InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Stupidity ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Rated for language and mature themes. Today is a great day! And thank you everyone who has been reading and reviewing my stories! I've given you each a special part in my story under my thanks at the end of each chapter if you reviewed to the previous chapter. If I've forgotten any of your names in past chapters, please tell me so I can correct it quickly. Your thoughts are my greatest motivation. Thank you!
Chapter 9 - Stupidity
Inuyasha lied restlessly on his bed. Every now and then, he would twist, then turn then sit up, then lie back down. Trying something new, he rolled on his stomach, pressing his face into the soft blankets. Her lingering scent didn't overpower his brain, and he actually appreciated being human at this moment.
Each time he shut his eyes, they only popped open due to a thought, a thought that drove him nearly off the edge of sanity. A picture of Kagome's delicate face telling him she didn't mind him, not his saliva that caressed her wounds, not the visible kiss marks he gave her, not his ears, not his fangs, not his sharpened claws nor his golden eyes.
Sitting back up, he grabbed a fistful of his jet black hair, trying to stop the empty feeling he had when she wasn't within a foot of him. He didn't blame her for keeping her distance. After all, he had been the one to walk away without explaining why his ears were not to be touched there. How could he have explained to her? `Oh, touching my inner ears are equivalent to you giving me a hand job down there.' Right, that was exactly what he wanted to tell her when they were in the infirmary room. `She probably hates me now!' Inuyasha contemplated. Falling on his back, he tried to keep his lids closed for only a second until an incessant rapping banged at his door.
“Just come in already!” Inuyasha shouted, but quickly remembered that he had locked the door to keep intruders out. Mumbling some curses under his breath, he made his way to the door, carefully opening the door a crack to see who was there as to keep his human identity hidden.
Without any warning, Miroku shoved the door in, knocking Inuyasha to the side, before slamming it shut. Catching his balance, Inuyasha discerned the breathless and panting monk.
“What's wrong with you Miroku? Didn't get any ass today?” Inuyasha taunted, returning to his bed, but the monk had grabbed him by the shoulder before he could get any farther.
“Inuyasha, now is not the time to be joking,” Miroku said in all seriousness. The tone of his voice caught Inuyasha's attention. In Miroku's violet eyes, Inuyasha could only absolute sternness.
“Well, don't just stand there, spit it out!” Inuyasha crossed his arms, assuming the news couldn't get worst than a war breaking out, which he highly doubted.
“I will tell you, but you have to promise me you'll stay in your room all night, no matter how much you want to leave. You know tonight is dangerous for you,” Miroku practically begged, confusing Inuyasha even more.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, now spill,” Inuyasha grumbled impatiently. Whatever Miroku was going to tell him, it wasn't like it would cause Inuyasha to do anything rash anyway.
Miroku took a deep breath and sighed.
“Lady Kagome is missing.”
There was a long pause, no expression showing on Inuyasha's face. For the longest moment, Inuyasha didn't take a breath, didn't blink, didn't move a muscle, and couldn't think. The only show of life that Inuyasha could produce was his beating heart, which brought him out of his rigid trance.
“Oh,” Inuyasha miserably choked. “Then, go find her. It's not my problem. Why should I care?” he said with a rather calm voice. Ushering Miroku out of the room instantly, Inuyasha pushed the door shut, reassuring the monk that he would stay put all night. Before Miroku could even say more, he came face to face with Inuyasha's large golden door. Click, went the door knob and Miroku was alone in the hallway. `Well, it seems he took it rather well,' Miroku thought not sensing the state of distress the human hanyou was in.
On the other side of the door, Inuyasha had slumped lazily against it, resting his head on the door's cool frame. Out of the nights for Kagome to disappear, why had it been tonight? Inuyasha pounded his fists into the ground. He couldn't do a thing to help them, not even sniff her out! Grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be a chair, he tossed it at the wall, making a large dent as the chair crumbled to the ground. Even if he was human, he was still ten times stronger than the average man.
