InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Try at Sanity ❯ And Baby Makes Three ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer - I don't own InuYasha or it's characters, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
“Sesshoumaru, you arrogant bastard! I have to talk to you!” A girl about seventeen yelled from the outside of his office. On her hip, she held a baby that appeared content playing with his mother's onyx hair, golden eyes glowing with an excitement wrapped up in his blue blanket as he slowly began to drift off to sleep.
“Fuck this! Sesshoumaru if you don't open this door, so help me I will break it down and stuff it so far down your throat you'll have splinters in your spleen!”
Slowly opening his door to see who would be upset enough to threaten him, the richest man in the world, “God, what do you want…” He was just about to yell at her when he noticed who it was standing right in front of him, “Sabree, nice to see you again.”
“It's Sabrina you jerk! Oh and happy fuckin' birthday bastard.”
“Sabree, you remembered.” Sesshoumaru lifted his stoic mask as he looked into the beautiful eyes of his ex girlfriend. Did he just think beautiful? “I see you haven't changed too much Sabrina, and to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?” He loved watching her squirm for it made him remember the night she had lost her virginity underneath him.
“I thought you'd like to meet your son, but obviously you have other things to tend to.” She began to turn around and leave.
“No Sabree, I love that you felt compelled to visit me and,” suddenly it hit him, “Did you say my son? How old is he? What's his name? Why in the world didn't you tell me?” Anger was growing inside of his body like a balloon being filled with helium.
“His name is Kouga, after his uncle. My brother was so happy! Anyway, he's six months old and he's asleep right now so if you don't mind you idiot I'm only here because your brother told me too!”
“InuYasha knew I had a son!”
“Sesshoumaru, calm down damn it! He wasn't the one to leave me and besides,” she smirked, “he's hot.” Her cerulean eyes glowed fiercely but all Sesshoumaru noticed was her skin, which shone like diamonds. He noticed how well her black tank top contrasted with her skin and her tight jeans, which made him hard. “Damn.” He whispered silently to himself.
“Why don't you come in then and have a seat.” Sabrina nodded reluctantly and moved into the room. Just as Sesshoumaru took Kouga in his arms with immense struggling from both his son and ex, Sabrina's cell phone rang.
“Hey, Sabrina speaking, who am I having the pleasure to speak with? Kouga calm down and tell InuYasha I'm here.” She was perched atop Sesshoumaru's desk when she saw her ex cuddle the now wide-awake brown-haired beauty. “He seems to like him. Kouga is truly your namesake, he trusts too much. Yeah, okay… you too. Bye.”
“Who was that?”
“My brother.” She stated placidly as she put her phone back into her pocket.
“Why don't I drive you home then. Where do you live?”
“I'm walking. I don't think you care about that anyway.”
“Look, I have the time, I'll walk with you.”
Sabrina stared exasperated at Sesshoumaru and took Kouga back into her arms. “Fine. You really are an arrogant son of a bitch you know.”
Sesshoumaru followed his ex out after telling his secretary he'd be back tomorrow to check on things. His head was racing and he couldn't get his thoughts straight. He looked at Sabrina and inwardly smiled. “I have a son.” he thought, “When did this happen? If she thinks she's raising my son fatherless then she best think again. I can recommit to being with her… Why didn't she tell me though? She told InuYasha, did she not?”
Sesshoumaru watched Sabrina cross the street and walked after her. The walk was pretty much silent and long. Sesshoumaru watched as the neighborhood he knew was behind him and he was in a bad part of the city.
“You must be tired, did you walk all the way to my…”
Sabrina quickly cut him off. “I'm used to it. I walk everywhere. Why? Can the big Sesshoumaru not handle walking?”
Sesshoumaru continued walking in silence; Sabrina seemed tense now that they were in this… this area.
“Well, this is it.” Sabrina said as they approached a falling apart apartment building. She continued walking that way and headed up the stairs.
“So you live alone?”
“No, me and Kouga live with about eight other people.”
“Umm…InuYasha, Kagome, my brother, Miroku, Sango, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Kohaku.”
“In this dump?”
“Yeah well, not everyone can afford your kind of luxuries.”
