InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One of the Boys ❯ A test of manliness ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Before I let the story go any further there are some things you need to know:

Kagome has met: Kouga, Shippo, Kohaku, and Rei.

Rei, my OC, Miroku, Kouga, Shippo, Kohaku, and Inu are part of a brotherhood/fraternity/gang.

When all six members accepted Kagome, she was also accepted into the brotherhood, even though she doesn't know it yet. ^o^

I might write about how she met Kouga, Rei, Kohaku, and Shippo. But I don't know if I should, so I'm letting you guys decide. And tell me if you want it as it's own chapter or if I should just do it as a flashback.

Thank you for your patience ^-^ d

Chapter 3: A test of manliness

Kagome had been rooming with Inuyasha and Miroku for two weeks now, but she was no closer to understanding men than to finding a cure for stupidity.

She watched as Inuyasha paced in front of them (Them being Rei, Kouga, herself, and Miroku, in that order) planning some way to get back at Naraku's gang. They'd all decided to gather in Inu's, Miroku's, and Kagome's dorm room to elaborate a plan on how to get revenge, after they found Kohaku and Shippo badly beaten in the hospital wing of the school.

Inuyasha finally stopped pacing and looked upon them solemnly.

"We're not going to let them get away with this."

"Well that was what we'd all decided as soon as we got news that my beloved Sango's brother was beaten up." Miroku said sarcastically just before Rei slapped him upside the head.

"Thank you. Now here's my plan: ~dramatic pause~ we find Naraku's gang and beat them to bloody pulps." Inuyasha finished, all the while hitting his right hand with his fist for emphasis.

They all fell out of their chairs except for Kagome who just sweatdropped.

"You idiot. What kind of plan is that! Leave it to mutt-face to come up with such a stupid plan. In case you hadn't noticed they outnumber us three to one. And one of us looks like a twelve year old ~a `hey' could be heard coming from Kagome at that comment~," was Kouga's response to the "plan."

"He does have a point Yasha. There's no point in going there to be massacred. We have to use our brains and come up with an intelligent plan that will help our cause. And I'm sorry to say so, but Kagome you do look like a twelve year old." Miroku was once again slapped upside the head.

Inuyasha who had momentarily been forgotten once again spoke. "That's not the point of this meeting. The point is we're going to avenge Sango's brother. And the best way to do that is to go right in and attack. Now who's with me? (I just had to put this line in. It's a classic!)"

"…" From all four.

"Aww come on. Are you men or are you defenseless little girls?"

"Defenseless little girl right here," Miroku answered pointing at himself.

"I second that," Rei called out.

Kouga who was not one for being called a girl answered, "Fine, fine, whatever, I'll go."

When Kagome said nothing all eyes turned to her, demanding she answered. She would be the tiebreaker if she joined Inu's side they would go, if she joined Miroku's side they would not go. However, Kagome did not know that her decision was the tiebreaker.

Seeing as how Kagome wasn't getting the message that she was supposed to voice her opinion, Inuyasha went to stand right in front of her and asked: "So Kagome, are YOU a defenseless little girl?"

*Oy, more than you'll ever know.* "Well before I answer, I need to know why you want to go and beat them up."

They all fell to the floor.

"Haven't you been listening to the conversation?" Asked Inuyasha, quite loudly.

"Yeah but I still don't see why, sure they beat the guys up, but YOU guys do it all the time too. Can't you find some other way to get revenge?"

"No, we can't find any other way! Besides it's about more than just this time. It's about loyalty, friendship, pride…" Inuyasha would have continued but was interrupted by Rei who told Kagome the real reason for Inuyasha's hatred towards Naraku.

"It's because Naraku tried to steal Inuyasha's girl, and then Miroku's, and then Kouga's…and well the fights just grew. And here we are now."

"Ah I see it's because of girls and just…because. Well in that case; I refuse to answer to your childish challenge of my manhood." *Only because I don't have one to defend.*

They all groaned and decided to call it a night. They'd take care of Naraku tomorrow.

"So who wants to get drunk?" Rei asked.

A/N: Thanks to those who reviewed. And I forgot to say it in the last chapter but all Kagome does to look like a boys is she cropped her hair short, binds her breast, and wears baggy clothes. Review!!!