InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Life ❯ Pulse... ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 17:
Sesshoumaru's head shot up, his eyes going to the young woman's face. She lay completely limp in his arms, not a flutter of an eyelash, no intake of breath, no movement at all. She was dead.
His confused gaze shot to the sword in his hand. It pulsed its calling once again. But when his golden eyes roamed over Rin's form once more, there were no guardians from the underworld to slice through. There were no demons to battle for Rin's captured spirit.
But the sword was alive and demanding in his hand. Demanding that a spirit be set free from the clutches of death. Demanding that a life be returned. A sickening thickness landed in his stomach as he slowly turned to look at the frozen body of his slain enemy. Kane lay motionless, a solid block of ice now. Slowly, he approached the tiger's body and as he came closer, Tensaiga pulsed again.
The sword's intentions were suddenly clear. Not him. Sesshoumaru gripped the sword tighter as he began to feel the rage building in him. Somewhere in the back of his mind a memory came forth of the two weaknesses the sword possessed. First, it could not kill, and second, it would not revive a single life more than one time.
The sword called to him again.
No! Angrily, he thrust the traitorous sword in the hard, unforgiving earth and turned back to Rin. He could hear Kazuo approaching with Lord Masahiro and the guards now. He looked down at Rin's pale grey face and took a deep breath, trying to gain control of himself once more. It is better this way. He tried to convince himself as he took another deep cleansing breath. His heart ached with every breath, and he found that he was actually used to the feeling of late. Somehow, Rin was now in his arms as he gazed down at her, caressing her cheek with one long claw.
These… feelings… weaken me. It is better that she is dead. She was a traitor. He rationalized even as he brushed a stray lock of ebony hair from her brow.
She gave her life for me. His heart reminded him.
I…love her. I will accept that. But she betrayed me. She… Anguish filled him at the thought of his beautiful little Rin turning on him. He could not think of the moment she had come to be in his trust. He could not place the moment she had made herself indispensable to him. He puzzled over it. And, he could not think of a moment he had not loved her. She had claimed his heart, even if she had never known.
He let out a growl as he began to pace back and forth in the darkness cradling her in his arms. Tensaiga's now steady hum was pulling at him as the two sides of himself battled from within trying to gain control. She…I…wanted
It will never happen again. He vehemently promised himself as he furiously paced back and forth. Never! He promised the Fates. NEVER! He promised the memory of his father.
“Lord Sesshoumaru.” Lord Masahiro's deep voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he spun to find the Northern Lord standing over his nephew looking at the frozen corpse. Kazuo stood with the guards, his sky blue eyes staring at Rin's still form.
Lord Masahiro spoke again. “Lord Sesshoumaru, what has transpired here? How has my nephew come to be in this state?” He demanded harshly as he straightened and gave the demon lord his full attention. His fiery green gaze darted to Rin held tenderly in Lord Sesshoumaru's embrace. Green eyes narrowed.
“And why do you hold my nephew's ningen mate like that?” He asked, his voice shrewd with calculated thought.
Sesshoumaru merely stared at the Northern Lord. He did not care for the way the demon lord had referred to his Rin and was about to tell him so when another voice answered.
“M'lord, she is the Lady Rin.” Kazuo's calming voice came steadily from the darkness. “And, she is the wielder of the blow that killed Lord Kane,…sacrificing her own life as she dealt it.” He finished the short explanation.
Lord Masahiro's eyebrows rose with understanding as he gazed at the young woman in the silver haired demon's arms, and then turned and sneered down at his dead nephew. “Despicable creature. He has died with dishonor.”
“Why do you not just…?” But the Tiger demon's question died as his eyes lit upon the glint of steel in the darkness and made out a sword protruding from the earth. Green eyes darted back to Rin's pale face with sudden understanding. If this young woman was Lord Sesshoumaru's ward, and the rumors of how she came to be with the demon lord were true, then the sword would not revive her again. It was told that the sword would only call back a soul but one time.
One more look at the way the demon lord pointedly ignored the sword and cradled the girl answered all of his questions. The demon lord had now truly lost the only being in this world he cherished, and the one object that had even the slightest hope of returning her to him was useless.
