InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A Nightmare ❯ Touch ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon a Nightmare
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Except for Kane.
A/N: Well hello. I know updates are super slow and I apologize, but if I had all the time to write I would. Trust me. I've been so swamped, but I'm trying my best to finish both this story and my other story. So please don't give up on me. I'm still here! I'm finally on Spring break, but fate would have it that I have a hell of a lot of projects to complete. Thank you college you can burn, but I had to update for all my faithful readers. Don't lose fate in me yet. I'm trying my best. Happy reading everyone! Rated for language and mature themes. This chapter does contain lime and lots of fluff.
Quick Recap: Inuyasha found Kagome at the God tree. They both were heading towards the castle when a snake youkai attacked. Kagome was bitten by it. Inuyasha somehow managed to get her back to the castle and passed out. Kaede gave her an antidote made for demons to combat the poison. Kagome didn't take the antidote too well. Inuyasha woke up to find her suffering and goes to help her. And life goes on.
Chapter 11- Touch
Inuyasha held Kagome in his arms afraid she would leave if he let go. After everyone had left the room, he couldn't find himself to sleep knowing she was in this state. He blamed himself. If he had pushed her aside and got bitten instead she wouldn't be so pale and lifeless in his arms. He didn't understand why she would protect him. It was his job. A man should always protect his woman, so why did she do such a stupid thing?
“Wake up stupid,” he tenderly said, no meaning of hatred behind his words, but she continued to refuse his command as she lied in his arms unconscious. He gently wiped away her sweating bangs wanting nothing more than her cheerful smile. Kami did he need it now more than ever. Bending his nose down to her neck where her scent was the most accessible, he realized something he should have realized earlier. The life in her fragrance was quickly disappearing and being replaced with an odious odor faster than it normally would. Inuyasha panicked. This was not supposed to happen. Just recently, Kaede had given her an antidote, so why wasn't it working?
Jumping to his feet, Kagome gently pressed to his chest, Inuyasha made his way out of the room quicker than he ever had. As his feet led him across the hall, a fear like none he'd ever known warped around his beating heart. If Kagome Higurashi died, he would never be the same again.
Although it was early morning before the hours of normal rising, King Inu Tashio and Queen Izayoi had assembled in Inuyasha's room at the request of Kaede. The king glanced out the door across the hall where Inuyasha and the young Princess rested. He had not visited them, and assumed he was not welcomed yet. A maid quickly served the tea and left immediately shutting the door tight. The three occupants sipped their tea in silence allowing for absorbance of last night's ordeal.
Kaede cleared her throat. “There was something Miroku mentioned to me last night that struck me odd. Apparently, Inuyasha managed to climb his balcony with Kagome in tow on his human night, a feat much impossible for a human considering the height of Inuyasha's platform. Then right before Inuyasha-sama passed out, Miroku happened to catch a hint of demon aura. Perhaps you know something of this Lord Inu Tashio?” She gently placed her cup down.
“It seems,” the King started, “Inuyasha has taken a deep liking to the Princess.”
Kaede nodded, “Indeed he has.”
“What meaning does it have husband?” Izayoi meekly questioned, grasping her husband's hand for comfort. Inu Tashio accepted her warm gesture, squeezing her hand in reassurance that it was nothing terrible.
“It appears to me that Inuyasha's desire to save the Princess must have tapped into his demon blood releasing enough for Inuyasha to get back to the castle before dissipating. That is only my assumption although I have heard it rarely occurs.”
Kaede nodded. “You assumption makes complete sense my lord. Perhaps—” She didn't finish her sentence as Inuyasha barged in looking like a complete mess.
“There's something wrong with Kagome,” Inuyasha's voice came out hoarsely. He nearly crumpled to the ground had it not been for Inu Tashio who held the worn boy up.
“Son,” Inu Tashio straightened him, “Calm down and bring her over to the bed.”
