InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ It Is Done! ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8: It is Done!
Lord Sesshoumaru had been gone for a week and still had not returned by the time the panther demon tribe leader had arrived, though he was a full day early. Jaken had welcomed him and his two traveling companions and had shown them to the main house. Rin had stayed out of sight, preferring to observe.
The first panther demon to enter the main house was quite intriguing. She had never seen a panther demon before. He had black shoulder length hair that fell to his shoulders and was pulled back from his face by a leather headband. He had slightly slanted black eyes that looked around and took in everything curiously. He wore a silky black fur wrapped around his waist, and chest armor on his torso. He also wore a bow and a sling of arrows on his back.
The next one that entered took Rin's breath away. She heard Jaken greet him as Lord Kazuo and he was very exotic and handsome indeed! He wore a sleek white fur pelt around his waist and silver armor over his chest. He had four daggers at his waist on the right and a short-sword on his left hip. His lower legs were wrapped in white fur laced with brown straps. He had hair white as snow pulled into a high braid that hung down to the small of his back. A few long white strands were tucked behind his pointed ears, which were pierced several times each with small glittering gems. On his head he wore a silver band that came to a low point in the middle of his forehead. His slanted eyes were a startling blue and he had a firm, masculine jaw line and cheekbones. He had a scar across his left eye from just above the eyebrow to the middle of his cheek, and another very jagged scar across his throat from the back of his right ear to the top of his left collarbone, but they did not lessen the sheer beauty of him. He was trim and muscular with powerful arms and legs, and he moved like a cat with a fluid grace and balance. He was incredible! But there was something strange about him. He seemed withdrawn, almost sad. His whole being seemed to radiate a sense of wretched loss and sadness.
Lord Kazuo's last traveling companion stayed outside, so Rin moved quietly to the window and peeked out. Her heart gave a leap of excitement at what she beheld! The other traveling companion was a very large and very powerful looking sleek, black, panther with bright, intelligent yellow eyes that took in everything. He watched as his leader entered the house and then slowly turned his eyes right to the very spot in the shape she was peeking from and locked his gaze with hers! She watched in amazement as the fierce and noble creature began to tread back and forth, still keeping his eyes on hers and then laid down to wait for his master's exit. She felt a thrill of excitement shoot through her as she moved back into the hall to get another look at the new arrivals.
They must be here for alliance negotiations! How exciting!
But, it was not like Lord Sesshoumaru to miss such an important meeting of state. She had worked tirelessly overseeing the household preparations, as she always did, delegating duties to the servants and pitching in everywhere she could to ensure perfection for their guests, but Lord Sesshoumaru was always home from his patrols several days before hand to make ready as well when he met with other territory leaders.
What if something has happened to him! But before she had time to panic, Jaken turned the corner and ran face first into her.
“Ughff! Rin! What are you doing hiding there?” the little toad squawked.
“Excuse me Master Jaken. I just wanted a better look at the panther demons.” she responded lightly.
“Ah! Yes, of course! By the way, you are to be congratulated! This will be a most favorable union!” Jaken practically sang.
“Master Jaken, I have nothing to do with this alliance.” Rin blushed. Lord Sesshoumaru must have told Jaken of our conversation.
“Silly girl! Because of your match to the leader, Master Sesshoumaru will build a very fortunate alliance that will strengthen his territory ten fold! Of course you are to be congratulated!” Jaken responded in a know-it-all voice.
Rin froze and her heart leapt into her throat. Did he just say `because of MY match with the leader?'
“Master Jaken, forgive me, but I believe you are mistaken. There is no match between myself and the panther demon leader.” she said in a slightly higher pitched voice. Her heart began to tighten as she remembered Lord Sesshoumaru's words.
“I wish for you to meet someone.”
“Oh dear!” Jaken exclaimed breathily as he goggled at her in alarm with his wide yellow eyes.
“Rin, come sit in the library with me for a moment.” He led her into the library and closed the door.
“Master Jaken, please tell me I am not being traded away like some piece of property to be bartered with!” Her heart was still tightening and she was beginning to have trouble breathing.
“I am sorry that you were unaware of what is to transpire, but let me inform you now.” He cleared his throat and motioned for her to take a seat. He waited until she did so before he continued in his high giddy voice.
