InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, though this plot is mine!
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Chapter 2

So I'm not sure where in my life I went wrong, but I must have. Being stuck with Inuyasha Takahashi for this case was not exactly my cup of coffee. Maybe it was my 48-hour marriage to proven loser: Hojo Aiko. I didn't exactly make the best choice when I married him, just like I didn't make the best choice when I decided to sleep with Inuyasha. I'm still not able to live either of the events down, whether by my mother, grandfather, or even Inuyasha himself.
Sango was lucky to find someone like Miroku even if he is a pervert. I've known Sango since kindergarten and she swore that marring Miroku would be the last thing she ever did, so I guess when she started working for him it didn't apply. And then dating him she forgot, then when he proposed I asked her about that promise, she claimed that she didn't recall such a thing. I'm sure she doesn't, not when she's madly in love with him, nope I probably wouldn't either.
Miroku is a story all on its own; ever since grabbing our first grade teacher's butt he's been a pervert. Some how he managed to make friends with Inuyasha and now he defends him even if he knows it's wrong. Men, I love them, but god damn they are so aggravating.
I had everything I could get on Inuyasha spread out on my kitchen table. I lived in an apartment on the second floor. Most of the people here were old or single mothers. I just had my fat cat Buyou. Anyways, back to the case. Nothing that I had helped, I even had stuff on Kikyo. Nothing fit together, after high school the two never talked and she had no motive to take Shippo, but she did things a lot of times with no reason at all. I was sure there was more to this then Inuyasha was letting on and without that information I wasn't going to be able to piece together this mystery.
I got up and refilled my coffee cup, fifth. I wanted to at least make a connection and I don't think I was going to.
“Buyou, I think I'm in way to deep. Maybe I should quit.” I said walking around my apartment. My cat wasn't listening, I just needed to talk and think a loud. “I need to do something other than think about this all night. Let's go over it out loud and see if there is anything I missed. Inuyasha puts me as godmother, parents die, Kikyo is mad. Nothing still, Kikyo being mad has to be involved somehow.” I swear sometimes I wonder how I can solve the cases with so little evidence, but the ones that have a lot I can't seem to make connections.
There was a knock on my door taking me out of my rant. I answered it there stood someone I hadn't seen since high school. Well actually I hadn't really seen a lot of people and after earlier I thought I had seen the last of high school memories.
“Hey, I was hoping you could help me out.”
“Ayame, I thought you had moved?” I said letting her in
Ayame, Sango and I were, and still are, best friends throughout high school. Ayame didn't really have a good home life so she was either at Sango's or my house. The last I had heard was she was ho' on Angels Street and the safety on that street wasn't exactly top notch.
“I'm quitting my job. I want something better.” She said setting a bag down after I let her in. I'm really beginning to think that I went wrong somewhere, if you ask me if I knew where I couldn't tell you no matter how long I tried, but I know I did. And it's not bad that Ayame is quitting, it was the fact that I got this feeling that she was going to stay with me until she found a new job.
“What are you looking for?” I asked shutting the door and mentally sighing.
“I was thinking I could help you out. I know you and Sango work together; maybe you need a third person. It could be like old times, the three musketeers.” She answered.
In high school we were always with one another and many thought we were like the three musketeers. But we're not in high school anymore and my life was just turned upside down.
“Well Sango is looking for someone to do the filling work at the office, you could work with her. I only stop in when I'm needed. We could go down in the morning.” I said. Maybe if we weren't early enough we would miss Inuyasha, but the way my luck was going I didn't have very high hopes for this.
“Alright, maybe I could help you on your cases or those other people you go after sometimes.” She said trying to be helpful.
“I only have one bedroom.” I said, maybe, just maybe she could stay somewhere else.
“Oh that's fine, I can sleep on the couch.” She said making herself at home. Oh god, please, what did I do?
“I'm going to clean up my mess on the kitchen table then I'm going to bed.” I said moving to the kitchen and picking up all the paper work and taking it to my room. I set it on my dresser and went to my closet to grab the extra blanket and pillow that I had in there.
“Here, you can set up on the couch and get comfortable. Make your self at home. I don't have much.” I said trying to make the best of the worst situation. “Night.”
“Alright, night Kags.”
I woke up and looked at the clock that read: 8:30 am. Damn. I got up and took a quick shower. I wasn't one for to much make up, didn't see the point when you had a job like mine. Sure when I went undercover I would dress the part, which is why I have revealing dresses in my closet and shoes that scream `Fuck me', which is why I call them my `fuck me shoes'. I always tend to get the jobs, which consist of me being a slut.
