InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Day... ❯ Effect and it's Cause ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This Chapter is Dedicate to My Reviewers:
Koopa Toopa Star - Animespiral - Thanks for your review! You were my first animespiral review. I would love to read your story. Unfortunately, I am not able to read fan fiction during the week most times. But it is on me list for reading this weekend. I hope that you like the second chapter as much as the first!
Animefreak3510 - Animespiral - Wow! I thought it might be good, but not that good. Your enthusiasm was one of the main reasons why this is the next thing I am posting. I hope you will read my other fiction. I'm not sure how long this story will be but I can guarantee at least a few more chapters. After all, the story hasn't reached the happy ending yet.
Cricket42 - Mediaminer - Thank you so much. I had been so dreading my first review. I am always so nervous when I put myself out into the open like I did. But you made yesterday one of my happiest days ever. I was always horrible in English, so when I started writing fiction the only one who read them was my husband, lol. But thanks to the wonderful reviews I received for you and the others I believe that I will be able to keep posting my fiction. My affinity for math be damned!
Inu-pup - Mediaminer - I don't mind that you were too lazy to log in but thanks for leaving your name so I could dedicated this chapter to you along with the others. I'm glad that you think this story has potential. I hope it will live up to your expectations and you will continue reading my work. And yes, as you may have noticed, I am a sap, a sucker, and a horrible romantic and I am sure it will continue to show through my work.
A/N: I do not own Inuyasha. I just love Rumiko's work and these fictions are my tribute to the inspiration she gave my heart. (Now that I'm done with the mushy stuff) Second, depending on how it goes I may post more chapters, maybe even more stories! IF you would like to be notified when I update my stories please visit my myspace page at
www . myspace . com / AngelHarlock (without the spaces) and subscribe to my blog. I understand if you do not want to review, but I humbly ask you to give me your honest opinion, if you don't mind. My thanks! And on with the show!
~vVv~ = Flashback/Vision
~oOo~ = POV Character Shift
~uUu~ = Time Has Passed
One Day...
Chapter 2: Effect and it's Cause
Kikyo looked on as Inuyasha laid Kagome down on his spread out haori. Fury and sadness fought within her as she tried to think logically. So much of what Inuyahsa had said was true. He may have been wrong about her not being the real Kikyo but he was at least partially right, she had lost who she was in death. Now she had been reborn as a lowly monster that devoured the souls of the newly dead in order to sustain her pitiful existence. For the first time she actually began to hate herself. When she had been the protector of the Shikon Jewel she would not have blinked twice before banishing a creature such as herself from this realm.
But that did not excuse Inuyasha. He had pledged himself to her. She was his first and real love! Yet not twenty feet from her he lay in the arms of her worthless reincarnation, rutting. She didn't know why he stayed by her side. She was often mouthy and rarely useful in battle. She wondered what Kagome's land was like if she was the one perfectly suited to protect the sacred jewel. Maybe she wasn't meant to have the jewel, maybe it had been her fault for trying to take the jewel with her into death. Either way it didn't matter now, Inuyasha had betrayed her again.
She turned and walked away from the scene, her eyes looked colder than a frozen lake as Kagome's passionate testimony to Inuyasha's name echoed in the forest all around her as she was marked. `I may no longer have claim to my love for Inuyasha, but I still have my hate. And by kami he will pay…dearly.'
Miyoga sat by the fire of Toutousai's camp. They had been discussing things in great length for days now but they just couldn't find a solution. “There is no way that Sesshomaru will agree to it! Inuyasha is still too temperamental and moody, they could never get along that well.”
“I understand the situation, the same as you Miyoga,” Toutousai replied, “but that does not change the facts. The only way for both the Western Lands to be safe and Naraku to be destroyed is for the brothers to work together. Sesshomaru will not be able to deny Inuyasha his birthright much longer. He is a prince of the Western Lands and therefore should fight by his brother's side in times of need like this. Their petty squabbling and grudges will have to be put aside if the lands are ever to be safe from Naraku.”
“What about that cute, strangely dressed miko he is always traveling with? Why doesn't he mate with her, I bet she could calm him down,” Toutousai added, fondly remembering the times he had spent in the company of Inuyasha and his companions. Kagome had always been kind to him and it had been evident that she was the only person who could talk any sense into the boy, `maybe she can help us'. And it had been plainly evident to Toutousai that Inuyasha held fond feelings for the young miko with a temper like a tempest.
