InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Day... ❯ The Journey Home ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This Chapter is Dedicate to My Reviewers:
Amarettaazevedo ~ Direct E-mail: Thanks! I hope you keep reading my work. Check out my other stories!
Elizabeth Hemingway ~ Thank you so much for your constructive criticism. I try to be daring but I am still nervous about my writing, lol. But I will keep pouring it out and throwing caution to the wind as long as the story comes. And I will hope that you keep reading. Really, your too flattering but I do hope you like how the story turns out.
Sesshoumarus Fluffy Mate ~ Thanks, keep reading!
Ookami Hime Suriya ~ ::SPOILERS:: Thanks, sorry it wasn't what you expected but I added the dream sequence at the end as I was thinking of your review! Please keep reading.
FluffyKirara ~ I'm glad to see you're still interested in the story. I live for the reviews that you guys give me, it always make me smile or laugh. Sorry about the cliffy's but you know, always leave them wanting more. I hope you keep reading, and I will keep watching for your work too.
Blackice3036 ~ Thanks, keep reading. I hope you enjoy.
Cricket42 ~ Thank you, I always love your reviews. I understand about the poetry, mine's pretty dark too. If it wasn't for my husband, half my sentences probably don't make sense. Lol. I look forward to your next review.
Hunter Ryu ~ Wow, thanks for the review! You are literally making me blush! I hope you keep reading my stories and if you think of what's missing let me know. I always love to hear comments!
Animefreak3510 ~ I'm sorry for the cliffy! But, your review made me laugh and smile for at least five minutes! I am glad you liked it so much, please keep reading.
Animegoddess1357 ~ Here you go! Keep reading!
Sweeyangel ~ Here's the update! Keep reading!
Teen13 ~ You got my a** moving again! Thanks, I hope that you keep reading my story! I tried mot to neglect it but I had a bunch of drama in this painfully dull existence.
A/N: I do not own Inuyasha. I just love Rumiko's work and these fictions are my tribute to the inspiration she gave my heart. (Now that I'm done with the mushy stuff) Second, depending on how it goes I may post more chapters, maybe even more stories! IF you would like to be notified when I update my stories please visit my myspace page at
www . myspace . com / AngelHarlock (without the spaces) and subscribe to my blog. I understand if you do not want to review, but I humbly ask you to give me your honest opinion, if you don't mind. My thanks! And on with the show!
~vVv~ = Flashback/Vision
~oOo~ = POV Character Shift
~uUu~ = Time Has Passed
One Day...
Chapter 3: The Journey Home
Far to the Northwest of Kaede's village on the border of the Western Lands, in a forest called the forest of ages Naraku sat in the throne room of his palace. He sat in perfect silence gazing into Kanna's mirror, a devilish smile playing at his lips. `He finally did it. Oh, this will be sooo fun,' he thought, as he watched the conversation between Miyoga and the new couple. “Kanna! Summon Kagura to me at once, I have a very important task for her and, I do not wish to be kept waiting.”
She nodded before turning and disappearing down the corridor. Naraku was beside himself as he began a letter. Inuyasha was just making it too easy for him this time, first Kikyo then the little miko. `That fool! Kikyo's anger will be the perfect weapon to use against her. I may even be able to rid myself of this disgusting heart.' Kagura quietly entered the room and bowed before him. He chuckled to himself, not bothering to lift his gaze, as the wicked grin returning to his face. “Kagura, I'm sending you to Tsukuritehikiai, I finally have a task for him.”
Kagura shuddered at the name causing Naraku's grin to widen. `This isn't gonna be pleasant,' she thought with a sigh. “But master,” she contested at the thought of being in the repulsive magician's presence, “surely this petty task does not require my assistance.” `What use could he possibly be? Either way,' she thought, `I don't want to be the one to deal with him.'
