InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Race ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Hi folks! Finally a new chapter! Exciting eh? Well, I hope this will appease your appetite for the time being. College has been super busy with midterms and all. I really should be typing my paper for class, but hell, this story has been itching for an update. So, for the time being, enjoy and thanks for supporting!!!!!
Quick Recap: Kagome went missing and everyone is looking for her. Inuyasha, being human is stuck in his room, but when Miroku tells him, Inuyasha leaves to find her anyways. He finds her at the God tree, she was practicing and fell asleep. He brings her back to the castle, but she wakes up at the last minute. Kagome doesn't realize that it's Inuyasha and is trying to fight him, but he kisses her to shut her up just in case someone hears them and finds out about his secret. That's when Kagome realizes that it is Inuyasha, but his ears are missing.
I think that about covers the last chapter. Sorry for not updating any sooner so you guys can remember what has been happening! Best advice, reread the story. I've done it plenty of times and it helps! Funny thing is, it's my own story. =]
Chapter 10 - Race
Kirara popped her head up from the chair she sat on in Inuyasha's room, twitching her ears in the direction of the balcony. Someone was out there, she knew without a doubt. This caught Sango's attention as the small kitten motioned her head towards the opened balcony doors.
“Miroku,” Sango shouted, pulling the monk back, “Kirara heard something out there,” she pointed toward the doors.
The monk stared at the shady area, wondering if that was even a possibility. Everyone knew Inuyasha's balcony was off limits, but whoever dared to be out there was asking for trouble.
“Stay here Sango. I'll check it out,” Miroku spoke quietly gripping Sango lightly by the wrist. She nodded in acknowledgment.
Inuyasha allowed Kagome to interlace her fingers with his own as he led them towards the castle. The fact that it was pass dark and being human, body contact was important should anything happen. Keeping his back to her, he couldn't help but feel her eyeing his back with uncertainty. This didn't help keep his calm especially after the kiss and his rabid outburst.
Her hand, as tiny as it was smooth and soft, wouldn't stop reminding him of how smooth and soft her lips had been underneath his own. He hadn't expected her to return his kiss with such intensity it left him breathless and brainless. Only the gods how crazy that had driven him, but he doubted he had another chance with her, not after what he had said.
Moving quickly to avoid any disturbances, Inuyasha stopped quickly when he noticed Kagome staggering behind.
“Sorry,” she muttered weakly, face flushed and exhausted.
Inuyasha sighed inwardly guilt evident in his character after taking a glance of her face. He knew the reason for her dejected state. It was because of what he had said and now he regretted saying them at all. If he could turn back the time a little and edit his angry words, perhaps the guilt would rush away as the conversation played in his head.
“Inuyasha, wha… what happened to your ears?”
Inuyasha stared at her in disbelief a surge of anger surfaced from inside, “The whole god damn kingdom is searching for you and all you can ask is where my ears are? Dammit Kagome, can't you be more careful?” Inuyasha missed the hurt behind her eyes as he continued with his lecture, “If you're so curious I'll tell you, tonight is my human night. I hate being like this, weak and vulnerable and because of you this secret that I've been hiding at birth is at stake of being found out. If you weren't so careless and told someone where you went none of this would have happened. You've already caused enough trouble at your kingdom. Are you satisfied now? Do you even know how dangerous it can be out here at night? Kami Kagome, we both could die tonight, don't you understand?”
And as soon as he spoke, his heart sank from the look she gave him. Her eyes glimmered with tears, but they did not fall. Still, it was a look of self reproach, one that would haunt him forever.
Turning his back towards her, he stood pulling her up by the arm.
“Come on, let's get out of here,” his said emotionlessly as Kagome obediently took his hand without saying a word.
Inuyasha reluctantly let go of her hand, bent down on his knees, motioning for her to get on, “Hurry wench, I'm not going to ask again.” Accepting his gesture hesitantly, Kagome tugged the sleeves of his haori back, which he had so kindly lent to her, before wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Thank you,” she said through her weariness, not even speaking his name.
“Keh,” he replied, in a lesser gruff voice than usual. He wished she sounded a little more cheerful. He felt her squirm uncomfortably assuming she was trying not to get too close to him in case he blew up at her again.