“Unfortunately, Master Inuyasha stubbornly ignores that possibility. Until the clay copy of Kikyo is gone I am afraid that he will only cast blind eyes towards Kagome. She may even decide to return to her own time,” Miyoga added sadly. Inuyasha was always so stubborn. He was worried that Inuyasha would never become the man his father had always wanted him to be.
“You should not worry so.” Miyoga looked up, surprised to see his former Master in astral form. He appeared human but he was not solid. He appeared to be made of a light blue swirling mist that was semitransparent. He normally avoided this kind of stress, it was hard work to make one's essence semisolid after death, but he wanted Miyoga to return to Inuyasha's side immediately. There would be many questions the boy would want answered.
“My lord! What could possibly be important enough for you to risk your eternal essence in this weakened state?” Miyoga asked. Lord Inutashi had only come to him like this once before, when Sesshomaru had been after the Tetsusaiga. “Is Lord Inuyasha all right?” he asked, suddenly worried.
“Again with the worries Miyoga,” Inutashi replied chuckling. “My sons are not trying to kill each other…this time. In fact, as we are speaking now, Inuyasha is finally marking his mate.”
“But…my lord…so sudden?” Miyoga replied, completely shocked by this news. He had anticipated there to be many years still before Inuyasha would mark a mate. Usually an inu-youkai, full demon or hanyou would choose a mate and then live with them as an intended mate for at least a year before marking her in any way. Miyoga sighed as he realized that Inuyasha had probably never been told about the mating rituals. `And if he doesn't know about the rituals he might not know what could happen,' he thought, his brow furrowing.
“My son may be rash and impulsive but he has the power to do great things when he puts his mind to it. He has finally realized his fallen miko does not reside within that creation of clay and bones and told her as much. He has also decided to take the young girl from the future as his mate, his monk friend was finally able to talk some sense into him,” he smiled at how stubborn Inuyasha was, just like he had always been. “But your correct to assume that he is uneducated in this particular area. He will need you there to answer his questions and make the transition easier for both of them. His instincts may lead him to completely mark her, and the young woman may transform, then who knows what could happen. I would like you to leave right away Miyoga, but remember this is a delicate situation and I need you to take the utmost care. Both Inuyasha and Kagome will be vulnerable for the first lunar quarter until the process is complete.”
“Yes, my lord,” Miyoga replied as both him and Toutousai bowed to Lord Inutashi.
He began to fade back into the darkness as Miyoga readied himself for his departure. “Ah,” Lord Inutashi said smiling right before he finally faded away, “it has happened…hurry Miyoga.”
Inuyasha's smirk quickly faded as Sango repeated her question, anger evident in her voice. “What did you do to Kagome, Inuyasha?” Sango believed that she knew the answer but she hoped to kami that she was wrong. Miroku still started wide-eyed in shock unable to will anything more than his usually lecherous grin to his face. `Inuyasha my friend, I never thought you had it in you,' Miroku thought as Shippo began to speak. “You took him for a mate? Couldn't you have picked someone less…less…stupid?”
“Hey, you little weasel, I'm gonna get you for that,” Inuyasha said as he began to move Kagome off of him in order to pursue Shippo, who was already running for cover. He was stopped by Sango's words. He had a lot of respect for the demon slayer, she had lost her whole family but she still seemed so full of life. She fought with passion, she lived with kindness and she was one of the best friends Inuyasha had ever had. But her tone made him worry that their friendship might have ended in one fell swoop.
“Please, Inuyasha…please, tell me that you didn't,” she pleaded with him.
“What's the big deal Sango, it's not like I forced her ya know,” he said blushing slightly, embarrassed to be discussing this with his friends. He wasn't sure why Sango was so mad at him but it was obvious that she was. He wanted her to explain so that he could make it right. His friends were all he had and he didn't want to lose them, they were kinda like his pack. With Kagome and him becoming mated he hoped it would bring they group closer, especially Miroku and Sango.
“Don't you see what you have done to her?” his face fell and he looked at Kagome. “Don't you know she can't ever be the way she was now? What about her home, didn't she say that demons don't exist there? You think she will be able go back to her life now?” His ears pressed flat against his head as Sango began to cry, heartbroken for her friend as Miroku took her into his arms comforting her. She loved Kagome like a sister but she was the only one of them that still had a family, a place to belong. Sango was devastated to think that she would lose it now, because of them. She had known all along that Kagome and Inuyasha felt strongly towards each other but she thought that Inuyasha knew that they didn't belong together. Kagome would always be her friend, but she had accepted, long ago, that she would one day have to say goodbye to Kagome forever.
