InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One night which change everything ❯ Chapter 4 : End of a tiring night ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello everyone !!!!!

Here the chapter 4
Sorry, for not having been updating for sooooooo long. I had others stories to update, the university and some difficulties to write this new chapter… So I wrote the easy part and let the rest for the next chapter. Lazy me, I know.
Hope it is ok ! Tell me what you think !!

Disclaimer : I don’t own InuYasha.

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Pr eviously, in the chapter 3


"By the way, it's not that I'm not thankful, but I don't understand the reaction of our Lord. If anyone would have done it another day, this person would be dead right now."

" Hai, that was strange. But I will not say that I'm not happy. That let her another chance to become my woman. " Said, confident, Kouga.

Jakotsu rolled is eyes at him. " Take a ticket. "

"hn ? " Came the most intelligent answer the wolf could do.

"Oh, come on, Kouga, beside me, I believe there all the others members of the crew after her now. My poor Kaggie, she doesn't know where she put her feet. " Shaking his head and sighing.

"Yeah, said dejectively Bankotsu, at least you and our Lord. "

Kouga nodded his head at this.

But Jakotsu added : " Don't be so sure, Anikii, you could be surprised. "

"Oh come on, he hates humans, so he will never bend so ‘low' to lust after one."

"The future will answer that. My Kaggie is really special but that's not what trouble me now.(he sighs), I hoped so much to not draw her in this world and now…"


Ch apter 4 : End of a tiring night...

Gently, InuYasha escorted the young human woman to her car. He opened the passenger door for her and assisted her to climb in.
He then slipped behind the steering wheel. He looked back at Kagome. She seemed so tired. The hanyou felt immediately guilty. In a way, even if he didn’t menace her to do it, it was his fault that her car was shot, and she fell in his world. She is too damn nice for her own good. She put her life in danger to help him, a man she just met. And now, she was in the very middle of a gang war.

She wasn’t looking at him or anything for the matter. It was like she was looking at her lap, but he could see that her eyes was unfocused. Poor girl. His eyes soften at her frightened figure but control himself to not do anything stupid. He sighed and get up of the car just to scream at Miroku and sat back down in and closed the door. This damn Monk !

He looked back at her. He reached and put one of his clawed hands on hers gently.

« Hey, sweetheart, you ok ? » He spoke softy. In his head, he could hear a voice screaming at him to know what he was doing. It wasn’t his ‘thing’ to be openly nice and all normally, but when he looked at her, he couldn’t help it. And she is so fucking hot too.

Kagome came back to reality when InuYasha yelled Miroku’s name. She looked at him in the corner of her eyes before looking back at her hands. This night was a little to much for her : people shoot at her mom’s car, a man fell on her car bleeding, she saw her long time friend but learned that he was part of a gang, and she met one of the most wanted man of Japan, the leader of the Dogs in all his glory. And not to forget that she insulted the man, but he let her live. At least, one good thing in all this mess. I mean, she was alive right ? Yeah, right.
She felt a callous clawed hand on hers which pulled her off of her self pity.

Kagome looked up at the beautiful golden eyes looking back at her, they are lighter than his brother's, she noted in the back of her head, one so warm and the other so cold... not that it was important. She smiled softly at the Hanyou with soft pink on her cheeks.

« I’m fine InuYasha, just tired. »

He observed her a moment, squeezed gently her hand and turned on the engine. He pulled out the car from the alley, and they left the mansion, Miroku’s car following them. She explained to him where she lived rapidly and fell back in silence.

In her head, she was seeing the meeting with The Sesshomaru. Damn arrogant dog, without figure of speech. Even after frightening her to the core when she learnt who he was, he still succeeded to make her so angry. She sighed. Worst, she must come back to meet him Monday to know if anyone 'suspect' went to see and speak to her. In other words, if the members of the rival gang recognized the car and came to kill or menace me. She sighed again. She was in the shit up her head...The one little re comfort was that they will not let her down. The only slightly nice thing Sesshomaru said to her.

