InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Try at Sanity ❯ Shall I Leave or Will You Help Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By the time Sabrina came home, everyone had come and gone. She unlocked the door and once again attempted to open the door only to be stopped by the chain lock. She knocked twice on the door and was answered by Kohaku. The place reeked of smoke and Sabrina was pretty sure Kohaku had his gang over again.
She walked in and quickly went to find her son. He was lying down asleep in his crib coughing. Quietly she slipped through the door and went to the living room where she found Kohaku drinking with twelve of his gang member lounging around.
Kohaku looked at Sabrina and stood up going into his room being led by Sabrina.
“Where is everyone?”
“They're staying at Sunset Shrine. You know, Kagome's…”
“Then why is Kouga still here asleep?”
“I said I'd watch `im.”
“So you freakin' bring your friends here and leave him alone? You fucking idiot! My baby is coughing because of the smoke.” Kohaku's eyes went wide-open.
“Are you serious. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.”
“If they're staying long I'll need you to drive me and Kouga to Sesshoumaru's house.” Kohaku winced but nodded his head.
“Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready.” Sabrina watched Kohaku retreat as she headed to her room. She grabbed a backpack and put enough things in there to last a few days. When the backpack was completely full, she grabbed the diaper bag and gently lifted her son up. Luckily he stayed asleep. Sabrina put his jacket and hat on him and put her jacket on before finding Kohaku and leaving towards the mess of vehicles parked in the parking lot.
Kohaku looked out in the mess and spotted a dark blue corvette. “We're taking Jamie's car, because mine's blocked in.”
“Which one's Jamie?”
“You remember our gang leader? Tall, about 6'4”, thick curly orange hair, usually tied in a ponytail.” Kohaku opened the car and moved stuff off of the passenger seat. “I don't have a booster seat, so he's gonna have to sit in your lap.
“Fine.” Sabrina got in the car and buckled herself in holding Kouga close to her. “Kohaku. Move the fuckin' syringe off of the dashboard.” Kohaku moved it and adjusted the seat. He buckled in before checking to make sure his gun was in place.
“What type of thing are you doing once we're dropped off?” Sabrina asked casually as it began to rain.
“Nothing that concerns you.” Kohaku began to drive out of the neighborhood. “Sorry `bout the cold, but the heater's broke.”
“How's your boyfriend holding up?”
“You seem awfully talkative today, I take it your date went well.” Kohaku stopped at the light and his eyes darted around outside, trying to see everything and everyone.
“You're avoiding my questions.”
“God! His mom fuckin' died and he's coming to live with us not to mention he found my gang symbol tattooed on my arm. Yeah, he's holdin' up real well.” He continued driving and finally left their neighborhood.
“I think the name at least sounds cool. Forgotten Memories. Sounds Poetic. Though the symbol of a scythe changes things around.”
“Forgotten Memories used to be a band name, Jamie played bass, I played drums, Corey sang, Kaiba played rhythm guitar, Kiyoshi played lead, and god, ummm… what's-his-face… Yohan, he played keyboard.” Kohaku was almost there when he heard sirens coming. “Fuck! Hurry up and get out.” Sabrina got out as fast as she could and shut the door as Kohaku began speeding off, a few seconds later Sabrina watched three cop cars chased after him. Most likely due to the car he was driving.
After a while, Sabrina continued walking to Sesshoumaru's house in the rain. After five minutes of walking, She got to the gate and pressed the button.
“Hi, it's Sabrina. I'm here to see Sesshoumaru.”
“He's not seeing anyone and he sent you packing a while ago. Leave the premises. Immediately.”
“No, I need to talk to him and it's raining out here.”
“Leave the premises or I will call the cops. Sesshoumaru isn't here right now and he's too busy to talk to a fling.”
“Jakken, where is he?”
“This is your last warning. Leave or I will call the authorities.”
“Shit!” Sabrina resettled the now awake Kouga in her arms and began to walk away when she saw Sesshoumaru's limousine pull up to the gate. The limo stopped before the gate opened and the car door opened up.
“Sabrina? What are you doing?” Sesshoumaru looked at her face and saw tears. “Get in before you catch a cold. How long have you been in the rain?” Sesshoumaru and his chauffer helped Sabrina get in and situated.
“God who knows, ummm… I walked from Baker Street, so about five minutes and however long I was fighting with Jakken. God this was a stupid idea!”
