InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Of Pleasure ❯ Escape is Futile ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Sesshoumaru was furious! He went to bed, last night the happiest man in the world because he thought that he had finally won Kagome but, when he woke up this morning his happy countenance was quickly extinguished when he realized that he was alone. Kagome was gone. He had searched the entire mansion but she wasn't there. She had

taken off. `How dare she!' he thought, overcome with rage. `If she thinks that she's getting away from me that easily, then she is sadly mistaken.' he thought, wondering how he was going to punish her, before kissing her into oblivion.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kagome sighed as she peeked around the corner to see if anyone was in the hallway. She was in luck, it was empty. She breathed a sigh of relief before stepping into said hallway and making her way to class. She would surely be late but she could handle that. She just couldn't risk seeing Sesshoumaru right now. She had been dodging him all morning and knew that if he caught her now, she'd be more than a few minutes late to class. Hell, she might not even make it there.

`Why, oh why do I have to be so weak against him?' she asked herself. `I should have stayed to talk with Inuyasha.' So caught up was she in her thoughts, she never saw her silver-haired temptation begin stalking toward her until it was almost too late. It was his eyes that alerted her. She could always feel his stare when he looked at her. This time was no different. She felt him now and did not even bother to look up. She just turned and ran. She swerved around a corner into another hallway and darted into an empty lab room. She prayed to God that he wasn't turning the corner to see the door whoosh shut. She quickly hid in a supply closet in the back of the classroom. She sighed in relief as the minutes passed and no one came in but stiffen quickly as she heard the creak of the door opening.

`It would be just like that bastard to psych me out.' she thought to herself. She held her breath and waited. Finally she heard the door close. Waiting for about three more minutes, she came out of the closet. As she was heading toward the door, she felt him. She tried to run but he grabbed her and pulled her roughly against himself, putting his hand over her mouth effectively silencing her anticipated scream. She was struggling, trying to

break free and arousing him in the process. He pulled her even more firmly against his body so that she could feel his erection. She immediately stilled. Breathing hard he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Did you really think that you could escape? That I wouldn't come after you? Did you think I would let you go?" She remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

" I'm going to let you go now. Don't even think of running." she nodded her head. As soon as he let go she made a break for the door. She got about two steps before he tackled her from behind. She hit the ground hard and lay there for a moment before roughly being turned on her back and straddled. She glared up angrily at her attacker.

"Did you have to tackle me?" she asked. "You act like I'm an escaped convict." he smiled down at her.

"Do you always make such strange analogies?"

She continued to glare at him before beginning her struggle anew. She twisted and squirmed beneath him trying to get free. He growled low in his throat. "You're only making me harder Kagome, so unless you want me to fuck you right here I suggest you stop."

" I suggest you let me go." she shot back.

"As you wish." he said and un-straddled her. She scrambled up and once again tried to run for the door but was once again stopped by who else but Sesshoumaru. She huffed audibly. "This is getting old. I won't ask again Sesshoumaru. Let. Me. Go." He just laughed.

"Don't think that I'm going to let you run away again. Not this time. I will never let you go Kagome, never." then he kissed her and held her tight. It was then Inuyasha chose to walk in.

"What the hell is going on here!"