InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Chapter 1

Every year it is the same and every year I hope it won't turn out that way, but hey what can I say. I am a part time bounty hunter and sometimes under cover cop, when it comes to hostages. I am actually pretty good, or at least that is what I hear. I usually work alone, that was until the chief of police thought it would be funny to give me a partner.
My name is Kagome Higurashi and at this moment I was heading to my best friend's boyfriend's bonds office. I have had experience bringing in the FTA's (failed to appear), but at this moment that was not the reason I was going to see him. In fact the subject of the matter was his best friend.
I walked into the bond office to see my best friend, Sango almost - Houshi, behind the front desk apparently stressed because of all the skips. Maybe I would help by taking two or three.
“Aren't you suppose to be at YOUR work?” she asked looking from the file in her hands. Sango sorted the FTA's into three piles. One that anyone could do (mostly for new bond enforcement agents or BEA's) the second one for the more experienced BEA's, which I usually do along with my brother and Sango's brother. And finally the third pile was the difficult FTA's, that either I or sometimes working here Kouga Lang took.
Kouga and I don't exactly have the best past and the whole `my woman' thing has gotten way to old. Everything happened back in high school with THE Inuyasha Takahashi, Tokyo High Heart throb. Anyways…back to why I wasn't at work or in the field.
“Well it must be pick on Kagome day because I now have a partner and it is apparently a new employee here or will be. Chief said something about us needing to work very closely together.” I answered. My job was an under cover cop, though I only worked when they really needed my. And I never had a partner, it was against my rules, but no one listens to me. Cause now I have a partner that has some relation to the chief.
“I though Sesshomaru would never give you a partner after the last one?” she questioned. That was true; I had purposely run off the last one by being reckless but still fallowing the law.
“Yeah, he did and I mentioned a little about the partner. He said that this case was personal and he only wants two people working on it. Being curious I asked if it was personal why didn't he do it. Of course then he goes and says that it is personal to my new partner.” I answered taking a seat on the worn out couch.
The door to the owner's office or Miroku's office opened and two men stepped out. One being Miroku and the other I thought would never see again. I really should have not come to work today because I had this feeling that…
“Oh good Kagome you're here to meet your partner. Sesshomaru said that you wouldn't run this one off like the last. Anyways, Inuyasha, meet Kagome Higurashi, Kagome, Inuyasha Takahashi.” Miroku introduced. Last time I saw Inuyasha was when we graduated. After that he went off to the police academy, I joined two years later after working for Miroku for two years. We didn't have the best history in the world. No we weren't Ex's or something like that, it was the fact that back in high school his girlfriend and I weren't on the best of terms, in fact we down right hated each other. So now here we were staring at each other and I had this feeling that he was my partner and Miroku had confirmed it. Oh shit!
“I assume that Sesshomaru told you that you would be working with his brother…” Miroku started.
“Half - brother. And the only reason I'm dong this with a partner is because he is my boss and he said you were good.” He said, “I will be the judge of how good you are, Kagome.” I could tell right then that this was going to be difficult to work on, of course I don't even know what the case is about yet, Sesshomaru said I was to find out from him.
“Well I don't care about how you became my partner, all I care about is how I am going to get out.” I said because hell would freeze over before I worked with him. I stood up and made to leave when I felt a hand on my shoulder spin me around.
“You are doing this case whether you want to or not. This has to do with the safety of a child, MY child.” Inuyasha hissed. Damn him, getting kids back or anyone was what I was good at. Just now it was his, but he's not married, I would've heard. Nothing is ever kept a secret for long in this town, but a kid?
“Since when did you have a child?” I asked. The case didn't matter anymore because I knew was going to work it. Damn Sesshomaru.
“He's a godchild and his parents were very close to mine. It is important I get him back very soon.” Inuyasha answered. That made a lot more sense then him ACTUALLY having a kid. He had changed; I could see the stress worn into his face from cases that make you want to shoot yourself. He didn't look like the guy that charm you into anything (more like out of) he wanted to anymore, but more like the guy who had seen too much.