`Dammit Inuyasha, why couldn't you just shut your god damn mouth? Do you realize how much she probably hates us now?'
He wanted to bang his head up against a tree, the wall, a post, anything to stop the awkwardness between them. He knew it started when they were in the infirmary when she accidently touched his inner ears. Of course she wouldn't have known the importance of that area, but he didn't even give her a chance to speak leaving her alone and wondering what the hell she had done wrong. That was probably one of the cruelest things he'd ever done.
The fact was; he didn't mean to yell at her like that. As much as he hated to admit it, he'd only said those words because he had been worried about her. If only he could suck up his ego and apologize, perhaps that could solve the problem. Thinking deeply, Inuyasha hadn't heard Kagome's voice warning him.
“Inuyasha,” she shook his shoulders, “Inuyasha! Watch out! A tree!”
When the words finally sunk in, Inuyasha walked fully into a tree dropping Kagome and falling beside her.
“Fuck!” Inuyasha winced, rubbing his forehead. `Damn tree,' he muttered irritably. Turning his head in Kagome's direction, he noticed her crack a small smile and that was enough to melt his hardened exterior.
“Kagome, kami, I'm sorry,” he sputtered quickly, “About what I said before, I didn't mean it really. I was just worried that something might have happened to you. And this morning, in the infirmary, about my ears…” Inuyasha looked down at the ground, “The deeper you rub my ears, the, uh, more sensitive it gets.”
He looked up to see her face pink as a broad and genuine smile finally erupted from her features. That was enough to tell Inuyasha he was forgiven.
Gripping his hands, Kagome gave them a quick reassuring squeeze.
“Inuyasha,” she stared at his bright wild violet eyes, “I'm also sorry for today. I didn't mean to cause your kingdom so much trouble and for touching your ears spontaneously,” she bit her lip nervously; “Also, I wanted to apologize for a couple of nights ago when I purified you. Kaede and Sango told me what I did and I could have killed you. I'm sorry; I didn't know how troublesome I could be. I—”
Inuyasha silenced her with a finger.
“Enough blabbering wench. If I knew you were going to talk so much afterwards, I never would have apologized,” he teased easily, lifting her to stand. Kagome laughed lightly clearing Inuyasha's guilty consciousness.
Crawling onto his back again, Kagome pressed herself comfortably into him allowing the full warmth of his back to radiate over her. Her cheek rested against his one of his shoulder blades as her eyes drooped lower and lower.
Why, when she was with Inuyasha, did she feel entirely safe and complete? Not a clue, but a small smile etched itself on her face. No matter how irritable he had been in the beginning, she had to admit, he had a caring and lovable side. Perhaps her goal would be to make him display it more often. Unconsciously playing with a strand of his hair, she shut her eyes. Her last thought was that of Inuyasha's lips against her own.
Inuyasha felt her breaths come out in even rhythms knowing well she had fallen asleep when her hands had stopped twirling with his hair. He held her closer afraid of dropping her like he had so stupidly done when bumping into the tree. The way his mind had been working for the past week, he wouldn't be surprised if he walked off a cliff anytime soon, especially when Kagome was all he thought about. He'd been doing it lately. Doing what exactly? Thinking of Kagome in ways his mind never dared wander, but yes, he'd been thinking of Kagome a lot.
Relinquishing the thought of ever kissing her again, Inuyasha couldn't help but notice motion in the bushes ahead. Straining his eyes to see clearer in the dark, Inuyasha strategically maneuvered his body to pull Kagome from his back into his arms wrapping the haori firmly around her like a protective shield. Luckily she had did not wake.
He held her against his chest protectively listening to the sounds around him. He didn't have to second guess himself, but something, something had been watching them for a while now and he'd be damned if he let anything happened to Kagome.
Walking at a normal pace, pretending as if he hadn't noticed the intruder, Inuyasha counted to three.
Inuyasha took a step.
Inuyasha took a breath.
He took off like the wind.
As he expected, whatever had been following them came at full force. Inuyasha ran straight, knowing he wouldn't be able to outrun whatever had its eyes on them, but this was his forest, his sacred place, he would not lose. Jumping over the overgrown root of a tree, Inuyasha stopped in his tracks. The snake youkai blocked his path.
