InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Past Present ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9: Past Present
Sesshoumaru had watched as Rin began to fall to the ground and had moved with lightning reflexes. He and Kazuo both suddenly had an arm around the unconscious woman preventing her fall. They stood eye to eye unblinking as their gazes locked. Sesshoumaru had penetrated the panther demon with his unwavering and unfeeling stare while Kazuo held the gaze, a slightly concerned look etching his features. After a moment, Kazuo had let go of Rin and had stepped back. Sesshoumaru had gently lifted the young woman into his arms then.
“Jaken.” He called softly, still looking at Kazuo.
“Yes M'lord?” Jaken responded from somewhere behind him.
“See that the contract is drawn up.” Lord Sesshoumaru commanded in his bored tone.
“Yes M'lord!” Squawked Jaken
Sesshoumaru had then left the room with the Rin cradled in his arms. He made his way to her chambers and found that his entire being ached to walk slower so that he could hold her just a little longer.
He had to fight to block out her captivating scent.
He had to fight to block out the urge to hold her just a little closer.
He had to fight to block out the urge to brush his lips against her forehead as he carried her.
He had let out an annoyed growl at his obviously growing weakness for her as he lowered her onto her bed, and fled the room before his damnable desires got the better of him. He did not trust his control after their encounter in the forest earlier that afternoon. She had felt so right in his arms and her lips had tasted sinfully rich.
No! This cannot continue! He had silently reprimanded himself and then had thanked the gods that she would be gone in three weeks time.
Several hours later, Sesshoumaru and Kazuo sat across from each other on the floor of the ceremony room. The fire pit roared bright and heat swamped the room. Sesshoumaru sat cross legged, back straight, his wrists resting on his knees and watched Kazuo looking over the specifics of the treaty agreement they had drawn up. He watched as Kazuo signed his name under Sesshoumaru's on the second line of the first set of signature lines. The second set of signatures would be added after the marking rituals were complete. Kazuo set the brush and scroll down and took a shaky breath before looking up at Sesshoumaru.
“This will be a very fortunate alliance.” He said in a nervous attempt at a conversational tone.
Sesshoumaru continued to stare at him.
Kazuo's eyes trailed off to some point just past Sesshoumaru's head and they became unfocused.
“It has been a long time, my friend.” Kazuo said softly.
He blinked and returned suddenly pleading eyes to Sesshoumaru's face.
“How is she?” He rasped in a low whisper.
“I have not seen her for many years.” Sesshoumaru answered softly.
Kazuo lowered his eyes, nodding, and swallowing. He let out a small sigh and starred at some unseen memory going through his mind as Sesshoumaru continued to observe him.
Sesshoumaru took in the sad demon that sat before him. He was no longer the carefree panther he had befriended so many years ago. It seemed that the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He was more serious now and his eyes held such sadness and loneliness. Sesshoumaru knew the cause of this transformation. Indeed he had been a major part of it himself.
Sesshoumaru's eyes fell on the scar across Kazuo's eye and trailed down to the one across his throat. The panther had received the wounds a week before the Sesshoumaru was to perform the first marking ritual with the Lady Kasumi. Almost all of the surrounding territory leaders were traveling to the west to attend the first ceremony or were sending representatives. At the time, Kazuo was just a member of the panther demon clan of the central regions. The leader had no offspring and was ill tempered. The leader had sent Kazuo, or rather, had allowed Kazuo go to represent the central territories.
Sesshoumaru blinked the old thoughts away and reached out and took the scroll, inspected the signatures and rolled it up carefully. He slid it into a leather carrying case and placed it on the floor next to him.
Both demon lords rose to their feet. It was late and Kazuo was to depart early in the morning. Kazuo stood for a moment looking at Sesshoumaru, his brow furrowed and Sesshoumaru knew he wanted to ask him something.
“It is strange is it not? That you are to have the one that I love while I am to have the one you love?” He stated more than asked.
Sesshoumaru's heart jerked and irrational anger bubbled up. How dare this weak lesser demon assume that this Sesshoumaru suffers such a disgraceful weakness!But he suddenly found himself angrier that his heart ached strangely every time Rin even entered his thoughts and that those thoughts of her seemed to provoke mindless reactions in him that he couldn't seem to control!
He merely blinked at the panther, raising an eyebrow.
Kazuo's lips thinned as he squeezed them together, but he said nothing more. He bowed, turned, and was gone.
