InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Stand ❯ One Night Stand ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Night Stand

A/N: This was my first attempt at a lemon. Alterfano offered to beta this for me and offer some suggestions. So I have done a little editing. I hope that you like this. And, just to let you know, this is for my more adult readers and has been rated as such, so don't come crying to me about being offended by the content. If you don't like lemons, then don't read this one. It's as simple as that.

Inuyasha sat at his corner booth in the back of the hotel bar. He raised his glass of Jack Daniels neat and took a small sip, letting the fiery liquid roll on his tongue as he savored the taste and bite of it. He let out a small sigh and allowed himself relax, slightly. It had been a long day and the hot tub in his suite was calling to him.

But, first, some food and a little down time. He had chosen this particular booth because it put his back to a wall and it allowed him a full view of the bar and restaurant entrance on the first floor of his hotel. Even with his illusion in place, old habits died hard. He didn't like being somewhere where his back was exposed to attack. He waited for his meal with a bored detachment, watching the other patrons of the restaurant come and go.

Taking another sip of his whiskey, he saw her over the rim of his glass as she entered the restaurant. After a moment, he realized that he had forgotten to breathe. Taking a slow, deep breath, he watched as she made her way to the bar. 'Gods, she's beautiful!' he thought in appreciation. The woman in question was tall and slim, but not skinny. She was dressed conservatively, but her clothing did little to hide her figure. Well formed calves and shapely ankles could be seen below the hem of the business skirt that she wore so well. Her blouse was tucked in flat against her stomach to reveal that she had no extra weight around her midsection. Her breasts seemed well formed, but it was hard to tell at this distance and with her clothing on.

Inuyasha shook his head slightly to clear it. 'Now, that last thought wasn't very nice!' he reprimanded himself. Regardless of his chagrin at thinking about this woman in such a fashion, his gaze was drawn back to her as he finished making his assessment of her looks. Her hair was dark, so black that it shimmered. He noticed her hand as she ran her fingers through her hair. It looked delicate, her long fingers sensitive and, more importantly, unadorned. She tossed her head, slightly, to throw her hair back over her shoulder. This allowed him a glimpse of her face and again his breath caught.

'She's unreal!' he thought. 'Man! I have got to talk to her.' Then, he groaned. Small talk was not his forte. He tended to get tongue tied when he tried to start conversations, especially with a woman as lovely as this.

Fortunately, fate intervened on his behalf. A slightly drunk, overly amorous man approached the woman. Inuyasha recognized him as one of the stars of a local pro baseball team who was notorious for womanizing.

He growled softly and his hackles rose as he saw this man place an overly familiar hand on the woman's shoulder and trail his fingers down her arm as he said something to her. Her face flushed and she leaned away from the man's hand as she made a reply.

The man's face flushed as whatever she said sunk in. "What do you mean saying 'No, thank you.' to me!? There are girls all over this town that would love to take me up on the chance I just gave you!" he said loudly.

Inuyasha moved quickly. Fortunately, it was dimly lit in the restaurant for atmosphere and that helped hide just how fast he was moving. He came up just behind the man and said, "Maybe you should go looking for one of them, then, and stop hassling my date." As he looked at the startled woman, he winked and mouthed, "Play along." His heart almost skipped a beat as he saw the relief in her eyes and her slight nod.

As the man rounded on him, he smiled at the woman for the drunk's benefit. "Sorry, darling. I got here early and got us a corner booth. I didn't see you come in." He held out his hand for her. "It's back here."

As she took his hand, the drunken ball player's brain finally got into gear. "Hey, wait a minute! You can't just barge in over here and take over this piece of ... urk!" His voice was cut off by a hand around his throat.

Inuyasha's voice was low and very dangerous. "Watch what you say about my lady friend. You might offend her." Then he smiled a very nasty smile. "Or worse, you might offend me. Now, why don't you just trot off and find one of those girls you were bragging about earlier while you are still in shape to enjoy their company." He relaxed his fingers slowly and taking the woman's hand again, turned his back to the somewhat more sober ball player, leading her to the booth in the back.

As she sat down she thanked him. "You’re a life saver. Thank you."

Inuyasha smiled at her. "It was my pleasure. Guys like him give the rest of us a bad name."

