InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Chance ❯ One Chance ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me. They all belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
Title: One Chance
Rated: NC
Characters: Inu-Yasha x Kagome
One Chance
“Kagome! I can't take it anymore,” an eighteen year old girl said as she cried on her best friends shoulder.
Kagome was at home doing a little tidying around her house when she heard her doorbell rang. She had walk to the door with an annoying sigh. With the work she's been doing all day, she did not want to be bothered. She was either going to scold the person for bothering her, or drag him or her into her house and force him or her to help. But upon opening the door, she did not expect a girl to suddenly launch herself onto her. To say she was shock was an under statement. The girl in her arm started to babble nonsense which caused Kagome to rub her already aching head. Shushing the now bawling girl down, Kagome had walked her over to the cloth covered couch.
Now here she was, chores forgotten, trying to figure out her friend's incoherent words. “Whoa, Eri slow down. What happen?” Kagome asked trying to sound concern, but how can she? When her friend comes crying to her it was one of two things. It was either she just got dumped by her boyfriend or…well… got rejected by the guy she like. Judging from how much she was crying, Kagome can have a safe bet saying she just got dumped by her boyfriend.
Eri hic-upped before talking, “My b-boyfriend just dumped me.” And again, she started howling again. Kagome eyebrow twitched. `Figures.'
“Who, Eri? Who's the guy?”
“Inu-Inu Yasha…”
“Aww Eri, don't cry. There there. You'll find someone better. Don't..,” Kagome was in the midst of comforting Eri and cursing her now ex-boyfriend for hurting her before fully registering who Eri was talking about. Then she just exploded. “WHAT!!?!? Eri how could you? I told you to stay away from that stupid jerk! He's nothing but an asshole. A playboy! Why the hell didn't you listen to me?”
Eri sniff and rubbed her red noise. “I-I didn't know, he said he was going to change for me. I thought I can change him. H-He…” Before she can finish Kagome was already up and walking towards her door. “Ka-Kagome? Where are you going?”
Kagome stopped at the door and turned around, giving Eri a smirk. “I'm going to teach someone a lesion to remember. You stay. There food in the fridge. Eat and get some rest.” That all she said before grabbing her car key and all but slam the door behind her.
Eri wince when the door slammed. Shrugging, she got up and walked to the kitchen towards the fridge.
Inu-Yasha sneezed as he drove back to his apartment. `Damn bitch is probably talking about me,' Inu-Yasha growled. For the life of his, he doesn't even remember her damn name, but my god she was annoying. Calling him every thirty damn minute and demanding where he was. He wasn't a guy that bends to a girl's bidding. So when a girl starts acting all high and mighty with him, it's bye bye bitch.
He smirked, remembering how he had promise he would change for her. `Feh, girls are so gullible. They fall for the silliest things.' The smirk was still on his face when he parked his car at the empty parking lot below his apartment. As he neared the elevator, he reached into his pants pocket for a cig. He was about to light the cancer stick when something hit him in the head, hard. “What the..?” he looked down to see a crumpled piece of paper next to him. His eye brow ticked. Who the fuck…?
Inu-Yasha didn't need to turn. He recognized that voice anywhere. Smirking, he turned around with open arm to greet the person only to be slapped in the face and pushed up against the elevator door. “Kaggy, I didn't know you're that excited to see me,” Inu-Yasha greeted, the smirk never leaving his face. This. This was the girl he would do anything to get his hands on, but can't have. She by far, was different from all the girls he had met.
While other girls would melt upon seeing him, she had kicked him where it hurts most when he was trying to hit on her. Ever since then, the chase was on. He would try anything to get her, but each time, she would refuse him, leaving behind some sort of bodily injury in her dust. Today was no less, she had slapped him across the face and slammed him against the elevator, yet he wasn't mad, this was quite sexy if you were to ask him. Having a hot feisty chick…
“Don't you Kaggy me you fucking walking STD!” Kagome all but growled at him, her tiny fists holding him by the collar, nearly choking him. “I'm not here to goof around with you. Damn it Inu-Yasha, I told you to keep away from my friends. Out of all the girls in the world, you just had to mess with my friends. Before, there was Ayumi, now Eri?”
“Ah, so that's her name?”
“Inu-Yasha,” Kagome growled in warning.
