the change in her scent. She was enjoying his treatment and responded with rubbing his susceptible ears. `Wench, always finds my weakness.' Soon he found his tongue massaging her soft flesh in rhythm with her strokes to his outer ears. No one had ever rubbed them as nicely has she had, then again, he never let anyone get within a foot of them, but this sneaky human girl had somehow caught him off guard. Almost finished with the non-existent wound, her fingers felt a little adventurous and began, to rub deeper into his inner ears. To Inuyasha, his inner ears were just as sensitive to him as her unconsciously grabbing at his little buddy earlier that morning.
In a quick motion, Inuyasha encircled his hands around those mischievous hands of hers that caused more trouble than he'd ever encountered in his lifetime. He had to suck in a deep breath.
“Those… are off limits,” Inuyasha spoke shakily releasing her hands. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he got off of her, unlocked the door, and walked out, leaving her mortified at her actions. This was something Princess Kagome Higurashi had never once felt before and in the deepest part of her chest, she felt a small sting.
It was reaching nighttime when Miroku found Inuyasha sitting on the branch of Goshinboku.
“Inuyasha! Do you know how long I've been looking for you?” Miroku said out of breath. “You better get inside before it gets any darker. Someone will find out about your time of the month.
“Don't make me sound like some kind of women PMSing monk!” Jumping down, Inuyasha obediently followed Miroku back to his room. `Great, back to being a human!' Inuyasha felt absolutely useless. It wasn't even that long ago when Kagome had purified him and that shit had hurt. Making it towards the courtyard, Miroku noticed Inuyasha had paused to sniff the air.
“If you were wondering, Kagome-sama is practicing again,” Miroku uttered, not even turning back to look at Inuyasha.
“Who asked you lecher. I was not sniffing out scent at all. I don't care about her,” Inuyasha denied, jamming his hands into his trademark stance.
“Then I guess you don't care that she's been at it for almost three hours and not once taken a break to eat or drink. You know, she might not be like Kikyo, but she has her own kind of spark. Then again, you don't care.” Miroku chided, getting an angry reaction from Inuyasha. Getting ahead of the monk, Inuyasha jumped from tree to tree, until he landed on his balcony. For the first time in his life, he was going to lock his damned door so no one could keep pestering him about stuff he didn't like.
`Stupid monk, and his taunting words, stupid Kaede for bringing Kikyo in my life, stupid Sango for always trying to protect her friend, stupid Kagome for being so nice to me and stupid Inuyasha, for allowing a human to get under your skin!' These were his last thoughts before the sun set, as his demon side slipped away making him just like everyone else.
A/N: Okay. This chapter is done. And I will try to have faster updates. I will really try, really. So I hope everyone appreciates how much time I put into these chapters. Gosh, my mom even chewed my ass for typing on my laptop for too long. I mean come on, 14 hours of greatness is not that long mother. Right? =]
My Thanks:
Sovereignty --- Shell6_is_awsome