InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Can Only Wander For So Long ❯ Desired Solitude ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Revisions! Details added, wording changed, plot smoothed out.
Disclaimer - Of course, I don't own the Inuyasha characters.
One Can Only Wander for So Long
By Alesyira
Chapter Two - Desired Solitude
Silence reigned that morning, blanketing the wooded countryside with its stillness. The birds that had yet to migrate south perched high in the trees, huddled together in the sweet shroud of slumber. A light mist clung to the area, bringing with it a brisk chill that slipped into the warmth of the Higurashi household as the front door creaked open. The sky showed only the slightest hint of light as she pulled the front door open wide, lifting the pack and long case that sat ready by the door.
Kagome closed her eyes and breathed deeply of the crisp autumn air, peace and relaxation filling her being. The scent of freshly cut grass brought a smile to her face as she stepped forth from her two-story home, ready for a weekend outdoors. She stepped off her front porch and walked down the flagstone path to the garage to her left, a content smile plastered on her face.
Kagome loved everything about her home of two years. The yard was wide and grassy, and the flowerbeds and small fountain in front of her home were breathtaking. The part-time gardener had planted a spectacular variety of flowers and bushes around the small estate, and something was always in bloom or lush and green, even after the frosts of winter came. The interior was spacious and had everything she could want or need: a fireplace in the cozy living room, a large master bedroom with the most comfortable bed money could buy, three extra empty bedrooms for when she had guests, and two magnificent bathrooms. A huge Jacuzzi bathtub in the upstairs bathroom, and the coolest set of shower-heads installed in the downstairs bathtub.
The thought of that shower brought a smile to her lips; she'd spent countless hours in there, and still she marveled at the relaxation and pleasure it could bring to a weary body. The kitchen had oak cabinets and stainless steel appliances, and her library was an excellent place for her to relax with a book and a cup of tea - or paint, hours on end. She sighed happily and a fleeting image of her future family playing in the pool or running about in the garden passed her thoughts. “I think I'm getting ahead of myself here,” she muttered to herself.
Having a family of her own had never been more than a passing thought to her in years past. Her two closest friends, Sango and Miroku, had developed a bond under fire sometime before she'd met them two years ago. While she was happy and appreciative of their relationship, she had a creeping fear of going out to meet new people; it always ended up with her loss of control and a frightening sense of helplessness. It was beginning to border on anthropophobia: with the exception of her few trusted friends and associates, she had limited exposure to strangers. She shook her head against negative thoughts and focused on the present: the thankfully quiet and solitary present.
She reached her truck and put the pack and bow case in the back before securing the case against motion with a strap, making sure it wouldn't slip free and slide around the truck bed. Slamming the tailgate shut startled a few birds from their slumber in the nearby trees, and she half-turned to watch them take to the skies in a sudden flurry in the faint morning light, feeling a twinge of loneliness. She made one last trip inside for her small thermos of coffee and a breakfast treat, locking the front door behind her.
She walked to the driver's side and pulled herself up into the seat. She settled in and buckled her seatbelt, starting the ignition as she hummed a little tune. She pulled out of the short garage driveway and onto the lengthy front road that wound down the front of her small estate. As she reached the front gates, a sensor picked up her truck and opened the gates so she could pass, closing them once again as she turned onto the street.
The privacy and security the walls around her property were wonderful; neighbors and passersby couldn't even see her home from the road. But sometimes she felt it was too confining, and she found release in leaving for occasional weekend excursions to go enjoy the outdoors. Last month she had gone with Sango and Miroku to hike up a mountain a day's drive away.
She smiled as she pulled onto the highway: this time she had planned a solo three-day campout. She had a small tent and a few supplies to keep her sustained the two nights she would be in the woods. After consulting area maps, she found an excellent spot to set up camp, not too far from a freshwater stream, and no current residents for a good twenty mile radius. She was guaranteed her solitude, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
It would be a long drive, but she somehow knew it would be well worth it as she took a sip of her coffee. Two hours after she got on the highway, she took an exit and made her way down a quiet road for another twenty minutes before reaching the tree line. The map had shown two forks in the road once she reached the trees, she would be taking the first right, and then the next left. She had seen that the first left lead to a single building.
Curious, she had called the county land management to ask about it, mainly to see if anyone lived there - Kagome didn't want to endanger any lives while she hunted, nor did she feel like stumbling across residents. She had been informed that the house had been empty for years now - despite the prime land location - and was owned by people who lived across the country. At the right turn, she drove another fifteen minutes before reaching her left turn. The left turn brought her to the clearing shortly, and she pulled her truck around, pointing it back towards the road.
Turning off the ignition, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and checked the signal. She smirked in amusement when she realized how far out of range she was, and tossed her phone into the glove box before hopping out of the truck. She walked back to the tailgate to heft her bow case and pack out of the bed and onto the grass.
She opened her bow case and withdrew her bow, running her thumb over the weathered wood fondly. It had been in the family for generations, and of the small number of remaining relatives, Kagome had been the lucky recipient of this heirloom. Her quiver was more modern, lightweight and easy to draw from, holding a maximum of eight arrows at a time.