InuYasha was looking at the road in front of him, but from time to time, was sending glances towards the goddess at his side. He can smell the anxiousity in her scent, nothing abnormal for the difficult night she lived. However, her scent, oh so beautiful scent. He was literally swimming in her pure essence, and it was more and more difficult to keep his hands for himself or not stop the car and pounce on her. Something in her scent was making his beast purred in delight to have her so close to him. At the same time, it was screaming at him to take her right here and there. He heard her sigh.
Without looking at her, he took her hand in one of his one. In the corner of his eyes, he saw her head shoot toward him and gasped softly. But, she didn’t say anything nor took her hand back.

By the ‘freak’, like he called him, he knew that she was a Miko and so she knew what he was. A dirty half-breed. Even so, when her fingers intertwined with his, he understood that she couldn’t give a damn. He almost growled in contentment. In return, he tenderly brushed his thumb on the back of her hand. Her skin was so soft, softer than silk. Damn that it is difficult to do the right thing and not took advantage of her distress. This time, he was the one sighing.

The ride was made in a relative silence. Some minutes later, the car stopped in front of the shrine where was living Kagome. InuYasha shut down the car and looked back at the beauty at his side, the one he had so much difficulties to not just make a move and took. Tonight wasn’t the night for that. Soon, he hoped. That was really literally driving him crazy. Never had he reacted like that to any girl, same for the guys...Hell, even his stuck up brother was acting strangely around her tonight.

When he turned to look at her, he was surprised to find the young woman asleep. InuYasha couldn’t help a chuckle and the light smile raising on his face. She seemed so innocent, so pure, but he saw a fire in her that night and her scent, that made his blood boiled in want. Oh how much, he had to taste her. Not today, but soon. That couldn’t be avoided. It didn’t seem like a want but almost like a need.

A light sparked in his golden eyes. He unlocked his seat belt and slowly bend toward her. Gently, almost tenderly, he nuzzled her neck, taking the opportunity to breath deeply on her so captiving scent. Fire immediately rushed toward his low region, increasing his arousal. He moved slightly to be more comfortable and not be too much bothered by his growing … interest. Never before a woman’s scent made him so needing. It drove the hanyou’s senses wild.
He languorously licked her neck, hardening even more. God, she tastes so fucking good. She moaned softly in her sleep. He chuckled deeply, his male pride boosted. He tried to suppress the images of the tastes of others parts of her perfect petite body from his mind that made his eyes flashed red.

« Wake up, sweetheart, you are at home. » He whispered in her ear before returning his attention to her neck.

Slowly, her eyes opened. InuYasha’s ears twitched on his head, hearing the change of the beat rhythm of her heart. She was awakening. Reluctantly, he licked her one last time before pulling back and looked at her beautiful blue eyes who just opened. He smirked sexily at her when he detected the little peak of her arousal. He brushed the back of his hand on her cheek and kissed her nose gently before getting out of the car.

Kagome stayed dumbfound a moment, her heart beating wildly in her rib cage. It was her or it was hot in this car ? She was slightly flushed. What was that all about ? She shook her head and get out of the car too.
InuYasha gave her back her keys. She said them goodnight and almost run up toward home.

Miroku came at his best friend side and looked towards the shrine too. From their spot, they could see Kagome climbing the steps towards her home. They watched her hips swayed in a hypnotising dance.

« She is really something, hm, my friend ? » Miroku said, grinning like a madman.

InuYasha growled at him but when he saw what he was doing stopped immediately and sighed. « Yeah. » Clearing his throat. « We should go back to the house now. »


Sessh omaru just left the infuriating young human woman down with his half brother and the others and came back right in his office. How this human had the nerve to speak like that to this Sesshomaru ? But what was troubling him the most was his own reaction around her. She made him angry, oh so very angry, but he didn’t react like he does usually. No, he didn’t kill her. Hell, her already tantalising smell drive him crazy when she was angry. That made her already spicy scent became even more spicier and unique. That and her Miko power cracked all around her skin in her fury. He felt it when he touched her by taking her by her arms. That was the last thing in plus that made his beast purred in delight and wanting to touch her more. Feeling her raw power, and not little one at that.