She sighed. "Too true." she agreed. Then she smiled at him. "But that makes guys like you into heroes."

This time, Inuyasha's heart did skip a beat as he got a really good look at her eyes as she smiled at him. 'Down boy!' he thought, but it wasn't easy. Those eyes could take a man's breath away, dark and warm with just a hint of mischief in their depths. He felt himself blushing. "I'm no hero." he protested.

"And that just proves how much of one you are." replied the woman. She smiled again and the mischief in her eyes suddenly became more than just a hint. "It just occurred to me that you might want to know the name of your date. I'm Higurashi Kagome."

"Date?" Inuyasha was at a momentary loss; then he remembered what he had said to the guy at the bar. "Oh, yeah, date." He flushed again as she looked at him with amusement. "Okay, Higurashi-san. I'm Inuyasha."

"Inuyasha? That's an interesting name." Kagome looked at him thoughtfully. "Don't you have a family name to go with that?"

Inuyasha snorted. "Nope. Inuyasha has always been enough."

"Then call me Kagome."

And that was how it began. Inuyasha invited her to stay at his table and ordered her dinner. They talked, joked, and laughed all the way through the meal. When the bill came, Inuyasha reached for it and his wallet. Kagome protested and insisted on paying for hers, but he wouldn't hear of it. "Besides," he pointed out, "you are my date and I'm supposed to pay."

"But, it's not really a date," she protested.

His smile faded. "Sorry." Inuyasha said. "I got caught up in the act. We were having such a good time, I guess I forgot."

There was an awkward moment of silence, before Kagome cleared her throat and said, "Actually, this has been one of the best times I have ever had." She smiled as she saw the smile return to Inuyasha's face. "Maybe it didn't start as a date, but I think it’s ending as one."

Inuyasha's smile faded again and he mumbled something.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha? Was it something I said?"

Inuyasha sighed. "I said, 'I don't want it to end.'" He looked at her and let some of the heat that had been building in him through the meal show in his dark eyes. "I don't want this night to end." he said in a husky voice.

He watched her bow her head and swallow, then look back into his eyes. He saw some of the same heat reflected there. "I don't want it to end, either."

With a smile and a nod, he stood and took her hand to help her stand. Then lacing her fingers with his, they walked to the elevator to go up to his room.

As he got to the door of his suite, he paused and turned to face Kagome. He unlaced his fingers from her hand and ran his hand up her arm until it rested on the nape of her neck. Her hair felt like silk over his hand. He gently pulled her head to his but didn't kiss her. Instead, he touched her forehead with his and asked her softly, "Are you sure about this?"

She smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Yes." she whispered back.

Inuyasha swallowed and took a deep breath. "Then there is something I need to show you."

Kagome suddenly giggled. "I should hope so!"

Inuyasha flushed and said, "Not that! Something else." He opened the door to his suite and led her inside. He hung the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the doorknob and locked the door. Then he turned back to her and said, "Don't scream."

"Why would I scream?" she asked and then he dropped the illusion spell. Her mouth dropped open and she stared at him. Finally, she closed her mouth and asked in wonder, "What are you? Where did you get those ears?"

"I am an inu-youkai hanyou."

Kagome started laughing.

Of all the reactions, this was probably the last one he expected. "And just what is so funny?" he asked crossly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Inuyasha. But that sure explains your name."

Her reply startled him and he felt himself chuckling with her.
"You don't mind?"

"No." she replied. She smiled, softly. "If anything, you are even more handsome now than before."

That statement brought out a look of grateful adoration. "Thank you." he said, softly. The adoration in his gaze faded to be replaced by something more primal. "Kagome." he said and took a step toward her. Her eyes were alight with a passion of their own as she stepped in to meet him. They did not fling themselves into each others arms. Instead, they stopped mere inches from each other. Inuyasha bent his head and deeply inhaled her warm scent. It was intoxicating and sent his brain reeling. Placing his hands on her shoulders to steady himself, he drew her in for a gentle kiss. As he tasted her lips, he could feel an urgency growing inside of him. Her response fed that urgency. Breaking the kiss, he moved his face to her hair and inhaled her scent again, like an addict who couldn’t get enough. He gave a low moan and began kissing her jaw line, just below her ear. He heard her breath catch and felt a tightening in his genitals. He could feel the muscles tighten at the base of his penis as his erection began to build. His gentle kisses and licks made their way back to her mouth. He parted his lips slightly and touched her lower lip with his tongue, asking for entrance. She responded by touching his tongue with the tip of her own. Slowly, their tongues explored each other. He savored the taste of the inside of her mouth and shivered at the feel of her tongue against his. He felt her tongue slide up into his mouth and begin its own exploration. Her tongue stopped when it touched one of his fangs. He could feel her begin exploring it.