“Ok, ok. What do you want me to do about it, hmm?” he looked on with amusement, his left hand snuck behind him to press the up button on the elevator.
“To go apologies to her!”
Inu-Yasha looked thoughtful “And what do I get in return?” He mused seeing Kagome fume.
“You'll get a fist in your eye, if you don't go now!” But before she can let him go, the elevator door open. Inu-Yasha grinned as he “fell” into the elevator, dragging a surprise Kagome in with him, mean while, switching their position so now Kagome was the one pinned to the wall, Inu-Yasha body pressing hard against her and his large callous hand pinning both her tiny wrists above her head. She gave him a hard glare while trying to breaking free. “Inu-Yasha, what is the meaning of this?”
Inu-Yasha grin widen as he learn in closer until his lips brush her left ear. His hot breath made her shudder. “Why, Kaggy, do you think I'm just going to apologies to a girl without getting anything in return?”
Kagome eyes widen, realizing what he was implying. She turned her head to glare at him. “You wouldn't!”
“Oh believe me Kaggy, I would.” Just then, the elevator door opened to Inu-Yasha's floor. He all but tossed her over his shoulder like a potato sack.
Kagome yelped, her fist pounding hard against his back, her feet kicking, yet nothing seemed to fazed Inu-Yasha. She screamed at Inu-Yasha to let her down, but she knew it was too much to hope for. She growled, digging her nails into his back.
“You know, love. I know you're passionate about digging your nails into my back, but you can leave that for later when you dig your nails into my back from pleasure.” Inu-Yasha said all the while slapping her ass, making Kagome blush ten shares redder. Her body went slack as he continued to walk towards his apartment.
Once in side, with the door shut and locked behind him, Inu-Yasha made a bee line to his room, tossing Kagome carelessly onto his bed.
Kagome quickly scrambled off the bed, hissing at Inu-Yasha for his antic. “I'm serious Inu-Yasha, I'm not joking around! What are you trying to do?” Kagome asked glaring at Inu-Yasha. But upon seeing him, she gasped. He wasn't looking as her with the smirk anymore. Instead it was replaced by an unreadable expression. Now she was scared. “Inu..Inu-Yasha? Wha…What's going on?”
Inu-Yasha continued looking at Kagome. At first he was just going to scare her a bit. He just wanted to intimidate her, but after seeing her in his bed, all flustered and panting, he couldn't help but want to take everything further. He realized than, that he wanted her. Wanted her more than he ever did any other girl. And he was damn if he was going to let that opportunity go. The smirk returned to his face. “Kaggy, dearest. Tonight I am going to make you mine.”
Kagome's heart skipped a beat. `H-He…j-just...' “Inu-Yasha! This is crazy. I'm going home.” She got up and fixed her clothes before attempting to walk pass Inu-Yasha. She didn't get far, before feeling a tug on her arm. The next thing she knew, she was within Inu-Yasha's embrace, with her back press firmly against his chest, her face facing the bed. Inu-Yasha arms were securely locked around her waist, effortlessly trapping her arms. His head fell against her left shoulder as he took a deep breathe, inhaling her sweet scent.
“Inu-Yasha,” Kagome growled “Let me go!”
“No,” was his simple answer.
Kagome struggle to break free, but his was just too strong for her. He not only over powered her with strength, but with his body. She was tiny compared to him, so how can she break free? Part of her was thrill to know that she had this kind of affect on him, but part of her was scared because she never saw this side of him before. She was scared of what he is capable of doing and at the same time, was curious of the sinful things he promised he was going to do to her. Should she stay and find out what he intend to do? Or escape in case he does something unthinkable? At the end, the latter won, so she renewed her struggle again.
“Give up Kagome” that shut her up, since Inu-Yasha never called her by her full name. He was always calling her Kaggy, or another other name such as dearest and darling, but never Kagome. So she was shock, he was serious. Since when was Inu-Yasha, the playboy, serious? And all this, because of her? No, he's probably acts this way hen he tries to seduce girls. That's they all fall for him. But who was she to say. She was on the brick of believing he was acting this way because of her.
Curse her heart for thinking this way. Kagome had a crush on Inu-Yasha for longest time. But she was scared because she knew that he was everything but nice and sweet Inu-Yasha. She had seen many girls cry over him, heard many rumors about him dating girls with higher status. Who was she to compare? Who was she to think that maybe, just maybe, she can change him for the better. Take a look at Eri! Inu-Yasha told her he was going to change for her, and then he dumped her a week later. Kagome was lost for words. This isn't right. She had to say something! “Inu-Yasha, that's enough! I'm not those girls who bend to your bidding. Please let me go. I'm not playing around!”