I put on a pair of blue faded jeans and a black sweater. It was the middle of November and the cool air had come in. I walked into the kitchen to try and find breakfast, normally I would eat leftovers, but I didn't have any left.
Ayame was still asleep so I left a note on the counter and twenty dollars. I felt bad that I didn't have anything, but hey I wasn't expecting company.
I hopped into my little Honda and took off to the office. I was going to ask Sango about the filling job then go and get Kikyo. So today would have some high points, now if I could just avoid Inuyasha I think I could turn out to be an excellent day.
I pulled up to the office and there was a car that was rarely seen in the parking lot. Kouga Lang.
I walked in and Sango looked up and shook her head. Which meant that something was wrong or going to be. I had a feeling it had to do with the already new employee.
“Well I think I'll brighten up your day. Ayame decided to quit her job and is living with me for the time being until she can find a new job. I told her that maybe you would let her file since our brothers are starting to like bring in FTA's more. Plus I want her to get back on her feet soon and in her own apartment.” I said keeping an eye on Miroku's office door that was closed currently.
“Sure, that's fine. We can sit here and talk about you and officer hanyou.” She said.
“Cool, give my apartment a call and let her know.” I said, “I'm going to go and pick up the bitch. Later.”
Kikyo wasn't that bad, okay maybe she was, but I didn't think she was capable of kidnapping. It just wasn't possible for her to do; she had to have had help if she did. I knew she was involved with Naraku, but we had no evidence as a police department. They had secret high school rendezvous that I saw first had. I never knew exactly what they were planning but it had to do with Inuyasha, me, and something that would hurt us both. I could never figure out the reason why.
I arrived at Kikyo's address that was on file. This was a new house that I hadn't been to before, which made me wonder. I got out of the car and walked up to the house.
I knocked and didn't here a “Coming” or “Just a minute”. I knocked again and got nothing.
“Kikyo? It's Kagome, you're in violation of you bond.” I yelled and still got nothing. I looked through the window to the left and saw someone lying face done on the ground in some kind of liquid. Shit.
I tried the doorknob and the door opened. I had a reason to enter; someone was on the floor and as a cop and BEA (bond enforcement agent) I thought I was Kikyo, well that was going to be my reason. I knew it wasn't Kikyo because of the clothing woman was wearing.
I stepped in side and saw the person on the ground, as I got closer a smell and the color of the liquid became more obvious to me. The liquid wasn't something you would drink, well unless you were a vampire. She was lying in her own blood; I knew this because of the bullet hole in her head. Double shit.
I pulled out my cell phone and called the department. And then stood out side and waited for backup. I didn't do bodies, in fact I hated all that blood and guts. Why I went into the house to see what I kind of all ready knew I didn't know.
Sesshomaru stepped out of an unmarked car from the driver's side and Inuyasha from the passenger's side.
“I thought we were working together?” Inuyasha asked. Damn.
“When I work on the case, today was FTA day. And maybe see if I could pick up anything from anyone that might know something. I'll let you know when I need you.” I said smirking. Take that jackass.
“Children, stop. Now Kagome, what happened?” Sesshomaru asked interrupting our little fight.
“Well I was coming to pick up Kikyo because she missed her court date. I knocked twice then looked through the window and saw a woman on the ground facing down. I tried the door with my sleeve covering my hand and it was unlocked. I walked inside and saw the woman dead as dead can get.” I answered.
“And the reason you're not in there now?” Inuyasha asked. God, I was dreading that question.
“There is a reason to why I work undercover kidnapping cases.” I answered.
“You couldn't make homicide detective?” he asked. I looked at him like he was stupid… okay maybe he really was, but how he made it to being a plainclothes cop I couldn't figure out.
“No, she hates dead bodies.” Sesshomaru said then walked into the house to check on things.
“OH! You hate blood and guts! Oh! That's priceless.” Inuyasha said busting up in laughter.
“Sesshomaru I hope you like to die a slow and painful death!” I yelled, “I don't think your fiancée would like that.” He just had to give Inuyasha something to possible use against me, just my luck.
“I thought you didn't like dead bodies?” Inuyasha questioned smirking.
“That doesn't mean I'm afraid to use my gun. Would you like to be the first of the day?” I said taking a step closer. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he leaned down.
“Would I get a kiss first or do I have to take it?” he asked his breath sending shivers down my spin and I knew that he knew.
“You would have to meet my gun.” I answered.
“That's risk I'm willing to take.” He said just before crashing his lips to mine.