Not needing to be told twice, Inuyasha immediately set Kagome down upon his large bed reluctant of letting go of her. Kaede didn't waste a moment as she rushed to their side. Pulling out a bag of supplies from the inside of her dress pocket, Kaede picked out the thick sterile needle and a small piece of paper inked with scribbles. She quickly pricked one of Kagome's forefingers allowing for a drop of blood to fall on the paper. Instantly, the black scribbles turned to a neon green color before burning away to dust.
“It is as I feared,” Kaede took a deep breath, “The serpent has cursed Kagome with absolute death.”
Inuyasha stared wide eyed not believing a single word.
“What do you mean you old hag! Why didn't you check for this earlier!” Inuyasha stood tall above the old woman as Inu Tashio held him back.
“Back down son. Kaede is not to blame,” Inu Tashio barked, but Inuyasha merely shoved his father off before falling to the ground. The hanyou covered his head with his hands like a small frightened child, self loathe consuming him.
“It should have been me that was bitten dammit!” Inuyasha punched the ground. “Kagome, she, she doesn't deserve this. All of this is my fault.” He sat there against the bed balling his fists up, his claws digging into his palms until blood seeped through his fingers.
Izayoi observed his behavior in horror as she clung to Inu Tashio for support. She knew, even without anyone to explain, Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship had grown quite deep over the week. She had never seen her son in a state like this before. Even with Kikyo's trouble, her son had coped much better than this. It was tearing her apart to see her beloved baby suffer.
Inuyasha, sluggish on the ground, drowned out the noise. He no longer heard his parents' voices or the fact that his father was shaking him. Perhaps he was in shock? It had taken him one week to get to know Kagome, one week to see her smile, one week to make her angry, one week to kiss her, one week to touch her, one week… to possibly fall completely in love with her? And now, within that one week, he would watch her die. Why couldn't he do anything to protect her? Why was he so weak? Was there nothing he—
He heard it. It was faint like the wind, but nonetheless it was Kagome's voice. He recognized that voice anywhere. His body jerked in the direction of the girl lying on the bed so vulnerably, but her lips did not move. Inuyasha was beginning to think that he was hallucinating until he heard it again.
All those years that he had heard his name spoken, he never knew it to be so beautiful when Kagome said it. He gripped her frozen hands begging to hear her voice again, but she was silent. Inuyasha's body moved on its own as he pressed his forehead against her own.
“Come on Kagome. Say my name again.” He had said it so softly no one had caught it besides Inu Tashio.
The king immediately refocused his attention at the bed where Inuyasha had crawled besides Kagome, holding her in the most delicate of fashion despite them being there. In that very instant, a bright and gentle pink light wrapped itself around Kagome and Inuyasha, blinding the others in the room.
After the light had settled down, Kaede scurried over towards the bed. She stopped momentarily noticing a swirl of patterns covering the length of Kagome's arms. Inuyasha too had pulled back from her as Kaede examined the strange markings.
“What are these?” Inuyasha questioned, pulling up Kagome's other sleeve only to see similar markings. “They weren't here be—”
“Inuyasha?” Kagome's voice croaked, her eyes fluttering open as she cocked her head to the side. “Kaede… your majesties,” Kagome acknowledged with a slight nod. Slowly, she lifted herself, Inuyasha aiding her with confusion. It was just moments ago that she was unconscious and to suddenly move, Inuyasha definitely hadn't the slightest clue as to what was happening.
“Kagome child, how are ye feeling?” Kaede asked despite Inuyasha's puzzled looks.
Kagome rubbed her eyes, “I feel fine, a little tired, but fine.” She yawned, not recognizing the worrisome looks everyone was giving her.
“Kagome, listen to me,” Kaede stated in all seriousness, “Ye have been cursed.”
Kagome's breath stopped, but she nodded her head trying to follow. So she had been cursed. She understood, but what now?
“The shikon has allowed for you to breathe life with us for a short while. The purity and innocence of your soul has revealed to us the cursed symbols,” Kaede pointed out, tracing the black swirls that had tattooed themselves on Kagome's body. “We have one hour to rid of these symbols or ye will succumb to ye prior state and die.”
