InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One of the Boys ❯ Girl meets Boys ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 2: Girl Meets Boys

Kagome was not in a good mood. She had woken up that morning to find her roommate 2 inches away breathing heavily down her neck and staring intently. She still shuddered just thinking about it. (Did I mention they sleep in dorms?) Needless to say that the first thing she did after she got dressed was go to the dean of students and ask to be put into another room with other roommates.

*Thank the gods they allowed me to change room. Another day in the room as that guy and … ~shudders at the thought~* (Thanks to those who pointed out to me that the italics didn't work. *blabla* will mean thoughts.)

A few moments later she'd found her new room, entered it, and closed the door behind her, but didn't go any further than that. It wasn't that she didn't want to go in, but…let's just say that there wasn't a spot on the floor where she could step without stepping on something, something that couldn't be identified.

Kagome had been standing there just gaping at the mess when someone stepped out from what she assumed was the shower. She looked to her right and only ended up gaping more. The thought that her jaw might get stuck that way did occur to her but she couldn't look away. There stood two very extremely extraordinarily (I think you get my point) hot guys, both in nothing more than a towel around the waist. (YumYum!) The first one had almost shoulder length black hair and the second one had very long silvery white hair and wait…dog ears?

*Um…dogs ears and white hair. Never thought it could make an attractive combination. But on him…

Mmm baby! *

After a few more moments of staring, she wiped off the drool with her sleeve and decided to come forward and introduce herself, before they decided to get dressed.

"Um..hi," she said hesitantly.

Both boys looked up from their searching for clothes on the floor to look at Kagome.

"Hey, we didn't notice you come in. Are you our new roommate?" Asked the first boy she'd seen.

"Yeah, I am. My name's Kagome Daidouji." She said sticking out her hand all the while giving them a make-fun-of-my-name-and-die-a-most-painful-death look.

"My name's Miroku." He said while tugging on Kagome's hand and pulling her into a quick half-hug. (he's doing one of those "brotherly" shakes that guys have, if you know what I mean) "And that silent guy over there is Inuyasha, but we just call him Yasha," Miroku finished.

"Hey," was all Inuyasha said as he began again to look for clothes.

"Hey back. So where's the spare bed?" She asked.

"Um..well you see…we haven't had another roommate since freshman year and since no one was using that bed we…" Miroku started to explain.

"You what?"


"Hey Miroku wouldn't it be funny if we used the spare mattress as a surfing board?" Asked a veery drunk Inuyasha.

"Hahahaha, no, but let's do it anyways." Responded a veery drunk Miroku.

~end of flashback~

"Well it doesn't matter what, the point is you're going to have to share a bed either one of us until we get another one," finished Miroku with a nervous laugh.

Kagome gaped *I can't share a bed with a guy…no matter how hot he is. They'd find out the truth for sure. Think quick…*

"Well there might be a problem with that concept. I have a very, no an extremely contagious rash. You see." And with that she started coughing.

~Later that night~

Kagome slept contently on the left side of the room alone in her bed, while Inuyasha and Miroku had a hard time getting sleep sharing the same bed.

"I still don't get why he was coughing if he has a rash." Said a very grumpy Inuyasha.

A/N: Thanks to all the people who reviewed. I can't believe so many people did. I'm so happy. Anyways, I've figured out how the rest of the story is going to go, I just have to type it up so, I'm probably gonna update every day or every 2 days until the end.


P.S. I still say the review button is purple/lavender.