InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Day... ❯ A Kiss and a Thank You ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I do not own Inuyasha. I just love Rumiko's work and these fictions are my tribute to the inspiration she gave my heart. (Now that I'm done with the mushy stuff) Second, This is the first fiction I have ever posted, depending on how it goes I may post more chapters, maybe even more stories! I understand if you do not want to review, but I humbly ask you to give me your honest opinion, if you don't mind. My thanks! And on with the show!
~vVv~ = Flashback/Vision
~oOo~ = POV Character Shift
~uUu~ = Time Has Passed
One Day...
Chapter 1: A Kiss and a Thank You
Inuyasha sat perched in his usual nightly position up on the highest branch of the nearest tree to the camp, so he would always be ready to protect her. Kagome. Just a thought of her name sent his emotions spiraling. `Why does it always have to be so hard?' he sighed. He knew he loved her, he knew something had to be done. But what? He was still honor bound to Kikyo! Wasn't he? Or was he just some fool blinded by the pain of a lost love?
Memories of his early days with Kikyo flooded into his mind. The first time he tried to steal the Shikon Jewel and she had pinned him to a nearby tree. The way she had forced him to tell her his story. Not by hurting him, as he had anticipated, but with kindness and stubbornness. The first time he had touched her hand and pleading to her with his eyes confessed his love. Oh, the way she had blushed. He chuckled, in some ways Kagome did remind him of his early days with Kikyo, but in others she was completely different. Kikyo had been proper, strong and chaste while Kagome was sweet, direct and head strong.
But Kikyo wasn't like that anymore. Now she was cold, angry and vengeful. He had tried pleading with her to help him destroy Naraku, but she would not. When he asked her why, she always just sighed and turned away. After the silence that always followed she would confess her love to him as she drew him in close. He couldn't help but cringe as he remembered the look in her cold dead eyes as she had said it, then pleaded for him to keep his bargain and return to hell with her. He would always pull away, asking her to understand he must first have revenge on Naraku. `Could that really be the same Kikyo? Would the Kikyo I feel in love with really want me to burn in hell, even if it meant we could be together?'
He wasn't sure. Was it possible that he had only been blinded into believing that this Kikyo who smelled of earth and bones was really the same as the one he remembered who smelled of sandalwood and mountain breezes? He wasn't sure as he lapsed into the memory of his `talk' with Miroku for the fourth time in an hour or less.
Miroku had come up to him while the women and Shippo were swimming. “Hello Inuyasha. Could I have a word with you my friend?” he asked a coy smile on his face.
“Keh” Inuyasha shrugged jumping down from the branch where he had been perched a short ways away from the lake and silently followed the monk. He was not sure what it was that Miroku wanted to talk to him about but he got the feeling from his friend's demeanor that he wasn't going to be to pleased to talk about it.
Miroku lead him back to the camp. Which was only about three or four minutes from the lake. Miroku motioned for Inuyasha to have a seat, as he found his own, fidgeting slightly not sure how to proceed.
“Out with it monk,” Inuyasha said flatly waiting for him to continue.
“Inuyasha,” he began slowly, “how do you feel about Kagome?”
“Fe, that's non of your business Mi_ro_ku,” Inuyasha emphasized his name so he would know he was serious. He did not want to talk about his feelings for Kagome, it was...complicated. He sighed.
“Inuyasha,” Miroku sighed, Inuyasha was always so difficult, “I know you have feelings for Kagome and I also know that you feel duty bound to Kikyo. But you should know,” he paused looking down at the ground, unsure of whether or nor he should say this for Kagome.
“Inuyasha, Kagome has feelings for you as well. And those feelings have been causing her no small amount of grief as of late. I am not the only one who sees hurt in her eyes because of her feelings for you these days either. Both Sango and Lady Kaede have expressed their worry to me. I think you should tell Kagome how you feel about her. She needs to know the truth. She deserves it, if only for her own piece of mind.”
Inuyasha looked at the monk as he considered his words. He knew that Miroku was right. Inuyasha himself had noticed Kagome's melancholy eyes seemingly because of his actions and he had just tried to deny it. He had been lying to himself. He nodded to Miroku as he stood and returned to his previously declared perch at the camp, his haori rustling slightly in the breeze.