“Huuu…mannsssss…” the youkai hissed, slowly surrounding its massive body around Inuyasha and Kagome, “Giiive iiiitt toooo meee,” the demon relentlessly jeered snapping its enormous head at the two.
Inuyasha jumped out of the way, rolling onto the sodden earth making sure Kagome stayed safe. The youkai's gigantic fang caught in the root giving Inuyasha a chance to run. If timing couldn't be any crappier, Kagome was stirred awake by their fall. Rubbing her eyes and yawning, Inuyasha suddenly jerked her upwards and ran with her in his arms.
“Inuyasha, what's going on?” Kagome questioned noticing the pieces of dirt staining his robe. Inuyasha made no comment as he kept up his pace. Turning her head, Kagome saw something large slither their way only realizing that it was gaining on them fast.
“Inuyasha, something's coming,” she spoke urgently looking at his anguished face.
“You think I don't know that already wench!” He ducked below the hanging branch. At this point, he couldn't afford to run while carrying Kagome. His human strength was already wearing thin on him. Running the possibilities through his head, getting Kagome to the castle was his priority. He'd have to distract the beast for the time being. Setting Kagome on the ground, he recognized the fear in her eyes.
“Inuyasha,” she squeaked, but he cupped her cheeks and stared directly in her eyes showing her the absolute panic he was trying not to feel.
“Listen to me Kagome,” his voice was rough, but nonetheless concerned, “I need you to run straight in that direction. I'll distract the youkai while you get help.”
Kagome shook her head, “No, I'm not leaving you Inuyasha.” She was about to cry and he'd be damned if he let her.
“Don't worry,” he pulled her into a tight reassuring hug, “I'll be fine. Now hurry up before we both get killed.”
Pushing her in the right direction, he motioned her to get a move on it. He tried his best to give her a convincing smile, but it failed miserably. When he was sure she was gone, Inuyasha picked up a large branch. He scolded himself for not bringing tetsaiga; then again it wouldn't have been of much use. Judging the vibrations of the ground, Inuyasha expected the snake youkai to make its appearance soon, but the motion was lost as if the youkai had suddenly side tracked its path. Waiting a couple of moments, there were not sounds, nothing as realization hit Inuyasha.
`Shit,' he cursed, `Kagome!'
Kagome ran achingly, not stopping to rest and barely taking breaths. Once in a while her head would turn back looking for signs that Inuyasha was right behind, but there was nothing but the dark. Tripping over a branch, she tumbled a ways until something squishy and scaly broke her fall. She rubbed her sore bum and cursed the gods for her clumsiness when two bright green hideous slits of eyes bore into her own hazel ones.
“Huuu…man,” the youkai flicked its tongue out at Kagome, getting a taste of her sweat and fear as it circled round and round about her, “Thheee sssshinkon… giiive it tooooo mee.”
Kagome felt the grip around her tighten, fear forming into bile that forced its way up. Never had she felt so vulnerable in her life. No weapon, no strength, no hope, nothing. She really was useless like everyone had said. Couldn't protect herself or her family. The title of Princess was nothing but an embarrassment to her family wasn't it? What was she thinking when she set out to find Souta? Was she going to fail her kid brother as well? The negative thoughts overwhelmed her. She had given up before it even started.
Pressing her hand against the sacred jewel, a flash of Inuyasha's face popped in her mind. If she were to accept the fate of dying, she'd never see him again. Sango, her best friend, she'd never see Sango again. Kaede, her beloved teacher and her family, her mother, her father and Souta. If she didn't do anything, she'd die a memory, but a memory was not what she wanted or intended. Where had the strong Kagome gone? Where was she hiding now?
Feeling a surge of strength pool from the jewel, Kagome shut her eyes concentrating on the flow of her power. She felt it, the enormous amount of warmth coursing through her body, but she didn't know how to release it. Tensing up, Kagome saw through her peripheral vision the large fangs that descended towards her. Closing her eyes tight and fisting her hands by her temples, she shouted the first name that came to mind.
Inuyasha heard her painful cry the bright pink light showing him the way. The exhaustion that he built up suddenly vanished, his legs moving at the speed of a demon. He arrived at the spot, Kagome laying flat on her stomach. All traces of the youkai were gone.