“Ah, Kagura,” Naraku began, finally looking up from his task. “Always so...feisty. I will NOT tolerate anymore of your disobedience. You WILL go to Tsukuritehikiai and you will give him this message,” he told her, handing her the small, now rolled piece of parchment. “The object I desire is of great importance, you must bring it to me as soon as it is finished or I will destroy you. That is all!” he finished, waving her from his presence. After Kagura's departure Naraku removed his robes and focused his demonic aura, right now he needed to speak with the dead miko.
Kagura rose from her position before him, loathing him all the while. It had been months since she had disobeyed Naraku, `so why is Naraku threatening me now?' It had to be the object he was having the magician create, `it must be very valuable to him.' “Yes, my lord,” she bowed one last time before leaving the room. She would get her revenge on Naraku yet. Perhaps the object was the key. But she would have to wait for the right moment, she was sure that Naraku would not hesitate to carry out his promise and she wanted to be alive when he finally got his in the end. As she reached the outer grounds she pulled a feather from her hair and quickly departed to the east.
It was still before dawn when Kikyo returned to the small village that she had been staying at, she had realized long ago that few people questioned a wandering priestess. `I'm done with all this now!' she thought to herself, her inner fury spiraling beneath her calm facade. `So Inuyasha believes me to be nothing more than a lowly copy of my former self, of her. I will show him just how superior I really am.' She quietly entered the hut she had been staying in. A couple had asked her to use it while they were traveling to see family nearby. She quickly gathered up the few belongings that she would need and left once more as the sun began to peak over the horizon. Inuyasha's decision was final, inu-youkai mate for life. And in doing so he had given her the perfect revenge, she would kill that annoying girl and break his heart the way he had broken hers.
By noon she made her way to a familiar lake, it had a cave near the banks and it would be the perfect place for what she had planned. She entered the cave and looked around, it was bare besides a small charred area that appeared to have been a cooking fire at one time. She laid her quiver and bow near the entrance to the cave, after placing several items near the fire pit, then went out to look for the wild herbs she would need. She found several near the river's edge and slowly began gathering them. `So, I am no longer the miko Kikyo, protector of the Sacred Jewel. Then I have no more need for the code of a miko, I will take my revenge and destroy Inuyasha, and Naraku.'
“Why, my dear Kikyo, your abilities degrade the longer you are trapped in that dead body of earth,” said the man behind her, in a mock sympathetic tone.
Kikyo turned rising to her feet in utter fury, intent on purifying him, “Naraku. How dare you send one of your pathetic clones to disturb me!”
The puppet laughed as he grabbed her hands as she attempted to purify him. Tsk, tsk, he clucked at her with his tongue at the shocked look on her face. “Did you not know? What would happen if you gave in to your revenge and left your miko ways,” he chuckled at her in disbelief. “I know what happened,” he whispered in her ear as he brought her flush against him, “I can help you kill the girl.”
Kikyo was in complete disbelief as she realized that she no longer had access to her miko powers. It had long been lore that when a miko gives in to the darkness in her own heart and her own selfishness that she would no longer be able to heal, she would be a dark priestess, of death and destruction. Kikyo had always believed it to be just a story they told to young priestesses so that they would not stray from their training, but apparently the story had been true. She gasped as Naraku's puppet drew her in closer to him and whispered in her ear. She twisted away from him, as she spat, “I do not need your help to kill that child.”
Naraku laughed hysterically at Kikyo's naive ideas. “Poor, naive, Kikyo,” he began, “Inuyasha, in his irrational nature, has blood mated with the miko. She will be too strong for you to kill on your own, even if you bind her miko abilities. However, I know a simple and effective solution to your problem,” he smirked.
She scoffed at him as she replied, “and what do you ask for in return?” She knew Naraku wanted the girl dead, but Naraku never did anything unless it would further his own goals. His expression grew serious as he surveyed the area and motioned for her to enter the cave so they could speak in private. Naraku discussed his plan and the amulet before quickly returning to his castle, while Kikyo returned to the riverbank in search of more herbs.