“I'm not playing around!” Inu-Yasha held Kagome tighter. He growled into her ear, seeking for her submission. When she finally stopped struggling, he continued. “Dear lord, woman, what have you done to me? I always thought that I can play around with just about any women then be gone when things gets too far. You see Kagome? I'm not the type of guy who is into long serious relationship. I try to stay away from it because I know it will bring me nothing but heart ache.”
He embraced her waist with one arm, while his left hand traveled upward to cup her chin, turning her head slightly so she can see his face. “But you! You manage to come into my life and changed all that! You, Kagome, is the only thing on my mind every god damn day! How the fuck did you do that without even trying?!?”
Kagome continue staring at Inu-Yasha. He face was contorted into what seems to be pain. Kagome heart raced. Was this person, hugging her from behind, Inu-Yasha? It seem like she was being offered a chance to see into Inu-Yasha's soul. “Inu-Yasha…” before Kagome knew it, she ha whimpered Inu-Yasha's name, as if asking him to look at her. And he did. When she saw his eyes, they were distance, hollow even, pained. `Oh my Gods! What's going on?'
Inu-Yasha stared into Kagome's eyes. They were a deep blue grey now… beautiful... He tore his eyes away from hers as he continued. “I don't care anymore! I don't care what you'll think of me after this!” He growled the last part before dipping his head into the nape of her neck, suckling gently on the skin, earning a gasp from Kagome. His left hand loosens their grip around her waist only to start traveling upward underneath her shirt. His claw like fingernails scraped gently against her smooth stomach before moving upward. “Please don't hate me after this…” He whispered the last sentence before shoving his hands into her pants and panties to touch her most intimate place.
Kagome gasp when she felt Inu-Yasha's lips on her neck, gently suckling it, but was horrified when his left her waist in favor of her stomach. But she wasn't able to move. It was like he cased some kind of spell over her. Kagome closed her eyes, slowly giving into her desires. It was too good to be true. Inu-Yasha was… and suddenly she felt it. She felt Inu-Yasha right hand shot beneath her waist band to touch... Her hand automatically shot up to grab his right hand, trying desperately to pull it out. Desperately try to free herself from his hold once more. “Inu-Yasha!” Kagome screamed, turning her head to glare at him. “Stop! STOP THIS!!”
He was tired of holding everything at bay. He didn't care if she was going to hate him after this, but damn it, he had enough! “NO!” he roared before shoving Kagome onto his bed. “I told you Kagome. I don't care anymore. Tonight I'm going to make you mine! I'm going violate your body with this body of mine!” He crawled onto bed and pounced on Kagome when she tried to move. “You're not going anywhere tonight!” He straddled her waist with his legs, leaning down to press the rest of his body against her struggling one, his right hand effortlessly holding both her hands above her hand while his left rip her buttoned up shirt, the buttons flying odd directions. He dipped his head to once again to lick her neck causing her to shudder.
Kagome kicked and scream for Inu-Yasha to stop. She was scared. This was like him raping her! This can't be happening! “This isn't right. Inu-Yasha! Stop please!” Kagome begged
He lifted himself up slightly to look down at Kagome's flush face. She was panting hard. She was being sexy on purpose! “Are you sure Kagome? Do you really want me to let you go? Are you saying that you are not turned on?” Inu-Yasha asked bringing his head back to Kagome's neck and gently nipped it.
Kagome swallowed hard. She would be lying if she said she's not turned on. If anything she wanted Inu-Yasha to continue! But damn it, not like this! She didn't want Inu-Yasha to act like his raping her. “Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying you jerk. Now let me go. NOW!”
“Is that so?” Inu-Yasha smirked before slipping his right hand into her waist band towards her core. There, he started to fondle with her slippery folds. “Because it feels like you're enjoying this.”
Kagome couldn't help but let out a scream and arched her back. Oh gods, what was Inu-Yasha doing to her? She's going insane. She was burning. Dear god she was burning. If Inu-Yasha stopped now, she wouldn't know what to do.
“Give in Kagome. Be mine.” Inu-Yasha whispered into Kagome's ear, all the while slipping a digit into her heated core.
