InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, though this plot is mine!
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Rating: M (for topics and language)
Chapter 6
The one thing about being an undercover cop is that you seem to always have unusual cases. What I mean is, that nothing seems to add up. Like you're missing pieces to a puzzle. As you're putting it together you have most of the pieces, but can't get them together because those are the ones you're missing. That's where I was at the moment. Missing pieces. For one, I didn't dress like this unless I was going in for the kill and getting the guy, not to get some info. Now that I had that info, I added a piece, but still nothing quite makes sense. Like Naraku wanting me to get to Sesshomaru, if he wanted to really get to Sesshomaru; why not go after his fiancée?
Anyways after Inuyasha left, I did change. I was already planning on it. I wasn't that stupid… though I guess someone could argue that. I didn't really have anything else to do today so I figured I would go down to the station and see if I could help out with anything. I knew that there probably wasn't much for me to do, but hey I could go down and talk.
I walked down to the elevator and walked outside the lobby doors when I realized that I had no way to get to the office. I had forgotten what happened yesterday; my car was blow up. Today we used Ayame's car and that was stolen. Damn it! I just wanted to get out of my apartment, more than I was, and do something, maybe not as stupid as this morning.
I sat down on the sidewalk to think of something I could do. I was getting nothing, absolutely nothing! About ten minutes later a black mustang pulled up in front of me. The passenger window rolled down as I was getting up to leave. This was one thing I didn't want to deal with. Some guy probably saw me from the road and figured he could get a good time out of me. Uh NO! God, some guys are just so… pathetic.
“Kagome, get in.” the driver of the car said. I knew the voice all to well.
I guess I didn't have a choice. What I mean is, if I were to go back into my apartment, he would follow, so I would only stall the conversation more. I really wanted to get it over with quickly now that he decided to show up and probably discuss what is going on.
I got into the car. I didn't buckle up or anything, figuring I would be in and out quick.
“Buckle up.” He said.
“Kouga…” I started, before he glared at me.
Shit I really did it this time. I did what he said and as soon as I did we were off. Where to exactly? Well I didn't know, just like I didn't know if he heard about my car exploding or what happened this morning. The car was in the news. The incident this morning wouldn't quite be out.
“I'm not sure I even want to know why your got blown up, but what I am curious about is your little adventure this morning with the filing girl.” He said. That had to be, hands down, the most I have ever heard him say, taking a good look on that whole speech.
“Kouga, I'm doing my job.” I replied.
“Naraku wants you, why? No one knows. Yet you go purposely into his territory, WHY?” he asked. Shit.
“I had questions, and Naraku was the ONLY one that had the answers to the questions.” I answered.
“Ask me.”
“You aren't always the most reliable and available person around.” I said.
“Then get off the case, turn in the FTA, which ever job you are working for.”
“It's mainly a case, and an FTA on Kikyo. The FTA doesn't matter. I can't get off the case, trust me I tried.” I really did, sorta.
“I'll talk to Sesshomaru.”
“No, don't. You'll waste your time.” I said. I was really wasting my time and breath. Once he decided something that was it. Plus we had just pulled up to the station.
We both got out of the car and walked to the entrance. All the officers knew Kouga and his reputation and so they all knew he carried concealed, but didn't arrest him for it.
“Come on Kouga, I tried. I can't get out of it.” I said trying to get him to stop walking. Everyone was watching us.
“Where's Sesshomaru.” He asked the girl and the desk.
“Office.” She replied shyly. Oh man was she going to die later.
“His office is this way.” I said trying to lead him the other way.
“Kagome, I know where his office is and the way you are going is the front door.” And with that he was off.
“But Kouga!” I yelled following him. This day couldn't possibly get any worse. Okay I guess it could, I mean Inuyasha and Kouga could meet and Inuyasha find out that Kouga is worried about me… wait… Inuyasha AND Kouga would MEET! Oh shit, I had to stop him now.
“Kouga get your insanely skinny ass back here. I'll try and get Sesshomaru to let me get off the case. You go wait in the car.” Not that I really think that I could get off the case, but if it could stall them meeting then so be it!
“Kagome, what are you doing here? And how did you get here?” Someone behind me asked. Inuyasha. Oh I am so screwed.
