InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ A Decision Is Made ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7: A Decision Is Made
Sesshoumaru sat in the library for hours. The sun had gone completely down by the time he had regained his composure. On his desk lay a pile of letters from various lesser demons throughout the territories that had replied to his inquiries. Each one gushed about how he was the best candidate for Rin's mate and then they proceeded to flatter Lord Sesshoumaru and prostrate themselves on paper. Sesshoumaru knew that they all wanted his wealth, his lands, his protection, and possibly to eventually overthrow him and take control of the west. Greed was a disgusting trait.
One letter stood out above all the others however. A young leader of the large panther tribe in the central region did not gush and boast. He made it clear that he was interested in an alliance with the powerful Western Lord, and that a marriage into his house would be for support and protection. Sesshoumaru's offered dowry of gold and land was refused in this particular letter. Sesshoumaru would not have given it a second glance figuring that his Rin would be cast aside like some tool that had lost its usefulness once the alliance was complete, except he knew this particular panther demon. He shared a mutual acquaintance with him even, and he knew that this acquaintance would attest to this particular demon's character as well. He had no great power, but he was a good leader and an honorable man, and he wasted no time. He had already arranged a meeting with Jaken. He would be here within a week. One more nagging thought crept into his mind. He owed this particular demon a debt.
Sesshoumaru made his decision. In one month's time, Rin would accompany Jaken and himself on their journey north. They would stop long enough to ensure completion of the mating ceremonies. There was, however, some unfinished business that had to be attended to. Sesshoumaru would have to hunt down and kill Kane to ensure that Rin could be properly marked. She would not live as a mate and not be marked! She would not be disgraced so! Any sons she gave the panther would be rightful heirs despite being hanyou!
His next problem seeped into his tired mind as he stood and moved to the window to watch the fire flies that Rin loved so much. How was he going to tell her about the match? Was she in love with Kane? It does not matter! He had allowed her to remain with him for far too long. She could not remain with him any longer! It was just not proper for an unmated human woman to trail after a male demon lord, and she would have no place in his life after…after…
Sudden thoughts of being without her gripped his heart painfully.
There will be no more singing.
He didn't like her noise anyway!
There will be no more laughter.
There were serious matters that needed attending anyway!
He looked around. They often shared evenings together in this library.
There would be no more of Rin's chatter about her day or what she had learned, or her opinions about something, or her inquiries about something she didn't understand.
He would be able to concentrate solely on his own concerns once again!
Why has she not come to join me this evening?
His eyes landed on a vase of cheerful flowers from her garden. She replaced them every few days so that they were always fresh and alive with color. She had several vases around the palace that she did this with.
There will be no more flowers.
They were too bright and smelly anyway!
His inner voice of reason began to sound stubborn and childish to even his own ears, but it mattered not!
Sesshoumaru nodded his head in firm resolution. His mind was made up! He stood and snuffed the candles and headed to his chambers, but the scent of salty tears came to his nose and he found himself standing before Rin's door instead of his own. He stood there taking in the scent of her sadness not knowing what to do.
Why do I care?
He turned and began to walk away, but found himself being pulled back by some unseen force. He turned and stalked back, and then turned and made to walk away again.
Fool! What are you doing?
But before he could escape, the door slid open ever so slowly. He stopped and stood tall and rigid in the doorway, his hands balled into fists at his side. Rin had changed into a lovely kimono of bright yellows and blues, but the cheerful colors contradicted the expression on her face. She stood before him with tear stained cheeks, swollen red rimmed eyes, and lips down turned in a frown of such sadness that his heart gave a quick jerk. She should never look so sad!
“M'Lord? Is there something you would speak to me about?” She inquired in a whisper so quiet that had he not been demon he might not have heard it.
He stood looking at her, his face expressionless. She had lowered her eyes and was looking at the floor, waiting for his response. The scent of her tears was overpowering this close and suddenly all he wanted was to make them stop. He reached out and gently lifted her chin up with one finger.
“Why did you not join me in the library this evening, and why do you cry?” He asked softly in his deep voice.
“M'Lord, I displeased you today in the practice ring. Your displeasure in me makes my heart ache.” She replied in a cracking voice, tears spilling over her eyelids.
She believes that I am displeased with her in some way?
He raised one elegant eyebrow at her words. He had not expected this response. She had always been so open with her feelings, but these feelings she shared with him now were far different from those carefree childish declarations she so freely shared when she was a little girl. Why did humans have to be so complicated!
“You presume to know what this Sesshoumaru is thinking?” He asked.
She blinked and pulled her chin away from his reach. She backed into the room a little further and looked at the floor.
He sighed inwardly with a little frustration. Why did she draw away from him? He did not touch her often, but was his touch so undesirable?
“You were frightened of me today in the practice yard. Why?” He asked her a little more harshly than he had intended to.
“I…you growled…” But she did not finish. She swallowed hard, her heart having jumped into her throat.
He stood there for a moment and looked at her. She stood perfectly still, her face down turned. His heart fluttered.
“Rin, look at me.” He commanded softly in his deep voice, and when she raised her eyes to him his breath caught in his suddenly constricted chest.
“I am not displeased with you, Rin.” He said softly after a moment, catching her hazel eyes with his golden gaze.
She blushed as she felt relief wash through her and all at once realized that he was still standing just outside her door, his amber gaze on her. Her gaze raked down his body and back up in a brief glimpse. He was dressed leisurely all in black, arms sleeveless, with his hair falling in silver waves around him, and he was barefoot. It occurred to her that he might be waiting for her permission to enter. He was a demon, but he was also a respectable man of pride and honor. He would not enter her room without being invited in.