“What's wrong?” Sesshoumaru took Kouga into his arms and watched him shiver.
“I come home and Kohaku's gang was there smoking and who knows what else. Kouga kept coughing and no one else was home, I couldn't stay there and Sunset Shrine was too far to walk to, let alone get a quick lift to.”
Sesshoumaru took off Kouga's coat and watched Sabrina do the same thing; it was a lot warmer in the limo. The limousine door opened and Sesshoumaru rushed his guests inside before asking a maid to call a doctor and have him make a house call.
“I'm so glad my backpack's waterproof.” Sesshoumaru brought Sabrina to her old room and have her check her backpack and diaper bag to make sure everything was dry. Everything in the backpack was drenched.
“Hang on, I still have some of my clothes from when I was younger, I think I have some that would fit you. Sesshoumaru took Kouga with him in search of clothes.
“Wow,” Sabrina looked around her room in amazement. Everything looked exactly the way it did from when she had last been here. The only difference was that the Scentimentals had been changed out often. She was smelling the roses as Jakken burst into the room.
“What did I tell you? I told you to leave. I'll have you know that the cops are on their way as we speak.”
“Jakken.” He turned around and looked up at Sesshoumaru. “When they get here, send them back. She is a guest and next time, you are to let her in.” Sesshoumaru nearly kicked Jakken out of the way as he handed Sabrina clothes and took Kouga to find baby clothes that would fit him.
Sabrina changed clothes and almost had the shirt on when a knock came from the other side of the door. “Hold on.” She slipped her arms through the sleeves of the shirt as she told the person behind the door that it was safe to come in. Sesshoumaru and Kouga entered the room and Sabrina gladly took her son back into her arms. “Thanks Sesshoumaru.”
“For what?” He asked, looking at her eyes, and how her emotions danced in the silver orbs.
“I don't know, for dinner, for letting us stay here tonight, and for loaning us clothes.” She hugged Kouga tightly to herself.
“I have a crib if you want to use one.” But she shook her head and lay down on the light blue blanket, she gently laid her son down on his back next to her. He stared up at her and began to cry.
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing, he's just hungry.” Sabrina picked him up and smiled at her son.
“Should I make him a bottle?” Sesshoumaru asked her.
“Actually, he doesn't use bottles yet.” Sesshoumaru nodded his head in understanding, “So I guess that means you would like me to leave the room.” He stood up to leave when Sabrina laughed. “It isn't like you've never seen me naked before. I don't care, it's up to you.” Sesshoumaru smiled. “True.”
He slowly sat down next to her as she lifted up her shirt and fed Kouga. “Just tell me if being here becomes a little uncomfortable.” Sesshoumaru silently agreed.
“So, it's always been a dream of yours to join a ballet company and become a prima ballerina, what happened to that?”
“I love my new job better. It's so fun, and livable. Besides, all of us teachers are starting a new company anyways. We're practicing every Friday after people leave and in-between classes, and as for prima, I'm trying my best.” Sabrina shifted as she moved the baby to switch sides. “Remember how I first met you?”
“Yes, I was reading the paper when you almost fell on top of me.” Sesshoumaru smirked. Sabrina yawned loudly.
“You said you had a cradle?”
“Yes, in my room. The one Rin used.”
“But, that was Rin's… Maybe I should go, I was right. This coming here was a stupid idea.” Sabrina watched as Kouga finished and stood up when he was done, only to be held back by Sesshoumaru.
“Rin doesn't need it right now, and he's my son too. Alright?”
“Only if you're sure. Then it's settled. We're sharing a bed.” Sesshoumaru took Kouga from his mother with a shocked look on his face. “When did I agree to this?”
“Easy. Just now, the cradle is in your room and I have to be in the same room. The cradle isn't moving out of your room, and I refuse to kick you out of your bed… Wait… Do you still sleep naked?”
“Yes.” Sesshoumaru watched her blush.
“Well it doesn't matter to me right now cause I'm fuckin' tired. So I'll see you soon. Goodnight.” Sabrina lazily wandered out of her room and smiled. She found Sesshoumaru's bedchambers as he called them and carefully set Kouga in Rin's crib before walking over to the bed and slipping under the sheets.
Disclaimer - I do not own InuYasha and Co.