Masahiro met Lord Sesshoumaru's cold golden gaze briefly before turning to the guards. “Bring him.” He commanded shortly as he waved absently to the solid mass that was Kane before making his way back to the palace. “Lord Sesshoumaru, I would have a word with you in one hour in my study.” He stated as he continued up the path and then turned the corner, out of sight.
Lord Sesshoumaru eyed Kazuo for several moments before speaking. The panther demon stood waiting for Sesshoumaru's command. He had become a loyal friend these past few months, and it gave Sesshoumaru pause to think that for a brief moment when he was battling Kane, that he had believed Kazuo had been trying to aid Kane. But that had not been the case. He had been trying to save Rin. But he found himself unclear as to why.
“Why did you try to stop me from killing the tiger?” He asked, the words spoken in a casual, bored tone. He stood unmoving as he waited for the panther's answer.
Sky blue eyes met golden as the snowy haired panther demon straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin. “I smelled the Life Mate marks on Lady Rin and knew his death would end her life as well.” He answered matter-of-factly.
Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose slightly. “Why did that matter to you?”
“I spoke briefly with the Lady and found that she was damaged…mute. I knew of your feelings for…” Kazuo stumbled over his words. “I knew of your anger over her…that is…she had been unable to explain herself. I did not wish for you to regret….” Kazuo let out a breath as he halted his explanation, and hoped that he had not overly angered the powerful demon.
Sesshoumaru blinked slowly. Mute? Perhaps. But, even so…
“She betrayed me. For that I would have killed her myself.” He hissed angrily as he began to stalk off towards the palace. To Kazuo, it sounded as though the stoic demon were trying to convince himself of this truth. Sesshoumaru paused when he reached Kazuo's side, the barest hint of a breeze fluttering through the long silver strands of hair at his back. “You have shown great loyalty and honor in your actions.” He toned in his smooth emotionless voice. “I acknowledge you, Lord Kazuo, leader of the central panther demon tribe, as a member of my pack. Do you accept my acknowledgement?” He held out a clawed hand.
Lord Kazuo stood open mouthed for only a moment before speaking in a voice hoarse with emotion. “I accept your acknowledgement, Lord Sesshoumaru, ruler of the western lands. Brother.” He reached out and clasped Sesshoumaru's arm from the elbow, Sesshoumaru doing the same. Power surged through their grip as the pact was sealed. A strange throbbing was suddenly present all around him, but he was too stunned to pay it much mind.
Sesshoumaru nodded once before disappearing into a ball of light and streaking away, Rin still clutched in his tender embrace.
Lord Kazuo stood alone in the darkness for several moments blinking in shock and feeling the overwhelming sense of honor that had just been bestowed upon him. At that moment, he swore his fealty to the Western Lord. He would stand by his new brother's side tomorrow night and give his silent blessing and approval as Lord Sesshoumaru gave the final mark to the Lady Kasumi and became rightful ruler of the Northern Lands as well as the West.
Kazuo could not help the jerk his heart gave at the thought of the Lady Kasumi. No matter where his loyalties were, he could not help the ache in his heart, or the cry for mercy his soul seemed to let out every time he thought of his lost love.
He turned to walk back up to the palace when he felt it. The strange tingling through his spine, the odd throbbing that was nagging at the back of his mind made him turn and he found the source of the sensation. The great fang, Tensaiga, was protruding from the ground, forgotten. He felt the sword's aura pulse as he approached and wondered what it was trying to do.
Strange. I had not noticed it before But a thought suddenly occurred to him. He had not felt it until Lord Sesshoumaru acknowledged him as pack. The bond of the pack must allow me to feel the fang's power. A power that only the great Dog Demon pack could sense and a power only one specific Inu-Taiyokai could wield. But why was the sword now protruding form the ground, its pulse ignored. He was fairly certain that Lord Sesshoumaru had felt it. Why, the sword was practically humming! He knew the tale of the sword, and he knew that Lord Sesshoumaru had indeed revived Lady Rin when she was no more than a child and that the sword would only return a soul to the living but once.