“Kagome,” he lifted her gently onto his lap, “Oi, Kagome!” He stroked her cheek with care assessing her body for wounds, but she seemed to be completely injured-free. Pushing her sweaty bangs aside, Inuyasha's beating heart calmed when her eyes slowly fluttered open.
“Inu… yasha?” she weakly whispered with a goofy grin.
“Wench,” he said playfully, glad she was alright, “What the hell happened?”
Kagome pushed herself upright while rubbing her temples, “I, don't remember,” she answered surveying the area, “All I remember is…” There was shift of movement behind Inuyasha that caught Kagome's eye. Tiny green haunting eyes pierced into her eyes. Those eyes of the snake, its real form that of a miniature serpent.
Inuyasha, about to turn around to see what had caught Kagome's attention, missed as the miniature snake leapt out of the underbrush, fangs glistening with putrid poison. In that reflexive moment, Kagome pushed Inuyasha down as the venom stained fangs sunk deep into the collar of her neck before its body withered into ashes. With the self sacrifice of the serpent, it only meant death for the recipient.
Kagome felt the poisonous venom circulate through her body, an excruciating pain wracking her body as she convulsed irregularly. Inuyasha immediately ripped open the clothing around Kagome's bite, sucking any amount of venom he could, but the demon venom already mixed itself with her blood circulating endlessly.
Inuyasha pulled her close to his body, her breaths coming out in short pants, skin paling and lips slowly blue. He was at his limit. He was more than physically exhausted, but mentally as well. He didn't know how long he could keep this up, but Kagome was going to die if he didn't do anything about it. For the first time in his life, he was afraid. Afraid Kagome was going to die.
His mind ran a million miles a second as he cradled Kagome in his arms like a baby. In his very last thought, a familiar deep voice urged him on.
`Mate… live…'
Miroku pulled the curtains away from the door stepping into the cool air. Kirara's suspicions were correct as Miroku made out the figure of Inuyasha and Kagome.
“Holy Buddha! Inuyasha how the hell did you get up here?” Miroku neared the couple when Inuyasha didn't reply.
“Need Kaede… Kagome, snake poison,” Inuyasha's voice rumbled demonically before the hanyou slumped forward, Miroku barely able to support the both of them. In that moment, Miroku recognized the slightest trace of demon aura emit from Inuyasha as a sense of foreboding washed over the monk.
“SANGO! We need help!”
Inuyasha heard hushed voices.
“Someone get the water…”
“… hold her down!”
“Miroku, get Sango out of here now!”
Then a scream. It was Kagome.
Instantly shooting up, Inuyasha felt his normal blood flow within his body. It had just broken dawn, the sun making its way towards the sky. Shrugging the blanket off of him, Inuyasha rose from his bed to where all the noise was coming from and giving him a headache. Forgetting what had happened Inuyasha noticed his door was wide open, but he could have cared less. Suddenly the room across his door opened up, Miroku dragging a weepy Sango out.
“Let go of me Miroku! I need to be with Kagome!” Sango struggled against his hold, but Miroku held her tight, letting her tears seep into the fabric of his chest.
“Sango, you can't go in there like this. It will just make things worse,” Miroku soothed, rubbing her back gently. He understood her feelings towards Kagome, but at this point, Kaede was doing the best she could for the young princess. Holding Sango a bit longer, Miroku was too late to stop the hanyou who had gone unnoticed by the couple. Miroku immediately released Sango as she turned to see what his reason for letting her go was.
“Inuyasha, don't open that door,” Miroku warned, holding Sango's hand tightly afraid of the hell that would break loose.
“Why the hell not?” Inuyasha remarked, his hand already turning the knob, but it was too late. He was impaled with Kagome's scents of pain, blood, tears, sweat, and death. His eyes never left the sight on the bed, the guilt of not protecting her last night finally washing over him. She had been bitten by that damnable snake when it should have been him, but now she was tied against the bed, her mouth gagged by a piece of cloth with Kaede and two other maids holding her down by the legs. Her face twisted in a mess of pain and tears that leaked like a waterfall. Her weak body writhed in the ties with complete discomfort and pain.
Through the absolute chaos, Kaede paid no attention to the fact that Inuyasha was bearing witness to the terrible side effects of the antidote: the ripping of a thousand nerves.
“Kaede,” one of the maids yelled frantically, “Kagome-sama bit through the cloth! She's going to bite her tongue off!” The maid was in tears, her vision blurring as Kagome's leg knocked the wind out of her.