The sky had turned dark as Kikyo moved around the small cave, preparing for the ritual. Naraku's plan was very clever indeed, but it would take time. `Until the amulet is finished I'll have to wait to kill the girl,' she thought as she began the spell. Naraku had told her of the unsuspecting lover's intention to return through the well, as well as the argument the small group had concerning it. They could not be allowed to disappear through the well before the time was right, so Naraku had asked her to seal it. `I only wish I could be there to see her face,' she thought to herself with a smile as the salt circle glowed purple than faded, `I wonder how she'll feel about him when he cost her, the family she left behind.' While on the boarder of Inuyasha's forest, the Bone-Eater's Well pulsed a faint purple several times before a young hanyou couple came slowly into view.
Inuyasha and Kagome stood in an embrace a short ways from the well as it pulsed purple. “Come on,” he said simply after a moment, withdrawing from her. Kagome sniffled slightly, but she felt a lot better. She let Inuyasha lead her the rest of the way to the well, while she tried to figure out what she would say to her mother. When they reached it, they both hesitated slightly. “On three?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome only nodded as she swallowed the lump in her throat and Inuyasha began to count. “One...Two...Three!” And hand in hand, they jumped into the well.
Just as their bodies were about to descend into the well there was a flash of bright purple light as Kikyo's barrier rejected them and tossed them painfully to the ground a short distance away. When they hit the ground Kagome hit her head on a large rock and was knocked unconscious. `That was one hell of a barrier,' Inuyasha thought, groaning as he tried to stretch out his sore muscles. “Kagome, you okay?” he asked as he stood looking over at her before bending down to retrieve his sword. He grew worried when she did not make any attempt to get up and rushed over to her side. “Shit,” he said to himself as he realized that she had banged her head on a nearby rock, knocking her out. He gathered her into his arms carefully as he rushed her back to the village. His ears pressed against his head at the thought of losing her so soon after telling her how he felt. But somehow, he knew she would be okay. Something in his gut just told him not to worry, and he always trusted his gut.
`She's gonna be so upset about the well,' he thought to himself as he neared the village. The solution was simple, there had to be a way to get back through the well. “Kaede!” he called out as he neared the small hut they all shared when they were here. Lady Kaede rushed out of the hut at the sound of urgency in Inuyasha's voice. He sounded like a wounded puppy.
“Oh my,” Lady Kaede replied as she held the door open and motioned for Inuyasha to lay Kagome on the bed, “what happened?”
Inuyasha's brow furrowed as he carefully placed her on the mat and sat next to her. “It was the well. There was...a seal. It felt strange, like a dark force consuming the well. Kagome and I were thrown back and she hit her head on a rock. I think she has a con...contraption? That's what she called it when it happened to Miroku. Where are the others?” he finished, finally realizing that no one but Kaede was in the room.
“Poor child,” Lady Kaede replied as she began to check over Kagome's wound, thankfully it wasn't a deep wound. “She should be fine, after a few days rest of course. And the others are all asleep in the other room. I believe Shippo had been commenting about to fowl tempered hanyou setting a grueling pace this morning,” she smirked at him. He grinned at her comment as he turned his attention back to Kagome. “I'm sure it will be difficult for her to accept that she can not return to her family.” Inuyasha nodded solemnly as she continued, “but perhaps, you may be able to make her feel at home here. I'm sure you do not want your pups born in the branches of a tree.”
He blushed as he grumbled, “yeah, so what's your point?”
“She mentioned she lives in a shrine house at the site of the well, did she not? Perhaps, since she can not go home, you could bring her home to her.”
Inuyasha smiled slightly. “Thank you,” was his quiet, humble reply. Lady Kaede nodded to him as she returned to bed, leaving Inuyasha to rest against the wall close to Kagome.
The next morning the injury to Kagome's head was completely healed and her pulse was strong, but she had yet to regain consciousness so she was moved into the private room in the back. As soon as both Lady Kaede and Sango were awake Inuyasha left, asking them to watch over Kagome and he would be near the well if he were to be needed. Kaede only smiled slightly as she continued to cook breakfast for the makeshift family she had somehow adopted. While Sango watched him leave, a confused look on her face, wondering what on earth he was doing now. She sighed as she glanced down to Kagome's sleeping form before beginning her daily routine.
