InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ Back to the Future part one ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"speak" [thinking]
ch5 back to the future part one . If there are two of the same people are in the chapter the older one will have future in front of it.

don't own name of chapter

So the gang ran to kaede's village and when they got there one of villagers told them kaede will be gone until the next day.So they went in to her hut and then Koal asked

Kohaku " what makes you think you need to give all of us an aplogie, I get saying your sorry over and over again to Sango , but why Me and Ami?". " well" Kohaku replied

" in the case the younger me attack you guy, and Sango I am really, really , really , really sorry. " its okay the spider thing no one could have prevented, and the current thing

Well as long as go back to your old self in the end its okay" Sango said.

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the next day

Koal was the first one up, As he check around the village to see if anything odd had happened, or if keade was back. At the hut everyone else was getting up, and then

Ami asked " so what are we going to do to day?" , as most of the group shippo had begun to search Koal bookbag when found what he was look for and said happliy "

cool koalhas candy in his bag too" , " Shippo get out that bag, you can't just snoop in other people stuff" Inuyasha yelled, " but inuyasha there is ramen in here" said shippo tauntingly.

As the whole gang was eating the food from Koal backpack, Koal was walking back to the hut when , just above the hut, a portal opened and and suck up the everyone but shippo.

when they landed the had all been knocked out . Kagome was the first awake when she got up she looked around and thought[are we I my kitchen? It looks like the kitchen

but it looks a bit different]. Koal then got up and was shocked he then " oh no, this bad" , kagome asked " why is it bad?", "cause were in my time" kagome was shocked ,

everyone else was soon up and Koal filled them in , most of the group was shocked. Koal then walked in to the famliy room and shouted " mom ,dad ,sis, anyone home?

a female voice answer " yeah I 'am here, where have you been". kagome whispered to Ami " I have a daughter too?" , Ami answered " yes you do. " Yumi you are not going

to beleve it, you got to come out here". suddenly from one of the bedrooms came Yumi, she had pure sliver hair ( not count her ears which have black hair") other than her

hair color, claws, and fangs, she looked just like kagome, she had the same eye color, she was as tall as kagome, she sound like kagome, this was kagome's daugther.

"you drag are parents from the past along with Sango, and Miroku" Yumi asked/ yelled " not willingly" Koal said defensefly. " what happened" Yumi asked, so Koal told the

whole story, when he was done talking all Yumi had to say was " wow". Koal asked " So where are mom and dad Yumi" , "well" yumi said" Mom said there be back" the

front opens "now". Koal due stress fainted and so did Yumi, as future Kagome, and future Inuyasha walked in though the front door.