Kouga had stopped walking, or he had before I turned around to talk to Inuyasha and stall him. Inuyasha was the jealous type and Kouga was the cocky type. They both knew each other's reputation, but steered clear of each other on purpose. And now I just made them have one connection to each other. They both had this thing for being overly protective and liking me.
“Inuyasha, I didn't know you would be here.” Oh man was that a lie if I ever heard one. And it came out of my mouth.
“Yeah you did, I told you before I left your apartment. I dropped you off after your `adventure' and told you to change. Remember.” He said walking closer.
“You did? Oh well. I came to talk to Sesshomaru about him paying for a new car since it was his fault that it was blown up. I mean he made me take this case.” I said smiling probably the fakest smile. I knew Inuyasha knew it to because of his nose and I probably looked ridiculous.
“You took the case because getting back kidnapped kids was your specialty, not because my lame ass brother made you.” Inuyasha said. He was now standing really close to me.
“Well I need to get a new car. What am I suppose to do all day?” I said putting my hands on my hips. Oh god was I terrible at lying.
“I think I prefer you staying in your apartment with no way to get anywhere. Maybe then you would stay out of trouble and you could learn how to do home things… like cook!” Inuyasha said smiling as his arms wrapped around me. Oh man, this was not working out like I planned.
“Excuse me, what do you think you are doing?” Kouga said pulling me out of Inuyasha's arms.
“I'm holding my girlfriend. And who do you think you are?” Inuyasha said yanking me back. So far they weren't yelling at each other, better than I thought it would be.
“Being your girlfriend is the last thing she would be, mutt. I am the full demon.” Kouga said.
“Kouga Lang. I should have known. Though I never that you would actually be here, ever.” Inuyasha said. Thankfully he didn't say anything on the full demon comment.
“Yes, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my woman being involved in a case that could very well get her killed.” He said crossing arms. I believe we are setting some new records here. Kouga can actually have a conversation, even if it is going between civil and deathly
“ `Your woman'? Since when in the seven hells is she your woman?” Inuyasha said putting me behind him and taking a step forward. I just love it when people talk about me like I'm not there. It was just so wonderful! NOT!
“Since we started working together.”
“If that was true then she wouldn't have agreed to date me.” Inuyasha smirked. This conversation was about to enter moderately dangerous. If I could disarm them both maybe, but there was no chance of that.
“Not a chance. You're just pulling some playboy tactics. Nice try though.” Kouga said. Oh dear god, just help me now. If there was only someone that wasn't afraid of these two idiots and that didn't give a shit to what they said about not getting their way. Though I'm sure Kouga wouldn't say anything and would go into hiding and not be seen for a while, further more proving my point that he is unreliable and unavailable.
“SESSHOMARU!” I yelled.
He came running out of his office just in time to see Inuyasha about to lose it with Kouga.
“Well if ya don't believe me just ask Kagome.” Inuyasha said. I guess he didn't hear me yell… odd.
“What exactly is going on here?” Sesshomaru asked.
“This guy here thinks Kagome is his woman. He has no claim on her.” Inuyasha said, of course he would be the first one to speak.
“Sesshomaru, that guy thinks Kagome would actually go out with him.” Kouga said. I don't believe that I have ever heard him act so childish.
“Kouga, I do believe you and Kagome only associate when at work and she has turned you down in previous offers and has not accepted your claim. Therefore you can not publicly announce that she is your woman. My brother, on the other hand, can because they are going out. Now that everything is settled, what did you need Kouga?” Sesshomaru said coolly.
“Sesshomaru you and I both know that someone of Kagome's stature would never date a half-demon, why would she now?” Kouga said not caring that he was here for a different purpose.
“Can we not talk about me like I not here?” oh shit, did I actually say that? I must have because everyone is looking at me.
“Kagome, do you know why Kouga is here?” Sesshomaru asked. Oh thank god someone other than me hasn't lost their mind.
“Yes, and it has nothing to do with who I am dating.” I stated just to make clear, “Kouga wanted to talk to you to get me off the case.”
“Kouga I cant take her off the case because you are concerned for her safety, but I can guaranty that while Inuyasha is her partner and boyfriend she will stay out of harm.” Sesshomaru said.
“Well clearly you didn't hear about this morning then.” Kouga stated.
“No, explain.”