She bit her lips from screaming, but when Inu-Yasha added a second digit, she let out a loud moan. Her hip worked on its own accord, bucking against Inu-Yasha's thrusting fingers. “Inu..” Kagome whined.
Inu-Yasha stared at Kagome's face, memorizing her expression she made while on the brick of pleasure. Inu-Yasha pride sparked knowing that he was the one who was causing her this much pleasure. It was his name that she whimpered. Finally, Kagome was his…
He let go of Kagome's hands only to have them wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. She continued to mewl and call out to him, as he insert a third and final digit into her core, getting her ready for the real thing. His now free hand roamed over her shirt, unbuttoning the remaining buttons that held her shirt together. Next came her bra, he was glad that the button was in front, so he didn't have to reach behind to fumble with it. With a twist of his hand Kagome's bra loosen, revealing her round supple breast. His right hand immediately latch itself to her left breast while his duck down to suckle on her right one.
Kagome arched her back and nearly screamed when she felt Inu-Yasha envelop her breast with his hot cavern. His rough tongue gently lap at the now harden nipple cause it to become more sensitive. He then switch breast, showing the neglected one with the same attention he had given to the right.
Sensing Kagome nearing, Inu-Yasha withdraws his fingers from her core, causing her to whine in disappointment. He places a kiss in her pouting lips before smirking. “Seems to me you're enjoying this just as much as I am”
“Shut up and kiss me,” Kagome growled, pulling Inu-Yasha back down for a deeper kiss. Inu-Yasha happily complied, tilting his head for a better angle before dipping his tongue into her slightly parted lips, tasting her sweet cavern and battling with her tongue. He felt Kagome tugging at his shirt, and pulled away just enough to pull his shirt and wife beater off; tossing it carelessly on the floor, Inu-Yasha resumed kissing Kagome.
Kagome moaned into the kiss while grinding against Inu-Yasha's hip, feeling the slight budge on his pants. She nudged Inu-Yasha to lift his hip so she can unbutton and unzip his pants with her nimble fingers. When his pants were loose enough, Kagome thrust her hand into his pants and gently grabbed his thick and hard member.
Inu-Yasha broke the kiss and groan loudly into Kagome's ear. He slowly thrust his hips against Kagome's hand, enjoying what her damp hand was doing to him. God this was maddening! Inu-Yasha quickly scrambled out of bed, shedding his remaining clothes before climbing back up to help Kagome get ride of her pants and panties. Their clothes now haphazardly tossed around the room, Inu-Yasha climb onto on Kagome. He gently lowered himself on hers, slightly nudge her to widen her legs so he can rest between them.
Inu-Yasha looked down at Kagome with that arrogant smirk on his face. “Your mine” He growled, before lifting her hip slightly and thrusting into her. He held still all the while looking at Kagome. She arched her back and screamed when he impaled himself into her. “Gods you're sexy!” Inu-Yasha panted, bending down to capture one of her nipple. She moaned and deliciously squeezing his member by contracting her walls. He grunt and began to thrust in and out of her.
It was too much! Kagome don't think she can hold it in much longer. Inu-Yasha was unbelievable. He was big; she was sure, because she felt a slight pain when he entered her. But after the pain seize, it was wonderful, he was fucking good. She wrapped her legs around his hips and thrust against him hard, silently urging him to go faster. And that was exactly what he did. Sitting up, Inu-Yasha grabbed both of Kagome's legs and slightly lift them over her stomach, he withdraw his member, and lean forward. Without another moment to waste, Inu-Yasha thrush long and hard into Kagome, causing her to toss her head back into the pillow with ecstasy.
Inu-Yasha continued pounding hard into Kagome. Their body slick with their mingled sweat, and the sound of their coupling made Inu-Yasha growl in approval. Setting Kagome legs down, Inu-Yasha fell forward onto Kagome, bracing his elbows on other side of her head, eagerly capturing her lips. He could feel Kagome walls contracting, knowing that she was close. He felt his own building. Grunting, Inu-Yasha pulled out until only his tip remain, before slamming back in, hard, causing the bed to creak and Kagome to scream.
A few more thrusts and Kagome came, hard, whimpering Inu-Yasha's name and digging her nails into Inu-Yasha's back nearly breaking skin, leaving behind half crescent moons.
