InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: They’re still not mine, but I like to take them out to play once in a while.


35. Reunion  

Although they had only been apart for a few hours, the two lovers felt as though they had been separated for months. At the first hint of her scent as he approached the old miko’s home he was suddenly aware of a tremor in his knees and a powerful warmth gathering in the pit of his stomach.

Even though the sun had not yet set completely, the hanyou had wasted as much time as he could stand in sending out messengers with the first batch of invitations before storing the rest where they would be protected from both accidental damage and prying eyes.

He barely noticed the old woman as he entered the small building, drawn by the irresistible scent of his mate. One quick glance was enough to show him that she was feeling better--her cheerful demeanor had returned in full force. As he enfolded her in his arms time seemed to stand still. So intent was he on her welcoming scent, the fierce heat of her embrace, and the pounding rhythm of her heart that mirrored his own that he entirely missed what the old miko had said. “What was that, Babaa?”

“I said that it now looks like Kagome was being completely honest with me earlier. At the beginning I wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she said or if she was only saying what she thought I wanted to hear.” She waved them to the door, handing the woman a small bottle and a bag of dried leaves. “Go on home, now. It’s getting late.”

With a cheerful wave, Kagome grabbed the hanyou’s hand and walked out into the night. Even that small contact was a sweet torture--he carefully closed his fingers around her smaller hand so that he wouldn’t accidentally scratch her with his claws. Before leaving the village, he stopped moving, turning her to face him. “I have something for you.” Reaching into his coat, he produced the black pearl that he had asked her mother to sell for him. “This was my mother’s--a gift from my father. Someday,” he said, his voice growing rough with desire too long denied, “It will belong to one of our daughters.”

With tears in her eyes she turned her back to him, lifting her hair so that he could fasten the fine chain around her neck. “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered.

“Then it belongs where it is,” he whispered, bending down to place a light kiss at the base of her neck.

Both of them were so wrapped up in each other that they never noticed the furious eyes watching them from the shadows near one of the darkened buildings at the edge of the village.