InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ A brand new me ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A brand new me

Koal's P.O.V

what is this it, feels like my blood is on fire, I feel the need to kill something, what, no I don't need to kill something!, must fight it!, can't give in!, I promised I wouldn't hurt anyone

and I need to live up to that promise.

Normal P.O.V

" So Yura what are you doing here anyway, Kagome broke your Comb you should be dead" Inuyasha asked, "what did you really think break my Comb would kill me, Ha!,

that only slowed me down, you can never kill me" she said laughing in a evil way. then all the sudden Goshinki's body reformed and he said with a laugh " Naraku misjudged

you Koal, good thing I have a jewel shard, but I must ask Koal why did you go full demon so soon?", "well that was not my idea, I guess I was more hurt from the portal than I

thought, not that it matters you'll be dead soon", he said as he was about to attack, but before he could Ami threw her boomerang bone at Goshinki, which surpized him and it

cut his left arm off, and then he said" well acting without thinking, I am impressed, but you put yourself in harms way, or in this case Koal's was taking all of Koal's will

power not to attack knowing he was losing control he begged"Ami get out of the way, its not safe.", "no!, I am not going to stand by and watch kill yourself, you can control it

I know you can!" Ami yelled back. Suddenly the urge to kill went away, suddenly Koal was back in control, after he fell from shock, Koal got back up and yelled" I promsied

my family and friends I would stay in control and I will", "but how"Goshinki asked" how can you keep control if your still full demon", " I have friends who always have my back

no matter what, thats how" Koal replied. Before Goshinki could attack, Koal put his claws in to a wound he took from Goshinki and unleashed his "blades of blood" and

sliced Goshinki in to ribbons, and removed his jewel shard so Goshinki was finally dead." I don't get it how was Koal able to gain such self control" Kagome asked Sango

" well, I think it has to do with what Ami said to him, I think Koal has a crush on Ami" she answered, "what makes you say that" Kagome asked " oh please"Yumi

answered" its more than a crush, there almost always spending time with one another, he always gets this look in his eyes when talks about her, he gets mad at anyone

who says anything mean about her, Its way,way more than a simple crush". As Koal was walking towards Yura, out of nowhere came someone shouting " Fox Fire!" and

a blue flame hitting Yura.

next chapter soon