InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One of the Boys ❯ Welcome to Shikon High ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Shikon High (it's pg-13)

"Class settle down, please…please, class, settle down…please, stop throwing spitballs at me…" The teacher was vainly trying to get his class under control as a small figure came in. The man wasn't putting any energy into his pleading; he had completely given up the hope of ever getting his class under control.

"Um…Mr. Kinomoto." The figure said while leaving the safety of the entrance and stepping in front of the "class" if you could call it so. Boys were spread all over the room in little clusters, all too busy doing anything but paying attention to their exhausted teacher.

"Ah, yes, how may I help you young man?" Kinomoto sensei asked.

"I just transferred here and the principal told me to come here and give you this," The young "boy" said as he handed a piece of paper to the man.

"Well class, it seems you have a new companion." At this the entire student population present went silent and looked towards their new playmate with interest.

"Let me introduce to you: Kagome Daidouji." The teacher said this time with a little zest and standing straighter, not believing his luck when he noticed the students paying rapt attention.

Everyone stared.

Kagome shuffled her feet, uncomfortable under their scrutiny.

The teacher went on.

"Well young man, we're all glad you decided to join us."

The staring continued…

"Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" Mr. Kinomoto continued too happy to finally have, after all these years of hard labor, the attention of his students, to notice Kagome's nervousness.

"…I'd rather not."

"Now, now you must have something to say. Let's see, how did you come to attend this great institution of learning?" He insisted.

~ Flashback~

The Higurashi family was sitting across from a very somber agent of the witness protection program. They all sat in silence as they waited to hear where they would be transferred. Finally the woman seated across from them spoke up. "Well you all know why you're here and I am sure are anxious to learn where you will be relocated. We've found a place for you in Kyoto (A/N: sorry for the lack of originality couldn't think of anything else)." She passed them each a file as she continued, "those are your new identities, please look them over."

They each looked over their new lives and looked up, except for Kagome who hadn't finished yet. The agent spoke again, "as of tomorrow you will all be known as the Daidouji family, residents of Kyoto who have just returned from France to live closer to their family." Then facing each of them as she spoke: "Aya you will be the retired model turned mother, Aya. Grandpa, you will be the grandfather, grandpa. Souta you will be the obedient son, Souta. And Kagome you will be the daughter, Kagome."

They all fell out of their chairs.

*I could have figured this out on my own. * (a/n: *blabla* means thoughts)

"Are there any questions you would like me to answer?" Asked the still serious agent.

Kagome's hand shot up in the air from her spot on the floor.

"Yes, miss Kagome."

"Well it says here that I'm going to attend Shikon High…isn't that an all-boys school?"

"Yes, it is."


"Is there a problem with that?"

"Uh…YES!!! I'm a girl!"

"Well, we thought here, in the witness protection program, that no one would be looking for a girl in a boy's school, which is why we put you there. The school has a very good reputation if that's what you're worried about."

"No, that's not it! YOU just said I would be the daughter!!!!!!" Screamed a very agitated Kagome.

"Did I? My mistake," she said while looking over Kagome's file and crossing out the word daughter and changing it to son, "you're Aya's son Kagome, who dropped out of modeling a few years ago, sorry about that."

"What? But I'm a girl and my name is still Kagome!" She exclaimed slamming her hands on the desk.

"You know what they say: `What's in a name?' Anyway I must leave you now, I have a date. If you have any more questions, ask my secretary. She'll eventually relay the message to me. Your new lives start tomorrow. Ta ta…" She said while pushing Kagome out, and then the rest of the family who had been cowering in a corner of the office out of Kagome's reach (for they knew her to have quite a temper), and closing the door behind them.

~End of Flashback~

*Stupid government agent…* "Um…I'd rather not." Again Kagome shifted uncomfortably.

"Now don't be shy."


"Well Kagome's an interesting name, any thoughts? Anyone?"

*What am I? Some sort of rare specimen that has to be studied?* "Would you mind if I just sat down?"

"Very well if you insist," Kinomoto sensei answered saddened, knowing that he would loose the only opportunity he'd ever had to show to his students how much they could learn from listening in class. (A/N: Yes, he is a complete moron.) "You may sit anywhere you wish."

Deciding to sit at the back of the room, Kagome made her way through the jumble of desk and students towards the back, all the while feeling thirty pairs of eyes following her every step. She finally sat down and glared at all of them. Some looked about to come and greet her but backed away seeing the glare, others stared some more, and the rest soon lost interest and turned back to their various occupations.

*This is going to be a long and painful year for Kagome Higurashi ladies and gentlemen,* she thought banging her head against the desk in front of her.

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