It was dark but the night was just beginning and tomorrow the small group would return to the village to for supplies. He planned on talking to Kagome on their journey as Miroku, Sango and Shippo were above them riding on Kilala. He looked to the sky, trying to find solace in the stars above, but he was only greeted with grief and irony as one of Kikyo's soul stealers hovered into his vision.
She wanted to talk to him, he could tell. Her soul stealer danced in the sky above him. He rose and headed into the forest. He wanted her to know that while he still held the love he had for her, he knew her clay copy was not the real Kikyo and he had been too blind to see it. Seeing only what he wished to be true. Kikyo could not exist if her soul dwelled within another. And Inuyasha had known all along that it had, her soul was no longer her own it was Kagome's. And was he. He was going to tell Kagome how he felt for her, his love for Kikyo may have died with her but that didn't mean that he could not, should not be able to feel love again.
Kagome couldn't sleep. It was still early evening but the group had decided to turn in to get an early start back to the village in the morning. She sighed as she stood. 'Maybe I will go for a walk,' she thought to herself smiling. She always loved the fresh air and wilderness of the feudal era, it gave her a sense of inner peace she had always been unable to obtain when she was in her own time.
Sango grasped her wrist as she was about to walk out of the contraption they were sleeping in, Kagome had called it a 'tent'. "Kagome are you okay?" she asked still somewhat sleepy.
"I'm fine Sango. I can't sleep. So I was going to take a walk. Don't worry I'll let Inuyahsa know where I am going so that I don't get into trouble," she replied with a smile to her over-protective friend.
"Okay," Sango said doubtfully, "but be careful."
"I will," Kagome replied as she walked out of the tent and into the fresh night air. She smiled as she looked up and saw the pale moon. Her gaze shifted to Inuyasha he appeared to be deep in thought as he started into space. He raised his head to look at the sky, as she watched, then he quickly jumped down from the tree and headed deeper into the forest. She looked back up to the sky just in time to watch as a soul stealer follow Inuyasha into the forest. "Kikyo," Kagome whispered, dislike seeping into her voice.
She quickly decided to follow Inuyasha even though she knew she probably shouldn't, for both of their sakes. She tried desperately not to catch his attention with the twigs and leaves crunching under her feet. Kagome watched as he came upon Kikyo in her usual position against a solitary tree in a clearing. Her breath hitched in her throat as she watched the man she so desperately loved with his former lover.
She was surprised when Kikyo began to yell at Inuyasha, hurt evident in her face, but Kagome was too far away to overhear their conversation. She wondered what Inuyasha had said to upset Kikyo so much, she had never seen Kikyo look at Inuyasha like that before. She looked away as Inuyasha drew Kikyo in his arms, trying to comfort her. Her heart was broken yet again. She thought for once he might actually be coming to tell Kikyo to leave them alone. 'But obviously I was wrong,' she thought, unshed tears forming in her eyes. She wanted Inuyasha to love her, but a part of her always knew that his heart did not belong to her. 'And maybe it never could' she thought to herself as she turned and ran back towards the camp her eyes burning with her now free flowing tears.
Inuyasha walked quickly into the forest towards Kikyo scent of earth and bones. He was unsure of how to tell Kikyo how he felt but he was sure if he didn't now, he never would be able to. He could see her ahead of him in a clearing surrounded by moonlight. "Kikyo," he said as he stepped closer to her. "Why did you summon me here with your abomination?"
"Now, now Inuyasha, there is no need to be rude. I came to see if you were ready to walk by my side and follow me to hell as you have promised. Or are you still following after that pathetic copy trying to kill Naraku?" she asked, venom in her words.
"You are the one who's pathetic, Kikyo," he said in a low and dangerous voice. He would not stand here and let her degrade Kagome when she was the one who was the copy. "You are the copy. You are nothing but clay and bones and the memories of the real Kikyo. I loved her. But you...I despise," he finished flatly, relieved that he had finally told her how he felt.
"Inuyasha, surely you can not believe that the fragile and weak human whom you follow could really be the truth and I the falsity?" she asked him with a smirk on her face as he drew closer to her.
"You are the fake," he told her sadly, "she is alive, you are undead. You live only because part of her soul is trapped within you. I loved Kikyo. And no matter how much I could have wished that you were her, your not. But Kagome is alive and she has feelings for me, feelings that I share and I am no longer going to let you stand in the way of those feelings."