`Stupid human wench,' He grumbled, falling back down on his carpeted floor. Laying there for barely a second, he stood on his feet and found himself walking towards his balcony doors. He peeked through the long flowing curtains where he could barely make out the multitudes of guards running around the grounds frantically. He casually opened the glass door and stepped out, the darkness cloaking his presence. To his luck, a small group of guards led by the familiar dog demon Kane, happened to stop below his rising platform.
“Sir, we can't locate a fraction of her scent,” One guard with short spiky orange hair told their leader Kane.
“What do you mean?” The frustrated demon ran a hand shakily through his long yellow hair as his dull blue eyes glowed tiredly.
“Sir, according to Lady Kaede, Princess Kagome has masked her scent to the point where she doesn't even exist,” another demon with shoulder dark shoulder length hair explained.
“Then,” Kane struggled to find words to say, “Anyways, let's keep looking. If anyone finds anything, report to me immediately.” After barking his last command, the weary guard failed to notice the Demon Prince standing above him. Sighing, the young guard took his leave in search of the human Princess.
In fury, Inuyasha gripped the balcony railings unconsciously until his knuckles were white. The conversation held below him ran through his head over and over again. `Princess Kagome has masked her scent to the point where she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist, she doesn't even exist.' Taking unstable breaths to calm his running brain, Inuyasha couldn't sit back anymore. If he hadn't heard what he did, he might have listened to Miroku and stayed put, but this, he could not let go. Why his blood boiled, he didn't understand. Why he was so freakishly worried, he didn't know. Why her hurt face in the infirmary flashed back into his mind, he had no clue. Why he felt he had to be the one to find her, Inuyasha just couldn't find the answer.
Spotting the overgrown branch which hung five feet away, an idea popped into his head. Screw the new moon, screw his human blood, and screw Miroku, he needed to do this to ease his restless mind. He told himself he was doing it out of duty. She was the Princess of the Human world, she had no clue what dangers lurked around at night. Heck, she might have been attacked already, but that was something Inuyasha would rather not consider.
With a running start, Inuyasha leapt into the air barely grasping the large branch that would have been effortless if he were a half demon. Glancing back, he saw the empty room ghastly staring at him. At this point, he had no regrets.
With ease, Inuyasha climbed down the tree, planting his feet on the ground. Not looking back, he missed the loud knock at his bedroom door.
“Inuyasha! Open up!” Miroku banged, trying the knob, but it was locked. Sango stood impatiently beside him.
“Forget it Miroku-sama. Didn't he tell you it wasn't his problem,” Sango quirked angrily. She didn't have the time to stand around while Kagome was out there somewhere. Oh how this reminded the young slayer of the night Kagome had decided to leave the kingdom.
“But Sango dearest, I just had this feeling that Inuyasha—”
“Don't dearest me monk!” Sango had her hands fisted at her sides, “And to hell with Inuyasha. If he had a shred of decency he would be out here with us regardless!” Sango spat out bitterly, unaware of Inuyasha's circumstances.
“I understand your dismay, but it's not that simple!” Miroku tried to explain, now thrusting his staff against the large knob. For some reason, the nagging feeling that Inuyasha left him earlier had him troubled.
From the corner of her eyes, Sango saw the worry in Miroku's eyes. It disgusted her that he was getting so worked up about busting the door open. Obviously, Kagome was a bigger matter, and the lecher was just wasting her time.
She watched him pathetically try time and again to break the golden door's knob, that she finally pushed him to the side. Pulling out her large boomerang, her beloved hiraikoutsu, in one swift movement, she slashed the knob off as the door creaked open. Miroku watched in wide eyes, amazed at her talent yet afraid to ever mess with her ever again.
“Um, thanks,” Miroku coughed lamely, “But, Lady Sango, before we enter I must tell you something.” He took a deep breath knowing that he could trust her with Inuyasha's confidential information. Cocking his head to the side and behind him, he quickly glanced down the halls for wandering ears, but with the chaos at hand, no one would be running around this area.