Sesshoumaru looked down. They had walked up three flights of stairs, all of which looked as if they could break at any moment. Sabrina took her keys out of her pocket and unlocked three deadbolts and the doorknob. She attempted to open the door with one hand only to find it had been chain locked from the other side. She knocked on the door twice as she resituated her baby.
InuYasha greeted them at the door and undid the chain lock when he saw Sesshoumaru. “What's he doing here?”
“I did what you said, I went to see him and he followed me. Just let him in and relax.” Sabrina quickly walked in closely followed by Sesshoumaru before InuYasha shut the door and relocked everything.
The apartment was small, a two bed, and one bath from the looks of it. It was dinghy and falling apart, but Sesshoumaru could see they had at least tried to make it seem… livable.
“Oh, before I forget, Kagome's mom just died, so Souta will be moving in with us today.”
“Oh my god! Is she okay?”
“She's holding up.”
“Do we have a place for Souta to sleep?” she called from a room she had disappeared into.
“Not really, but we'll figure it out.”
Sabrina came out of the room alone and back into the small hallway. She walked into the open living room and sat down on the couch.
InuYasha glared at his brother before following her and sitting in a beanbag chair.
“May I sit here?” Sesshoumaru asked and Sabrina nodded her head.
“Okay let me see. My brother sleeps in a room with you, Ginta, and Kohaku. Kagome, Kouga, Sango, and I share a room. Miroku sleeps on the couch and Hakkaku sleeps on the beanbag so… When's payday?”
“Two weeks away.”
“Is there room in your room?”
“Nope the beds take up all of the space. We'll think of something. You have a date tonight?” InuYasha asked curiously as he watched his brother carefully.
“No, it was another one time thing.”
“You date?” Sesshoumaru asked casually.
“Yeah, so? You do too. I better go pick up Kouga before he decides to work too much over time. See ya soon.”
“Don't worry `bout Kouga, I'll watch him.”
“Thanks InuYasha. I'll be back soon.” She got up to leave when she heard another gunshot. She walked to the door, undid all of the locks, and left, being followed by Sesshoumaru.
“This place isn't safe.” Sesshoumaru began walking beside her. “Why do you live here?” He looked around at graffiti covered walls and the pot-holed street. He could see a few lamplights had been smashed in and where a stop sign should have been was an empty, bent pole. “The house you and your brother lived in was…”
“Demolished to build a new shopping mall. They demolished almost every house on the block and then some. This was the only place we could afford and as long as we don't mess with anyone we're safe. Besides, Kohaku's in a gang that runs the area so our apartments safe.”
“What do you mean Kohaku's in a gang.” Sesshoumaru stopped walking and stared at her. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Kouga makes good money so don't give me `it's the only place we could afford.'”
“Sesshoumaru, we were living with all of them by the time we moved out and I was fuckin' pregnant. Doctor bills add up. Food is expensive. If we want utilities and rent we had to have the money. College and school don't pay for themselves and so we went to a place where it was cheap.”
Sabrina continued walking and listened to the noises around her as she walked to her brother's work building. The secretary checked them in and told them where to go.
Sabrina pushed the number 15 right as Sesshoumaru stepped into elevator.
“Why are you here Sesshoumaru? Don't you have some new bitch to annoy?”
“Sabrina, just give me a chance.”
“No.” She leaned against the hand bar of the elevator, causing her shirt to ride up showing right above her bellybutton.
“Is that a bellybutton piercing?”
“No, it's a piece of diamond encrusted bellybutton lint.” She stood back up and pulled her shirt down.
“When did you get it done?”
“After I lost the pregnancy weight. I started dating a tattoo artist and him and his friend got me this. Why?”
“No reason, it just doesn't seem like something you'd do.”
“And what's that supposed to mean?” The elevator hit their destination and the two walked just outside of the elevator before it closed behind them. “What will it take for you to leave me alone?”
“Go to dinner with me tonight for my birthday. I'll pick you up.”
“I'll meet you at your work around seven thirty.”
“I work until seven fifteen. I'm going in later and a friend is covering for me.”
“Where do you work?”
“Find out on your own bastard. I'll see you tonight.”
“I'll see you then.” Sesshoumaru pressed the button of the elevator and left.