"I was wrong, but you are the fool. You think because you look like Kikyo and have her memory that's who you are. But Kikyo would never do what you have done and Kikyo would never want me to suffer in hell, even if it meant she would be alone. You are a pawn, nothing more. And I will no longer be played with by you," he said harshly backing up again.
"You are wrong!" she screamed at him, hurt evident in her eyes. "I am more than earth and bones!" she tried to continue to scream at him to tell him that she truly was Kikyo, but she realized he was right. Even if she was Kikyo in consciousness, she was no longer the Kikyo that had loved Inuyasha and had her love returned. She no longer belonged to his world. She was a monster who wanted nothing but pain and revenge against her former lover for a crime against her he never really committed. And while she knew he was innocent she still craved his blood. She began to cry slightly and was surprised when he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back trying to sooth her.
Inuyasha sighed at her expression and wrapped his arms around her when she began to cry. 'I'm sorry' he thought to himself as he rubbed her back trying to calm her down. 'I wanted you to understand but I didn't mean to hurt you more than I already had,' he thought sadly.
Suddenly, his head shot up. He could smell her tears and he knew that she had once again followed him, only to see him embrace Kikyo in the moonlight. He looked around and spied her retreating form. His gaze fell one last time on Kikyo, "I'm sorry," was all he said as he took off into the forest after Kagome. She was running as fast as she could but he was faster. "Kagome! Wait! Please let me explain!" he called after her, smiling slightly as she came to a stop and turned to face him wiping her eyes.
She could hear him start to follow her and her impulse to run became overwhelming. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, just hoping to reach the tent before Inuyasha caught her so they wouldn't have to have another awkward conversation about him and Kikyo. She was surprised when he called out her name and asked her to let him explain, his voice sounded broken and scared. Her heart ached at that sound and she sighed sadly to herself as she found herself stopping to turn around.
As he neared her, she had a sad look on her face. He wanted to tell her him and Kikyo were over, he wanted to tell her he loved her but before he got the chance she spoke. "I'm sorry I interrupted you Inuyasha. You don't need to explain to me, we've talked about it before," she finished turning to leave again.
He grabbed her wrist, he couldn't let her leave like this. His mind was spinning and he didn't know what to say to make her understand. She looked up at him with those chocolate pools for eyes, filled with pain as she tried to pull her wrist free. Inuyasha did not let her go but pulled her to him, eliciting a small gasp from Kagome who was now flush against him. His free hand came up and lightly and brushed the hair from her eyes, his face coming within inches of hers. "Inuyasha?" she whispered quietly, suddenly unnerved by his closeness.
He did not answer as he slowly brushed his lips against hers. He kissed her hesitantly still unsure of what he was doing. He could feel her stiff body start to relax as he kissed her until she had her arms around his neck and their slow unsure kisses because full of passion and need.
Kagome hadn't been expecting him to kiss her but when he did an epic battle began within her. She loved him but didn't think he could ever let his relationship with Kikyo go enough for them to have a chance. Yet here he was kissing her. Coaxing her with his lips and tongue to join the kiss and sink into him. It wasn't fair! She couldn't just let this happen without knowing if he felt the same way she did, could she? His soft torture was too much for her and she found herself giving in to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, drowning in the sensations it was causing.
The need for air was overwhelming as he finally released her lips and pulled back to look at her. "Kagome," he began with an unsteady voice, "I love you." He immediately looked away and his ears flattened to his head as he waited for her rejection.
She smiled at him as he shyly looked away from her. She brought her hand up to his face, forcing him to look at her. He let her guide him to face her, his right ear twitching slightly. "Inuyasha, do you really feel that way?" she asked her eyes full of hope and unanswered questions. "What about Kikyo?" she continued. If Inuyasha really did love her she would be happy. But she had to know how he still felt for Kikyo. She could not let herself be with him if he would only leave to go back to her. She deserved better!
"I still love Kikyo," he said flatly, "I always will." Her face fell and he sighed leading her over to a tree and sitting down at the base, pulling Kagome into his lap. "But," her continued, "Kikyo is dead and gone, I realize that now. Nothing could bring her back, ever," he said sadly before continuing on. "But I meant what I said Kagome. Kikyo may be gone but you aren't and I don't think its fair that we should have to ignore our feelings for each other," he paused for a moment and took her hands in his as he continued on boldly, "I love you, Kagome and I want you to be my mate."