What is the sword trying to…? But the query died instantly as realization struck him and suddenly Lord Sesshoumaru's blatant disregard for the sword was apparent.
The Tensaiga wants Kane's life restored.
“Because I want revenge!” Lord Masahiro roared. He paced the length of his study in obvious frustration as he argued with the Western Lord. Energy radiated from him as he paced, ripples of an elemental power shimmered around him, and Lord Sesshoumaru was reminded of how powerful the old demon really was. He was an alpha tiger demon. He was also TaiYoukai, and a fire cat. Kane had inherited that particular family trait.
The tiger demon had been trying unsuccessfully for quite a while to convince Lord Sesshoumaru to use the Tensaiga and revive his nephew. No amount of attempted convincing had swayed the stubborn lord so far and he was becoming rather exasperated.
Lord Sesshoumaru's ebony eyebrow rose at his outburst and Masahiro felt a slight tinge of triumph. Good. He is finally intrigued.
He sighed and began pacing the length of his study while he mentally constructed his new reasoning. “He killed my brother.” He stopped and looked up into cold golden eyes. “Lord Kazuo tells me that he attempted to murder my daughter.” He took up his pacing once more. “I want revenge for all of the wrongs he has committed.”
“Revenge will not bring you peace, Lord Masahiro.” Sesshoumaru stated calmly as he watched the Northern Lord. The pacing demon had a strange look in his eyes. A look full of premeditation. But there was something more. There was desperation. Normally he would be curious of the motives behind the Northern Lord's apparent scheming, but he was simply not in the mood for any of this at the moment.
“But, revenge will bring me some satisfaction. Some closure.” Masahiro argued.
Sesshoumaru growled inwardly, anger at the thought of the despicable creature threatening to suffocate him. He also wished revenge on the tiger. He wanted to see the tiger revived over and over to be killed again and again in some inventively gruesome way each time. He wanted to tear the tiger limb from limb, but not for his treachery. No. His thoughts were only of Rin and how Kane had taken her from him, turned her against him. For that he wished the tiger could suffer a thousand brutal deaths. But, such a fate would not change the fact that Rin had betrayed him. And it would not bring her back to him either.
Outwardly, the dog demon merely stared at Lord Masahiro, not even fluttering an eyelash. “I will not waste my time.” He stated simply, as though stating the weather.
“If not for me, then for…your future mate.” Masahiro pleaded, and Sesshoumaru could not ignore the feeling that the Northern lord's words were laced with a double meaning.
Golden eyes narrowed on the tiger. He nodded once.
Several hours had passed since the grueling events of the night and dawn was fast approaching. The entire palace was buzzing with gossip and the guests all awake and eager for the day to unfold and shed light on the unfortunate events.
Lord Masahiro led the way to the ceremony room, Lord Kazuo and Lord Sesshoumaru following in silent determination. As they approached, Sesshoumaru could see that the room was bathed in orange fire light and he detected the scent of perfume in the heated air. He slowed as they approached the entrance, his reservations about what he had agreed to do weighing down his every step. Masahiro disappeared into the entrance followed closely by Kazuo, and Sesshoumaru found himself hesitating. He knew what he would see in that room. His anger at Rin's betrayal had boiled down to acceptance, but his heart still ached at knowing he would never be able to confront her. He would never be able to forgive her. He would never be able to tell her how he felt for her. He angrily pushed the useless thoughts from his mind and stepped into the room. It had no windows, but the fire pit in the middle of the room blazed with a fierce fire that cast sharp edged, flickering shadows across the walls. The only other objects in the rooms were the two covered bodies of the dead.
Sesshoumaru's eyes landed on the smaller form covered by a sheet and instantly averted his gaze away from the sight. He was suddenly lost in the moment someone had pried her body from his embrace. He had arrived at the palace still cradling her in his arms and had stood unmoving for several moments lost in bittersweet memories of the past as servants began to flutter around him trying to convince him to hand her over.