No one said anything for a brief moment after Kaede's explanations.
“How the fuck do we fix that!” Inuyasha suddenly burst. Kagome covered her ears from his unexpected explosion.
“Inuyasha, please don't speak to Lady Kaede like that. You have given Princess Kagome quite an earache already,” Izayoi said. As expected, Inuyasha didn't argue back at his mother and felt completely guilty when he realized how loud he had been with Kagome right next to him.
“It's alright my queen,” Kaede took no offense to Inuyasha's tantrum outburst. “But Inuyasha may be the only one to save Kagome.” Everyone looked to Inuyasha. Even Kagome had tiredly tilted her head to gaze at him. Before Inuyasha could even state the impossibility of his usefulness, Kaede spoke.
“I came across an ancient scroll telling of this situation once. Although only half of it was recovered, the scroll dictated this: A being, bitten by an ill-bred being along with that ill-bred being's death will result in absolute death for the being. None shall survive. Only those that possess purity enough will overcome death, but at a price. The cursed symbols shall appear and an hour shall live, but only with hanyou saliva shall their existence continue. A bath of purity for the cursed to lay as the hanyou inflict their serum onto the cursed before the symbols spread. But, beware hanyou…” Kaede stopped. “That was all that had been recovered from the scripture.”
Kaede looked straight into Inuyasha's eyes. “So Inuyasha, will ye or will ye not purge Kagome-sama of this curse knowing that something may happen afterwards?” Kaede asked with all sincerity. She was giving him a choice which was stupid because he had already decided before she even explained.
“I'm willing to take the risk,” Inuyasha said in a solid breath, “but it's up to Kagome if… if she will allow me to do such a thing.” His blush definitely didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room.
“I trust you Inuyasha,” Kagome said firmly looking straight into his eyes. Somehow, her hand had found his giving him a tight squeeze. And with that friendly gesture, Inuyasha already regretted his choice. Although she trusted him, did he trust himself?
Kagome let the robe fall to the ground as she observed the cursed marks that developed along her arms, curved around her lower back then formed swirls around her stomach and chest before ending at the bite mark of the serpent. She followed the front patterns with a finger and if she hadn't known they were symbols of being cursed, she would have thought the patterns to be quite beautiful.
Her fingers lingered at the spot where she had been bitten as a recollection of last night flowed through her mind. She remembered clearly the tremendous amount of pain that ripped through her skin. She shivered and only hoped she'd never have to feel such agony again. Still, she couldn't remember much about what had happened afterwards and now she was faced with another dilemma. The serpent's curse was still prevalent.
Kaede had explained Kagome's luck due to the sacred jewel. It seemed the jewel did not want Kagome to die so soon therefore showing them where the curse had made its marks, but it was all up to Inuyasha's willingness to help.
Sighing, Kagome stepped from the front of the mirror. It seemed all she ever did was cause trouble for Inuyasha.
Glancing at the bath of purity that she herself had prepared, Kagome slowly allowed herself to soak in its enriching minerals in all of her nakedness. She dunked her head under the water a couple of times saying the incantations her mother often reminded her of before resurfacing for good. Taking a deep breath, Kagome sat restlessly, her back facing the bathroom door. In a couple of moments Inuyasha would join her.
She knew Kaede was explaining the basic procedure to him, but Kagome couldn't help but feel embarrassed. From what Kaede had mentioned, it meant Inuyasha would be touching the front of her as well. That thought nearly caused Kagome to flush completely. Although she didn't hate her body, she didn't like flaunting it as well. Never had she shown a man her naked body. Trying to calm her mind, she heard the door creak open slightly before a soft click indicated that it was closed.
Even without him talking, Kagome could hear his faint footsteps and the sound of his breath as he neared. Her ears burned slowly, her face warm not from the water, but from the all the blood rushing to her head. She had to remain calm. After all, he was doing it to save her life and that was enough to calm her riled heart.