“But…Miroku had said…” Inuyasha wasn't sure what to say in response to Sango's questions. He loved Kagome, why shouldn't she be his mate? But Sango did have a point. She may not even be able to pass through the well anymore. Her family had been so good to him. Did he make a mistake? He was horrified at the cost Kagome may have paid to become his mate. `I shouldn't have told her I love her,' he thought with remorse.
“Oh, no Inuyasha, don't pin this on me. I merely told you of our concerns about Kagome regarding her feelings toward you. I never told you to mark her, but I am surprised you had the nerve you letch,” Miroku joked, receiving him harsh glares from everyone around.
“That's enough!” Kagome stated harshly. She loved her friends and she understood Sango's concerns but she had made her own decision. She had listened to them intently, still half asleep, while her friends had said their peace but she just couldn't take it anymore. She had watched Inuyasha as the scene unfolded, feeling every mood shift and heartache that Inuyasha felt. His face falling in realization, his ears drooping in defensiveness, his heart breaking with pain and she wasn't going to stand for it. She jumped down from the tree branch and landed as gracefully as a cat, Inuyasha's haori barely covering her. “I said yes. I knew what I could be giving up but I also knew what I would be getting. I may not have known that I would change like this but it doesn't matter! I am Inuyasha's mate, whether any of you like it or not, I don't care!”
Miyoga hung on as well as he could, as the crow flew him towards the scent of Inuyasha and his companions. He jumped to the ground as the crow flew down to the center of the clearing where the group had made camp the night before. Unnoticed, he made his way towards Inuyasha who was sitting alone in a tree looking as grumpy as ever while the rest of the group packed up camp. He looked around the sullen gathering until he spotted Kagome. Her hair seemed darker but shinier at the same time. Perched on top of her head were two fluffy looking ears, they resembled Inuyasha's but were the same shiny black color her hair was. What astonished him the most, however, was that she had a crest. The crescent moon symbol on her forehead was a bright pink color and the tips were not to the side, like Sesshomaru's, they pointed upwards towards the heavens. He would have to explain to Kagome the meaning. She was, after all, his Ladyship now. “Master Inuyasha?” Miyoga questioned, after Inuyasha squished him for stealing a drink then set him down on a nearby branch as if distracted.
“I ain't in the mood, Miyoga,” he replied flatly. Inuyasha spent all morning sitting in this spot sulking. Sango had apologized to him even though her and Miroku made it clear that they were not happy with his rash decision. Especially since he had no clue what was going to happen to Kagome. Shippo on the other hand spent all morning teasing him and smiling like a brat, it was driving him crazy. He knew if he said one word about it he would be risking a fight with Kagome and that was something he definitely didn't want to do today. `There's enough going on already.' But he was somewhat comforted by the fact that Kagome hadn't been too mad at him, her only concern had been returning to the village and consulting Kaede. He was sure she was worried she wouldn't be able to get back through the well. He really hoped she could, cause it had been eating at him all morning that he might have accidentally taken her family away from her. And the worst part was he still wasn't sorry for making Kagome his mate. `At least her ears are as sensitive as mine now,' he thought smirking slightly.
“But, Master Inuyasha! This should be a joyous day,” Miyoga protested. A grumpy `Keh' was all he received for an answer from Inuyasha. “Are you sure that you or Lady Kagome don't have any questions, my lord?” Miyoga flinched as Inuyasha registered his words and grabbed him, squeezing a little to hard for comfort.
“How do you fuckin' know about it?” he asked squeezing Miyoga a little more. He did have questions. `A whole lotta fuckin' questions!'
“My lord,” Miyoga managed to squeak out, “to plainly look at the girl, it is obvious.”
Inuyasha blushed slightly in response to the change in Kagome's appearance, until he realized something else, “But I only marked her last night, genius. Her scent won't completely change for months, what made you show up now?” he asked, his patience dangerously thin.
“I simply knew, my lord. I am your vassal,” he hoped Inuyasha bought it. Lord Inutashi had specifically stated that he and Toutousai were not to reveal his non-corporeal consciousness to either of his sons and he would never break an oath to his lord.
Inuyasha knew Miyoga was most likely lying, he never did his `my lord' act unless he was trying to butter Inuyasha up or cover his tracks. “Whatever,” Inuyasha answered gruffly, closing his fist loosely around Miyoga. He jumped down from his branch and slowly walked up to Kagome. “Hey, can we talk?” he asked. “It'll only be a minute,” he added as she began to protest.