Lady Kaede explained the basics of what Inuyasha had told her happened at the well over breakfast. Sango and Miroku sat quietly thinking about what Kaede had just told them. Shippo, who had been stuffing his face during the explanation, immediately stopped and began rambling on about how Inuyasha only caused Kagome trouble. Lady Kaede's smile faded as her hand grew still. “You should say those things, Shippo,” she replied quietly, “Inuyasha did not mean for any of this to happen and Kagome certainly made the decision on her own. In fact, if you wish to help Kagome, perhaps you should go to the well.”
Both Miroku and Sango lifted their gazes back to Lady Kaede, who was now cleaning up her breakfast and turning to see to the villagers. “Whatever,” Shippo said as he went outside to find something to do. Sango's gaze turned to Miroku after Kaede left the hut.
“I suppose we could check out the well,” Miroku said to her after a moment, “after all Lady Kaede did mention Inuyasha felt it was unusual. Perhaps the seal is not connected to Kagome's transformation.” He suspected that Naraku was somehow cleverly involved but he kept his worry to himself for the moment, he didn't want to worry Sango.
She nodded before she stood. “We should also check on Inuyasha. When he left here early this morning he said he was going to the well. I think Lady Kaede may know more than she told us.”
Miroku thought about it as he rose and grabbed his staff, “most likely.” “Well,” he began, “we won't find out unless we go see for ourselves,” he finished, holding the door open for her to pass.
Shippo saw them leaving the village and ran to tag along, hopping to tease Inuyasha. Even thought he never admitted it anymore, Shippo looked up to Inuyasha, but he was so temperamental that Shippo rarely tried to play with him unless Kagome or Sango were around. As they got closer to the well they heard a loud crash, Sango and Miroku were immediately in battle stance running towards the sounds origin. Shippo followed, at a short distance, interested but ready to run and hide if he needed to.
Shippo came upon them a moment later staring a short distance away from the well to the edge of the forest. Shippo was amazed, there were at least thirty trees that had been recently uprooted and laid out side by side. What was more amazing was the sight of Kilala, in full battle form, jumping against a tree loosening it from the ground while Inuyasha rolled and dragged the previously uprooted tree next to the others. Sango and Miroku were already headed towards him slowly when Shippo a past them and onto the tree Inuyasha was moving. “What are you doin', Inuyasha?” he asked the hanyou, confused.
“Keh,” Inuyasha replied, as he attempted to ignore him, “what's it look like I'm doin. Kagome's and me are gonna need somewhere to live and all, since she can't go home.” Miroku's eyes widened at Inuyasha's confession, Inuyasha suddenly seemed so different, so grown up. Sango blushed and lowered her gaze, embarrassed. `Inuyasha's mating instincts must be starting to kick in,' she thought to herself. “You guys could stop standing there and help ya know,” Inuyasha commented to them, his voice a little strained. Miroku nodded as he moved to join Inuyasha while Sango carefully placed her Hirikotsu and katana against a nearby tree followed him.
Kagome smiled up at Inuyasha as she grabbed his hand and leapt out, above them the well house roof blocked out the light from the night heavens leaving them completely shrouded in darkness. `I can't believe how well I can still see,' Kagome thought to herself as they made their way out of the well house and towards the main house. The lights were on in the kitchen window, `it's too late for dinner, mama must be the last one awake. She's probably doing the dishes.' Kagome's opened the door to the house and quietly called out that she and Inuyasha were there.
She could hear her mother coming from the other room as she called out, “welcome home, honey.” Kagome watched, holding her breath, as her mother rounded the corner looking down at the plate she was currently drying. “Hello to you too, Inuya...” she stopped, as the plate slipped from her hand and broke on the tile floor of the hall, shocked at Kagome's appearance. “Inuyasha,” her mother began, now serious her emotions veiled behind her calm exterior, “I would like you to wait in the living room while I talk to Kagome alone upstairs.”