The moment Inuyasha stepped into the bathroom, he could smell her stiffen. Her back was towards him and he constantly had to remind himself that he was doing this to save her life, but it sure didn't feel that way. Making his way towards the purity bath, he grudgingly let his robe fall to the side to reveal his nude body. After arguing with Kaede for the most part before stepping into the bathroom, the old woman had told him it was necessary to enter the purity bath without clothing. Clothing, no matter how it was made contained some small fraction of evil that would taint the bath. Personally, Inuyasha didn't believe that ratshit, but for the sake of Kagome's safety, he would allow himself to sit naked in the bath. Lowering himself into the large bath, Inuyasha was surprised by how calm Kagome had been.
He cleared his throat. “Ah..Are you ready?” Inuyasha hadn't intended that his voice come out that shaky, but it had.
Kagome merely nodded her back still towards him as she pulled her damp hair to a high bun, sticking a pin in to secure it. Inuyasha noticed how she sat with her head only exposed to the surface. Kaede hadn't explained the extent of how far the symbols went, but Inuyasha only hoped they stopped at the arms.
Gently grasping one of her slim limbs, Kagome finally turned to look at him. His face immediately turned crimson. The steam from the bath pinked her cheeks making her look irresistible. He had to gulp down a lump in his throat.
“Are you okay Inuyasha?” Kagome asked worriedly.
Inuyasha damned himself for allowing a moment of her beauty to distract him. His eyes tried not to wander down the depth of the water below her neck.
“F..fine,” he stammered. “Please, don't watch me. It's… nerve-wracking.”
He was almost glad that she nodded and turned the other way. He somehow could smell that she didn't blame him for being nervous. Heck, she was as well. Two opposite genders in one bath usually meant the blossoming of something, but it wasn't that in this case.
Lifting her arm a little higher, Inuyasha's mouth descended on the black patterns that wrapped around her wrist. Gliding his tongue gently across her arm, he stopped for a moment to access the power of his saliva. The marks were amazingly gone. The ancient scroll that Kaede had babbled off earlier had been accurate. This caused a surge of relief to roll of his lips as he descended down on her arm again, careful of making unnecessary body contact.
He continued to trail his tongue along her arm until he reached the tops of her shoulders. Unintended, his nose dug into the nape of her neck, capturing her delicious scent. Without realizing, he voiced his thoughts in her ears.
“You smell better already,” he whispered, before continuing the same ministrations to the other arm.
Kagome's heart thudded in her chest. His masculine voice that murmured so warmly into her ear had her blood running in circles. She doubted he understood what he was doing to her. The soft flicks of his tongue tortured her insides without end. The trails that he left burned her, but the burns ignited in pleasure. As he moved his way down her other arm, Kagome caught a glimpse of her symbol-less arm. The marks were really gone, but she paid little attention to that fact when Inuyasha's warm tongue bathed itself down to her forearm, erasing the last traces of black that had once covered her wrists.
Inuyasha stopped momentarily. Taking a deep breath, Kagome's scent still mingled with that of the bloody serpent. He quickly inspected both arms, but the symbols were completely gone, so why did she still smell ill? Letting her arms splash to her sides, Inuyasha sat far from her completely frustrated. He didn't know how much longer he could last with her naked body in such close proximity. Her body was getting hot, he could smell it and it was getting harder for him to resist her.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome's voice echoed in the large bathroom facing him. He kept his head down shyly. “I… I don't know how to tell you this,” she twiddled her fingers under the water, her face powered red with embarrassment, “There are more of those symbols on my lower back.” She said it so quick with her eyes shut thinking he would deny his help and let her die. That was quite the opposite.
“Why didn't you say so wench! Do you realize we're on a time constraint?” Inuyasha hadn't meant to shout and wanted nothing more to die for making her suddenly cry. He bit his tongue knowing whatever he would say next would make the situation worse.