“Sure,” she sighed in defeat as she sprinted after him into the forest. `I just want to get back to the village.' She felt an overwhelming need to return to the well, ever since Sango had pointed out it might now be sealed to her. But whatever Inuyasha wanted to tell her it was obviously important. He had been leary of the whole group ever since the `incident' this morning. He stopped in a clearing about a mile away from camp. She was still surprised by how fast she could run now. She slowly walked up to Inuyasha, there was so much she wanted to just leave unsaid right now until things clamed down. “What is it, Inuyasha?” she asked, a confused expression crossed her face as Inuyasha opened his hand, “Miyoga?”
“Spill it, flea, why did Kagome become a hanyou?” Inuyasha asked blushing slightly and looking away embarrassed. He wanted to get answers, for both of them, and he wanted to return to Kaede's village. He had a foreboding feeling running through his veins.
Miyoga bowed slightly to Kagome, he face incredibly red. He had not expected Inuyasha to want Kagome present when Miyoga explained the process but it did concern her as well. “Because you marked her my lord,” he replied trying to answer Inuyasha's question simply without irritating him further and failing horribly.
“Then why didn't my mother become a full demon when my father marked her?” Inuyasha rephrased. His mother had most defiantly remained human but he knew for a fact that his father had marked her, he could smell his scent on her long after he died. Kagome listened intently, she was hopeful that Miyoga would be able to quelch her fears.
“Because, my lord, your father did not fully mark your mother. She was marked only in bite but not in blood. You shared your blood with Kagome, did you not?” Inuyasha only nodded as Kagome brought one hand to touch the ghost of a tear on her bottom lip. “Because you marked her by blood, your blood became her blood an vise versa.”
“Will I still be able to go home?” Kagome interrupted Miyoga, Inuyasha's ears flattening to his head in remorse and grief. He understood she needed to see her family but it hurt to know Kagome didn't think of his time as home yet.
“That, my lady, I do not know. You will have to see for yourself when you return to the village. However, there is something you should know. The mark of Inuyasha's family, the crescent moon on your forehead, it has a very special meaning. I can not give you the specifics, it's too soon to tell, but your miko abilities are probably much stronger now and your hanyou abilities will be impressive indeed. Other demons always underestimate Lord Inuyasha, because he was born a hanyou he has no crest, but your power is evident. It could come in handy in the final battle against Naraku. But other demons will also crave your power for themselves and come after you for it. I believe it would be wise for you to return to your time, if possible with Inuyasha, for at least a month. The mating process takes at least three months and the first few can be very taxing on both parties, even with your friends help you would be easy prey.”
“Why didn't you tell me any of this before,” Inuyasha asked, his impatience out the window as he dove for Miyoga.
“You never asked!” he chuckled as he hoped away into the forest, lost in the underbrush.
“Come on, Inuyasha,” Kagome said, placing her hand on his upper arm, “just let him go, we do need to get back to the village and I'm sure Shippo and the others are wondering where we went.”
“Whatever,” he huffed taking her hand and heading back towards camp. When they returned, the others had camp packed up and ready to go. After a small discussion, in which Sango and Miroku questioned their sudden disappearance, they were on their way back to Kaede's village. Inuyasha had told the others that it was none of their business in his usual arrogant manner. While Kagome had just sighed and told Sango they could talk about it later, receiving her a small glare from Inuyasha. He wasn't sure why she always had to tell Sango everything, he supposed it was just one of those `girl things' that she had mentioned earlier.
The walk back to the village was quieter than usual. Sango and Miroku rode with Shippo on Kilala talking quietly to themselves about the day's strange turn of events and Inuyasha and Kagome's earlier disappearance into the woods. The two hanyou companions sprinted ahead of the neko-youkai and her riders, cris-crossing the path in front of them, on the watch for any sign of danger. Kagome was preoccupied with thoughts and worries for home. Inuyasha, however, had begun to stew about Kagome's earlier comment about her home still being on the other side of the well. `Doesn't she realize her home is with me now?' He decided that he was gonna have to have a talk with Kagome once they were alone at the village.
It took them most of the day to reach the village but they would still be back in time to share a nice dinner with Kaede. A smile lit up Kagome's face as the village came into view and she spotted Kaede tending to the knee of a young boy who had fallen and skinned it playing tag with the other children. Kaede turned, searching for the source of this incredible miko power she was feeling, and her jaw nearly dropped as she took in Kagome's appearance with her good eye. She slowly made her way over to the small group of friends.