She sighed as he led her over to a nearby tree, sitting down and pulling her into his lap. She was completely surprised by what he was saying to her. She had never known Inuyasha to be so forward, honest or wise. He was usually so hot tempered and temperamental she had trouble believing it was Inuyasha speaking to her. When he finally finished she was dumbfounded, a million thoughts running through her head. 'How did he know how she felt? Sango must have said something. He wants me to be his mate! "What does that mean?" she asked out loud without thinking.
He chuckled at her lightly as he began nuzzling her neck seductively. "It means," he began, his hot breath causing her skin to dance, "that you would be mine and eventually you would have my pups." He began to caress her neck with his mouth. Sucking and licking the tender flesh until her heard her give a soft moan. "Is that a yes?" Inuyasha whispered in her ear, his voice deep and husky.
"Yes," she answered, her voice low and shaky, "What do we have to do?" She was frightened, but she wanted to be with Inuyasha and he was willing to be with her forever, it was like a dream and she didn't want to wake up. She was willing to do anything to be by his side and love him like she had always wanted.
Inuyahsa groaned in response to her answer as he turned her around in his arms and brought his lips forcefully against hers. They were both lost in a sea of sensation as their mouths fought for dominance against each other. Inuyasha could tell that Kagome had never even had more than a few chaste kisses in her short life but he didn't mind. She had said yes! He had finally found a mate and he would love her for all time. His manhood throbbed as he became painfully aware of it and he could feel his demon blood struggling to break free. He fought against his instincts as they struggle to come to the surface and forcefully take what was now his to relieve the aching pain. But he would not let his demon nature ruin this perfect moment with Kagome!
He shrugged off his haori as he and Kagome came up for air and he smiled at her as he placed it down on the ground. Her lips were bruised from their passionate kissing and her face was completely flushed. He gently shifted her so that she lay on the haori. He crawled over her and began to kiss her again, reveling in the feel of her against him, her strange flowery scent filling his senses.
Kagome was in heaven. She could see nothing but Inuyasha. She could hear nothing save for their panting breath, pounding heartbeats and the occasional moan of pleasure that escaped their lips. But most of all, she could feel nothing except Inuyasha grinding against her and the wonderful feelings his mouth was eliciting from her innocent body. She knew what they were doing, going to do. But yet, she did not. Her innocence mind unable to completely grasp the complexities of their actions. Her body arched against his straining for its own release as her hands came up to grip his shoulders.
His hot open mouthed kisses moving from her mouth across her jaw and then over to her neck. Kagome moaned again and pushed against him as he lightly sucked and nipped at her tender flesh scrapping her lightly with his sharp fangs. Inuyasha's hand moved up her body slowly from its standing position at her hip. He slipped his hand under her shirt, carefully minding his claws as he began to knead her breast and pinch her sensitive nipple. She gasped in shock as his hand found her breast, but she soon became emboldened and began to remove her shirt to give him better access.
Inuyasha growled low and seductively deep in his throat. He lowered his head to her now exposed breasts as he tortured one after another as he had her neck. Kagome couldn't take anymore. She was breathing very heavily, her senses were spinning and the only think she knew for sure was that she was going to fall. As she got closer and closer the edges of her vision started to darken and she became scared. "Inuyasha!" she called out desperately, not sure what was happening.
He chuckled against the smooth soft skin of her breast as he cooed to her, "it's okay Kagome, just let go to the feeling." He brought one of his hands down to her thigh then upwards until it rested on her womanhood. He slowly began to tease Kagome with his fingers as he felt her start to relax under him.
Kagome had slightly begun to relax at Inuyahsa's words. The blackness was slowly creeping back as he resumed his ministrations on her breasts. This time she did not fight against the darkness but let it slowly consume her as she concentrated on Inuyasha's mouth and hands on her body. A large fire roared in her as Inuyasha began to stroke her clitoris and the darkness rushed up to meet her. She began to scream his name as she hit her first climax but it was cut off as his lips once again claimed hers.