“Master Sesshoumaru has decided that you are old enough to marry and has found the panther demon to be a suitable match for you.” He cleared his throat as he saw the look of horror take form on her features.
“You should be grateful girl! The master has gone to a lot of trouble to find you a suitable mate! Besides, you would have been very lonely and unhappy once Lord Sesshoumaru left to complete the treaty in the North!”
Rin couldn't believe what she was hearing! Lord Sesshoumaru wanted her out of his life!
Lonely? Something struck Rin as strange about how master Jaken had spoken these words.
“Lonely? I would just go with him to the North!” She responded, still trying to wrap her mind around what she had just heard.
Marry? Me?
“Foolish girl! You will have no business at the master's mating ritual ceremonies! You would just be in the way as always! And then what are you going to do? The Lord and Lady will be very busy with their new combined territories.” Jaken squawked in annoyance.
WHAT!? Her mind shrieked.
“WHAT?” Rin choked out in shock. “Lord Sesshoumaru is going to be married!?”
Jaken eyed her sideways.
“Eh…yes…were you not aware?” But he swallowed hard. He suddenly knew she was not aware of any of this.
He had been with Lord Sesshoumaru and had known about the particulars of the treaty with the North for so long that it had not occurred to him that Rin did not know. Lord Sesshoumaru had indeed softened quite a bit since she had come into his life, but Lord Sesshoumaru had already been promised to another when he was just a young pup. He knew his master would never act on any feelings he might have developed for Rin not only because she was human, but because it would be dishonorable. He had also known Rin her whole life and had deduced her feelings for their master a long time ago. She irritated him to no end, but just the same, she had become a valued companion. His heart broke for her.
“N...n…no, I wasn't aware.” She whispered. Tears were welling up in her eyes.
Jaken sighed. She needed to know the whole story. He had only been with Lord Sesshoumaru since after the death of his father, but he knew the story behind the alliance.
“Over a century and a half ago Master Sesshoumaru's father, Inutashio, and the Lord of the North, Lord Masahiro, worked together and formed an alliance. A treaty between the two territories was meant to bring long wanted peace under the combined and powerful rule of the West and the North. As master Sesshoumaru was to inherit the Western Lands, Lord Masahiro's daughter, the Lady Kasumi, was formally betrothed to Lord Sesshoumaru. Master Sesshoumaru performed the first marking ritual at the time the treaty was drafted to show good faith. The treaty was supposed to be completed and the rest of the rituals performed later that month, but Sesshoumaru's mother was unexpectedly attacked and killed by a mysterious force the very night after the Kiss was performed. Lord Inutashio nearly died after his life mate was killed, but he somehow managed to hang onto life. The ceremonies were postponed during those rough times to allow the family time to recover from its loss and to investigate the murder. Sadly, no clue was ever found to lead to the Lady's killer. Several years went by and completion of the treaty was postponed again when the evil demon Ryuukotsusei began ravishing the countryside and ultimately ended up killing Lord Inutashio, who had been trying to defend it as well as defend his human wife and half blood child. Then, it was postponed again when the panther demon tribes of the south declared war against Lord Sesshoumaru's house seeking vengeance for their evil lord's demise at Lord Inutashio's hands some years before. Inuyasha had been sealed to a tree and couldn't fight, and Lord Sesshoumaru had few allies. Many of those that fought for him, that day, lost their lives.”
Jaken was silent for a moment giving the girl time to let everything sink in. Rin just sat there. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Her heart ached with every word of Jaken's tale.
He has been through so much! So much loss. So much pain.
Jaken continued. “Lord Sesshoumaru decided to postpone the signing and sealing of the treaty yet again to search for his father's great sword Tetsusaiga, but lost an arm and later almost his life in the process! Then, that stupid half demon, Naraku, needed to die! Now there are no more delays keeping him from completing the ceremonies. Lord Masahiro is ready to relinquish his territories and the time is right.”
“Except for me.” Rin whispered.
“Eh? What is that you say girl?”
“There are no more delays except for me. I am in his way. I will be in their way.” She stated in a numb voice, still starring at nothing.
Her heart felt like it was going to explode. Her head swam and her vision was blurred with tears she was trying not to shed. Her Lord Sesshoumaru was betrothed to another! He had already given another woman The Kiss! And she was to be mated to a panther demon she had never met! No! This wasn't happening! She fell to her knees and broke into tears.