That was all Inu-Yasha needed, with another thrust, Inu-Yasha spew hot cum into Kagome, he groan her name before collapsing on top of her, his head buried into her neck and her arms wrap tightly across his back.
The couple laid there for a few minutes catching their breath. When Inu-Yasha was able to gather his strength back, he rolled over; dragging Kagome along so now she lay nestled on top of him. She nuzzled his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek before sleep over came her.
Inu-Yasha felt Kagome breathing even out and knew she was asleep. Smiling, he grope for the sheet at the foot of the bed and pulled it over him and Kagome. Before long, he too fell asleep.
Kagome woke up with a start. Where was she? Kagome look around the room, not recognizing any scenery. It was then that she something tightening around her waist. She lifted the white sheet and realized she was naked. Boy was she clueless. She looked at her stomach and notice an arm draped around her waist. She followed the arm until she came face to face with Inu-Yasha's peaceful one.
That was when everything came flooding back to her. She blushed. She and Inu-Yasha…
Shaking her head, Kagome did her best to move Inu-Yasha's hand out of the way so she can get dressed. `What the hell have I gotten myself into?' Kagome thought as she slipped on her panties and pants. Next came her bra and then lastly, her shirt. It was missing some buttons, but it'll have to do unless she gets home. She was in the midst of buttoning her last button when she felt arms wrapped around her waist and pulling her against a hard chest. Kagome gasp when she felt warm breath against her neck.
“Morning beautiful,” Inu-Yasha grinned, placing a kiss on Kagome's neck. He felt her shudder and smirk. “Wasn't last night `fun'?”
That made Kagome angry, she whirled around, attempting to slap Inu-Yasha, but he caught her hand before it reached him, and caught the second one, now she was defenseless. “You bastard! Y-You pig!”
“Now now. Kaggy. That's no way to talk to her boyfriend.”
`Boyfriend?' “Boyfriend?” Kagome started laughing.
Inu-Yasha had a weird look on his face before dropping Kagome's hands. She started laughing harder. “Oi. What the Hell's so funny?”
Kagome calm herself until she was able to talk. She looked at Inu-Yasha with a serious face “Inu-Yasha… what we did last night was out of lust. I know you too well, Inu-Yasha. Don't think that if you seduce into your bed, I will automatically become your girlfriend. That's where you're wrong, Inu-Yasha. I'm not those girls who falls for you every charm.” When Inu-Yasha told her, she was his girlfriend; Kagome's heart skipped a beat. But she knew better. Inu-Yasha is not the type of guy who would commit. If she were with Inu-Yasha, no matter how much she likes him, he'll eventually get tired and move on with the next. Kagome turned to leave when she heard Inu-Yasha chuckle.
“Kaggy. You really thought that sallow of me?”
Kagome whirled around to face him. “Of course I do! What have you ever done to make me think otherwise?”
“I didn't show you enough?!?” Inu-Yasha roared with range. He marched up to Kagome and grabbed her by the shoulder, forcing her to look at him. “You stupid fool; you were the first person who saw my weakness! You were the cause of my weakness! You were the first person I've been with in month!” Inu-Yasha shouted the last part before embracing Kagome. “Kagome, please, don't leave me…”
Kagome just stood there, trying to process everything he just said. She was the source of his weakness? She.. “Inu-Yasha…wha…What…?”
“Ever since I saw you, I haven't been with another woman. Sure I dated them; we did things together, but I never once, felt like doing anything further than that except with you!” Inu-Yasha pulled away from Kagome, so he can look into her eyes. He cupped both her cheeks so she wouldn't be able to look away. “What I'm saying… is that I want to go steady with you and only you. Kagome, please give me a chance to court you!”
Kagome stared back into his eyes. She knew, for some reason, she knew he was telling the truth. And then she did the unthinkable. She willing tip toed and gave him a peck on the cheek, she pulled back only to see the dazed look on Inu-Yasha's face. Giggling, she wound her arms around he neck. “One chance. That's all you'll get.”
Inu-Yasha shook out of his daze and grin. He spun Kagome around. “That's all I need…”
Hehe. So what do you think? Kinda corny and sappy for my taste. And excuse the grammars, I know I suck major butt. This story is, I don't know, something that I can't get out of my system, so I had to write it on paper. Or type it. Whatever. Anyways. Be sure to leave a review. thankies