Inuyasha watched her as he continued to assault her senses with his hands and waited for her to come back from the depths. He smiled at her as she looked up at him completely flushed, need evident in her chocolate brown depths. "It will hurt a little," he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck again. She only nodded as he rose and began to undress, and she followed suit. She gasped at the sight of him. She had never been with a man before but from what she knew from biology class and her mother, most men were not as big as Inuyasha and she knew why he had warned her that it would hurt.
He started down at her for longer than he could remember until he noticed how much she was blushing. He carefully laid himself above her and began to kiss her again, his hands wreaking havoc on her already hardened peaks. She could feel him shift slightly so that he was right outside her entrance and she could take no more. Looking up into his eyes Kagome begged him, "Inuyahsa...please." He groaned at her pleading and slowly began to lower himself into her warmth, he stopped when he reached her barrier before pulling out and driving himself in again as fast as he could.
Kagome whimpered in pain as he broke through her virgin barrier. She didn't want him to stop and she was afraid that he would if he knew how much it had hurt her. He hadn't needed to be told, he stayed perfectly still within her until she began to get restless and he could tell that it was time to proceed. Inuyasha slowly began to thrust in and out of her, alternating between long soft thrusts and short hard ones. Within moments both were panting heavily, both close to the edge.
Inuyasha kissed her once more biting both their lips, their blood intermingling before it slid down both their throats. She moaned against his shoulder and he growled a hard possessive growl as he kissed her neck. His thrusting became erratic and it was obvious that their climax was coming. He lowered his hand in between their two bodies and began to furiously stroke and pinch her clit. Kagome clung to him for dear life as the darkness returned, this time stronger and faster than before. As they finally reached their climax together Inuyasha lowered his head to the joining between her neck and shoulder and bit into her skin gently, marking her as his for all time. Kagome screamed his name to the vast forest, sure that even the heavens could hear her. She faintly realized that Inuyasha was lapping at two puncture mark wounds on her neck that he had given her. She thought that she should be worried that he had bitten her but it felt right and so she did not question it as she fell into a deep slumber.
Kagome looked around but she was unable to tell where she was, everything looked dark.
"Thank you, Kagome!" a disembodied voice called out to her. It sounded far away and was getting fainter but it also sounded slightly familiar. "Please take care of my son."
“Inuyasha's father,” she gasped, and it was gone.
Inuyasha started down at Kagome as she slept in his arms. She had fallen asleep right after their intense mating, so he had grabbed her cloths after he had dressed and cleaned her off in the nearby lake. He could not figure out how to get her cloths back on her without waking her so he decided to wrap her in his haori. He decided he didn't want to be without her tonight so he held her asleep in his arms in the highest branch of the closest tree to the camp.
Sango was the first to wake so she got up to start breakfast after she was finished stretching. That's when she realized that Kagome had never come back from her `walk'. Grabbing her Hirikotsu she ran out the front of the tent, waking a groggy Miroku and Shippo. They both bolted upright when they heard Sango's scream.
She looked around for Kagome but she wasn't anywhere in sight so she lifted her eyes to the tree Inuyasha had declared as his post the previous evening. What she saw made her drop the large boomerang, staring in shock a few moments before she finally found her voice and screamed at him. “Inuyasha! What have you done?”
The hanyou eyes shot open as he pulled Kagome closer. “What?” he yelled back at her snarling, having recognized Sango's voice even as it yanked him from his pleasant dreams. That's when Kagome decided to stir. He glanced at her, smiling tenderly intent on telling her good morning. But all that pasted his lips was a shocked whisper, “Kagome!” Miroku and Shippo rushed out of the tent only to become frozen solid from shock not far from Sango.
“What?” she asked him looking into his shocked eyes seriously. What had woken her up and why was Inuyasha staring at her as if she had grown a tail?
He could not believe what he was seeing was real. How was this possible? Was it some kind of curse for him turning his back on Kikyo to take Kagome as his mate? What would she think? Would she hate him now? He had to tell her but the words just wouldn't come. So he did the next best thing. He slowly took her hand in his and lifted to her eye level, so she would be able to see the,. He watched her look at him confused only to have shock flash across her face as she finally noticed her nails. He slowly brought his other hand up and stroked her velvet soft black ears causing her to gasp before her eyes suddenly glassed over and she tried to stifle a moan, but Inuyasha had heard it and smiled.