InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Fateful Night ❯ Chapter 1: The Big Fight ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: The Big Fight

"Feh' I don't need you anyway!"
"Grrr you make me so mad.. you BAKA!!! BAAKAA!!!! BAAAAAKAAA!!!" Kagome's voice could be heard throughout the whole village.
"Ill just find them without you, you annoying human!" Inuyasha snapped back, Kagome's eyes turned red with anger. She started storming away from him. She reached the bone eaters well and turned back to look at him. "Inuyasha!… SIT!!!" Inuyasha slammed into the ground and Kagome jumped into the Bone eaters well, taking her back to her own time.

Kagome stormed into her house mumbling "baka" under her breath, her family was eating dinner but they didn't bother her cuz they knew that she was pissed just from the look in her eyes. Her mother called back telling her that she was going to prepare a bath for her, Kagome smiled "thank you mother". She began to undress and climbed slowly into the bath. "Aww so relaxing" she mumbled as she sank into the water. `Unlike that stressful baka, Inuyasha!" she thought as she submerged herself in the bath water.

Back in Inuyasha's time, Inuyasha was sitting at the edge of bone eaters well. Miroku walked up behind him. "You really should apologize and bring her back Inuyasha." Said Miroku as he sat beside Inu. "Feh' I don't need that weak human." Inuyasha said in his usual stubborn way. "You know that's untrue Inuyasha, she is the one who helps us find the shikon shards. The faster you get her back the faster we can continue our search and defeat Naraku." Miroku got up "just think about it Inuyasha." He started walking back toward the village.

Meanwhile Kouga was visiting a white miko, he held up a ring. "So you are saying that this ring will let me pass through the bone eaters well?" he said excitingly. "Yes, I enchanted the ring, and it will allow you to pass through the bone eaters well. Just as you instructed me to make it" replied the white miko from her chair. Kouga handed her the payment that was due and put the ring on his finger. "HA! Now I am sure to win Kagome's heart from that bastard Inuyasha!" He yelled happily exiting the white miko's room. He started making his way to the bone eaters well.

As Miroku was walking back to the village he ran into Sango who was picking some herbs. "Hello Houshi-sama" greeted Sango happily. "Hello Sango." Miroku started to help her pick herbs. "Inuyasha still being a stubborn fool?" Sango said as she got another basket and started filling those with herbs. "Yes, he's being his normal self." He replied as they finished picking the needed herbs. They both started making their way back to the village. "It's starting to get dark, it's almost night time" Sango looked towards the sunset. "The sunset is always so beautiful." She said in awe of the orange glow coming off of the sun. Miroku turned to her and looked into her eyes. "It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." Miroku turned back around and again walked toward the village. Sango stayed for an extra second, she blushed a little. Then she too continued on to the village.

Kouga reached the bone eaters well and looked down. "I will soon be able to prove my love for you Kagome!" He jumped down the well and came out the other side, in Kagome's time! He made his way to the house and entered. Grandfather and Sota looked at him. "You must be from Inuyasha's time," said Sota looking over Kouga. "Where is Kagome?" Kouga asked curiously. "She's in the bath right now, but if you want u can wait in her room its just.." grandfather was cutoff as Kouga ran to Kagome's room. Kouga entered her room "Her room is filled with her scent!" he muttered. He laid down on the bed "OH!! THIS IS SO COMFORTABLE!!" he nearly yelled out. Kagome entered her room, finished with her bath. She saw Kouga "K..Ko..Kouga-Kun.." she muttered in surprise.

Inuyasha started walking through the forest. And then to the 1000-year-old sacred tree, that Kikyo had bound him to 50 years before. He saw Kikyo standing there, he looked her over. She looked very lonely so he walked over to her and started talking. "Kikyo, why are you here?" asked Inuyasha with curiosity. She turned to him, and he could tell that she had been crying. "Inuyasha.. I love you!" She ran to him and started hugging him. He held her in his arms as she started crying. "Kikyo…"