Archery was Kagome's favorite outdoor activity. Taking take her bow and arrows with her for every trip, she'd practice diligently. It came in handy when she was out camping for longer periods of time; she used her skill not only for protection, but to also pick off small game for a hearty meal. It was a nice change from anything else she might have packed to eat. Granted, there were packaged foods that could last for weeks she could take along with her, but hunting made her feel wild and carefree.
Slinging her bow and arrow over her shoulder, she locked the truck and checked the pockets of her pack for her map and compass. She quickly found her bearings, then shot an azimuth to a group of boulders far past the tree line to her left. Her chosen campsite was a small clearing just past those barely visible boulders, well within reach of her truck should the need to return quickly arise. Being alone without telling her friends where she'd be was dangerous enough, so staying so close to her vehicle was probably a smart idea.
She took a refreshing sip of water from the `Camel-bak' attached to her pack, then strapped it securely to her back. With her quiver at her hip and her bow in hand, she started off at a brisk pace. "God, I love this stuff," she said aloud to herself. She reached the tree line shortly, pulling her bow into the ready with an arrow notched.
She knew the forest teemed with life, and the occasional youkai had been reported to attack unwary hikers. Kagome had only ever seen one youkai, a large centipede that had attacked her and her best friend, Sango, on one of their hikes. While Kagome favored her bow, Sango had a massive boomerang, as tall as she was, that she carried with her on their outings, slung effortlessly over her back.
Kagome still felt the sensation of amazement when she thought about that weapon. Sango used it as an awe-inspiring mantle decoration in her home, for it accented the outback-inspired decorations around her house, but whenever she was out with Kagome to any uncivilized locale, she brought the deadly weapon with her and handled it like an expert. That centipede had hardly lunged at the girls before that boomerang had torn through its body, leaving it messily cleaved in half, twitching as the girls walked past.
`I'll probably get my ass chewed when Sango realizes I've gone out here by myself - she's such an over-protecting friend,' Kagome thought as she stalked slowly along the path, keeping her senses alert for any evil presence nearby.
Since Kagome could remember, she'd been able to see and feel more than anyone else she knew. Her family had descended from a long line of mikos, and some were even legends in history, with awesome powers they used to protect and save countless lives. Stories over time had faded, and knowledge of miko strengths became more myth than fact, to the point where it seemed as though no one was around anymore to teach those with the ability how to unlock their potential. Until Kagome's 15th birthday, her powers were just strong enough for her to feel uneasy near especially cruel people, or anyone thinking of ill intent. She could, for the most part, ignore it and live a pretty normal life. But, on that fateful 15th birthday, her father had died. Robbed and murdered in the city, halfway to his car from the bakery, her birthday cake in hand.
The tragedy had stirred such a strong feeling of loss and a deep mistrust of people that her ability over the next two years to sense evil became almost blinding. Those with corrupted thoughts stirred such an anger within her that was unable to remain living in the city at the family shrine for much longer. She withdrew into a shell, fearing public places and the cold terror that such exposure could bring. Her free time became devoted to studying, and with diligence, she graduated well ahead of her class, able to get away from the fear of strange people sooner than expected. On her graduation, her grandfather informed her of the trust fund her father had left her and passed on the ring worn by the family for generations.
It was a beautiful silver ring, engraved with complex swirls that reflected light with such intensity it almost seemed to glow, supposedly enchanted. It somehow was able to fit the true owner perfectly, no matter their size of fingers, and would not fit one who was not the owner. The legend behind it had long been forgotten, it was simply held by the eldest family member, in this case, her grandfather, until someone of age could once again wear it. Much to her family's delight, it had fit her finger perfectly, and so, along with her trust fund, she left the shrine to find a secluded place of her own.
Her inheritance was easily enough to purchase her own house far outside of the city, in a very spacious town. There was a grocery store, a post office, a few common shops, two restaurants, a small doctor's office, and not much else. This town was mostly for well-off retirees or rich folk who loved life away from it all, and didn't mind the commute. There were no schools or major businesses in the area, just enough to not have to go far for normal needs and wants. With proper planning and spending, Kagome would have enough to live off of comfortably for the rest of her life, but she felt it necessary to get her degree, just in case she ever wanted to get a good job.
Kagome chuckled. Three years of working her ass off with distance education and a scant few classes at a community college fifty miles away had gotten her an early Bachelor's degree in business administration, and all she did now was paint. She had discovered her love to paint in one of the art electives she'd taken, and now her library had stacks upon stacks of paintings inspired by her frequent outdoors adventures.
Kagome paused in her musings; the sound of trickling water nearby had reminded her of how close she was to her camp area. The woods were warming; the sun had been up a few hours and the morning chill had quickly faded to a pleasant breeze. Kagome smiled and shrugged off her pack, dropping it next to a large tree where she'd be setting up her camp.
She had chosen a perfect place - the distance between these trees was wide enough for her to set up her tent and build a small fire. She plopped down into the dirt, stretching her legs out in front and turning her face up to enjoy the patch up sunlight that filtered down through a break in the branches above her.