While the kiss deepened, Inuyasha ran his hands down her back, lightly drawing his claws down both sides of her spine. When he reached the base of her spine, he gently pulled her blouse out of the waistband of her skirt and put his hands under it. He felt her skin shiver under his hands and felt her body lean into his. Gently, he broke the kiss and leaned away from her, bringing his hands around to the front of her body. As he did this, he pulled her blouse the rest of the way free of the waistband and then removed his hands. He took a step backward and looked in her face. He raised a hand and, with the back of a knuckle, traced her jaw line.

"You are so incredibly beautiful."

As he leaned in to kiss Kagome again, his hands went to the top button of her blouse and he unbuttoned it. As he worked his way down, he felt her doing the same with his shirt. When he was done, he leaned away from her again as he slipped the blouse off her shoulders. His eyes went to her breasts, still covered by her bra. 'Damn!' he thought. 'They look as good as I thought they would.'

Looking into her eyes, he knelt slowly until he had one knee on the floor. This put his head at the perfect level. He kissed the tops of her breasts and felt her shiver. Then he took his tongue and traced the top of the bra. This caused Kagome to moan and put one of her hands into his hair. She firmly gripped the back of his head and pulled it into her breasts.

Inuyasha had had enough of the bra. He reached up and grabbed the straps, pulling them off her shoulders. Then he reached around to Kagome's back and undid it. Kagome disengaged her hands from his hair long enough for the bra to fall free and expose her breasts. Inuyasha marveled as they fell free of their restraint. They were full and rounded, soft and firm at the same time. Her nipples stood at rigid attention, calling out to his mouth. He wasted no time heeding the call. He gently sucked on one of her nipples, running his tongue over and around it.

Again, his hands were busy while he suckled at her breast. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of the skirt and began pulling it down. Then he stopped when he realized he hadn't unbuttoned it yet. Finding the clasp, he undid it and finished what he had started, hooking his thumb in the band of her panties for good measure.

The scent of her sex when the panties came free of her vagina hit his nose in a rush. He had been able to smell her before, but with the cloth out of the way he could get the full effect of her scent. He released her nipple and began a series of small kisses down her body. He stopped at her patch of pubic hair and took in a deep breath of her arousal before continuing. Instead of kisses though, he ran his tongue down the groove between her thigh and her hip, just below her pubic hair. She gasped and shivered, clutching at the back of his head before moaning his name.

'Enough of this!' he thought as he suddenly stood. Before Kagome could react, he had picked her up, bridal style and was carrying her to the bed, kissing her as he carried her. He gently laid her on the bed and then straightened. Removing his pants and underwear in one swift motion, Inuyasha joined this woman of his dreams on the bed.

Her arms were around him and her lips sought his with a hunger that matched his own. Inuyasha's brain felt like it was going into overload. The feel of her lips; the taste of her mouth; the warmth of her body; the feel of her soft skin against his; all these things were enough to make his head reel, but add the scent of her body AND her arousal, it was driving him insane with need.

He began working his way down her body, kissing and nibbling as he went. Slowly, he worked his way to her vaginal lips. Gently, he inserted the tip of his tongue into the source of the scent that was driving him crazy. Slowly, he dragged his tongue up the inside of one of the folds of flesh, until he reached her clit. Giving it a quick lick, he felt Kagome's body stiffen under him. Smiling to himself, he quickly ran the tip of his tongue back down to the bottom of her labia and began to run his tongue up the opposite fold. By now he could feel Kagome thrashing on the bed.

When he reached her clit this time, he began to suck on it softly, probing it with his tongue, making circles around it as he sucked. He was rewarded with her panting and moaning. Then, he was hit with a sudden gush of aromatic fluid. He licked and sucked rapidly, savoring the taste and smell.