“Why? Is it his human nig—” Sango couldn't even produce the last word as Miroku's hand quickly swallowed her last word.
“Shh. Not so loud,” Miroku warned, he definitely had not expected her to say that. “Didn't think you'd guess Inuyasha's situation so easily,” he dropped his hand down to his side allowing her a breath of air, “If other demons find out about his night, this could bad for the kingdom. So, please understand why I'm fretting about his whereabouts.” Miroku watched her nod, not saying a word.
Inside, Sango felt guilty for blaming Inuyasha. She clearly assumed way too much before she got a chance to actually figure things out. Damn monk.
Following Miroku's lead, they entered the room greeted with an eerie darkness. Miroku's eyes automatically flew to the open door at Inuyasha's balcony. Even without anyone telling him, he knew Inuyasha was no longer here. `And you said you didn't care,' Miroku sighed outwardly rubbing his temples. Behind him, Sango cautiously tapped him on the shoulder as he craned his neck to see the same worried eyes that he mirrored.
Earlier that day, Kagome had decided to wander into the forest. She promised herself she'd be back in a while, hiding her scent from any possible annoyance, also known as Inuyasha. Obviously, she'd forgotten about telling anyone where she was headed. Wandering around the open forest, her feet led her to the large beautiful tree she had encountered during her earlier days in the demon realm. From her memory, she had claimed her loyalty to this very tree and it definitely seemed much more at peace. Climbing its sprouting roots, she sat to rest her sore feet. Something about the place made her feel at ease yet a distressing feeling overwhelmed her.
After a couple of moments of break, she stood, as her body felt compelled to touch the missing bark of the tree. Her hand rested against it's nakedness as a dreamlike memory flowed into her mind.
There he slept, a young man with silver locks, chained to the aging tree. An arrow was struck right through his heart and yet, his face showed no traces of pain whatsoever. Just through the bushes, a woman with long wavy black hair happened to wander into the area and spotted him. Out of curiosity, she marched her way to his limp figure, rubbing his furry triangular ears before tracing his smooth face. A smile grazed her face before a blush erupted in her cheeks. Ever so gently, her lips came to pass across the sleeping beasts own.
And the memory faded. Kagome pulled away from the tree, unsure of what to think, but whatever she saw, she knew it held a strong importance to the tree. Stretching her little arms, she jumped down and grabbed her weapon. For some reason, a surge of encouragement coursed through her, igniting every single nerve, every muscle in her body. Steadying her stance, she knocked back an arrow and aimed towards the center of a nearby tree. Once, twice, three times, she shot each arrow directly in the same spot, splitting the arrows that came before.
Kagome let out a gasp before jumping in the air for joy. She was back to her usual self now. With a deep smile, she continued her long grueling practice. By the time she'd return, she would prove to everyone that she was ready to find Souta.
Time passed, and Kagome paid no attention to how dark the sky was becoming. Drenched in sweat, she took off the multiple layers of clothing she wore until she was wearing only her thin white under dress. This was much more comfortable to practice in. She bent over to pick up her arrows when she realized she had shot all them already, and splitting each one in half. Kagome grimaced. `Now I don't even have any arrows left.'
Quick on her toes, she shuffled to her target, pulling out the last and only arrow she had left in one piece. With a sigh, she decided she'd head back to the castle before anyone worried. It was too bad she didn't remember the way.
Her head turned in all directions, searching for the familiar path she came by, but it was too dark. Suddenly all the trees looked the same and the bushes disguised whatever pathway there could have been. With deep reproach, Kagome collapsed on her back. Shoulders pinched in an uncomfortable way, feet sore and tired, she really didn't have anymore strength left. She let her eyes flutter for what appeared to be a few moments before tucking her bow and only arrow close to her chest.
`A quick nap, and then I'll head back,' she told herself as her body molded comfortably into the grass. The sun was already fading as the moonless sky took over in its place.