He watched as Kagome sat, her arms wrapping around her body as to curl up into the tiniest ball. Not liking the silence between them, Inuyasha shook his man pride to the side.
`Dammit Inuyasha, we've got half an hour left. Just suck it up!' He scolded himself before daring to touch Kagome anymore than he already had.
“Turn around so I can see,” he said softly afraid that the gruffness in his voice had already scared her insane.
She complied easily, covering her chest with her arms as she kneeled. The water ran down her the smooth of her back before draining right above what Inuyasha knew was her butt cheeks. He had to hold his breath. Just like she had said, two large swirls connected themselves on her back and around her hips. Without warning, he gripped her sides as he tongue descended down to completely rid of the stupid curse. Kagome's scent automatically spiked nearly suffocating his senses. Inuyasha squeezed his eyes for a slight moment ignoring the throbbing pain that shot down towards his lower region. He only hoped that he would live through this without doing something reckless.
Kagome froze when he grabbed her. He started again, that tongue of his that made its way down her back. She tried to find her breath, but the slick feeling of his touch had her mesmerized. She never knew how satisfying a man's tongue could be as he lifted her hips a little higher. Kagome bit the bottom of her lip, her arms still crossed against her chest. Her body was feeling much lighter than it had in the beginning and the lightness of her body brought forth a deep feeling of lust. The way his hands carefully maneuvered to avoid touching places she wanted to be touched, she didn't understand the feeling. He was making her body hot and uncontrollably moist. If it wasn't obvious enough to him, her body was making it quite clear how his touch was affecting her. It was as if her mind no longer connected with her body. The only coherent thought left was that of satisfying the scorching burn between her legs.
Kagome could tell he had finished with her back when he pulled away, but she couldn't take it anymore. Her knees gave way as she fell on top of Inuyasha. As expected, he caught her effortlessly, Kagome suddenly registering that his breathing was just as jagged as her own. She turned to face him, but he held her fast, her back glued to his chest.
“Inuyasha…” her breath had been uneven when she spoke his name. Why couldn't she find her breath? Settling herself on his lap, she felt Inuyasha solidify behind her. That's when the feeling of something hard poked her in the back. It wasn't hard to recognize what was jabbing her so adamantly; she tried to fight a blush.
“Sorry,” Inuyasha whispered dangerously near her early. “But… we have to finish this before the hour's up.” Inuyasha's thumb reminded her as he gently rubbed the black marks from the bite on her collar bone.
Once again, his tongue flicked about the marks. Kagome's breath pitched as Inuyasha turned her around to straddle him. He made quick haste to carefully lick his way around the bite mark, down atop her breast. He didn't once stop his ministrations as he continued down ridding of the black color.
Trying to fight the twisting feeling in her lower stomach, Kagome snaked her arms around his neck for support. Inuyasha filled her with blatant feelings she had little control over. She moaned when his mouth captured one of her nipples. This feeling, she was drowning in it, but just as soon his lips covered her sensitive spot, he released it to attend the other. Succumbing to his gentle care, Kagome trashed her head back. The ache within her was breaking her right mind.
She felt him lift her high above the water, her entire body exposed to the air, but she didn't have the slightest care. As long as he continued to bathe her in his delicate strokes, it was the only feeling she ever needed to feel again.
The feeling of his tongue ran across the length of her belly, finally ending at the side of one her hips. Her body spasmed much to her delight not catching the deep growl that emanated from Inuyasha's throat. In that moment, her body became light as the weight that had been sitting on her had fallen off. She slipped down to him, her face plastering against his moist chiseled chest. She felt his arms tighten around her, his nose digging into her neck to inhale her scent.
Inuyasha was past his limit. He had tried keeping his control, he really had, but Kagome, she was too damn intoxicating. The way she moaned when his mouth had made contact with the soft taught flesh on each of her mounds. That had been the most pleasing noise that had ever grazed his ears. Even as he lifted her up to remove the marks from her belly, he knew he was doomed for an eternity. Her very being emitted the most appetizing scent any demon would kneel down to. She was thoroughly aroused. It didn't take just his nose to figure out, but the way her body pressed itself against him, Inuyasha knew he was losing the battle. He had been concentrating so hard to remember his duty.