Sesshoumaru slipped into another memory as he picked up the scroll and went about dousing the fire pit.
He had caught Kasumi sneaking silently out of the palace guest wing and had thought she was trying to flee from her fate. The first marking ritual was to be performed in four days.
“Do you flee from me, Kasumi?” He asked in his deep monotone way.
She gasped and whirled around to face him, completely startled.
“Sesshoumaru! No! I was…I…” She didn't finish. Her eyes suddenly turned pleading and she reached out and grabbed the fabric of his sleeve in a death grip. She was trembling.
“Sesshoumaru, you know I love another!”
“And you know that emotions of the heart are meaningless in matters such as these.” He responded, anger beginning to build.
“I was going to return.” She said softly as she lowered her eyes.
“I just…I wanted to…” She reached up and wiped away a few tears with a shaky hand, the other still gripping his sleeve.
The truth of the situation suddenly hit him.
Of course! The panther demon, Kazuo, had arrived yesterday and was camped at the edge of the forest outside the palace walls. She had been going to him.
He reached up and patted her hand trying to reassure her. He liked Kazuo, but the panther had nothing. No power, no position or rank, no territories, no armies, nothing. It gave him this awkward feeling of pain in his chest and stomach when he thought about taking Kasumi and marking her as his life mate when he knew another strong, healthy, respectable male had her heart.
“Go to him.” He said to her quietly, and watched as her head snapped up and her eyes flew wide and startled.
He pried her clenched hand from his sleeve and brought it, palm up to his lips as he had done when he had formally proposed.
“I will be here in the morning when you return.” He said simply and then let her go and walked away.
But she returned only a few hours later, bloody and unconscious in the arms of one of Kazuo's panthers. Kazuo had been slumped over the large panther cat face down, pouring blood, it seemed, from everywhere at once. He had been slashed across the face and torn open at the throat, but somehow still clung to life.
When Kasumi had regained consciousness a few hours later, she had screamed with utter terror in her voice and had cried mournful, heart wrenching sobs. She wouldn't tell anyone what had happened. She had only calmed when Sesshoumaru had dismissed everyone from her sickroom and had told her that Kazuo still lived. She had told him everything then. Every gory detail.
The camp had been taken by complete surprise. No one had seen them, or heard them coming. Their scent wasn't even carried in the air. These unseen creatures seemed to move in the darkness, indeed even use the darkness; no…they were one with the darkness! They attacked savagely and tore everyone apart they came in contact with! She described how she had been grabbed from behind and had felt the slash tear her flesh across her arm as she struggled, but was dropped suddenly when Kazuo had come to her rescue. She had watched in horror as the dark shadows that were their attackers slaughtered everyone, and Kazuo was suddenly struck down and slashed open. She began to sob as she relived the horror. The palace had been made aware of the attack and several of the different territory groups had finally headed out to their defense.Only then did the creatures suddenly retreat! They had seemed to just vanish.
She had drawn in a deep shuttering gasp and breathed out an anguished whisper before she lost consciousness again.
Sesshoumaru blinked, coming out of the memory. He found himself in his bedchambers, standing at the window. He had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn't even realized he had left the ceremony room. He looked out the window into the night and caught the scent of a storm coming. His thoughts wondered again as he moved around the room getting ready to bed down for the night.
Four days had passed since the attack. The search party had found no trace of the mysterious creatures, not even a body! It had seemed that they took their dead with them. The search party only babbled about insignificant things like the forest trees having turned grey and sickly.
Kazuo and two other panthers were the only survivors from their group of ten. Kasumi had visited her “savior's” sick room everyday and he was healing swiftly, and the day of the first marking ritual had arrived.
Several hours before the ritual was to begin,his closest friend, and future wife stood before him sobbing brokenheartedly, her face in her hands. He had wanted to ease her troubled heart, but he had no clue how to go about it. He took her hands from her face and squeezed them lightly as tears flowed freely down her face. Taking a deep breath, she looked at him with bright hazel eyes that glowed with brilliant green flecks and nodded, signaling that she was ready.
Sesshoumaru had found himself standing before a radiantly beautiful and confident Kasumi in the ceremony room with guests surrounding them. Her fiery red hair was done in a complicated design on top of her head and she wore pearl combs that matched her ivory and lace wedding robes. The two held hands and faced each other and her father placed his hands surrounding theirs and spoke his seal of approval. Sesshoumaru had felt the power of the seal surrounding them and soaking into them as the Northern lord spoke.