“I see ye have had an eventful week,” she said, smiling knowingly at Kagome and Inuyasha. “Why don't you all come inside and I'll fix some dinner and tea.” She motioned towards her hut. The group nodded and began to quietly follow Kaede, almost all of them were nearly exhausted by the pace that Kagome and Inuyasha had set. The lovebirds, on the other hand, were both at a loss for words. Inuyasha was practically dreading his next talk alone with the priestess while Kagome was trying to decide how to explain to Kaede what happened without the intimate details.
“If it's okay with you Kaede, I'll make some ramen for dinner. I wanted to return to the well before it gets too late,” Kagome piped up as Kaede lit the cooking fire and began filling her large pot with water.
“Of course, my child, I understand. You must be anxious to speak to your family.” Kagome only nodded in response as she began to dig through her backpack for the last few packs of ramen.
She was glad that she still had enough for tonight, `mom would definitely be sleep by the time I got home if I had to wait for the fish to cook before I left.'
Kaede watched Kagome silently as she began to cook ramen for the group. She appeared to be distracted, `thinking about her home, most likely.' Inuyasha was sitting quietly in his usual position, looking rather annoyed, although he was now sitting next to Kagome instead of against the wall as usual. The rest of the gang was chits chatting quietly amongst themselves. Kaede was sure that Inuyasha had finally mated with Kagome. And judging from Kagome's appearance she had been right about Inuyasha's ignorance on the subject. “So Kagome, Inuyasha, why don't you two tell me what has happened?” she asked knowingly.
Inuyasha lifted his head at her question, his face a beat red before he quickly decided his feet were more interesting then answering. Kagome also blushed at Kaede's question. But she did not turn away, as Inuyasha had, she quickly explained the situation to Kaede as simply as she could without embarrassing Inuyasha or herself in front of their friends. It took all of dinner and most of teatime after, to fully explain the situation to Kaede. Her explanation consisted mostly of what Miyoga had told them, after the fact, and concluded with her fears about no longer being able to travel through the well. “Hmm,” Kaede said, “I honestly can not answer that question for you, my dear. I believe that you'll have to attempt it for yourself to find out.”
“I was afraid you'd say that,” Kagome replied sadly.
“Kagome, you can't, it could be dangerous!” Sango exclaimed worried, “Are you sure there is no other way Lady Kaede?”
“Unfortunately,” Kaede began solemnly. “I can think of no other way for Kagome to discover if she can still pass through the well. Perhaps...” she continued, mostly thinking out loud, “it would be safer for Kagome if Inuyasha accompanied her through the well. He is, after all, the only being with demon blood who has ever been able to safely pass through the well.”
“Keh, fine. Let's go get this over with,” Inuyasha said huffily, grabbing Kagome's hand and pulling her to her feet.
“You will come back, right Kagome?” Shippo asked, his eyes full of tears as he tugged on the bottom of her skirt. He had began to hope that Kagome would finally stay in their time and he could finally find a family again with her and Inuyasha.
“Oh Shippo,” Kagome replied, picking him up to sooth him, “this is my home now. I'll come back, I promise.” Both Shippo and Inuyasha smiled at her answer, although Inuyasha had hid his being noticed by no one but Kaede. Shippo hugged Kagome one last time before she set him down and even bided her and Inuyasha luck with the well and Kagome's family.
After all the good-bye's were finished, Kagome informed the group that Inuyasha and herself would only be gone for three days, if they got through the well. She wanted enough time see her family but she was already anxious to return and go after Naraku. There were less than a dozen jewel shards left and Kagome was certain that Inuyasha and herself could beat Naraku is they worked together. But she also knew she would need a little time to learn and master her new abilities and that meant the group would be racing against time to get the drop on Naraku.
Neither Inuyasha nor Kagome really knew what to say to each other as they headed out of the village towards the old well. They were both lost in thoughts of what was to come and both were too nervous to handle the issue at hand. Inuyasha could feel Kagome's unease as if it was his own. He wasn't sure how but he figured it was probably because Kagome was now his mate. As they walked deeper into Inuyasha's forest the feeling became even stronger and tinged with anxiety. Deciding that it would continue, unless he did something about it, Inuyasha took Kagome's hand. He caressed the top with his thumb, trying to sooth her nerves, and Kagome turned to him smiling before she embraced him in a hug.
“Come on,” he said simply, withdrawing from her. Kagome sniffled slightly, but she felt a lot better. She let Inuyasha lead her the rest of the way to the well, while she tried to figure out what she would say to her mother. When they reached it, they both hesitated slightly. “One three?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome only nodded as she swallowed the lump in her throat and Inuyasha began to count. “One...Two...Three!” And hand in hand, they jumped into the well.