InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ The Test & Mixed Up Signals ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6: The Test and Mixed Up Signals (Oh the power of one's perception!)
Sesshoumaru and Rin sat in the library in silence. It was late into the evening and it was nice to sit and relax. Lord Sesshoumaru sat immersed in what looked like a very old scroll, his golden eyes moving over the page swiftly. Rin sat across from him running a comb through her thick wavy hair and watching her master. His silver hair cascaded down his back and fanned out on the floor around him where he sat. He sat with one leg on the floor bent at the knee with his foot in towards his body and the other foot on the floor, knee up, his arm draped over it, hand holding the parchment loosely. Rin was fascinated by him! His bare feet drew her attention. His skin was pale and he had two crimson stripes like the ones on his face coming up over the tops of his feet from the outsides. She wondered idly where all he had those stripes. The thought of his body brought heat to her cheeks and her eyes darted up to his face. He was starring at her, his face expressionless. He glanced down at his foot, fanning his toes, and seeing nothing extraordinary, returned his eyes to her face. He blinked once.
Rin's heart skipped a beat. She lowered her eyes willing her breathing and heartbeat to slow, to calm. She chanced a glance at him after a moment. He was starring into the flame of the single candle he had brought to the floor with him for light. He looked lost in thought. Again she lost herself examining him. This time his hair captured her attention. It shimmered almost gold with the dancing light of the candles set throughout the room for lighting. She had always loved his hair. It looked so thick and silky and her fingers positively itched to touch it to see if it was as marvelous as it looked. Her thoughts turned to his scent. He always smelled fresh like the forest after spring rains with a hint of something masculine. She herself preferred to scrub her skin with fresh cherry blossoms. She knew he did not like the smell of humans. She wondered what he used to capture such a scent, but suddenly her thoughts were filled with images of Lord Sesshoumaru soaking wet, dripping from head to toe, and glistening, naked as he bathed. She shivered. Lightning and fire shot through her veins at her thoughts. She swallowed hard, blinking and coming back to herself, heat rising in her cheeks again! She quickly glanced up to his face and sure enough, he was starring at her, watching her reaction to her own thoughts.
Lord Sesshoumaru stood in one fluid motion, rolled his scroll up and proceeded to the door. He stopped just before leaving the room and spoke to her softly, his back still facing her.
“You will be in the practice yard just after sunrise tomorrow.” And with that, he stepped through the door and was gone.
Rin flopped onto her back on the floor and sighed aloud in frustration. What was wrong with her! She loved sitting with him in the evenings, but more and more, when he was near she became completely distracted and couldn't concentrate on anything but him! She knew she loved him, desired him. This was not new to her, but every little thing about him seemed to taunt her lately. She couldn't get enough of him! His scent, his body, what he could possibly be thinking! She had made her home with Lord Sesshoumaru these past ten years, but she still knew little of him.
She did know that he was honorable and straightforward. He was very powerful, and indeed ambitious, but he was also wise and patient. She also knew that he was considered to be very young in demon years. Bokusenou explained that he was but the equivalent of about twenty-two human years of age. She was gaining on him! She knew that his father and mother died many, many years ago, like her family. She knew that he was a great demon lord and all of the western lands were in his control, under his protection. Most of those lands were inherited from his father, but some he had acquired himself. He was proud and dignified. He was quiet and observant, and he valued peace and serenity. But he was also calm and deadly. She had seen him rip his enemy to shreds without blinking an eye or breaking a sweat. Over the years she had come to discover that he seemed to enjoy small pleasures such as reading and being outside. He rarely spoke, never laughed, and if you were graced with his smile, it was said that you were about to die. But she knew nothing about him that she did not observe or have someone else tell her. What were his goals? What did he dream about? What did he think about when he sat for hours on end outside under some tree? What motivated him? Why had he never married?
He will never feel anything for me and he would most certainly not confide in me about such intimate things! Why does my heart torture me!? Why can't I be content with what I have anymore!? Why can I not just be content to be near him any more!?
She stood and went about the room blowing out the candles and then headed for her room. Her heart ached as she trudged along the corridor. How she wished she could at least be of some use to her master, to serve him in some way. Would that even be enough to fulfill this longing?
She sighed heavily as she entered her rooms and slid the door closed behind her. She had been ordered to be up early. She needed to get some sleep, but she knew her thoughts were not going to be kind to her tonight. She longed for Lord Sesshoumaru in many ways.