“I, Lord Masahiro, Lord of the Northern lands, father of Lady Kasumi, give my approval of her match to Sesshoumaru, son of Lord Inutashio, Master of the Western lands.” He toned in a deep authoritative voice.
Sesshoumaru had begun to gather his own power and had begun to focus it for its intended purpose as he looked into Kasumi's glowing hazel green eyes. He had seen so much sadness in them!
He leaned down and softly brushed her lips with his own and released his power over them. He felt it gather and sink into them as he kissed her. When it was complete, he broke away from her and looked into her eyes once more. Gone was the sadness. She stared up into his eyes now with complete adoration.
“The first mark is done!” Masahiro had toned loudly and the crowd had erupted with tremulous cheers and applause.
Sesshoumaru's eyes locked on one lone figure leaning in the shadows at the back of the room who was not applauding. Kazuo's eyes did not leave Kasumi's face as she beamed up at Sesshoumaru, her heart's desire seemingly forgotten. It was then that Kazuo had turned his gaze to Sesshoumaru. Blue ice locked with golden fire for a moment and then Kazuo lowered his eyes, giving a slight bow, and left the room.
That was the last time Sesshoumaru had seen Kazuo until this evening.
He caught her scent suddenly and then a knock at the door brought him out of his reminiscent mood.
“Hai. Nanica?” He called out softly as he continued to stare out the window into the night.
He heard her slide the door open slowly and heard her breath catch, smelled her tears. He turned then, and looked at her. She stood in the doorway unmoving. She appeared slightly rumpled as though she had been tossing in her bed. Her hair fell around her shoulders in thick waves of ebony silk and she was wrapped in the iridescent pale pink inner kimono she had worn earlier. She clutched it to her chest as though she was afraid it would slip and fall, but it was so thin and light that it left little to the imagination anyway. It clung to every feminine curve. Her pale shoulders were bare and her creamy skin glowed in the candle light. Her large eyes glowed dark and sultry in the soft light as she looked at him. He felt his blood stir as he took in the alluring sight of her.
He waited for her to make her reasons for coming to him known, but instead she stood unmoving and silent. He let out a soft sigh and stalked, bare chested and bare foot, towards her since she didn't appear to be coming any further. He stopped just in front of her, so close they were almost touching. He could smell her sweet scent, so delicate and so close he could almost taste her. He slowly reached up behind her and slide the door closed, never taking his eyes from her face. Instead of dropping his arm, he leaned against the door and brought his other arm up not touching her, but leaning against the wall behind her on her other side, and leaned down so close to her he could feel her hot breath on his skin.
“Rin.” He said her name softly.
“What do you want?” He purred in his masculine whisper.
“Sesshoumaru-sama I beg you!” She whispered.
“Pl…please do not force me to marry Lord Kazuo! PLEASE!” She choked out.
The reminder of her impending marriage left a foul taste in his mouth and he backed away from her, turning his back and stopping a few feet away from her.
“It is done.” He said in his bored tone.
“Please master! Please…I …I love another…” But before she could say anything else he had suddenly whipped around and was just as suddenly gripping her upper arms holding her close to him, her feet almost off the floor.
“ENOUGH!” He barked, jealously beginning to break through his control and cloud his mind.
“I will force him from your mind once and for all!” He rasped harshly and then crushed his lips against hers.
He felt her tense immediately and knew she was shocked, but he didn't care. He only had one desire, one care at that moment. He needed her to desire him and him alone! He pulled away from her mouth, his breath coming raggedly as he searched her hazel gaze. He could hear her heart pounding and could smell her sweet intoxicating scent. That scent was his undoing.
He leaned down and captured her mouth again, urgently forcing her soft pink lips apart with his tongue and plunging it deep into her hot mouth. He let out a harsh sigh and sucked his breath in again as he continued to taste and explore her sweet mouth, but it wasn't enough! She stood shaking and barely responding. He wanted her screaming his name!