Slowly, he began to make his way back up her body, licking and nipping as he went. As he made his way up, he kept his chest and then his stomach against her clit, rubbing it with his skin. She arched her back and brought her labia against his stomach even harder, moaning his name loudly as she did this.

He finally reached her lips and their tongues began to battle again. Now, it was his erection that was rubbing Kagome's nether lips. He ground his pelvis against hers and was rewarded with a gasp and then a groan. He felt the flat of his penis slip into her opening, not entering her, but seating himself in between her folds. He growled as she began to buck her hips against his. Pushing himself up with one hand, he reached between their bodies and began positioning himself. He rubbed the length of her labia with the head of his shaft before giving a small thrust to put the head into her tight opening. Kagome threw her head back and gave a strangled cry. "Yes!"

Inuyasha began to move, making short, slow thrusts; each one slightly deeper than the last until he was completely inside of her. When he had reached his limit, he held still to give Kagome time to adjust to his size and to enjoy the feeling of her body around him.

He kissed her and began moving inside of her, pulling out until the rim of his head was at her opening and then slowly thrusting back into her body until his pelvis was against hers. At this point, he would make a slight tilt of his pelvis to grind the base of his shaft into her clit. She responded by pushing her pelvis against him in time to his thrusts. Inuyasha broke the kiss and bent his head to Kagome's breast, taking her nipple in his mouth. He began sucking it in time with his thrusts. Kagome's breath began to get short and her moans louder. She began calling his name and suddenly gave a low cry. Inuyasha felt her muscles tighten on his shaft and felt the sudden gush of hot liquid that let him know that she had orgasmed.

Now, he picked up the pace and began pumping into her at a steadily increasing pace. She responded with a series of cries at the end of each thrust. He felt his climax building and felt her walls begin to spasm. As she began to scream his name, he took his mouth from her nipple and quickly covered her mouth with his. At the same time, he felt himself explode inside of her.

It was too much and he cried out, calling her name as she was calling his. Then he collapsed into her arms and into her kisses.

They lay in each others’ arms for a few minutes, him on top of her. Then he rolled to one side, still holding her to him.

"That was... words can't describe it."

Kagome smiled at him with tired satisfaction. "I know what you mean. It was wonderful." She leaned in to kiss him lightly and then she yawned. "I'm going to sleep now." She snuggled into his arms. "Good night." she whispered.

Inuyasha leaned over and kissed her lightly. "Good night, Kagome." And then he too fell asleep.


Kagome woke up the next morning to the sun coming through the window of the hotel suite. She looked at her hanyou lover lying next to her and smiled. Then she looked at the alarm clock next to the bed.

"Inuyasha!" she shrieked.

Inuyasha sat up quickly with a snarl, ready for battle. "What's wrong, Kagome?!"

"You didn't set the alarm!" She jumped from the bed, looking for her clothes. "We're supposed to pick up the kids from my mom in 10 minutes!"

Inuyasha snorted as he watched Kagome hurry to put on her bra. "Calm down, Kagome!"

"Calm down? Calm down? We've got to get to my mother's house!" She had managed to get her bra on and was stepping into her panties.

Inuyasha chuckled and stepped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "No, we don't."

"What do you mean?"

"I called her yesterday and made arrangements for her to keep them a little longer."

Kagome looked at him with her jaw hanging open. She snapped it shut and huffed at him. "You could have told me last night!"

"And ruin the act? No way!" He grinned at her. "I know I was against the idea at first but it was fun, once I got into it."

"It was, wasn't it?” Kagome giggled. “We'll have to do it again."

Inuyasha reached for the back of her bra. "Who said it was over?"

A/N: Gotcha! I hope that you enjoyed this little tale. I really appreciate Alterfano’s help with this piece. She helped tweak this into a better story. This was my first attempt at a lemon. I wanted to see if I could pull it off and I think I did a pretty good job. And, with the encouragement of some of my new friends, I believe I’ll try another in the near future. I got the idea from an article on play acting to spice up a relationship. Maybe someone could submit some ideas that will inspire me. I would prefer something that hasn’t been done to death.