He didn’t know if it was only her anger which was provoking this reaction with her scent or just because this was a powerful feeling. Damn girl. Just thinking about her beautiful scent added to the still present trace in the air of his office was enough to excite him. Kami, if he wasn’t capable to control so well the reaction of his own body, he wouldn’t have reacted differently than the others demons in his house. He would have to deal with a serious hard on. Distasteful.

Then he through back at his comportment back down with her. Damn, I acted like a horny pup ! This slip of woman was just troubles in a nice package. Yeah, he could admit to himself, if not to the world, that, for a human, she was beautiful in her own way. Her body was curved everywhere at the right place. But he already saw more beautiful and even sexier women before, and he never reacted like that around them… thanks God ! Being humiliated one time was already really enough. More bruises on his ego would be catastrophic. I mean, she is barely a woman, an adult, but I acted like I never saw, never touch a woman before ! Pathetic. He was really disgust in himself. He put that under the surprise, what he never was by the way, and that he will not under any option, react anything close to what he did tonight when she will be here again, Monday. He was the one in control, not a stupid human girl. Sigh.

Beside the well proportionate body for her age and the scent, there was a most important factor about her making all the youkais, him include, react that way. She just turned eighteen. She passed from a girl, a teen to a woman.

Humans had forgotten the important signification of this moment. For them, it was only the passage to the adulthood in front of the law, making her legally available to older men and others stuffs like vote or driving licence or even drink alcohol. However, demons know better. They didn’t and couldn’t forget the signification behind this particular event of the life.

At the age of eighteen, or the equivalent of this age in the demons’ case too, the girls’ scent finished its evolution to become the one the women will have all her life. The scent became more… powerful and tantalising for the men population in some levels. It was the case for demons women. For humans that was almost not perceptible since not necessary. Humans having so pathetic useless senses… with the exception of humans with powers. Their scent shift more remarkably, even if not equal to most demons. It was the same for women and men in a way. She was in that phase.

Sesshomaru sat down behind his desk, sighed so slightly that only inhuman ear would have heard it. There were a lot of women who passed this cap, graviting around him like bees, but he never had reacted that way. Worst, never with humans, to what he was grateful. He learned to adapt and support the presence of humans. He even had some whom were working for him. However, he never touched a human or even wanted to touch a human in any… intimate way in all his life. Only the thought disgusted him. But why not with her ?

Kikyo was human and a Miko too, but thank Kami, he never felt like that around her. Better death than that! In fact, he had even difficulties to be in the same place than her, breathing. Even after all the years working for him, she was still afraid of him, like all the others, and with good reasons. She tried to hit on him like the slut she was once in the past. She was after all just a whore, like a lot of women in his branch. She, with the exception of Jakotsu and him, spread her legs regularly for all his men, and even outside of the gang. His pathetic brother can’t see it through. Truly pathetic. This day, when she tried to sneak in his bed, he almost killed her. If her powers weren’t needed in their war so much, he would have done just that, brother or not brother. Even the hanyou could have found another better slut to fuck. Just the idea of her filthy hands anywhere near his person made his skin crawled, made him want to puck and shudder in disgust.

But not this new one, Kagome... He would have to maintain her away from him somehow, not too close, or he will have just to kill her. He will not let her powers been used by their enemies against them. But, he can let her, just a human girl, have so much power on him. He sighed. Difficult night, indeed.


Kagome’s weekend passed smoothly and evenless. That made her even through, now that everything was back to normal, that all this ordeal was just like a dream, a really bad dream.

Therefore, she went back to school the Monday like if nothing happened.


The bell of the school rang, signaling the end of the classes. Kagoma sighed. She had felt like this day will never want to end. After all, it was Monday… The math’s test day of the month. She took her things and followed her friends outside.

« So, how did you do, Kagome ? » Asked Eri.