He tore away from her mouth and abruptly picked her up bridal style and took the few strides across the room to his bed, her soft gasp of surprise merely fueling his desire for her. He laid her down on the crimson sheets with a sense of urgency, his heart beginning to pound as he looked at her in his bed. He kneeled on the bed and leaned down over her grasping her robe and forcefully tearing the sheer fabric away from her small body. She gasped again and moved to try to cover herself, but he caught her wrists in his strong hands. He moved both of her wrists to one hand and then sat back to take in her magnificence. She made no other protest; rather, she laid back and watched him with a deep hazel green gaze as he observed her. Her breath came short and ragged and he could hear her heart pounding loud and fast. Every inch of her skin was flawless. Her perfectly formed breasts rose and fell with each of her breaths, her nipples taunt and ready to be tasted. His gaze continued down her body, past her firm slim stomach to her hips that flared out slightly and then on down to stop at the patch of dark curls between her flawless thighs.
He groaned as he took in the sight of her and felt himself grow almost instantly rock hard. He leaned down, stretching her hands above her head and claimed her mouth again. She kissed him back hesitantly at first, and when her tongue met his, fire ripped though his body. He groaned again and pulled his mouth away from hers to trail kisses down her slim neck to pause at her collar bone. He breathed deeply squeezing his eyes shut to gain control of his overpowering need, his hot breath on her skin. Once he was sure he could continue he went lower, kissing her chest and then softly brought his lips to one soft breast and then the other. It pleased him to feel her arching her back as his lips trembled over each nipple. He let her hands go and continued to trail kisses down her body as she clutched the sheets in her fists and moaned softly.
She will scream my name before this night is over! He promised himself determinedly as he continued his assault.
When he reached the soft curls between her thighs she gasped and squeezed her legs together, but he would have none of that! He growled as he sat up and took hold of her knees forcing them apart. She whimpered as he moved between them and then moved back down to her most intimate spot. He brought one hand up to grasp her hip as he slightly parted the soft lips of her womanhood with his other fingers revealing the glistening flushed pink flesh of her clit. He leaned down and flicked his tongue across the small sensitive bud and had to close his eyes and fight the urge to spend himself right there when she gasped and bucked her hips. Using just the tip of his tongue he lightly teased just that one aching spot as she writhed. Her breath became shorter and she moaned softly as she moved her hips. He continued to torture her with the light flicks of his hot tongue until he felt her beginning to tremble and she threw her head back and moaned louder.
“Pl…please! Ughhh!”
Slowly he pushed one long finger into her tight, slick passage and firmly pressed his mouth to her soft folds, brushing and circling her entire clit with his tongue as he began to pump his finger in and out of her. Her moans grew louder and harsher as his ministrations became firmer and more urgent. His manhood was throbbing painfully now as she moaned and bucked beneath him. He began to wonder if this was torturing him more than it was her as he fought off another wave of desire that threatened to release his most predatory instincts.
She continued to moan and began to whimper louder as he ran his tongue from her opening all the way back to her throbbing bud.
“Ughh! Master! Ohhh!”
She was so close, he was sure, but he pulled away from her, his breath harsh as he took in the sight of her. She was trembling now and her eyes sparkled with fiery desire as she looked at him.
Her desire is for me! He growled inwardly, almost trying to convince himself, as he looked down at her.
He kneeled on his knees between her spread legs and untied the strings of his pants, never taking his eyes off of her. He spilled over his pants as he lowered them down his hips and he ached to bury himself in her this instant, but he wanted to hear her scream his name first.
She is mine! She will think of only me! She will desire only me!
He lowered himself onto her and settled between her legs bringing his length to rest on her pulsating bud. She moaned again and brought her arms up around his back pulling him closer still. He began to move slowly, dragging the tip of his arousal across her sensitive bundle of nerves and she caught her breath. He moved, gaining a rhythm, knowing that she was so close to her release.
“My name…” He whispered into her hair as he closed his eyes and fought the urge to bury himself deep inside her tight wet passage.
No one else!
“M…master…Ughhh!” She groaned passionately.
He growled as he thrust his thick shaft across her folds again.
“Say….say my name…my given name…” He found himself begging as he began to tremble with his struggle for restraint.
“Ohhh….unmmm….Se…Sesshoumaru!” She cried out breathlessly as her body went rigid and he felt tremors going through her.
He felt her release and moved himself to her opening as she bucked against him. Another wave of ecstasy hit her and she cried out again, screaming this time.
Sesshoumaru bolted upright in bed and looked around wildly in the darkness, his heart pounding and his erection painful. He reached down and grabbed his stiff and aching shaft, groaning as a fiery wave of desire shot through him suddenly remembering his dream. But, just as suddenly, ice filled his veins as he realized that he could still hear Rin's screams, but they were coming from her own bedroom and they were not passion filled screams. Her screams were laced with sheer terror.