Sesshoumaru caught Lord Masahiro's gaze, and snapped out of his thoughts. He was not unaware of the fact that just as his eyes met the Northern lord's, the tiger's eyes darted nervously away from him and went to kneel beside the larger form pulling the sheet away. Sesshoumaru caught the scent of perfume once more and knew that the bodies had already been washed and prayed over in preparation for burial. He fought against the bile rising in his throat at the thought of some servant washing the vulnerable, naked body of his Rin.
Enough! He commanded himself inwardly. Get on with the task at hand and be done!
Swiftly, Sesshoumaru moved to stand over the lifeless grey form of Kane. He drew the pulsing Tensaiga in one swift motion and swept it over Kane's body. The sword pulsed in his hand and the salivating guardians of the underworld appeared instantly, tugging at the soul binding chains they held in their clutches and laughing maniacally at Sesshoumaru. Smoothly, effortlessly, emotionlessly, Sesshoumaru sliced through the creatures and then sheathed Tensaiga at his side. In shrieks only Sesshoumaru could hear, the creatures disintegrated, and then Kane was engulfed in a red light. Sesshoumaru turned and headed for the door without a word, but as he turned to look back at the filth he had just resurrected, he was shocked to see Lord Masahiro and Lord Kane huddled in anticipation, not around Kane, but around Rin.
Kane jerked to a sitting position as he took in his surroundings. His green eyes wild and confused. When his eyes landed on Sesshoumaru, they shot to the sword at his side, and then to the other figure lying unmoving at the other side of the chamber. He began to laugh uncontrollably. The guards surrounded him swiftly, restraining the demon. “Fool!” He screeched and then continued to laugh.
Lord Sesshoumaru frowned in confusion when Lord Masahiro showed absolutely no interest in the nephew he had been so desperate to have revived.
“I don't understand. I was so certain.” Masahiro muttered as he leaned over Rin's lifeless form. Lord Kazuo's shoulders slumped as though in defeat.
“What goes on here?” Sesshoumaru demanded coldly. But he would not get his answers just yet. He felt it only seconds before it happened.
Power burst through the room, a bright light engulfing Rin's body, and then instantly was gone. Lord Masahiro had been hurled away from the girl and Kazuo had been forced back against the wall by the sheer force of the power. Sesshoumaru moved forward, his eyes locked on his dead ward's face. No longer were there jagged scars across her throat, her face was smooth, her brow whole. Kane's laughter had halted, and now he was pleading in short pathetic whimpers, “No, no, no, no…” And then Sesshoumaru heard it.
It was faint at first, the softest of sounds.
Sesshoumaru's breath caught as he stepped closer, unable to believe what he was seeing.
Ebony eyelashes fluttered open and a perfect hazel gaze locked with his own shocked golden eyes.
For the second time that early morning Sesshoumaru found himself standing, unmoving, in Lord Masahiro's study watching the northern lord pace back and forth. This time the tiger was radiating excitement.
“Amazing. Simply astounding.” He muttered again as he turned and marched back across the room.
He stopped and turned his attention to Sesshoumaru. “Are you not happy about this m'lord?”
Sesshoumaru merely stared at him.
Lord Masahiro began to pace once more. “It occurred to me that although the great fang would not call back the Lady's soul, her soul was bound to my nephew's by mark. When master Kazuo explained that the young woman was your ward, I assumed you would want…”
“Enough.” Sesshoumaru commanded, his golden gaze growing molten with a surge of emotion.
Masahiro continued on as though he had not heard him. “…want her revived. And so I thought that perhaps if you called back my nephew's soul, her bound soul would follow. Most remarkable! They are both completely healed and what's even more remarkable is that the marks…”
“Enough.” Sesshoumaru commanded again, this time more forcefully as his gaze rose to the ceiling.
But the tiger kept right on chattering excitedly. “…the marks seem to have been `healed' as well! Her soul was pulled back with his, and when the sword healed him, it healed her as well, and then affectively severed their bond! They are no longer marked as life mates! They are whole and in their completely natural states. Just astounding!”
