InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ one persons future is another ones past ❯ The batlle begins ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
changed it from “future” to “older” when two of the same person are in the same scene

"Hey Yura, what are you doing here, didn't get beat up enough the last time I see, wait something

looks off here." a voice said, the speaker stepped out of the shadows, and it

was Shippo! An older looking Shippo that was wearing a army uniform , his brown hair was cut

kinda short, and had a sword drawn ."well we had some weird time trouble

and to make a long story short, mom, dad, Kagome, and Inuyasha from the past are stuck with

us, and Koal is stuck in full demon form but he has it under control" Ami

explained, " for now that is “Inuyasha added," Hey, I am in control, I am not going to hurt anyone."

koal whined, " yeah but how long can you stay in control, and hour, a day, a

year, you can keep control for only so long." inuyasha stated, "well I hate to be a bearer of bad

news, but we have a situation here." shippo said, "How bad is it shippo?" Yumi

asked, " well Hiten as reformed his army.” he replied, " why are all the people I killed coming back

to life.” inuyasha asked/yelled, " well clearly you did kill them hard enough"

Shippo tauntingly. Before inuyasha could start a fight with Shippo, a blast hit a nearby building, "

there here!” Shippo yelled, as A large group of group of demons came toward

them, at the front of the group, hiten wearing the same thing he was wearing the last time

Inuyasha saw him," I will ask only once, give me the jewel" Hiten yelled, " not on

your life" Shippo yelled, before anyone could attack Ah and Un came flying down from a nearby

building with Sesshomaru riding." hiten your dumber than you look" Shippo

said" you fell right in to our trap. Suddenly on top of most of the buildings dozens of soldiers

appeared, among them Kagura, Inuyasha then asked/yelled “ what’s Kagura doing here?” ,”well

just before Naraku was killed she joined are side.” Ami explained , “ what Naraku’s dead then how

do you have a wind tunnel?” “ well you see when Naraku died the wind tunnel didn’t go away for

you Miroku, it just could not kill you, and each generation it gets smaller” Koal explained. “ What

you think that I don’t have a few tricks left” Hiten mocked” Yura use that device now”. Yura pulled

out this strange jewel studded hoop and she pressed a button on it which cause another portal to

Open and out of it came, Naraku, Kagura, Kohaku, and Kanna, “ well this is bad” Shippo stated