“Now it makes sense to why Sesshomaru told me that only I would take this case. I could care less that the child belongs to you, but the one thing I do best is getting people back, especially kids.” I stated grabbing two cases out to the third pile. I opened the first one and smiled, Kikyo Hiro, some how I always manage to get her and every time it just gets even more hilarious while trying to bring her in.
“Uh-oh. There is only one file that bring a smile to your face, because the other one doesn't exists.” Sango said. What she meant was that every time I got this file I had an `evil grin', the other file would be Naraku Onigamo, but it does not exists, though I wish it did with high bond.
I didn't have to tell her what she already knew so I smiled sweetly, today wasn't going to be terribly bad, and it was sorta looking up.
“Well I think I'll go bring in some FTA's to make up for earlier.” I announced closing the file and taking out my gun to make sure it was loaded then sticking it on the waist holster I had.
“I want to come. To see how this works, I am going to be working here soon.” Inuyasha asked. Just what I needed someone to come on with me to get the FTA's and him being the last guy I wanted to spend time with.
“Is there any reason why you want to go with me?” I questioned. He could go with anyone that worked here, but nope it had to be me.
“Mostly to see how you apprehend FTA's. And I'm not sure how else I'm going to get you alone so I can brief you on the case. I don't necessarily want the whole world to know about this case.” He answered. That made sense, but I didn't want him to bring up high school. Then I probably shouldn't go after Kikyo today, maybe tomorrow would be a good day.
“Alright, do you want to ride in one car or both?” might as well let him come if I want to know about the case, I'll just give him the option to take his own car and I can take mine.
“We'll take my car and then come back here.” He said taking out his keys and going out the door. I guess that settles that the. I handed the Kikyo file to Sango and picked up a different one then followed in Inuyasha's steps and went outside.
Inuyasha had a black SUV, which in my opinion was an excellent car to do surveillance in or to follow someone. I climbed into the passenger seat and opened the file that I had grabbed in the switch. I smiled at this one too, another favorite: Bankotsu Band. One of the seven and the one to get into the most trouble and his bond was at $10,000; I get ten percent of that.
“Address?” he asked starting the car.
“203 Broad Street.” I answered. I knew the place well do to the multiple times I had been here.
“I've been meaning to catch up with you, but every time I do you are always in the middle of something. Now we can finally talk about high school.” He said heading down Main. And I though we would avoid this topic due to the fact I really didn't want to talk about the thing that started the whole fight between me and his ex-girlfriend Kikyo.
“I've noticed and sorry. I tend to be busy a lot when someone wants to bring up the high school days.” I told him. Maybe he would get the hint and move on to talk about the case.
“Well thing is when I became Shippo's godfather I had to tell them who I was picking as the godmother, but it couldn't be Kikyo because Shippo didn't like her so the only that I could think of that would be nice to him was you. Unfortunately they have since then died, in a car wreck, and never got tot meet you. Now my parents want to meet you, but first Shippo has to like you, though right now it's a little difficult because someone has taken him. I think it was Kikyo because she has found out that she was going to be the godmother or so she thinks, when I was going to choose you the whole time. But anyways that's pretty much how you are involved besides being a cop on the case. It's personal.” He said not even glancing at me. He had to be kidding; there was no way I was a godmother with even knowing it. Maybe there was a law I didn't know about…nope. And now I probably look like an idiot with my mouth wide open.
“You're not joking are you?” I asked. It was worth a shot. He shook his head.
“Damn, but what exactly does that have to do with high school?” I questioned. There was no doubt in my mind that this tied directly to what I tried so hard to forget about.
“Well it was a week into the fight and after…I was mad at Kikyo because she had said something about me, and you of course. I choose you because I had heard from Miroku that you love kids and well that's how it ties to high school. I mentioned this because of it and now about that night, do you think there will be a repeat any time soon?” he said smiling at me as we pulled up to the house. He was serious about it! This was a bad idea and now I was stuck, damn it!
I didn't respond I just got out of the car and marched up to the house. I knocked on the door and heard a loud bang and some clothes rustling then Bankotsu answered just as Inuyasha walked up.
“Hey, you missed your court date.” The normal line I say when I have someone new, but in this case I added, “For the fifth time.” He gave me a lazy smile and tired to close the door, but my foot was there. First thing you should do when they open the door.