Sesshoumaru reached out casually and snatched the demon lord by the collar as he paced passed him and hauled the tiger up to face him eye to eye. “Why did you not just explain you theory?” he growled lowly.
“You refused to hear talk of the lady.” Masahiro answered honestly.
Sesshoumaru grit his teeth, his gaze still locked with Lord Masahiro's. “They are both traitors.” He hissed between clenched teeth.
“You love her.” Masahiro toned softly in an all knowing, fatherly voice. Gone from his voice was the excitement of the miracle. A stubborn, knowing looked filled his gaze as he steadily returned the gaze that was fully meant to be intimidating.
Sesshoumaru felt the swirl of emotions building within him from the moment her trusting hazel eyes had filled with life and lit upon him once more. He struggled to contain the explosion that threatened to rip through him as the Northern lord's words echoed through his mind. “You love her.” Not a question, but a firm accusation.
“M'lord, I have a proposition for you…” Lord Masahiro began, but Sesshoumaru did not hear him.
He sneered, letting out a growl as he gathered in his power, pushed the demon away from him, and vanished.
Rin had insisted upon walking, so finally Lord Kazuo had put her on her feet and lead her to her rooms to rest. He had left her only after Lord Masahiro's healer had examined her in amazement and she had insisted that she was perfectly alright. Now she stood at her window looking out into the light of dawn. Her mind was numb and she felt nothing. She continued to replay the horrid night in the forest when she had thought Sesshoumaru had been killed. The glimpse of his slaughter played over and over in her mind's eye as she tried to remind herself that he was alive. But then another moment crept into her thoughts. Fevered kisses and hungry caresses captured her mind and she succumbed to them. She remembered them. She remembered every blissful moment she had been granted with him. Every savory kiss, every single breath, every heartbeat. She remembered it all and she sighed with relief as tears streamed down her cheeks. When Kane had marked her, she had known that something was amiss. These memories had been faded, almost as though they had been nothing more than nearly forgotten dreams from long ago. She had remembered, and yet she could not recall the memories. She let out a small gasp as a choked sob escaped her. Her heart ached with relief. At least she had her memories. Every detail. At least she had that much of her Sesshoumaru.
His cold golden eyes haunted her mind as she thought of how he had accused her of betrayal. Hurt and mistrust glared out at her as his gaze scorched her. She hadn't been able to utter so much as a whispered denial. He hated her for his belief in her betrayal. He hated her, she realized, because of the vulnerability he had displayed by trusting her enough to grant her selfish desires of the flesh. Surely he had found this way to tear her from deaths silent and final grip to punish her at his leisure.
“Rin…?” A small whiny voice from the door interrupted the torture of her thoughts and she turned, immediately recognizing it.
Master Jaken stood at the door staring in at her, his huge bug eyes glistening bright yellow with unshed tears.
“Master Jaken! You're alive!” Rin squealed and ran to the little toad scooping him up into an embrace and twirling with excitement. “He told me you were dead!” She cried as she hugged her long lost friend and tutor.
“Rin! I'm so pleased you're alive! *Gah!* I mean…let me down! Foolish girl! Agh! Put me down!” Jaken squawked. Rin dropped the squirming demon with a thunk and smiled wickedly down at him, touched at his almost happiness at seeing her, but he was again looking up at her, his face having become serious. He studied her for a moment, his watery bug eyes examining her face thoughtfully and then lowered his head suddenly, his hands diving into his robes in search of something. “Ah!” He pulled out a small satchel and handed it over to the curious young woman.
“Eh…for you.” He placed the small satchel in her awaiting hands and as she brought it up to look at it, she caught the scent of sweet cherry blossoms. Slowly she opened it and smiled as she saw the delicate pinks and whites of the dried flower petals. The little toad looked down at his feet and Rin was sure he was blushing. “The Master destroyed all but this one. I kept the blossom as long as I could, but it…died, so I dried it and kept it…” He trailed off as a loud sniff interrupted him and Rin's heart jerked.
Master Jaken mourned me!