She swallowed. “M'Lord, please come in.” She invited. Her heart pounded. He had not been in this room since she had come to inhabit it, that she was aware of.
He stood there for a full minute staring at her. She had no idea what could possibly be going through his head. His eyes fluttered ever so slightly and he slowly stepped into the room. She let out her breath slowly, willing her heart to be still. She turned and walked to her bed and sat down on the edge of it and then looked up at him with uncertainty. She swiped at her tears.
He moved into the middle of the room and sunk down to the floor to sit cross-legged. His eyes roamed over her room and all of her possessions as he took in his surroundings. He had forgotten how large the room actually was. It was almost as large as his own room. Her bed was made up of pale pink and yellow silk pillows and sheets and sat at the far end of the room in the corner. A large armoire made of a rich brownish red cherry wood was nestled against the wall across from the bed. He remembered acquiring the unique piece of furniture for her from a craftsman who created the most unusual pieces of woodwork he had ever seen. Her eyes had sparkled and he could still hear the squeal of pure delight when he had brought it to her. She had bright cushions propped on a bench that sat under the window. A painting stand with rolls of painting scrolls, paints, and instruments cluttered the floor near the window, and a shelf full of seashells, rocks, and other trinkets she had collected over the years stood against the wall next to the window. Dried flowers hung on every wall and from most of the ceiling. It occurred to him that once she replaced the flowers in the vases around the palace with fresh ones, she must have been drying the biggest and brightest ones, which now adorned her walls. Most of all, he noticed how the room carried her sweet scent everywhere. It was embedded in the very walls.
He looked at her then, trying to block out that pleasing, feminine aroma. She still hadn't made any response to his declaration of not being displeased with her.
He tried again. “I have never harmed you.”
He did not wish to explain the growl. He had been ready to take her right there on the ground in the practice yard whether she accepted him or not, and it embarrassed him slightly. Another emotion he was not accustomed to.
“But, that is not why I have come. I have something I must speak to you about.” He just didn't know how to begin!
Damn that scent!
She sniffed, dabbed at her tear stained cheeks, and blinked curious eyes at him.
“Are you at all familiar with the panther demon tribe in the central region?” He asked.
Yes, ease her into the subject.
Her eyes widened in interest and she sat a little straighter.
“Yes, M'Lord.” She responded a little uneasily.
“Tell me, what do you know of them?” He requested.
“They are not overly powerful, but they have a great sense of business. They control the trade routes through the central reigons, and what they lack in brute strength and power, they make up for with sheer numbers.”
She paused and looked at him from under shy eyelashes. He nodded once to her.
“Go on.” He softly encouraged.
“They do not like to do business with anyone they do not trust, so few are able to take advantage of the routes. It is a shame.”
“And what do you think of an alliance with the tribes of the central region?” He asked, suddenly curious about her take on this issue.
She leaned back on her pillows, a little more at ease now, and launched into her answer.
“The western lands have a lot to offer and a lot to gain by trading with other regions. Since we are not currently allied with the South, and the North, though not hostile, is still reluctant to allow many westerners through their routes, trade for all is greatly hindered and takes too much time! The reason the west is so formidable despite this hindrance is because of its size and access to natural resources that the rest of the regions do not have access to.”
Sesshoumaru blinked with astonishment. He was impressed with her grasp of the situation.
“I have long thought that some sort of an agreement, an alliance, with that particular panther demon tribe would prove profitable in more than one way. Allowing the western lands the ability to freely trade and perhaps even control some of the central trade routes would greatly speed up goods exchange both going out and coming in!” She explained
Sesshoumaru starred at her in utter amazement. He suddenly saw her in a completely new light. She was no longer the carefree innocent human child with flowers and poems filling her thoughts. He knew she was quick witted, and her instructors had informed him that, though she had always preferred daydreaming to studying, she learned fast. But, before him sat an intelligent woman who demonstrated an astounding understanding of the lands he controlled. He wondered briefly just what kind of conversations they might have if he bothered to actually participate in them. Outwardly, of course, he merely starred at her, giving away no sign as to what he was thinking.
Rin blushed under his intense scrutiny and was suddenly embarrassed about her bold declaration of her opinions on matters that did not concern her. But he did not seem displeased. His golden eyes brought sudden heat to her skin and her heart skipped a beat.
Stop it Rin! Get a hold of yourself! But as she tried to maintain strict control of her thoughts, she seemed to fall deeper into his magnificent eyes. Fire shot through her veins as she fidgeted on her bed and found herself remembering his very large bed.
“I wish for you to meet someone.” He declared abruptly and in one fluid motion stood and walked to the door. He paused just before disappearing through it, and without turning he continued in his usual bored tone.
“The panther demon tribe leader will be arriving in a week. Be prepared to meet them hospitably. I have business to attend to and am leaving immediately.” And with that, he was gone.
She sat at the edge of her bed in a confused daze. She took several deep breaths attempting to calm herself.
Gods! He definitely knows how I feel now! How could he miss that reaction!? And why does he care what I think of the central trade route issues?
Sesshoumaru's head was clouded with the sweet scent of cherry blossoms and the faintest hint of something a little more savory as he stormed his way down the corridor to his rooms! He had retreated from her room as soon as he had felt his body reacting to the spicy feminine scent that had suddenly spiked in the air. Or perhaps seeing her lying in her sheets so at ease and so enticing had played tricks on his continuously weakening mind.
He entered his rooms and closed the door behind him, leaning his head against it. Slow anger began to fill his heart.
This Sesshoumaru will NOT fall prey to these useless feelings for a human!
He would leave tomorrow and search out Kane. The gods only knew he needed to be away from her for a while. He would just have to tell her about her marriage to the Panther Demon leader when he returned.