“Oh Master Jaken! What am I going to do? He was never mine, I know that, but it hurts so much! I feel like I've lost him forever!” She sobbed, bringing her hands up to cover her face.
Before Jaken could respond, Rin got to her feet and fled from the room. Tears flowed freely down her face as she ran out of the palace, Jaken's screeches and wails echoing behind her. She headed for the forest and never once slowed as she burst into the trees, her heart aching as it pounded in her chest.
He's going to be married!
She ran off the path and through the brush swiping at blinding tears as she went. Tree branches scraped at her skin and grabbed at her clothing as she ran, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She didn't know where she was headed, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She just had to be away from here!
He's going to be married!
“Rin!” She heard a deep voice calling to her in the distance. She thought she imagined it and kept on running blindly deeper into the forest.
“Rin!” She was suddenly grabbed by her arm, her flight halted.
She let out a mournful sob as she jerked at her arm trying to free herself from a powerful grip and gasping for air, but when she turned to yell at her attacker she choked and swallowed. She starred straight into the amber eyes of the man she loved; the man who would never be hers. Lord Sesshoumaru had returned home.
Sesshoumaru had not found Kane. He had scoured the countryside looking for the mongrel and found nothing, but there were other signs that were disturbing him. The wildlife in the forests was sharply diminished, and hundreds of trees looked as though they were sick. Their leaves were dry and brittle and their bark was grey. Something was not right in his forests. He investigated a little more to no avail before finally having to call it quits and return home. Lord Kazuo would be there soon and he needed to get back to break the news to Rin. How was he going to give her to the demon as a mate when the demon wasn't going to be able to mark her?
He was pondering this dilemma when he had caught her scent. She smelled strongly of salty tears and her heart was thundering! He found her racing through the trees blindly. She was absolutely racked with sobs and she wasn't paying any attention to where she was going.
What has happened to her!? His heart gave a quick jerk and worry fluttered in his stomach. He called her name. She didn't respond. He went after her.
“Rin! What has happened?” He demanded in his deep voice.
She continued to struggle and tears continued to fall from her red rimmed eyes.
“Let go of me!” She begged broken heartedly and struggled even harder to free herself from his grasp.
“Rin! I demand you stop this at once and tell me what has happened!” He commanded a little louder this time. He tightened his grip on her arm, but she struggle even harder.
“No! Let me go! Let…me…go!” She practically screamed at him.
He was so taken aback by her raised voice that he let go of her, but as soon as she bolted he went after her. She was almost wailing now, a pitiful heartbroken noise. He grabbed her again and for lack of any other ideas on how to get her to stop struggling he pulled her roughly to him, drew in his power, and lifted them both into the air. She immediately stopped struggling, giving a startled cry, and wrapped her arms firmly around his neck burying her face against his collarbone. He could feel her shaking but he had startled her enough to stop the sobs. He lifted her high into the sky, far above the tree tops and into the clouds.
“Now. Tell me what has happened.” He commanded softly, his voice had returned to its usual bored tone. She felt so warm wrapped in his arms, and her cherry blossom scent clung to every strand of her silky hair. He tried to gain control of his own desires before they got the better of him.
She hiccupped. “I am to be married!” She whispered so quietly that only his demon ears could have picked up the words. She couldn't bring herself to admit to him that the knowledge of his impending marriage to another hurt more than knowing that she herself was to be married to some stranger.
Gods! Who told her!? Jaken! He will pay! He had meant to break the news to her gently. He knew she wasn't going to be happy about the idea of having to be married and know that she would no longer have a place in his home when he, himself, married.
He tightened his hold around her waist, adjusting her weight to one side to avoid hurting her with his armor's spikes.
“Yes.” He whispered the confirmation into her hair.
She let out a small cry and sucked it back in, shivering with her attempts to gain control of herself.
“But what does it matter? I have never been of any use to you or anyone, and your new wife would surely object to such a useless, lowly human in her house!” She said in a sarcastic voice that said all too clearly that she felt as though she had been betrayed. The statement felt like a slap in the face!
So she knows of my betrothal as well. It is just as well. But how could she think she is of no use?
“Rin you will look at me!” He commanded. She shook her head, still keeping her face to his neck. He could feel her hot tears dripping onto the skin of his neck.