Kagome hung her head, her ears twitching at her mother's tone, `this is not good.' Inuyasha's ears pulled back at the change in Kagome's mother's demeanor, it reminded him oddly of Sesshomaru and he decided that couldn't be a good thing. He looked to Kagome and she nodded that he should go to the living room before she turned around and slowly sulked up the stairs, her mother close behind. She slowly opened the door and sat down on her bed as her mother came in and quietly closed the door. Her mother turned the chair at her desk around to face the bed and sat down. “Now dear, what happened?” her mother asked her casually but her gaze seemed to pierce Kagome's heart.
“Mom, Inuyasha and I...well...we got married, kinda,” she stammered nervously and then began to study the floor, her eyes misting up. Her mom came to sit next to her on the bed and stroked her back like she used to do when Kagome was little. Kagome felt a little better and soon she had stopped sniffling.
“It's okay Kagome. But could you explain to me how you got puppy ears?” her mother questioned, the small grin on her face causing Kagome to laugh as she waited patiently.
“Well, we, um...had the moment,” she said blushing instantly, “like you talked about.”
“Ah,” she replied, “I didn't know Inuyasha and you, having the moment, could cause this to happen.”
Kagome sighed, “nether did we.”
“Is it permanent?” she asked, serious concern etching her features. Kagome only nodded, causing her mother to sigh. “I had hoped that you would at least finish school, but I suppose you might not need it now,” she smiled slightly. “Marriage is serious Kagome, are you sure the two of you are prepared to handle something that big?”
Kagome remembered that night with Inuyasha, he had finally opened up to her and let her in. He has everything she had wanted in a man since she had first dreamed of having a husband. `He's strong, he's noble, he has such a big heart even though he hides it,' she thought, a bright smile lighting up her face. “Yes.”
Her mother reflected her smile back at her as she finally asked the question she had been dying to ask since she had found out about Kagome's affection for Inuyasha, “does this mean my grandchildren will have cute little fuzzy ears too?” Kagome burst into laughter at her mother's question but managed to nod. Her mother shushed her as she got up and walked to the door. “I still want to talk to Inuyasha alone,” she said before she left, Kagome nodded again. “Your ji-chan will be so upset,” she said thoughtfully, mostly to herself, “but I can't wait to see the look on Souta's face.”
Kagome's mother smiled too herself as she closed the door. She had always thought the two made a cute couple, and Kagome had obviously had feelings for him for a while. She sighed as she came down the stairs, `I just wish they would have waited until she finished school, now she won't even be able to attend.' Inuyasha was waiting for her in the living room as she had asked him too, the only thing on in the room was a small light. When Inuyasha had first started coming through the well to get Kagome after school, he had asked her a million questions about the objects in and around their house. He had even started to ask her some questions about the rest of the world recently.
She came in and sat down on the couch next to Inuyasha, his gaze was fixated on something in the other direction. “Inuyasha,” she said putting her hand on his arm, “I like you, but I am concerned about my daughter, surely you can understand that?”
“Yes,” he said grudgingly, “but I will be good to Kagome. I love her and she will be happy and safe.” Mrs. Higarashi smiled at his reply and his mood seemed to lighten.
“I would have preferred if you two had waited until Kagome could finish school, but as I understand it, this was an unexpected consequence of your marriage?” Inuyasha blushed but nodded. He seemed too stubborn or embarrassed to continue to explain. “I see.”
“I didn't know my father,” Inuyasha tried to explain, his voice low and with emotion. He didn't want to show anyone this side of himself but he felt that she deserved an explanation of how her daughter had transformed. “And my mother wasn't very knowledgeable about youkai or hanyou, she was just a human. Hanyou are not liked very much in my time,” he felt embarrassed admitting this to Kagome's mother. “So, I was never able to ask anyone about it. I've never even met another inu-hanyou. So when we...married,” his face reddened even more, “and I marked was instinct.”
Mrs. Higarashi considered his words for a moment and than patted his hand, causing him to look up into her face. “Do you love my daughter, Inuyasha?”