“Thank you Master Jaken.” She said solemnly as her old friend looked up at her once more, his mask of annoyance firmly back in place, before heading for the door. “I suspect Lord Sesshoumaru will be needing a bath after that despicable tiger clawed at him and bled all over him! And he will no doubt be in a foul temper now that he has revived the vile creature. Agh! And just a day before his final marking ritual.” The little toad kept on prattling as he scuttled off out the door and down the hall.
The final mark! Rin was stunned. She had been under the impression that she and Kane were merely here to visit his Northern relatives and that more peace talks were occurring. But that was just one more thing Kane had lied about. It was clear now, that he had meant to use her against her lord.
Married. The thought settled heavily in her stomach as she headed to the bath house, eager to wash away the heavy scent of the lavender Kane had made her use to disguise her human scent. She sighed as she entered the steamy bath house. It was still very early in the morning so she would not have to wait her turn. Idly she sweetened the hot water with the delicate petals Master Jaken had given her and, discarding her robes, she sank into the warmth of the water and allowed its comfort to seep into her.
It was nearly an hour before she finally returned to her rooms and began to gather her few belongings with a new sense of determination. She had made a decision while soaking in the heat of the cleansing bath. She assumed that the treaty with the central region would be reinstated now that she was alive once more, but she would not marry Lord Kazuo. She felt certain that he was an honorable demon who would make an agreeable mate, but she had made her decision. She could not stay and watch Lord Sesshoumaru marry another and she could not ever, ever be mated to another demon. She would rather never have a mate than to lose even a moment of her memories of Lord Sesshoumaru again. And to consider a human mate would be cruel, for she could never love another. No, she was leaving and she was taking her precious memories with her. Her heart, she had gladly given to Sesshoumaru a long time ago, but her memories were hers once more. Tears began to well in her eyes and blur her vision as she thought of him hating her, thinking of her as a traitor. But, she could not go to him. It would be better to just leave.
“Where are you going?” A low voice asked softly from the shadows of the room. Startled, Rin whirled around to see her visitor knowing the voice as if it were her very own. Lord Sesshoumaru stepped from the shadows and stared emotionlessly down at her, waiting for her response.
He had somehow found himself in her rooms after leaving Lord Masahiro's study, but it had been empty when he had arrived. He had nearly fled from the room as soon as he realized that he could still escape seeing her again, but his aching heart and angry pride had refused to allow it. He wanted answers. So, he had sunk into the darkened corner of the room to await her return.
Rin raised her chin slightly as she met his gaze, a single tear sliding down her cheek. “Anywhere I want M'lord.” She answered with the first stubborn response that popped into her mind, her heart in her throat.
Has he come to kill me? She wondered as she took in the sight of him standing before her.
He stood tall, his usual masculine air about him, a pale silver God with golden eyes that would haunt her for the rest of her life. He stood in a white robe, loosely tied at his waist, his hair falling all around him. His feet were bare, and the pale skin of his well toned chest visible at the opening of the robe. She tried not to notice just how beautiful he was. She tried to remind herself that he now hated her. But, she couldn't help it. She yearned for him to love her, even just a little. She watched as his eyebrow rose at her defiant answer and suddenly something in her snapped and anger began to flood her. She felt a new rush of energy wash over her as she straightened her shoulders and stood her full height, her face rose proudly to his, her fiery green gaze locking with cool gold.
How dare he even ask! What does it matter to him where I am going!?
She exploded.
“How dare you hate me! How dare you accuse me of treachery! I have given you my whole life! I have given you my unconditional love! I have held my head high as you prepared to trade me for a treaty and I even gave you my…my…” She began to blush as she recalled their steamy encounter in the hot spring. “I loved you!” She cried as she fought to control the shaking that had begun within her core.
He stood his ground, unmoved by her outburst. She is defensive. A sign of guilt. His logical mind concluded instantly. But his heart longed for her angry denial to be the truth. His heart longed to pull her into his arms and tell her he believed her, but his wounded pride combined with his shattered trust wouldn't allow it. Fool! All of the events tell me she has betrayed me! He reminded himself.