“Rin, you will look at me NOW!” He commanded a little more firmly. She had never disobeyed him.
She slowly tilted her face to him and looked into his eyes. The look of despair on her face made his heart twist into a tight little knot and his mind went blank. She searched his eyes, hazel gaze locked with his golden, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say to her.
My beautiful Rin! How can I make her smile again?
“The panther demon….” But he couldn't find the words. His heart began to beat a little faster.
Such sadness in those lovely eyes! How can I make them sparkle bright and green with happiness again?
“My marriage to….” He tried again, but words still failed him. His heart was now hammering against his ribs.
Why can I not block out her scent!? Gods how I've missed that smell!
“It has been a long time….” He began again, but still could find no words to make everything right again. His breathing was becoming a little harsh now, as he looked into her sorrow filled eyes. He broke his gaze away from hers and his eyes trailed down the line of her delicate nose and stopped on her soft pink lips.
How!? How can I make her smile again!? His heart gave a sudden jerk as he was overpowered by the desire to do something he swore he would never do.
“Damn!” He growled roughly and lowered his lips to hers desperately.
He half expected her to struggle, but when she gasped and her heart rate jumped, hot fire shot through his veins. When she tangled her fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, desire like nothing he had ever felt flooded his entire body. Her lips were soft and moist, and her scent was suddenly drowning him. He tilted his head slightly and lightened the kiss. He tasted her lips running his tongue lightly over them and then nipped at each lip softly with his. He licked her lips again, this time seeking entrance, and when her lips parted with a little moan, he lost himself completely! He drove his tongue into her mouth and thoroughly tasted her. She was sweeter than anything he could ever even have imagined!
This is madness! This is torture! What am I doing!? His rational demon mind shrieked.
He broke away from her lips only to trail hot kisses down her throat, stopping to scrap sharp teeth against her skin. She shivered and moaned again. It was all he could do to keep from sinking his teeth into her, tasting her, marking her, claiming her!
No! Never a human! But she's so different from any other human! So different from any other!
He claimed her mouth once again in a deep and fiery kiss as he began to sink back down to the ground. He could feel her heart racing and he could smell her intoxicating scent.
He lowered her slowly to her own feet, and as soon as her feet touched the ground she went rigid! She jerked back suddenly and pushed away from him. He let her go.
Her heart was threatening to pound its way through her ribcage. She couldn't believe what had just happened! Had he just tried to comfort her!? Had he just kissed her!?
His lips had been so soft, so warm. His touch had woven a magic through her veins like nothing she had felt before in her life! Master Kane's sloppy kiss that she had thought so intoxicating at the time paled in comparison. She was completely ashamed of her lusty human reaction to his gesture of comfort. She lowered her eyes, unable to look at him.
What have I done? What must he think of me?
“Please….do not…I cannot marry the panther demon. Please do not force me.”She whispered, still overwhelmed by his kiss. Her heart ached to know that she belonged to another and that she would never feel those lips again. It shamed her more to know that she should be grateful for the match, but that her petty, selfish human heart chose to love only Lord Sesshoumaru.
“I…I love…another.” She couldn't bring herself to tell him that it was he that she loved even now, after so shamelessly taking advantage of a much guarded and very rarely bestowed gesture of comfort.
Sesshoumaru watched as a completely unexpected emotion played across Rin's down turned features. Shame was clearly evident in her voice and eyes.
So it shames her to betray the tiger! Shames her to kiss another!
Her rejection stung him more than he wanted to admit to even himself. His heart felt as though it was being strangled, and he was suddenly angered at his own stupidity. Ice flooded his heart as he struggled to gain control of his senses again.
Fool! It matters not that she rejects you! His inner voice of reason snapped him back to reality.
She finally looked up at him when he spoke. His voice was cold and detached. His emotionless mask was firmly in place and his eyes were dead. Golden eyes locked with a vulnerable hazel gaze.
“Do as you wish. Do not marry the panther, but in three weeks time, you will leave the palace.”
He watched, unmoved, as shock and pain crossed her beautiful eyes.
“Yes M'Lord.” She whispered and then swallowed hard, tears dripped over her eyelids, but she held her ground and did not blink or look away.
“Then it seems I will marry after all.” Her voice too had suddenly changed. It was also cold and unfeeling.
Sesshoumaru kept his mental grip on his outwardly unfeeling resolve, but suddenly his stomach threatened to make him physically ill.