Inuyasha knew exactly where he was heading, his feet leading him more than his mind. The only sounds that made sense to him were his shallow breaths and the crunching of the earth beneath his bare feet. Flying past the trees and the hidden logs that had fallen in his familiar forest, Inuyasha rushed faster towards the tree. He knew she'd be there, without a doubt. The pounding of his heart, the flow of his rapid blood, even his senseless human body, he could feel her presence. The closer he was to the Sacred Tree, the greater her presence graced him, and he could feel something within him tug at the worried ness that had plagued him thus far.
Passing the very last tree that would bring him to his destination, Inuyasha leapt forward catching himself. His eyes didn't miss the still prone figure on the grass that complimented her very being. Stumbling towards her, Inuyasha bent down on his knees, gazing at her resting form. One arm bent above her head, as another rested right below her chest, still clutching her weapon tightly. Inuyasha couldn't suppress that tiny emotion that caused his cheeks to pink. If he didn't know any better, he'd a thought she was some sort of fairy princess. The way her hair arranged itself, framing her white porcelain face. Inuyasha traced his human finger slowly down the contour of her cheek, her body responding to his touch. He flinched, but from what he could discern, she was still breathing normally and her skin a little cold from lying outdoors in the night.
`She fell asleep,' Inuyasha sighed in relief, more for his sake than hers. Noticing her lack of clothing not wanting to question why she was nearly naked in that piece of cloth she called a dress. He carefully removed his outer haori and placed it atop her as her body recognized the warmth and snuggled deeper into the new found warmth. For a brief second, it brought a smirk to his face, before thoughts of her recklessness reminded him that she absolutely was going to get a yelling from him later.
With a quick stretch, Inuyasha lifted her into his arms tossing her pieces of wood she called a bow and arrow on the ground. He definitely was not impressed that she only had one arrow with her while lurking around in the dangerous woods. Sure it wasn't dangerous to him, but, she, being a weak human didn't know what it was like to stand up against his kind.
He managed to carry her a ways without waking her, heck, he didn't doubt she exhausted herself to the point that a demon could have eaten her without her realizing. He brushed that thought aside. Really, he wasn't upset at her, no, not disappointed or angry, perhaps he was more furious and enraged at her stupidity.
Heading towards the castle; Inuyasha's back instantly stiffened by her single unexpected gesture. Glancing at her through his widened eyes, he struggled to catch his breath she'd easily stolen from him as she slipped her cold hands underneath his shirt, her tiny hands massaging the flesh, stealing his heat. Inuyasha stifled a groan that nearly escaped from his closed lips. His body responded so forcefully to her touch, and he wanted to tell himself it was because of her frozen hands that had him roused, but everywhere she touched, it left his skin scorching with a long aching pain.
Inuyasha quickly set her on the ground, grasping her hands from his chest. He watched the scowl cross her face as she unconsciously searched for her source of heat. Too bad Inuyasha was thinking otherwise. Without any effort, he wrapped her hands to her chest. He didn't need any grabby hands touching something that was unnecessary.
`Seriously, those hands of hers are going to be the death of me,' Inuyasha muttered under her breath before lifting her up bridal style once more. From the corner of his eye, he saw her cuddle close to his chest, until her cheek rested softly against the bareness of his chest that his inner robe didn't hide. His brows bunched up into a very nasty tangle as he trudged forward. `Demanding little wench, even when she ain't awake,' But a smile quickly pasted itself on his goofy face.
The walk back to the castle was silent, and Inuyasha was thankful for that. Surprisingly, Kagome hadn't even moved a muscle, too relaxed for her own goodwill.
`Don't get to comfortable wench. This won't become a habit,' he chided. As if she heard him, she softly smiled.
Scanning his surrounding quickly, Inuyasha couldn't have felt more stupid. After leaving his room by jumping onto the tree, he hadn't considered how to get back inside with Kagome without getting caught. Sure climbing that damned tree and attempting to jump back into his room while risking both of their lives didn't seem like a bad plan, Inuyasha just couldn't risk it for her. If she got hurt because of him, she'd probably end up hating him.
