InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Great Week ❯ The Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lemon. I'm a little out of touch, not having written in a while. Nothing like the other fic, if you've read it. This fic will continue for the entire week (their's, not mine), and I'll update when I can. Hope you enjoy! Feedback would be appreciated, but no pressure.
Kagome sat huddled on her couch, her knees pulled tight up against her chest and her arms wrapped them. She sighed, and then let out a muffled cry. Finally, finally, her friends arrived, opening the door and hurrying over to her.
“Kagome, what happened?!” Rin asked frantically.
Sango sat beside her looking scared and said, “Are you okay? Your phone message said something bad happened!”
Kagome looked at her two friends. Her lip trembled, and she whimpered, “Inu Yasha.”
Rin and Sango's eyes widened. It took them a minute, and then they understood.
Inu Yasha was Kagome's “friend”. He was in the Navy, and so was down in submarines for many months at a time, only coming back to town for a week or so. And this was the longest time yet. He'd been down for 2 years. Every time he came back, him and Kagome would hook up and have, what she described as, the most amazing time she'd ever had. And by time, she meant sex. But this time was different. Now, she had a boyfriend. She had been dating Kouga for almost a year, and from the look on her face, had completely forgotten about Inu Yasha's return.
Turning her body a bit she reached over and pressed play on her answering machine. Inu Yasha's deep voice played. “Hey Kagome, it's me. Been a while.” He chuckled. “Look, I'm back for a week, so I'll see you soon. I'll be by on Saturday.” They could hear him smirk. “I can't wait to see you again.”
“What am I going to do?” She asked frantically.
Sango said after a moment in a small voice, “You could tell Inu Yasha you can't see him anymore.”
But Kagome shook her head anxiously. “I can't! I like Kouga, and he's great to me, but Inu Yasha is just so…” She trailed off and sighed, this time blissfully.
Rin covered her mouth with her hand, smiling. “Then you have to see him.”
“But that's cheating. I can't cheat on Kouga.” Kagome said.
“What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.” Rin said.
But Kagome looked uncomfortable. She had never respected those who cheated. No, she couldn't do that to Kouga. She would just have to tell Inu Yasha no. No matter how hard it was, she would just meet with Inu Yasha and tell him the circumstances. He was bound to understand, right?
Kagome walked nervously around her apartment, smoothing out her hair and short flowered dress nervously. She glanced down at her feet, wondering if she should wear the soft pink shoes instead of the lavender, but then stopped herself. This wasn't anything important, she was going to tell Inu Yasha the situation, it didn't matter how she looked.
The doorbell ran and she jumped slightly. Smoothing out the front of her dress she walked to the front door and opened it. The sight before her took her breath away.
There he stood in his perfectly white uniform, his bag slung over his right shoulder, a bouquet of flowers in his left hand. His pale skin glowed in the poorly lit hallway, just as his long silver hair glimmered. Inu Yasha's golden eyes bore into her deep chocolate ones, making her breath catch in her throat. A cocky smirk on his lips was the finishing touch to the perfect sight.
Kagome smiled shyly and took the flowers from him as he extended his arm. Once she had the flowers she smelled them, with a smile on her face and he removed his hat. His eyes roved over her body, taking in her long creamy legs and her short dress, the off the shoulder sleeves showing off her kissable skin. The desire burned in his eyes even stronger for her.
Kagome stepped back and said in a small voice, “Come in.”
Inu Yasha stepped inside, closed the door behind him, dropped his bag on the floor, and quickly pulled her into his arms, lifting her off the floor and kissing her fiercely. Kagome squeaked in surprise and pulled away.
Giggling nervously as he looked at her confused, she held up the partially smushed flowers. He chuckled and set her on the floor but didn't let go.
“I missed you.” He said in a deep voice.
Kagome blushed and looked down. He kissed her neck and she bit her lip, her eyes closing. Finally she pushed against his chest half-heartedly. “Wait.” Her voice was breathless.
He looked confused, but this time slightly annoyed. “What?”
“There's something I have to tell you.” She said, slowly trying to step out of his embrace.
Inu Yasha pulled her closer and muttered, “Can't it wait?” Without waiting for a response he began kissing her neck again.
Kagome was tempted to give in, but finally pushed back a little harder and said, “No!”
He released her and sighed heavily. “Kagome, I haven't seen you in two years. Why are you making me wait even longer?” His voice was gruff, but not harsh or mean. It was the voice he knew turned her on.
Kagome turned away from him and set the flowers on the counter. “Inu Yasha, I…” She trailed off, feeling awkward. Swallowing, and knowing that it wasn't right to lead him on, she blurted out, “I'm seeing someone.”
Finally, he said, “So?”
She whipped around in outrage. “So? So? What do you mean So?”
Inu Yasha gazed steadily at her, though a smirk appeared on his face. “Exactly what it sounds like. So what if you're seeing someone.” Kagome continued to stare at him in shock and he stepped forward, reaching out and plucking at the sleeve of her dress. “Tell me, Kagome. Why would you get all dressed up like this if you were just going to tell me about this boyfriend of yours, and send me on my way?” He took another step forward and looked down at her, passion in his eyes. He took her arms in his hands and said in a low voice, “You were expecting something to happen.” He leaned forward and kissed her bare shoulder, then let his teeth graze across her flesh. “You want something to happen.”
