InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ Back to the Future part 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am going by the manga version of Inuyasha

So after future Kagome,and Inuyasha were told what had happened, they went to find Future Sango and Miroku. The Inu group then were looking around the house , when a

portal open in the street( there has got to be a problem with space and time) and out of it came a huge, hideous, the sight of these Inuyasha tensed up he knew who itwas, he then said

in a shocked tone "it can't be he is dead I know he is", kagome then asked "who is it Inuyasha?", " its Goshinki" said almost scared. [ Goshinki was that the one that could

read minds?] Sango thought, " you got that right Sango" Goshinki replied with a smirk on his face " and this time you won't win Inuyasha", " maybe he won't," Koal said very

seriously" but I will" he then drew the tetsusaiga, " you got to be joking, don't you know what happened when your old man tried to use that sword on me?" Goshinki asked

as he was laughing, "I know"Koal replied as he shoved the tetsusaiga in to the ground" thats why I am not using it". Koal eyes turned red, purple streaks formed under his

his claws grew bigger , Goshinki knew all too well what was happning, Koal was in his full demon form." Crud" was all Goshinki could say as Koal ripped him to shreds.

" Why did he do that, doesnt he know the risks" Inuyasha yelled at Ami, she responed " well It was the only thing he Could do". Koal then (to everyones relief) tried to grab

the Tetsusaiga, but when he grab it, the Tetsusaiga burned his hands. ", Ow!, thats not good" koal said and his voice sounded strange it was rougher sounding. Ami then

wispered something to Kagome, Kagome the shouted "SIT BOY" both Inuyasha and Koal hit the ground face first and yelled "OW!". " I hoped that worked " Kagome said

nervously, as Koal got up, but he was not back to normal " oh crud! , I am stuck full demon!" Koal said . Inuyasha got up, drew his Tetsusaiga and stood between Koal and

and kagome and said to Koal " don't get any closer to Kagome and the others", Koal replied " look Inuyasha, I am not going to hurt anyone", "you may not want to, but I know your demon

side is just as blood thirsty as my demon side, and that it is taking all you got not to give in to it" Inuyasha said, and it was true Koal was had just enough control to prevent

his demon side from attacking anyone. then in the shadows a voice " aww, the doggy boy can't control his demon side , well then his owner should have trained him better

"who is there?" Kagome asked, " what don't me tell, you forgot about me." a girl said as she step out of the shadows." Yura of the demon hair?!?, but you can't be alive"

Kagome and Inuyasha said shocked, " but I am" Yura said " and you can't win this time"