His plan was to escape the stimulating bathroom once the curse was lifted, but he failed himself. He allowed for her to fall into his arms as he grasped her tightly. From her scent, he knew she was going to be alright. The symbols no longer brandished her body and he held her tight. He could hear her racing heart, and he was sure she could hear his own, but her excitement didn't die down. In fact, his nose had caught onto how much more she allowed her arousal to thicken. It didn't help that their naked bodies melded so nicely together. It was overpowering his senses to step away from her, but the look she gave him, her glazed eyes, pink cheeks, and those lips of hers.
Inuyasha damned himself again. Somehow, he had become a sucker for her lips. They tasted as lovely as she smelled. He knew for a fact reminiscing each time their lips had touched. Tilting her chin to face him, Inuyasha's nose inched closer and closer towards her own until they touched.
“Now would be a good time to stop me,” Inuyasha spoke, one hand cupping her cheek, the other around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She remained silent and that was enough of an answer as his lips crashed down onto hers. Both hungrily devoured one another, Kagome straddling him against the bath. She had no idea what position she was putting herself in, but Inuyasha, the passion he was pouring into her was the greater driver of her actions.
He broke the kiss for a slight breath and took in a deep surprise when Kagome clamped her mouth onto his again. Somehow his hand had pulled the clip out of her hair as the damp tendrils fell to her side. The feeling of her was all too enchanting, until she daringly inserted her tongue into his mouth. It was a mind blowing experience, Inuyasha never once knowing that kisses could be so intense. Following her initiative, Inuyasha only deepened the kiss by angling the way their lips collided. Her behavior was so fierce and demanding his demon blood was quickly reacting.
Pulling apart again, Inuyasha lifted Kagome out of the bath, setting her gently on his messily tossed robe. He could see all of her, not that he hadn't in the bath, but she was damn enticing.
She grabbed his two silver forelocks, locking their lips together again. Inuyasha didn't know the extent of her aggression as he lowered himself towards her. Lost in their lip action, Inuyasha felt the tingling pressure that reminded him he needed to stop. Kagome didn't help as she constantly bucked her hips against his own and each time, it was more than hips meeting hips.
“Ka…gome,” he struggled to speak. “We… stop…” He held her down, forcing himself to stop half-way when he sure as hell did not want to, but this was not right.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome whined, sweat dripping from her brow. “It burns... Please, make it go away,” she pleaded with her eyes. Inuyasha hadn't the slightest clue as to what she meant until he watched her hands roam down her body to rest in between her legs. Inuyasha's body stiffened as he watched her insert one of her delicate fingers into her womanhood pulling it out.
“It's so hot Inuyasha,” she mewled as she repeated her actions again, her sticky substance coating her finger. Inuyasha tried to gain some strength to pull his gaze from Kagome, but the sneaky wench that she was inserted two fingers inside herself while shouting his name for the entire castle to hear. That all but destroyed Inuyasha's self-control.
Gripping the hand she had used to pleasure herself, Inuyasha pulled it to his mouth, licking every inch of her sweet liquid. He noticed her eyes followed his every action as her scent spiked around him, luring him to join her. She reacted so hotly towards him, Inuyasha couldn't displease her. Perhaps this was the warning of the missing half of the scroll Kaede had mentioned. Although no one knew the after affects of the deleted cursed symbols, Inuyasha was beginning to think he had discovered it. The missing half of the scroll was definitely warning hanyou to beware of this, what was happening to Kagome. She definitely smelt sweet and ripe and that enough would cause any hanyou to lose his right sense of mind to defile their partner. Inuyasha couldn't do that to her. He knew Kagome wasn't thinking very straight, but she wouldn't stop until she was pleased.