Sesshoumaru kept a steady pace as he walked to his quarters, but he wanted to run. He had been able to block out her sweet cherry blossom scent. She always smelled of the soft fragrance, but he couldn't escape her bewitching hazel eyes, or her racing heartbeat, or the heat she radiated, or her quickening breath, or…or the slight hint of her arousal. He reached his chamber and quickly entered, sliding the door closed to the outside world.
Sweet Sanctuary! He thought, leaning his forehead against the door, closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath.
Perhaps determining if she is marked will be easier than I thought!
He spent the rest of the night planning out just how he would go about seducing the young woman and getting a reaction that would tell him she was free of the arrogant, brainless, dead tiger.
The Sparring Dance would be the perfect tool for testing her.
`Enticement with Flesh' was the first part of the ancient mating dance. The male demon would bare some part of his flesh in an attempt to entice the female's attention and desire for him.
`Power and Strength' was the second part. It was performed in an instinctual effort to show the female that he was the best choice for her to mate with.
`Submission and Acceptance' was the last stage of the dance. At this stage, the male gained a dominant position over the female, and she would either submit to him and accept him as her lover, or refuse to yield and refuse to take him as a lover in which case the Dance would end and the male would end his pursuit.
He was confident that if Rin were free of Kane's Kiss, she would willingly submit. He knew that he was handsome. Women had always desired him, and there had been a time long ago when he took great advantage of that fact and enjoyed the ladies of the territory. He could not remember being turned down even once. But, after his father had died and his need for revenge and later his lust for power had engulfed him, the appetites of his body died and he no longer thought about such things. There was, however, another reason he did not wish to remember the intimacies shared between a man and woman. He growled at his invading thoughts and tried to detach himself from what he had to do tomorrow. His longing for Rin was futile for more than one reason.
Rin made her way through the trees and down the path to the practice yard. It was still before sunrise, but curiosity had kept her awake most of the night and now she was positively shaking with anticipation. She had dressed in her form fitting black and burgundy combat garments and had pulled her hair into a high pony tail out of her face. She had only been in the practice field with Master Kane before. She wondered what Lord Sesshoumaru had in store for her as she continued down the path, but as she rounded the curve and approached the clearing, a form in the middle of the yard caught her eye and she froze.
The grey morning light and the early morning mist that hung in the air effectively shaded the figure, but the silhouette was clearly masculine. She ducked behind a tree and peaked around to get another look. The form was bare-chested, and had a high pony tail of hair that trailed down his back. The mysterious figure slowly moved from stance to stance with a short staff in hand. He moved with such strength and grace that her heart almost hurt with the beauty of him.
Master Kane? What's he doing here?
Her heart leapt into her throat at the thought of her former master. She had not encountered him since he had so thoroughly kissed her. A soft blush crept to her cheeks at remembering how his power had affected her, and how powerless she had been to fight it. At that moment the figure stopped and turned, standing straight and tall and faced her direction. She could feel his gaze on her. But just as she was about to turn tail and run, the first rays of light began to shimmer through the trees and mist. It was not Lord Kane who stood starring at her at all! Her breath caught and her heart stopped beating all together at the sight before her.
Lord Sesshoumaru's form seemed to materialize from the mist as it began to clear. He had his silver locks pulled into a high tight pony tail at the top of his head which trailed down his back and swayed at his waist in the slight breeze. This made the tilt of his eyes, the point of his ears, and the slashes across his cheekbones seem even sharper and more prominent. He was indeed topless and his pale skin was flawless! His shoulders and chest were sculpted with well toned muscle and she could just make out firm, chiseled stomach muscles before his pants covered the rest. His waist was trim and he wore black pants, loose at the bottom. He was bare foot and the stripes across his feet made her double check his chest and arms. He had no other slashes except the ones across his forearms. He stood there now, looking at her with sparkling golden eyes, face unreadable as usual, his torso covered in a thin sheen of sweat. She had never seen him use any other weapon other than his swords, but here he stood, still holding the staff he had been practicing flawlessly with propped on the ground and leaned away from his body. He was absolutely breathtaking!
She blinked with a start and shyly came out from her hiding place and approached the practice ring, her heart began to beat again only to begin pounding in her chest so loud she was sure he would notice. His eyes did not leave her for a second.
“Good morning Lord Sesshoumaru! I thought you were Master Kane for a moment” she blurted out cheerily and laughed a little. Gods! He's so handsome!
Sesshoumaru had been well pleased with her reaction to the sight of him until she had told him she thought he was Kane!
