InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Big, Happy Family ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Big, Happy Family
“I told you not to get caught up in that mess.” Kagome chided the still sulking InuYasha.
“But… He called you a half-breed lover… and a low-”
“And NOBODY calls MY mate a half-breed lover, or any other insult!” he cried defiantly.
Kagome rolled her chocolate brown eyes and pushed down on the newly forming lump on his forehead. He yelped in pain.
“InuYasha, I'm sure the old man didn't mean it. Or maybe he's just trying to get some attention. He is lonely afterall and you are the only one who even bothers to yell at him when he gets annoying.”
“Yeah? Well…. *hmph*”
“Acting like a child won't help the situation.”
“Then I'll go back and teach everyone a lesson!”
Kagome shook her head as she walked away towards their bedroom, leaving InuYasha to share his ambitious plans of revenge to empty air. Lately, she had been growing more tired than usual; she let her shoulders droop as she shut the door behind her and lazily sprawled out on their large bed. She thought back to how long ago she and her comrades defeated Naraku and brought everything in the feudal era to peace. It had only been 3 years, which meant she had been married to the same hot-headed, half -demon for 2 years. It truly surprised her that InuYasha finally came to his senses and chose her over that walking clay pot, known as Kikyo. Kagome let out a deep sigh and stared up at the ceiling. InuYasha's incessant grumbling came closer and closer and finally into the room. When he saw her, he silenced himself and crawled into bed next to Kagome and snuggled closer, inhaling her sweet jasmine scent. They cuddled together in silence.
“InuYasha, isn't it time we had a baby?” Kagome whispered into his silver ear.
“You mean make a baby?” he grinned mischievously.
“No. HAVE a baby.”
“Eh. I dunno…”
Kagome sighed again. She hoped that InuYasha would one day share her vision of a large family, but she'd had no luck with him there yet. She could almost imagine the perfect family and it brought large tears to her eyes. InuYasha became alarmed.
“Kagome! I didn't do it! I swear! And if it wasn't me, then tell me the name of the ba-.”
“It's nothing InuYasha. I think it's just that time of month.” She hurriedly wiped her tears. InuYasha relaxed again and pressed his nose to the crook of her neck.
“I want some ice cream.”
“You ALWAYS want something these days, Kagome. It's almost like you're pregnant. Geez.” InuYasha grumbled, pulling Kagome closer to his body with his arms. The hairs on the back of Kagome's neck began to bristle. He was right. She constantly craved different foods, had extreme mood swings, and now that she thought about it, she had missed her period. She felt a flood of hope rush through her body.
“InuYasha, is there anything in this time that can tell whether you are pregnant or not?” InuYasha shrugged.
“If so, I have to go back to my time real quick.”
It was InuYasha's turn to bristle.
“… Why?” he asked cautiously.
“Oh nothing.” She smiled brightly at him and paraded off to the well.
“Be back soon!” She called before she jumped.