“I do,” he said, and she could tell by the far off look in his eyes that he was remembering some part of why he loved her or some moment of their time together. She used to see the same quiet devotion in the eyes of Kagome's father before he died. Her eyes misted over and she had to wipe the forming tears from her eyes. “Are you okay?” Inuyasha asked, putting his hand on her back as a sign of comfort.
She smiled up at him and nodded, “welcome to the family Inuyasha. I do hope that even thought you and Kagome can't live in this time, I hope that you come back often and visit,” she smiled at him again. “I am going to go to bed I will see you and Kagome in the morning,” she finished as she walked up the stairs.
Kagome sat at her desk nervously brushing her hair and failing horribly as she aggravated her sensitive ears with the course bristles of her hairbrush. She was trying desperately not to think about what Inuyasha and her mother were talking about or what would happen with Inuyasha sleeping in her room tonight. She could hear her mother walk upstairs and down the hall, her and ji-chan slept at the back of the house and Souta's room was across the hall, but he could sleep during an earthquake. Inuyasha could do almost anything and nobody would even hear them. And as fate would have it, that's when Inuyasha decided to come upstairs.
He was quiet as he came in the room, turning off all the lights except for the lamp beside the bed. He looked tense and she felt nervous, that caused her to blush deeply. He looked at her in her pajama shorts set and smiled. “Your mom seems okay with it. So let's go to sleep.” She got up out of the chair, and got into bed. She made room for Inuyasha, but he only turned off the light and sat on the floor against the bed. “Goodnight, Kagome.”
She sighed but only replied, “goodnight, Inuyasha.” She pouted as she lay in bed trying to sleep. But as she lay there with her eyes closed she began to smell Inuyasha's distinct scent and suddenly flashes of the other night filled her head. She began to feel hot as she remembered the way his hands felt, the way his kisses felt. She wondered what it would feel like now that she was more sensitive. Her body grew hotter and hotter and her ears began to twitch.
Inuyasha was trying to sleep when he began to smell the distinct scent of her arousal. “Kagome?”
“Yes, Inuyasha?”
“Are you okay?” he asked.
She blushed, could he tell somehow, that her skin felt like it was on fire for him. Screaming at her to mate her man. `Of course,' she thought suddenly, `Miyoga said there would be side effects until the mating was completed.' She blushed even more as her body grew even hotter as she realized that it was her bodies instinct to reproduce. “I feel hot,” she admitted, but she was embarrassed.
“Just try to ignore it and go to sleep.”
She sighed and tried again, but her body refused to cool down making her increasingly more uncomfortable. She heard Inuyasha make a sound as he shifted his position. They were both miserable, Inuyasha was straining from the scent of arousal Kagome's body was giving off. “Dammit,” he said getting up from his position. “You better keep quiet,” he told her as he disrobed and joined her on the bed, giving her a wicked grin. She smiled at him and reached out for him to join her.
She was so hot she was almost to the point of delirium. Inuyasha came to, pulling her into his arms as he invaded her mouth passionately. His hand came up to pinch and roll her nipple and she arched against him moaning into his mouth. A low grow began to emanate from his throat as he moved his hand lower to stroke and tease her clit. She moaned again and ground herself against his hand. Every stroke cooled her skin but built a new fire inside of her.
His kisses moved from her small mouth to the slender column of her neck, to his mark. He gave a louder growl then and began to lavish that spot with kisses and light nips. She moaned quietly, trying not to call any attention to them. He positioned himself and slowly entered her, moaning the low growling still emanating from his throat. She began to feel that wonderful darkness encroaching on her vision again. “Oh Inuyasha,” she moaned. Suddenly she began to see different visions. He and Inuyasha jumping down the well, a bright purple light and a blinding flash of pain before the darkness. Suddenly she felt herself begin pulled, as if from a dream and her heart dropped.
End Note: I know, you all think I am evil for the cliffhangers. But how else could I leave you drooling for more, you all know you love it! Lol! I promise to be faster with the next update, I have had a lot of things happen in the last month. Thanks all. I'll see you again soon.