He vanished.
Rin did not know how long she stood there silent and unmoving, eyes unblinking, trying to make sense of her master's tender and comforting kiss and then his suddenly cold and callous discarding of her. She finally came to the conclusion that he had been disgusted with her human reaction to his kiss; that he now understood her true feelings for him. She had all but said his name when she confessed her love for another! Though she was inexperienced with such things, she was fairly certain that he meant only to comfort her when he had kissed her and she had gone too far!
Well, her mind was made up! Her marriage to the panther demon lord would finally allow her to be of some use to Lord Sesshoumaru and she would effectively be out of his life! He would have what he wanted, just as it should be.
Rin raised her chin and wiped away the tears. No more! She would embrace her new life. She headed for the palace with firm acceptance and resolution in her stride.
Evening had approached too swiftly and Sesshoumaru found himself in the formal ceremony room. Tall candle stands were scattered throughout the room giving off a rich glow and vivid tapestries hung on the walls.
Sesshoumaru stood behind Kazuo to the left and the panther demon's companion stood to the right. The stoic demon lord was holding his breath and trying not to growl as Kazuo held Rin's hand to his lips. She had entered the room with her head held high and had radiated confidence and pride. Not only that, but she was the most stunning vision of perfection he had ever seen.
She wore a deep rose colored outer Kimono with the gossamer light pink sleeves of the inner robe flowing down her arms and a wide lovely pink obi accentuating her slim waist and feminine curves. Her hair was done in an intricate design on top of her head with pale pink and white cherry blossoms carefully weaved into the curls and a few glossy black tendrils of her long hair trailed down her back. Her eyes sparkled and glowed with an almost otherworldly dark hazel green. She blushed when Kazuo and his companion both starred open mouthed at her for a full ten seconds before Jaken cleared his throat.
Sesshoumaru watched with mild irritation as the other male squared his shoulders and stood a little taller. Kazuo stepped forward and bowed. When Rin lowered her eyes and dipped her head he reached out and took her hand and raised it to his lips gently placing a chaste kiss on her palm.
“Lady Rin, it would be an honor if you would consent to be my life mate.” He stated.
Rin was immediately drawn to his genuine manner, but still saw that same sorrow she had detected upon first seeing him behind his sky blue eyes. Her heart went out to him, though she knew not what troubled him so.
“The honor would be mine, M'Lord.” She responded in a clear unwavering voice as she looked into his eyes. She could not bring herself to look at Lord Sesshoumaru. If she had, she might have seen his eyes flutter ever so slightly when she had responded.
Lord Kazuo let her hand go and turned to Lord Sesshoumaru. Rin looked at her master for the first time since entering the room. He stood tall and elegant in his white attire and full armor, his silver hair cascading down his back. He was so handsome it hurt to look at him. She swallowed and lowered her eyes, just listening now. Her part was done.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, Master of the Western Lands, I, Lord Kazuo, Master of the Central Territories, formally ask permission to take Rin as my life mate and ask for your seal of approval.” Lord Kazuo's voice was not as deep or powerful as Lord Sesshoumaru's, but it exuded confidence as he toned the formal request.
Rin's heart jerked as she waited, her eyes still downcast. Her breath came a little faster now.
This is it.
“This Sesshoumaru grants you permission to take the Lady Rin, my ward and pack member of the dog-demon clan of the Western lands, as your life mate.
Rin blinked and her head shot up at his words. She found his eyes not on Lord Kazuo, but on her. He had acknowledged her as a pack member! A lump began to form in her throat as the honor of such a thing overwhelmed her. Her gaze locked with his as she continued to fight her tears. For a brief moment, a split second, she thought she saw regret flash in his honey golden eyes.
“The first marking ritual will take place in three weeks in the central territories. At that time, This Sesshoumaru will give his seal.” He finished in his monotone voice, his gaze still locked with hers.
“It is done!” Jaken squawked behind her making her jump in surprise.
The room began to spin and Rin suddenly felt very hot and thirsty. The sound of her racing heart was thundering in her ears blocking out all other sound. All she could see were Sesshoumaru's lovely golden eyes. Her legs began to tremble just a little and she felt herself slowly sinking to the floor. Jaken's last words echoed in her mind.
It is done!
Then there was nothing but blackness.