Is she so infatuated with him that he doesn't leave her mind for a second!?
Anger and much to his annoyance, jealousy seethed in his veins. He swallowed his snarl and stalked towards her. She stood at the edge of the ring regarding him with those lovely hazel eyes. They shone with surprisingly bright green flecks in the early morning sunlight. Images of a similar set of eyes darted across his thoughts, but those eyes were radiant with a demon's glow. He shook the image away. Rin's human, and yet somehow glowing eyes were probably sparkling with thoughts of her lover!
Stop! He silently commanded his mind and heart to be still.
`Enticement with Flesh' is complete, and you have failed! Succeeding is not the object here! You are testing her to see if she is marked so that you can match her with someone and get on with your life! You will control these outbursts of petty, pointless emotions this instant!
His inner voice of reason did nothing to sooth his slightly wounded pride though.
His expression remained emotionless but he continued to fix her with his gaze as he slowly approached her. Her eyes locked with his as he came nearer. He stopped directly in front of her, so close that she had to tilt her head back to continue looking into his eyes. She seemed to fall into his honey gaze as he slowly reached out and took up the staff she hadn't noticed was leaning against the railing of the practice yard fencing, and held it to her. She took it from him and he backed away from her. Never taking his eyes from hers, he bowed slightly and took up his stance. She watched in fascination and then moved to the center across from him, bowed, and took up her own stance, accepting the challenge.
She moves confidently! He observed approvingly. Like a ferocious little animal that should never be underestimated!
She struck first, but he smoothly blocked the staff and returned the strike. She spun, blocked, and lashed at him. He ducked in time for her staff to sweep over his head and he swept his own at her legs. She jumped and dove to the ground, rolled, and came back up into a crouching stance. Her heart was racing and her breath came in short gasps. Her emerald gaze never left him. They circled each other slowly, each waiting for the other to strike.
“You learned well from Kane, I see.” He stated mildly as he watched her and immediately sensed the jolt in her pounding heart beat. He saw a blush creep into her cheeks.
She reacts to the mere mention of his despicable name! Surely she is marked! The bitter taste of jealousy was becoming familiar to him.
He moved like the wind, quietly, gracefully, and yet powerfully. In an instant he had attacked and she had blocked each blow and countered. They danced around the circle in battle for most of the morning, golden eyes locked with hazel green. He was, grudgingly, very impressed with her skills. They broke away panting and sweating and he noticed the determination and pride shining in her eyes. She held her chin ever so slightly higher as well.
She thinks to leave this ring the victor! He realized in amusement, but the amusement was swallowed by darkness when he reminded himself just what was occurring.
She watched him move. He was stunning! She memorized every line of him, every small move. He exuded wild, carnal energy, and she found herself longing to find other ways of releasing that energy. She blinked when he spoke, and blushed, pleased with his compliment. She suddenly felt like she could fly!
Her cherry blossom scent was musky with the scent of salty sweat and she radiated feminine power. He found himself wondering, as he eyed the creamy flesh of her throat, if she would taste as good as she smelled. He blinked the daydream away and looked at her. Enough playing! It is time! Determined to end this suddenly very distracting activity, he stalked towards her.
She was breathing heavily, lungs burning, and every muscle in her body positively ached, but she found herself unwilling to ask for mercy. She suddenly wanted to show him she was strong. That she was good enough. Good enough for what? She watched as he suddenly stalked towards her, a fierce challenge in his eyes.
He swung his staff at her head. She ducked and counter attacked by stabbing at him with hers and then she swept her leg under him intending to sweep his feet from under him, but she did not make contact. He had jumped over her leg, and she suddenly found herself flat on her back in the dirt. She landed hard letting out a grunt, but she reacted automatically and tried to roll, but he was just as suddenly sitting over her, straddling her, pinning her to the ground.
“Enough!” He commanded in a deep, harsh voice.
`Power and Strength' is complete.
He was leaned over her with her wrists caught tight in his grip and her arms held over her head, looking at her. He seemed almost angry. His chest heaved with his breathing, his mouth slightly open. Her own heart felt as though it might burst from exertion. Waves of disappointment washed over her as tears of defeat created an extra shine in her eyes.
I'm not good enough! I never will be! But her breath caught and all thought left her as he leaned down bringing his face to her neck.
