InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ the second portal ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After the laughing had ended the group decide that it would be easier if they figured out what to do next if they went to kaede's

village. So as they where headed there Koal asked sango" how did you know what the time portal was?", " my village had a couple

of those open up about ten years ago some people fell in some people came , it was very strange.". after that Miroku asked Koal

"if your mom is kagome then shouldnt you be quarter demon?". "well" Koal replied " about two years from now kagome will be

attacked by a Dog demon, during the coruse of the fight some of the dog demon blood get in to kagome cause her to become a

half demon, but for sme reason it almost never shows, strange I know. This caused kagome to be weirded out a bit and she said,

" this is the oddest day of my life".A little while later a they were walk in a forest , a second portal opened above a very tall tree.

"crud that tree is way to tall we couldn't get up there in time" Ami said angrly, all the sudden two people fell out, one got there

shirt stuck on a branch, the other grab one of the branches toward the bottom , and dropped to the ground. the gang rush to the

tree,and at the base was a girl who looked to be about 18 , with black hair ,with a small ponytail at the top, in an orange and

white checkerd kimono, who looked a little dazed . Koal said to her "Rin are you okay?", she replied " yeah just a little..., wha

some thind doesnt look right here what going on?". " well" kagome " you just fell 20 year in to the past, wait Rin?, the same little

seven year old who follows Sesshomaru around?". " wait 20 years oh this is bad, very bad" Rin said nervously."why is it very

bad?"Koal asked, Rin replied" with you know who and they were you know what this year". Koal's and Ami's eyes widened when

Rin said that," oh, that is bad." Koal replied. "who is up there?" sango asked,"well uhh there is no easy way to but its Kohaku.

"What?!?" sango said confused, " its Kohaku he is alive, non mind control, he remembers everything". " Well could you get him

down please before he falls." sango asked still trieing to process everything that just happened " oh yeah okay" Koal replied.

"Hey Kohaku can you here me?"Koal yelled , "Yeah"Kohaku replied" whats going on , one second were walking thought the

forest and the next a time portal open's up and I'am stuck on the top of a tree, hey how far did we go back anyway?", "you arent

going to like it."Koal said, "how bad could it be?" Kohaku asked, " we went 20 years in to the past" Koal answered, " oh crud,

that is bad and, the portal just closed, what are we going to do?" Kohaku asked in a very nerevous tone. Just then Kagura

showed up on one of her feathers and she said " well I heard there was a time quark here so go to investgate and look who I find

" you know Kagura you picked a bad time to rear your ugly head " Inuyasha yelled , "you are vastly out numbered" Kohaku added

"who said that?" Kagura asked looking around to see who said it,"me" Kohaku said as he freed himself from the brach and kick

Kagura off her feather , then he used the feather to land, then he attacked Kagura with his blade on a chain ( dont know its name

and cuts off kagura's left hand making her retreat. Kohaku then turn around (now he looks about sango age) towards the group

and was about to say some but before he could Inuyasha asked" hey if your guys are 20 years in the future how come you don't

look 20 older?" , "well", Ami said " some weird witch cast a spell on you guys so you don't look much older then you do now."

Kohaku then said " I ow all of you, manly you sis, one huge apology. inuyasha then said " you do that later we need to get to kaede's now"

ch4 soon