“Yuki!” Kaede shouted to the maid who had fallen and catching her breath. The elder woman turned to the other maid, “Ayumi, get another piece of cloth for Kagome's mouth!” The maid did as she was told, letting go of Kagome's shaking leg. Ayumi was on the verge of tears. The beautiful princess who talked to her so casually was going to die if the antidote didn't kill her first. Ripping a piece from the shredded bed sheets, she turned to Kagome when the Princess shrieked horrifically.
“Ayumi, NOW!” Kaede commanded, but the maid was pushed away roughly.
Kagome, about to bite down on her tongue to stop the agonizing pain, bit down hard, but it was not her tongue. Through her fatigued teary eyes, she saw Inuyasha, his golden eyes distressed and his voice just another mumble in her incoherent mind.
“It's okay Kagome… bite harder!” he was saying, so she did.
Blood spilled in her mouth, trailing down her mouth. She was so drained, the freezing and fire burning pain coursing through her body was becoming only a dull ache. She barely felt the ties at her hands being freed by the quick flick of Inuyasha's claws, her body slowly melding into his touch. The sound of his heart beat louder than the thousand needles that stabbed at her invariably, torturing her body past its limits. Her eyes lids trembled slightly trying to keep them open, but the weight of the pain forced them closed. For brief moments, the source of deep warmth and comfort, calmed her roaring soul, but it started to pull away. Fearful of it escaping, Kagome unconsciously tugged onto anything that would keep it intact with her. Then, she felt it, a cool feeling on her head as two arms wrapped themselves around her protectively. Even as she moved in and out of consciousness, the large source of warmth stayed with her, giving its all to her, and she took it greedily.
Kaede watched the whole scene play before her.
She hadn't expected Inuyasha to come out of nowhere, pulling Kagome into his lap, using his two fingers as a bite post for Kagome. Kaede, depleted of energy, her old bones creaking and begging for a seat, continued to observe the two.
It was like a dance. The moment Inuyasha had Kagome in his arms, she immediately stilled, dissolving into Inuyasha's hold. Then, when Inuyasha assumed she was alright he let her go, but Kagome surprised him, gripping a lock of his hair afraid he would leave her. A quick loving smile formed from Inuyasha, one Kaede had never seen from him in her acquaintance with the young hanyou prince. The fact he displayed it so openly, it was quite obvious to Kaede the relationship the two had been forming. It wasn't anything fickle and easily broken.
The elderly woman grinned foolishly, quietly leading the two maids out. Later, she thought, she'd have to check Inuyasha's fingers for injury, but guessed it would be healed by that time anyways. Taking one more glance at the couple, Kaede walked out, making sure they would not be disturbed.
Kaede, looking for a break and some tea, was momentarily stopped by Miroku and Sango.
“Excuse me,” Sango's voice was poised as she stared back and forth from the door to Kaede and to the door again, “Kagome… uh, Inuyasha,” her choice of words were not coming out coherently as Miroku finished for her.
“I believe what Lady Sango is trying to ask is,” Miroku looked to Sango waiting for approval to interpret her question. She gave him a nod, “Is it a good idea to leave Inuyasha alone with Kagome?”
Kaede all but laughed heartily.
“Best let them rest. It's been a long night for all of us.”
A/N: Cheers! Chapter 10 is complete. Doesn't it make you more excited for Chapter 11? Sorry chapter 10 hasn't been edited since I was way too excited to post it for you guys! Well, I'll try to update sometime soon, but I'm going to be frank, don't expect it to be in the near future. Granted I'm the most evil and busiest person who has walked the earth. I'll try my best though okay! Please sympathize with this idiot who thought 18 credits was not going to be hell in college. I love you guys! You are my support group. Best!
My Thanks:
Sovereignty ===== KayAkuma ===== unistar ===== shell=====Morwen=====InuGoddess715
TiffanyM=====InuyashaxKagomexForever===== kazukarin=====trixie-trix=====K. Higurashi=====kawaii doggie ears=====123RaChEl456=====Kur0 N3koChi=====Ladii Lunatik=====kumiko210=====NinjaAsianGurl =====Say0mi Saki=====Inuyasha's girl 1415