InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Try at Sanity ❯ A Date Worthy of Memories Long Forgotten ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sabrina continued on through the level until she came to her brother's cubical. She lightly rapped on the wall-like structure before walking in. Her brother was typing furiously on the computer's keyboard.
“Hey Kouga. Can you give me a ride to work when you're done?” Kouga continued typing and quickly nodded his head. Whatever he was working on had engrossed his concentration. He almost finished his document when he looked at the time. He saved his document and apologized. “Let's go.”
“Finally!” Kouga and his sister headed towards the elevator and stopped by the secretary out front quickly before walking outside, “Sesshoumaru saw the apartment.”
“When did he come by? He doesn't even know where we live.”
“He followed me and Kouga home after we stopped by to see him. Then he followed me here. The only way he would leave me alone was if I agreed to have dinner with him tonight.” The two watched the crosswalk light change to a picture of a stick figure walking and so they crossed the street.
“He's a jerk. So you agreed? Okay. Isn't today his birthday?”
“Yeah.” The two reached the parking garage and hopped into Kouga's falling apart Chevy.
Sesshoumaru walked back to his work building and surprised his personal secretary.
“Kagura, I want a background check and every piece of information you can find about my ex Sabrina on my desk by six fourty-five.”
“Yes, sir. Anything specific I should find?”
“I want everything, but find out where she works, address, and how to get there.”
“I'll have it done in the three and a half hours.”
“Good.” Sesshoumaru walked into his office on the top floor and sat behind his desk rubbing his temples.
Kouga dropped his sister off and handed her a duffle bag full of stuff that he had kept in his car when she asked him to give her a ride that morning. “See ya when you get home.”
“Okay, I don't know when I'll be back, so can you…”
“Not a problem, he'll be asleep by eight.”
“Thanks.” Sabrina said as she dashed inside the double doors. Kouga left as soon as she was inside and headed towards Kagome's old home. Sunset Shrine.
Sesshoumaru looked up at the door and watched as Kagura set a stack of papers on his desk.
“She has a perfect criminal record, not even a parking ticket, she lives at apartment 315 Sapphire Drive, her and her brother's names are on the lease. She has a child named Kouga Hiro Kobayashi, he is six months old and was born June seventeenth at the Breathe of Life Maternity Hospital. Sabrina works at a small ballet studio a few blocks from here called `En Pointe' and she teaches a class of Intermediate student as well as a class of four and five year olds, and a pointe class. She also works weekends as a gas station clerk. The directions to get to each are on the top of the stack. One set of directions is to get there from here and the other from your house. There is more and it's in the stack but I thought that might be most relevant to you.”
“Thank you. I'll be going now and I'll see you tomorrow, I want you to cancel any meetings I had scheduled for today and find a time when our new clients can meet me, make sure Secret Purple does not cancel on us.” Sesshoumaru put the stack of papers into his brief case and walked outside to the valet and waited for his car.
His phone rang as the valet handed him his keys and Sesshoumaru sat down in his Jaguar XKR Convertible and put his briefcase in the back before driving up to En Pointe and parking, making sure everything was locked. Before going into the building, Sesshoumaru turned off his cell phone. The building was small, and the sign looked like it was about to fall off, but Sesshoumaru still walked in and talked to the person behind the desk.
“Sesshoumaru Matsumoto, it's an honor to have you here today.” The lady put down a shoebox and magazine and smiled. “My name's Motoko Arai, owner and Madame of En Pointe. How may I help you?”
Sesshoumaru shook her hand and smiled at her, “Is Sabrina done working yet? I planned to pick her up early for our date tonight.”
“No, she still has fifteen minutes left. When did you two get back together? You both were all over the news and then the break up! Wow, biggest thing since…”
“We just got back together today.” He said quickly cutting her off, “How long have you had this place,”
“About seventeen years. It's come a long way. Why?”
“Do you accept donations?”
By the time Sabrina was dressed and walking towards her friend Motoko, Sesshoumaru and Motoko had been talking for a while.
“I'll see you soon Motoko, it was a pleasure meeting you.”
“You too Mr. Matsumoto.”
“Please, call me Sesshoumaru.” Sabrina waved goodbye to Motoko and began to walk to Sesshoumaru's work. Sesshoumaru watched her and walked after her, catching up with her right before she was able to cross the street. “My car is parked over there.” Sabrina rolled her eyes but walked over to the black car and waited for him to unlock it before getting in and buckling up.
“When did you get this car? Weren't you driving the Pagani Zonda C12S, You did go through a lot to get it.”
“Yes, but this is my newest car and it may not be the best, but I decided to go shopping a month ago.”
Sesshoumaru put her duffle bag in the back seat. “Motoko seemed nice, and at least you're job is better kept than your apartment building.” Sabrina grimaced. Sesshoumaru started the car and began to drive to the place they had their first date at.
“Do you still play any instruments Sabrina?”
“I play the harp, violin, mandolin, piano, and I'm learning flute and guitar.”
“There is a kid at the studio who is allowed to go there for free because of money issues and his parents agreed to teach me for free.”
“Sounds like a fair trade.” Neither of them knew what to say and for the longest time, they didn't say anything. “Sabrina, I want to apologize for what I said to several months ago, I was wrong and out of line.”
“No shit, you dumped me because my brother works for Naraku.”
“Like I said, I was wrong. It wasn't your fault your brother works for my corporate enemy.”
“It isn't his fault either.”
“I know.”
“Sesshoumaru, it doesn't matter. What's done is done. Que sera, sera.”
“Sabrina.” Sesshoumaru said as he parked outside of her favorite Chinese food restaurant, “I wanted to know if it would be possible to get back together. I was a jerk back then, and I understand that now, but we had something then, something special.”
“Let me think about it for a while.”
“Fair enough.” Sesshoumaru stepped out of the car and opened the door for Sabrina before locking his car. The two walked into the building and were seated at the reserved seat they had sat at a long time ago.
“I preordered the food, I hope you don't mind.” He said as he held the chair for her and pushed her closer towards the table before taking his own seat.
“Wow, I haven't been here in so long.”
“I thought you might like it.” The two spent the night eating and drinking and talking about old times and new things in their lives for almost an hour.
“Wow, I think this is the longest I've ever talked to you without your cell phone going off. How old are you today?”
“Five thousand.”
“Wow. And you still look twenty-five.”
“Yes well, that's the beauty of a youkai, for two hundred years we age one year comparatively to a human. Wow, how old are you again?”
“Three thousand six hundred. Comparatively young to you.” She laughed, “and I dated you for fifteen years, not that many at all.”
“It isn't, we barely got to know each other, yet, not completely true.”
“I think you're right. I think I can give you another chance, but don't screw it up.”
“Does this mean you'll move back in with me Sabree?”
“No, I don't trust you that much, and this is a chance, Sabree is pushing it.” She smiled.
“Okay, Sabrina. Will you tell me when you trust me again?” Sesshoumaru asked her.
“Yes, I'll tell you when.” Sesshoumaru paid for the bill and the two left heading to the Jag. They hit the road and headed back to the city.
“You might want to drop me off somewhere. Bringing this car into my neighborhood isn't the safest thing to do.”
“Are you sure?”
“I'll drop you off close than.”
“Thanks.” Sesshoumaru dropped her off close to her neighborhood and watched her walk away.
Disclaimer - I don't own InuYasha and Co.