`Kami, I am going to hell for this.' Inuyasha thought. It definitely had to be a sin. Just a minute sample of Kagome's sweet nectar had him ballistic. She hadn't the slightest clue what she was doing to him on the inside and out. If his hypothesis was correct, Kagome needed to release all sexual tension before she returned to normal. And the gods damned him, Inuyasha, to do their bidding.
Lowering himself down to her, Inuyasha whispered into her ears.
“Trust me Kagome.” His voice didn't falter and she gave him a slight nod. Kissing her sensually, Inuyasha's let his hand travel down her body, until it rested on her thigh. He pulled from the kiss that she was reluctant to stop, but his lips found themselves in another spot that had her no longer complaining.
He hooked her legs on his shoulder where he would have complete access to her. Parting her woman lips, Inuyasha delved his tongue deep into her. She responded with a loud moan that went straight to his solid member. He ignored the hardening pain and focused on his priority, Kagome.
Again, he thrashed his tongue into her over and over again then teasing her by pulling out. She whimpered at his antics. Daringly, Inuyasha flicked his tongue out at her clit. Her back arched towards him requesting him to continue. So he did. He allowed himself to explore her, taste her every dip and turn. He did it with patience he didn't know he had, but her soft noises gave him the incentive to continue.
Inuyasha could tell she was nearing her climax as he increased the speed of his tongue entering her, sucking the lips around her opening as his thumb rubbed her sensitive bud of nerves. She cried louder and louder, until she reached the top releasing her honey with a shrill voice. His name was the last thing that left her coarse voice as her climax dropped down to a satisfactory end.
Being the gentleman that he was, Inuyasha cleaned her good. Not a drop that she surrendered to him was disregarded. In all her beauty, Inuyasha had the pleasure to know that he had made the woman below him convulse so beautifully. Her breathing was rough, and he allowed her to catch her breath. She had had quite the experience.
Picking her up, Inuyasha opened the door to his room. It was vacant and silent, but the sun was still out. He assumed it to be almost noon as he placed Kagome in the center of his bed, pulling the sheets to her neck. Her eyes drooped lazily as he placed a kiss on top of her head.
“Get some sleep,” he whispered to her before turning away to put something on. Her hand moved suddenly barely grabbing his thumb. Inuyasha cocked his head back to see a small smile graze her lips.
“Thank you,” she mumbled tiredly. Inuyasha merely nodded before setting her hand back on the bed. She was asleep within seconds lost in her fairytale dreams. Little did she know, the said hanyou was fighting an internal battle.
Quickly pulling a tattered outfit on, Inuyasha dashed for the balcony. He shut the glass door behind just for security reasons. He knew no one had the guts to enter his room unannounced, but for his own peace of mind, he shut the door glancing once more at the sleeping girl.
Thankfully, her problem was solved, but Inuyasha had bigger problems to deal with; mainly the bulge at his pants had been in pain for quite some time. He knew this feeling would never cease with his little trips to his waterfall because his problem could only be solved with Kagome. It had taken him all the strength he could muster to not take her when he had set her on his bed. He thought he would've been alright, but she naively grabbed at his hand to say thank you. He nearly lost it, her flavor still lingering in his mouth and on his hair.
He didn't deserve her smile or her thanks for a matter of fact; especially when all he could think about was taking over and over again whether he had her consent or not.
A/N: Well, that concludes chapter 11. It has been quite a ride with this story, but I promise, I will complete this story. Honestly, the next update might not be until mid May. I'm slammed busy with work and school, but if I can get an early update I will. Don't expect one anytime soon. And once again, I just wanted to thank all my reviewers who have been so patient and understanding. Seriously, you guys are the best! Much love!
My Thanks:
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[FF. net]
klutzyspaz+++++Ngbeken Lovette+++++j.wintercrow+++++Kaede13+++++kagome past and present+++++kazukarin+++++90sgurl+++++Tiffan yM+++++Jennaha11+++++Breaking-Midnight