“So I take it you walking away and avoiding the question that you want some more because you didn't get enough last time.” Inuyasha smirked, I can tell that he has possibly the worst timing, which some how beats Miroku, who for a fact has the worst timing and has been proven many times.
“Bankotsu open this door. You know what's going to happen, why do you make it difficult every time?” I asked leaning on the door.
“I can't come today the repair man is suppose to come in an hour.” He said still trying to close the door. I knew this wasn't true because he used the damn lie every time.
“BANKOTSU! Are you coming back?” a feminine voice called. I raised an eyebrow, now this was different, but it was what I needed to push the door open and let myself in.
There were clothes everywhere and a girl on the couch only in a sheet. I finally noticed that Bankotsu wasn't wearing a shirt and only pants. Great, he's probably hard. I shook my head and stepped further in the house while he just stood there.
“Am I interrupting anything?” I asked my eyebrow staying raised. As Inuyasha entered taking everything in. Though there was no doubt in my mind that he had seen much of this before.
“Who's this slut?” the girl asked from the couch. I looked at her with the same look I gave Bankotsu. I shook my head and crossed the room to Bankotsu while pulling out my cuffs.
“I'm someone that a lot of people don't want to see.” I answered as I cuffed Bankotsu and started walking him to the door. “You know I enjoy coming to get you, it's an adventure to see what situation I have to deal with.”
Actually it was pretty fun only because every time it was different, one time it could be rolling in trash, another being called a slut. If I had a choice I would pick being called a slut over rolling in garbage any day.
“Let's go Inuyasha we're done here.” I said half way out the door with Bankotsu in front of me. I really hope this was all that he wanted to see, and I sure was glad it Bankotsu only because he was an easy pick up, with me.
“Wait, you can't leave me like this.” The girl on the couch said getting up and holding a blanket around.
“No I can. I probably shouldn't, but I guess I can't do anything about it.” I replied and continued out the door with Inuyasha following silently. Strange he didn't volunteer to stay and finish.
I loaded Bankotsu in the back on got into the passenger seat hoping this would be a simple ride to the station, but then again anything I hope for never seems to turn out.
“You haven't answered my question, and if you don't answer it soon I'm just going to assume the best.” Inuyasha stated. What did I say? I have bad luck when I hope for something to happen, like I hope I can get out of this partnership, but that's not going to happen until this case is over.
“My answer is, NO. It's not going to ever happen again, and I try to forget that it ever did, but it seems lately that a lot of people are bringing it up.” I sighed. “Now is there anything else I need to know about this case? Like anyone that you think might have taken your child? Some crazy one night stand?”
“Kikyo, that's the only person I can think of, I mentioned it before. No one else would be stupid enough to kidnap my kid.” He answered. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. “And I'm not that desperate.”
“But clearly desperate enough.” I mumbled looking out the window. We pulled up to the station and I got out of the car and the pulled Bankotsu out.
The two of us walked into the docking cop and I had him right me a body receipt and I left Bankotsu hand cuffed to the bench. I walked back out and got back into Inuyasha's car.
“So where now?” he asked as he put the car in gear and headed to the street.
“Back to the office.” I answered.
“Don't you have another file?” he asked. Damn, I was hoping I could get out of that. Damn there I go hoping again!
“I'll give it to you and you can do it. I have some other things to do.” Like go on a very long vacation.
“If I drop you off I'm never going to see you again am I?” Damn too smart.
“You will, when I call you, if I have any info.” Not that I would.
“I want your number.” Now I'm done for, I can't refuse that. Damn.
“Fine here's my card with ALL my numbers. You can contact me through one of them.” I said hopping out of the car as soon as it pulled to a stop at the office. I pulled the file out and left it on the seat and went inside to get my check and Kikyo's file then go home. I was DONE with today and I knew it wasn't going to get any better, not now that Inuyasha had my number.
A/N: All right, if you've ever read Janet Evanovich and her `Plum' series then this will sound like it. I have taken the jobs that the people do and the together, the adventures that they go on are nothing like hers. Of course the personalities are not the same. Just wanted to make that clear!