InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Collection ❯ NightTime Gaurdian ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This first one is a fluffy fic about Inu and Kag interacting at night after everyone has gone to bed. Kagome tells Inu about hoe she sees him as there nighttime guardian, thus the title.

Nighttime Guardian

Inuyasha jumped into a tree and watched everyone else getting ready for bed. ‘Why don’t they just do what I do and sleep in a tree. It’s a lot easier and a lot safer. Oh well they are just humans after all.’ Inuyasha saw a flash in the woods and when he went to check it out he found Shippou practicing his kitsune bi on a dead tree trunk. ‘Feh, he may act all cute and cuddly for Kagome but he’s still a demon at heart. And he’s stronger then he acts, I know my punches don’t hurt all that much. He just likes watching me eat dirt.’ Inuyasha had started growling too low for anyone else to hear. ‘Little brat!’
When they’d all settled into their separate sleeping areas, Inuyasha jumped down and did a patrol of the camp’s perimeter. He could tell by their breathing when everyone was asleep. He walked through the camp to check on them. Sango and Miroku were on opposite sides of the campfire. ‘I don’t know were Kagome gets that those two have a thing, I just don’t see it.’ Kagome was on Sango’s left with Shippou as a sleeping friend. Inuyasha stopped by Kagome’s sleeping bag. ‘I can’t believe how beautiful she is. Even when we’re fighting she looks beauti...’ He shook his head, ‘What am I thinking, I can’t forget Kikyo, even if I do wish she hadn’t come back sometimes.’ He started to get up but Kagome started muttering.
‘Is she dreaming?’ He leaned closer to hear what she was saying.
‘No, no don’t I run, no In...’ She was muttering so low he could barley hear her even with his superior hearing.
‘She’s having a nightmare.’ He realized after a few seconds. “Kagome,” he said softly so as not to wake the others. “Don’t worry I’m right here, I’ll protect you. It’s okay, calm down.” She calmed down and shifted a bit in her sleep. He didn’t really know why but he liked that his voice could calm her when she slept.
“Inuyasha?” She whispered, obviously not as asleep as he’d thought. “Thank-you.”
“What?” He said after a few seconds shock.
“I said thank-you.” She turned over and looked at him, his heart did a flip-flop. ‘Wow...’ He thought dully. “Why do you look so shocked?” Kagome asked him.
“W-what, oh I don’t...” He stammered then, realizing he couldn’t answer he said, “feh.” And left it at that.
“I thought so.” Kagome said, as if she could decipher exactly what he’d felt from the one word. “You watch over us at night don’t you?”
“Of course, you humans all go to sleep as if nothing could attack you while you slept.” He made sure to sound annoyed and not pleased that she’d noticed. “I’ve stopped at least three smaller demons this week alone from slaughtering you all in your sleep.”
“That’s why I said thank-you, baka.” Kagome sat up, careful not to disturb Shippou. “You might not believe it but we are all your friends and we all trust you with our lives. That’s why we go to sleep without worrying, we know you’ll protect us form danger.” She smiled again and leaned a bit to hug him. Inuyasha was shocked, she’d never actually hugged him like this before. Sure she’d held on to him as he carried her, or when he grabbed her out of the way of an attack. But she’d never just reached out and hugged him. Without really meaning to he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back.
“Your welcome, Kagome.” He whispered in her ear. Then they both let go and she lay back down and he jumped into his tree. “My friend.” He whispered to himself as his eyes closed so he could doze a bit before sunrise. Unknown to him Kagome smiled in her sleep, having heard him.

AN:// So what do you think, bad, horrible, I just know it is, please tell me, I need to know, I’m desperate here, please review, flame I don’t care as long as you answer...hello pppllleeeaaassseee..., anyone their? HELLO!. Huh, sigh. Oh well. Zirra NovaConverting /tmp/phpqxr2kI to /dev/stdout