The young woman looked at her and groaned. « I’m sure that I failed. I didn’t understand half of it. »

« Really ? I found it really simple. » Said Ayumi quietly.
The three others stopped net and looked at her like if a second head suddenly grown on her, or may be two. « What did I say ? » fidgeting, not at ease when fixed like that.

« You sure you were in there with us with the same improbable test ? Sometimes Ayumi, you are scary. Like you don’t come from the same planet than us. » Said Yuka incredulous.

They shook their head, leaving a slightly blushing Ayumi on their way. They resumed there walking. The day was at least finished now and Kagome tried to reassure herself because of the test. The day could have been worst. Suddenly, a male voice came from behind them.

« Higurashi ! »

Kagome groaned. She spoke too rapidly and cursed internally. Yes, the day could have been worst... and it was already worse than five seconds ago. She walked more rapidly to the exit. « Oh please, not him. » She mumbled to herself.

« Hey Kagome, stop running ! There is Hojo that is calling you. » Said one of her friends.

She didn’t walk slowly at her remark but… started to walk even more quicker. « Exactly why I must hurry. » She grumbled under her breath.

« Higurashi ! »

« Please, no,no, no no ! » She was praying all the Gods existing that he didn’t catch up with her. She let her friends behind too since she had told them time and again that she wasn’t interested in him, they still tried to patch them together. Annoying. There wasn’t anything wrong with that guy. He was just, just,… too damn nice. And boring. Kami, if someone had some problems to find the sandman, call him. He should be put in bottles and sold to fight against insomnia. Yep, that much boring.

She was obliged to walk slower though since a lot of people seemed stopped at the front door. Strange. There were a lot of girls, sighing dreamily. She heard whispers.

"Who is that guy ?"

"God, he is so sexy… Do you think I should go to speak to him ?"

"What he is doing here ?"

"He is hot."

"Think he is there for someone ?"


Kagome succeeded to pass between and stayed open mouth at the ‘show’ in front of her. There, against a beautiful sport car, was the one and only InuYasha.
The wind blew his silver hair, making some girls sighing again at the perfect spectacle. How is he doing that?

He was looking bored, looking for someone. Then, he spotted the lucky girl. He grinned at the attention of the girls of the school he won on him and walked toward his ‘prey’. He put his sun glasses on him head, revealing his stunny golden eyes. One girl almost fainted.

One arm came circled the waist of the ‘ elected ’.
« Hello, sweetheart. »

Kagome looked rapidly around her and saw surprised, stunned, shocked looks but also, a lot of glares. She gulped, uneasy of all the eyes on her and looked up at the warm hanyou against her.

« Hm. Hi, I-InuYasha. »

He smiled down at her, not unnoticing the faint pink coloring the beautiful woman cheeks' in his arms. He bent down slightly and kissed her neck, without forgetting to inhale deeply. She smells too good for her damn good. « How are you since Friday ? » He asked, his voice lower than normal, a little throatly, but trying to sound like if he wasn't thinking how much he would like to just throw her on the floor and have his way with her right on the spot. No, not at all. A hanyou saint. Yes m'dam.

She was about to respond when she heard. « Higurashi ! » « Kagome ! » « Kagome ! ». She groaned, slapping herself on the forehead. « No, please. » she whispered.

« Who is it ? » he asked softly.

« Who is, who ? » Trying to sound innocent. She didn't really hear them, no not at all.

« Higurashi ! » She groaned again. « Please don’t ask. » continuing to speak as quietly.

InuYasha chuckled. « Come on, Sweetheart, or we will be late. » They walked toward the car.
Kagome didn’t look back and jumped in the car, not without hearing and feeling hate of her fellows school classmates. She would deal with it later. Now, all she wanted was to get away from there.


En d of the chapter 4.

Voilà! Hope you like it! You have some of the explications of why all those men of the 'Dogs' were acting that way around the poor Kagome... Jakotsu will explain the rest later...*grin*
So take care and don't forget... review review review, thanks

Sweetest Angel