InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ Stuck in the past ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"A time what?!?",inuyasha asked."A time portal",sango repled" a hole that can transport anyone and anything across time,and

judging by the size, and number of rings I would that this two",pointing towards Koal and Ami" are from 20 years in the future.

" anyway I a, omly gonna ask once would you give us your jewel shards""Inuyasha demanded."We don't have any shards"

inuyasha"Ami replied.Just then Kagome got an idea, " well could you give us the whole jewel then please?"she asked.without

saying a word koal reach in to his bckpacks pocket any dug out something and threw it to kagome and she caught it.The inu

group was amazed by the fact that it was the whole shikon jewel."Okay,well we got to go" Koal said as he and Ami try to jump in

the portal but it sealed up before they could get to it, " darn it there goes are only way back home" Koal said angrly. miroku who

was still very confused about what just hppened ask " so just who are you two any way, I think I know who you(koal) are but I

don't know who you(ami) are. " Well how do you think I am?"koal asked, miroku replied "are you Inuyasha's and kagome's son?".

"Yes" Koal said bluntly. "WHAT?!?!?!?!?"Kagome and Inuyasha both yelled, "come on" sango said"He is hold the Tetsusaiga,

he had the jewel, he even look like the two of you. "So what are your names"shippo asked, " well I'am Ami" ami replied " and

he's Koal". Just then Inuyasha noticed three things about Ami" hey did anyone else notice that Ami has a wind tunnel , a

demon salyer outfit, and she has a hiratsu(is thishow spell the name of sango boomerang)on her back?"he asked, and they all

noticed that Ami had a rosary on her right hand and had almost exact same outfit

on ,but hers had blue instead red of armor ." so your Miroku's and sango's kid."inuyasha said trying to not laugh.sango face

went deep,deep red and then she lelled " I END UP WITH A PERVERTED MONK!?!?!?!?".She yelled so loud that Koal,shippo,

and Inuyasha had to cover there ears.after sango was done yelling Koal asked" how did people not notice thatAmi was

wearing all those things before hand, the boomerang is the size of her body, I get that your surpized by who I am but come on

"Koal has the same temper as Inuyasha"shippo said bluntly, this caused everyone excempt Koal and Inuyasha to laugh.