“I loved you!” She cried again when he did not react. She knew he never outwardly showed his feelings, but some reaction, some small hint that he had any feelings at all would have made her feel a little better, but he stood there, as always, unmoving and uncaring.
Anger and hurt filled her and she couldn't contain it. She rushed at him, her fists clenched and ready to pound on his unfeeling heart. “Say something!” She screamed as she flung herself at him, but he caught her wrists before they ever met their mark. She expected to be flung across the room, but he pulled her against him instead and continued to hold her gaze, saying nothing. “I hate you.” She whispered, and she hoped that she had put the venom in her voice and hatred in her heated gaze that she had wanted him to see and hear. Inwardly she gagged on the lie and wondered what had made her say it, but it was too late.
She stopped struggling and stared up into his eyes, her heart in her throat. Surely he will kill me now. He stared at her for what seemed like an excruciatingly long time and then lowered his face to hers, his warm lips achingly close to her own quivering mouth.
“You lie.” He whispered, his breath a hot caress over her trembling lips.
She gasped at his response, her heart in her throat.
“I can smell a lie.” He whispered over her soft lips. “You do not hate me.”
He crushed his mouth to hers roughly, stifling her gasp of surprise.
Rin stiffened in shock and tried to struggle out of his grasp, but his grip was like solid stone. Surely he was being cruel now. Surely this was part of the torture he had planned for her punishment.
He pulled away from her and shoved her hard against the wall. “But you avoid an out right denial of your betrayal.” He growled fiercely.
Hazel eyes flashed with anger. “Why should I deny anything, M'lord? You could never be mistaken.” She hissed sarcastically. How could he think such a thing? Her heart cried.
His grip tightened on her arms as he leaned into her. The sweet scent of cherry blossoms intoxicated him and he had to fight to keep control of himself. He had forgotten the power she held over his senses.
“Tell me.” He growled across the skin of her neck as he grazed the pale flesh with his fangs. “Did the two of you laugh about how the two of you planned to deceive me?” He felt a shiver run through her and could detect her heartbeat increasing. Her breath caught at his either his words or at the sensation of his fangs at her throat, but either way he felt satisfaction at her fear. He pressed his body into hers and pushed a knee between her legs. “Did he take you often? The tiger's are known to enjoy a little pain with their pleasure, did you learn to enjoy pain?” He hissed against her throat and then nicked the skin.
The scent of fear spiked in the air and he suddenly found that he was sickened by it.
“Stop.” She whispered as she struggled against him.
“Did you laugh together about that night in the forest? Shall I give you another reason to laugh?” He hissed as his mind forced the memory of their passion to the front of his thoughts. He licked her pulse as she quivered in his grasp.
“STOP!” She screamed and he could smell her tears now. He let her go and thrust himself away from her suddenly gasping for breath. He turned on her once more, this time, hurt and confusion overshadowing the anger.
“WHY?” He shouted at her. “WHY!?”
She tried to close herself off from him. She tried to convince herself that if he could believe such a thing of her that he didn't deserve her love, but she couldn't. Gods help me, I love him!
The look in his eyes, so raw with pain, broke her heart. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her throat tightened as she instinctually reached out for him. “M'lord…”She choked. She took half a step and suddenly she was in his arms, not painfully or angrily, but tenderly. He buried his face in her hair and breathed in her sweet familiar scent as he held her, relishing the feel of her alive and in his embrace once more.
“Why…?” He whispered as he held her sobbing form.
“Never…” She sobbed brokenly. “I would never…” Her arms went around his neck and held him closer still and then his lips were hungrily tasting hers as though he were starved for her touch. In truth, he had been.
His kiss was her hope. She could taste his willingness to forgive in his tender touch and her heart gave joy.
When he finally broke the kiss they were both gasping, their hearts pounding. She looked up into his honey eyes and searched for some sign that he could believe her to be innocent. Forgiveness was just not enough. He had to believe her. He had to trust her. In his eyes she saw a storm of pain and desire and knew that he still had his doubts. Slowly she pulled away from him and backed away, her eyes never leaving his.
He held her gaze for only a moment longer before he vanished.