“She went into Naraku's territory. She pretended to be a slut saying that she would bring Kagome to him.” Kouga said. Okay, well this was not going as planned. I didn't think he knew that much, I mean not even Inuyasha new that much. I told him that I got some info not that I said I would turn myself into the worst guy on the streets.
“Wait hold on. Kagome you didn't tell me that you said that you would bring your self into Naraku, you said you found out that he wanted me dead and you alive, but with him for some reason.” Inuyasha said making me look at him. Oh man was I in for it.
“Well no, but I didn't really think you needed to know that slight detail. Since I know where Shippo is we can go in and get him and no one has to die or go to Naraku.” I said trying to explain myself.
“The problem with that is that you and your friend pretended to be two people that need to be seen regularly now. If you had just talked to people and not to Naraku himself then you wouldn't have this problem. People are already talking about his plan. You now have to actually attempt to kidnap yourself.” Kouga said. Man I don't think I could catch a break at all.
“Hold on. So what you're saying is that you went in undercover looking for information on Shippo and the threat made on your life?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Yes.” I answered unsurely.
“Well then, you were doing your job and everyone knows that police work is dangerous and you put no one else in harms way. So I have no reason to take her off the case.” Sesshomaru said then he walked back to his office and went in. Well that went a lot smoother than I thought it would. Well the part about not getting of the case even if Kouga tired.
“See Kouga I told you that, that not even you could get me off the case.” I said. You tend to gain a lot of courage if you ever prove Kouga wrong, or really anyone.
“I never said I would give up. Now, I have another issue with this hanyou mutt you're dating.” Kouga said.
“Well you're nothing but wolf shit.” Inuyasha said. Oh man, I thought we already went though this.
“I'm a full demon, what do you think you can provide Kagome with? You're just a hanyou.” Kouga shot back. Oh dear Kami, please don't let this get out of control.
“Kagome, come on. I'll take you home. I don't need any more shit today.” Inuyasha said. Did I miss something? He never ever did anything like that. Maybe I stayed away to long. He really has grown up.
I left with Inuyasha and Kouga did do or say anything to stop me. I was extremely glad. We got to Inuyasha's car and I got into the passenger side and Inuyasha went around to the driver's side and got in.
We headed to my apartment when Inuyasha said, “I want you to move into my house.” Wait what?
“Kagome, I trust you completely. It's Kouga I don't trust. I'm willing to bet that he knows where you live unless he saw you walking to the station and decided to give you a ride. And I really don't want another guy who looks like he has the ability to break into your apartment now matter what security system you have. Please Kagome do this for me.” Inuyasha pleaded. This is something I have never seen before. This was not the Inuyasha I knew at all.
“Can you give me a day to think about it? This is so unlike you. Are you feeling okay?” I said questioning his actions. I got this strange feeling that something really bad was going to happen.
And then it did. Suddenly we weren't going to my apartment anymore. We turned the opposite way and started to head towards the bad side of town. I knew Inuyasha didn't live over here. Not the Inuyasha I knew. Then Inuyasha changed into a different demon. Oh shit.
“Alright then. It doesn't really matter because you'll be staying with me until I can get you safely to Naraku and get my prize, you know how hard it is to get you?” the guy that was definitely not Inuyasha said.
I didn't say anything. What could I say, someone was would come and rescue me? That I knew wasn't going to happen. No one knew that in the course of `Inuyasha' driving me home that something terribly wrong happened. Anyone would think I was out doing errands. Unless they ran into the really Inuyasha soon.
All I knew in the mean time was that u was stuck in situation that I knew would take some extreme patience to get out of. I could probably get out of the situation if I really tired, but at the moment I couldn't think. I was trying to piece together how exactly this happened. I knew dog demons had a great sense of smell. So then why didn't Sesshomaru realize it wasn't Inuyasha he was talking to? And I thought that Kouga would at least know his scent. This whole situation was greatly confusing me.
I can be the biggest idiot sometimes and this was one of those times.
I found myself wishing Inuyasha would come and save me, the really Inuyasha not another fake. Inuyasha, I really hope you come.
A/N: well here it is. After a great amount of time… I can't even remember how long it's been. Anyways I guess it doesn't really matter. I have the chapter up!!! I hope you enjoyed it! Please review, I really enjoy reading them!!