I swear I felt like dieing in that moment. I hadn't been kissed like this since the last time I was with him. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck by instinct as his wrapped around my waist. God I was in heaven for sure.
He pulled away first leaned his forehead against mine. This had to be a dream and I didn't want to wake up any time soon.
I didn't know what scared me the more; the fact that it wasn't or I didn't want to wake up.
“All the guys saw you kiss the one guy you claim to hate. I don't think you can say that any more after kissing me like that.” He whispered huskily against my cheek. What a prick!
“Inuyasha,” I said smiling seductively as I placed my hands on his cheeks, “YOU PRICK!” I brought my knee up to his crotch and then walked off to my car and decided I would go to the office.
As I pulled a u-turn I saw Inuyasha on the ground holding his crotch and Sesshomaru shaking his head. Some of the guys were trying to hold their laughter in, others just let it out that was what made me smirk all the way back to the office.
When I pulled into the parking lot Kouga's car was gone, which was good because I didn't want to put up with the `my woman' stuff at the moment.
I walked in and saw Ayame and Sango laughing over a pizza lunch. I grabbed a slice and sat down in a huff.
“Uh-oh, something's got your panties in a knot.” Ayame said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, careful not to mess up her make-up.
“He thinks that just because I'm his partner he can do what ever the hell he wants. And yesterday him bringing up what happened in high school. MIROKU! You're lucky you're engaged to Sango and she loves you because if she didn't I would kill you right now.” I said banging on his office door, “It's all your and Sesshomaru's fault for the position I am in now!”
“Whoa, calm down girl.” Sango said pulling me away from the door and handing me another piece of pizza. “Why don't you explain what happened.”
So I told them both, everything before the kiss, the kiss, and after the kiss and their response was what I sort of expected.
“HE DID WHAT!” they both yelled. Ayame sat back down in her chair and stared off as Sango began looking for something, which I had no doubt was her gun so she was ready for when he came into the office.
“Sango, stop looking for your gun. I think I already embarrassed him enough. Some of the guys were laughing at him.” I did expect a reaction like this, but looking for her gun was a little extreme.
They both knew what happened in high school and how the sweet Inuyasha relieved me of my innocence. And I had tried to be strong and forget about that night, which as of late seems to be the only thing on my mind whenever Inuyasha is brought up.
“But that ass did the unthinkable to you.” Sango said. No it wasn't rape because I didn't tell him to stop. I can't remember exactly how it all got started, that's where I'm a little lost. Then again Inuyasha was known for charming girls out of anything and into his bed or car, which ever was available.
“Sango I think she knows that.” Ayame said finally coming back to reality.
“What am I going to do about Kikyo?” I questioned, Inuyasha would have to wait like always.
“As soon as Ayame files, you can look up Kikyo's other addresses that might be on file. Or you could do your cop thing on it and get the info.” Sango answered.
“I'm not the lead on the case. I couldn't get the info, well I could, but it would be hard.” I answered just before my phone rang. Sesshomaru.
“Hello?” I said.
“As much as I hate my brother, that was cold.”
“Hehe, you see… he deserved it.” I said sheepishly.
“Whatever. I called to let you know that the woman's name is Emi Tankaka and she was Shippo's babysitter, age 20. I'm putting you lead on the case. I don't think I should give it to Inuyasha. You knocked down his ego; I don't want to go bringing it back up so soon. Do you need to know anything right now that I can get you? I owe you one favor for what you did.
“I need all of Kikyo's known addresses, and Naraku's.” I said simply. So my luck wasn't so bad today.
“Please don't tell me that you think Kikyo is involved with Naraku.”
“Okay I won't, but that house that Emi was found in wasn't the house that was usually on the bond papers that Kikyo had before. And until I can see the old files I won't know that address.” I told Sesshomaru.
“I'll see what I can do.”
And he hung up.
I had this incredible growing feeling that something terribly amazing was going to happen. Why terribly amazing? Well because I knew there had to be something bad that was going to happen and something good that was going to happen and they would come together.
I knew get Shippo back had to be the good thing or at least part of it because it seemed so much bigger than just getting Inuyasha's and my godchild back. The bad thing that would happen is what scared me the most because I didn't have an idea of HOW bad it was going to get. And at this moment after finding a body and it being Shippo's babysitter made this whole kidnapping different from other situations that I have dealt with.
Oh dear god, what am I getting into? And why didn't I listen to my mom when she said I was making a mistake going into the police academy, because I was an idiot. Damn.
A/N: Well there was the next chapter… I'm trying to post it slower so I can write the 5th chapter… I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with what exactly is going to happen… I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Please review.