InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One call ❯ Chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and I never will!

Authors note:

Waking up in the arms of a very greasy very disgusting club bouncer wasn't exactly what Kikyou had expected . "I'ma give you five seconds to take yo greasy ass hands off of me !" hissed an extremely pissed Kikyou. The bouncer just chuckled and squeezed her tighter while unknowingly putting her head near his arm pits . "For the love of god , you smell like shit , and didn't I tell you to let go of me you stank ass Bruce Bruce wanna be!" screeched Kikyou . Finally he let her go , because he got sick of hearin her mouth . "Now I'm going to have to burn these fucking clothes , do you even know how much this shit cost ! This was an original Versace outfit !" yelled Kikyou while hittin the bouncer upside the head with her Gucci purse . "Bitch please , that shit aint even Versace !" yelled the man . "What the fuck are you talking about yes it is!" she said . The bouncer quickly grabbed Kikyou by the collar and ripped off the tag . "Versace original huh ! Yo ass is wearin a Vursac original ! Now take yo fake ass some where !" laughed the bouncer . Slightly embarrassed Kikyou stormed off towards her car . Tonight was not her night ! Yes she would get her revenge and the first person she was gone get was that Kagome chick ! That bitch was gone get murkked , either by her or by someone else . `I can't believe that bitch had the nerve to make a fool of me in front of Inuyasha ! Then that trick ass hoe punched me in my god damn face so I'm sportin a black eye ! Then she left me in the arms of a nasty ass bouncer who smells like he aint wash his ass in about a year ! The bitch is gone get what's comin to her !' thought Kikyou as she erupted into a cackle . Inuyasha would be hers , Kikyou always got what she wanted . Looking around for her car Kikyou noticed that it wasn't in the spot she parked it in . Getting slightly worried Kikyou looked all over and still didn't see her car . All of her stuff was in that car her purse her cell phone everything ! Sighing to herself Kikyou began her long walk home . She walked to the side of the street and stuck her thumb out hoping to catch a ride . A car slowed down and came to a stop in front of her , the person in the car rolled down the window looked at her and sped on by but not before squirting a big puddle of mud in her face . "I swear to god ...... I will get you KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEE!" screamed Kikyou while walking on the side of the rode . It would be a long walk home !

`That bitch! She came over to me , she was the one who was all over me , and when I start to give that slut what she wanted she does the ol Innocent this is not what I want bit ! So when I keep on suckin on her neck the bitch crabs my nuts! I still have nail marks on my dick where that Hoe crabbed me at! That bitch shouldn't have been grindin all over me if she wasn't gone give it up !' thought Kouga angrily . `If I ever see that bitch again ,I swear to god my foot is goin to be half way up her ass!' he thought !