Kagome shuddered in his hands and closed her eyes. He bit down, not to hard but hard enough to feel and her mouth opened slightly. Inu Yasha smirked to himself. “Give it up, Kagome.” He whispered against her bare flesh. “There's no way you can resist.”
Kagome allowed him to pleasure her for a moment longer before she pushed back roughly and shouted, “No!”
She moved as far away from him as possible and yelled, “It's not right! I won't cheat!”
“Then break up with him!” He shouted back.
Kagome glared at him. “Are you insane? Why would I break up with my boyfriend because you're back for what, seven days? That's ridiculous!”
Inu Yasha looked angry. “No, what's ridiculous is denying me sex because you went off and got yourself a boyfriend! You knew I was coming back!”
“Well, if it's just sex and nothing more, then why don't you go find yourself some random girl to fuck, huh?!” She screamed. It shocked them both. Kagome never swore.
Inu Yasha, however, didn't miss a beat. “I don't want some random girl, Kagome! I want you!” He stopped and took a breath. “I need you.”
But Kagome was too fired up. She crossed her arms and turned away from him. “I won't cheat on him.” She stated. “And I won't break up with him.”
Inu Yasha breathed heavily for a minute, watching her. He wanted her so bad he was about ready to die. And she wanted him, too. Kagome wasn't the type of girl to get all dressed up and send him away. She wanted something to happen. She may be feeling guilty about it, but feelings like those tend to disappear when other feelings take over, like lust.
He suddenly walked over to her and gripped her fiercely around the waist. He tossed her carelessly onto the couch and was immediately on top of her, kissing her lips, smothering the word “No!” that escaped her. He refused to let her go, kissing her hard, egging her to respond. She resisted for quite a while, but finally gave in, whimpering slightly. She threw her arms around his neck, opening her mouth to his questing tongue.
Inu Yasha happily devoured her, kissing her noisily. His hands roved over her body, gripping her breasts through the material of her dress. Kagome arched into his hand shamelessly. Breaking away from his mouth he attacked her neck, kissing his way down her collarbone and across to the other side of her neck. Kagome reared her head back giving him more access as her hands dove into his hair, pressing him closer.
Releasing her breasts he moved his hands down to the bottom of her short skirt and began hitching it up. Kagome, though, had suddenly felt guilty again and clamped her legs together tightly, accidentally trapping one of his arms between her legs with her knees. Inu Yasha didn't slow in the slightest though, and merely extended his hand as he continued to lavish her upper body with his mouth.
Reaching with his fingers he grazed her womanhood softly. Kagome gasped a shuddering breath and her legs tightened around him. He pushed his arm through, now close enough to do what he wanted. He moved her panties to one side and inserted a finger inside her. She was already wet, making him grow harder than he already was.
Kagome called out and gripped his hair tightly. Bringing him up forcefully she kissed him hard. Inu Yasha happily kissed her lips as he slowly pulled his finger out and moved it to her hidden pearl.
He applied pressure and began moving his fingers in circles. Kagome bit down on his lips and moaned softly. Inu Yasha quickened his fingers, bringing her closer. Her breathing became more rugged, but he stopped before she got what she wanted. Kagome groaned and lifted her hips, trying to encourage him, but Inu Yasha pulled back and began undoing his pants.
Kagome quickly sat up and began removing his jacket. When that was gone she tugged frantically at his shirt and undershirt. Inu Yasha chuckled. He sat on his backside to remove his pants and Kagome quickly climbed atop him, kissing and caressing his chest. Inu Yasha closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He pushed her dress above her waists quickly and brought her down onto his thick, throbbing member.
Kagome could feel heat emanating from his between her legs and pushed down. He moaned and she giggled. Sliding her hands down his body she reached his boxers, which she quickly began tugging down his body. Once they were around his knees she kissed him fiercely.
Inu Yasha deftly pulled down her panties, and in one fluid movement, lifted her up and slammed her down on himself. He moaned and she called out, throwing her head back. Without wasting a moment Inu Yasha picked her up again and brought her down even more roughly. She swallowed and tightened her muscles around him, her eyes squeezed shut. Inu Yasha bit his lip, bringing a hand up to her breast and squeezing tightly in one hand.
His fingers singled out her nipple and tugged gently on it through the material. Kagome bit his nipple in turn, causing him to pull her head back quickly and kissing her. He explored her mouth with his tongue, relishing in the heavenly taste. She kissed him back just as passionately, whimpering against his mouth. Bringing her hands up she scraped her fingernails across his chest and abdomen. Inu Yasha hissed in pleasure and bit down on her lip.
They moved against each other quickly, both aiming for the completion they desired. As she neared she kissed his neck and chest, while he switched his hand back and forth between breasts, the other one beneath her breast caressing her backside. She suddenly called out, arching her body and throwing her head back. Inu Yasha pumped into her powerfully one last time before he came as well. They were both left breathless and seeing stars, sweating. Finally, panting heavily, they untangled themselves and slumped on the couch, lying side by side, his arms wrapped around her.
She fell asleep for a quick nap, which he was used to. That normally lasted about fifteen minutes, giving him enough time to rest and recharge. His stamina was unbelievable. He knew, despite what she had said earlier, this week was going to be like every other one they shared with each other. Copious amounts of great sex. Smirking, he kicked off his boxers and stroked her back, waiting for her to awaken.