He hid back within the shadows of the trees. He had to think of something otherwise someone was bent to find them. He knew how active the guards were tonight, and he couldn't get caught yet. His father would probably shove a sword up his heiny if the kingdom found out about his human night, something they had hidden for his whole life thus far. Pacing across the unmarked area, Inuyasha hadn't realized his frustration had woken up the girl sleeping soundly in his arms.
Kagome blinked a couple of times lazily.
`Where am I?' She thought groggily; sleep still pulling at the ends of her mind. She craned her neck upward only to come face to face with a complete stranger who held her tightly. His eyes, she could tell, were a brilliant violet as a flash of yellow passed her mind. `Inuyasha?' But it couldn't have been. This man clearly had long dark ebony hair, framing his handsome face. Then, those human ears attached at the sides of his head where even more proof that he definitely was not the mysterious half-demon she knew, but the comfort he gave her, it shouted to her, Inuyasha. He glared at her with shock; his look was enough to remove all traces of her weariness.
Kagome pushed herself against him, knocking them both down, but the stranger had broken her fall. Crawling away from him, she swiftly got to her feet in an attempt to run, but it felt so wrong to her. Turning around, she knew, was not a good option, but she did it anyways, almost regretting it the moment she did as the stranger got up and pounced on her. On impulse, Kagome let out a shriek as the stranger covered her mouth with a rough hand to muffle her sounds.
“Dammit Wench! Could you shut your trap for one second!” Inuyasha angrily said through clenched teeth, but it didn't smack anymore sense into her than it had to him. Kagome continued to struggle underneath him, kicking her legs wildly, finally scoring her a shot as her knee connected with groin. He released her almost instantly, one hand covering his wounded precious, as the other snaked around her wrist, not releasing her.
“Ka-go-me,” he said in harsh breaths, trying to compose himself again, “Listen… to… me,” Inuyasha pulled her close, but she shoved him farther letting out another one of her annoying squeals. Inuyasha didn't have anymore hands nor patience to stop her obnoxious noise, but he'd be damned if he didn't stop it. Someone was bound to hear it. With a quick yank at her wrist, Inuyasha silenced her relentless screeches with his lips.
It took him a couple of seconds to register the situation in his mind correctly. He half expected her to shove him away, then kick, shout, or damage him in some way, but the feeling of her petal soft lips remained planted on his own. Then she did the unbelievable, she kissed him back. Merely moments before, Inuyasha could have sworn she was attacking him as if he planned to kidnap her, and now, she was kissing him. He only meant to shut her up for the moment, but fate like playing games with him. For those few blissful moments, Inuyasha had sat awkwardly, holding her small frame. At a time like this, he wished he could have smelled her underlying scent; then again, he probably wouldn't be able to resist her.
Each taking a breath of air, he could see her flushed cheeks, and swollen lip that she bit down. Her eyes never once disconnected from his own as his hand unconsciously went to touch the spot on his lips that she left cold. How the hell had she managed that?
Watching every emotion possible screen on her face, Inuyasha realized she was observing his every motion, every physical feature, as if she understood his presence despite his rather unfortunate appearance. Her hand shot out above his head, reaching for the missing appendages before she frowned when there was nothing there. Looking at his face with a confused look, she opened and closed her mouth, afraid of speaking the unspeakable.
She took a deep breath again, find her missing voice.
“Inuyasha?” she spoke quietly, barely audible to him, “Wha… What happened to your ears?”
A/N: And that my friends, is my welcome back and my goodbye. I know it isn't really long, but finals have been hell on me and do hope to post up a new chapter within the next coming week! I didn't want to leave you all hanging at this point, but to me, it made the most sense. Anyways, thank you very much for all your support. And don't forget to check the older chapters to make sure I acknowledged you! You happiness is very important to me! Thank you again!
My Thanks:
Sovereignty --- KayAkuma