She had fought with so much passion! She was absolutely lovely, and she smelled so incredible! He couldn't stop himself. He leaned down bringing his face so close to the pulse in her neck that he could almost feel it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring her scent. Desire shot through his veins and a low growl escaped his throat. He could feel her small, firm body trembling underneath him and a deep hunger formed in the pit of his stomach and traveled lower. He was about to bring his lips gently to her throat and finally taste her sweet skin when she froze and went completely rigid. All at once her enticing salty-sweet scent was over powered by a new one. She smelled of fear!
He opened his eyes and jerked his head back to look at her. She had turned her face the other direction and tears glided across the bridge of her nose to drip on the ground. In one fluid motion he released her, grabbed his staff and walked to the opening of the ring. He stood with his back to her, still for a moment. He turned his head slightly to look at her from the corner of his eye and suddenly snapped the staff in half, throwing the pieces in either direction. Then he simply evaporated.
Rin lay in the dirt still trying her best to hold in the tears of disappointment and calm her breathing. She had felt sudden panic at his growl.
Ugh! My disgusting human scent!
There was nothing she could do! She had just been soundly beaten, surely disappointing Lord Sesshoumaru at how easily she had been thrown to the ground. She was completely devastated at how weak she had just proven she was, and then to top it all off, he had growled after breathing in her scent! Her foul human odor had caught his nose!
I will never be good enough for him! The thought brought a lump to her throat and fresh tears to her eyes.
She didn't know how long she lay in the dirt sobbing, her pathetic human heart breaking over the loss of a something she had never had a chance of having in the first place!
Sesshoumaru materialized in Bokusenou's glen and began immediately pacing back and forth letting out a snarl of anger.
“She responds to his name and is afraid of me!” He roared at the tree, who was looking at the young demon lord with an expression of astonishment. It was very uncharacteristic of this demon pup to show any emotion at all, and here he was practically radiating anger and frustration!
“Does this mean she is marked?” Sesshoumaru asked, taking a deep breath and holding it in an attempt to calm himself.
“The first mark is not easily detected unless she openly loved another before the mark was given. If you are certain, as I am, that you would normally have been able to seduce young Rin and she resists you, then it is most likely she has been indeed given the first mark by the tiger demon Kane.” The tree toned, watching the demon's face.
Sesshoumaru's plan had been a simple one. He would initiate the Sparring Dance and see how it played out. He had begun with `Enticement with Flesh.' He had barred his upper body to her to gain her longing for his flesh. Instead, she had immediately thought of Kane! He had then moved into `Power and Strength,' giving a show of his physical strength and stamina while sparring with her all of those hours. Instead, she was the one to show the strength and she had refused to back down and acknowledge his masculine power or his inevitable victory. Finally he had begun `Submission and Acceptance,' but she had grown scared of him instead and had turned away from him shedding tears, not willingly submitting or accepting him. She was marked. Her heart belonged to Kane. He was certain of it now.
Sesshoumaru let out a growl of frustration as he continued to pace in front of the tree lost in his own thoughts. No, he wasn't certain! He realized, as though being slapped in the face, that he didn't know how to even begin the seduction of a human! Seducing a demoness was so different from seducing such an emotional creature! A Sparring Dance such as what he had just gone through, had it been with a demon female, would have ended in a rather rough and frenzied mating session. That was, after all, the purpose of the Dance. But, Rin was not a Demoness.
If she had been a demoness I would have thrown her to the ground and ravished her! If she had been a demoness, I would not be in this predicament! She would have been mine a long time ago…
Yes, yes you would still be in this predicament! Fool! Do not forget your agreement! The voice of reason screamed at the voice of his heart's desire.
His heart and body's constant need to revolt against his rational demon mind infuriated him even more! Why could he not seem to control his longing for her? These feelings for her had come on so gradually that he had not realized he was being fully assaulted by them until it was too late. Now he did not know how to counteract them! It was completely unacceptable to have these useless feelings creeping up on him when the treaty was finally so near completion, and most certainly not for a mere human! He would not be distracted and weakened as his father had been! It had to stop!
“I have no other choice. He stated in his matter of fact manner and breathing heavily in an attempt to gain his much needed control. “She must be gone within the month, marked or not. She is becoming a liability. I cannot wait any longer.” And with that, he bowed respectfully to the tree and vanished.
Bokusenou sighed softly. The great tree wondered idly if Sesshoumaru had even considered that young Rin might not even understand the significance of the Sparring Dance or its stages.
“He is so impatient and headstrong, Inutashio! Much like you were! His stubbornness will cause him much unhappiness, unfortunately.” Bokusenou whispered to the memory of his good friend.