InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Collection ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay, this one is about an incident with Inuyasha that happened even long before Kikyo was in the picture. A young girl finds Inuyasha and doesn’t run screaming, why does one act of acceptance hurt so much? Read to see.


Inuyasha was resting against a tree. A damn dragon youkai had been chasing him all night and he was exhausted. Luckily the bastard had gotten sloppy as day started to break, and he’d been able to kill it with only one long burn on his left arm to account for the fight with demon. Inuyasha sighed and let his mind wonder to try and keep from concentrating on the pain in his arm. He was almost asleep when the snap of a twig made him nearly jump out of his skin.
He whipped his head around and growled in the back of his throat. A human girl about four years old was watching him, she looked shocked but he couldn’t smell any fear off her. ‘This girl is lucky to have lived so long if she doesn’t fear demons.’ He thought.
“Who are you?” The girl asked innocently. “Me Kira. You have doggy ears?” She seemed confused. Inuyasha twitched an ear at how high her voice was. She saw it and giggled so much she fell over. Inuyasha smiled and twitched it on purpose, happy to hear her giggle again. She stood up, and turned around, “be back!” She cried as she ran off.
A few seconds later he heard a woman’s voice saying, “Kira where are you taking me?”
“See doggy ears.” Came the little girls answer. Inuyasha knew he should run but he couldn’t seem to make his body move.
“Oh my... Kira run to the village. No Kira don’t go near...” But it was to late. Kira had already run to him.
“Wiggle, wiggle!” She nearly deafened him with her screech. His ears pressed down into his hair from the pain. She giggled as soon as she saw the movement.
“Kira please come here, please get away from him or he’ll eat you.” Her mom begged.
“You eat me?” Kira asked pointedly.
“No.” Inuyasha answered truthfully, “but you should listen to your mom.” Kira looked at him sadly.
“Touch?” She asked tentivly. Inuyasha sighed and leaned down so she could reach.
“Be careful.” He said as she reached toward them.
“Okay.” She bubbled. He felt her palm rub the tips of his ears. After a second he pulled back.
“Okay, now go back to your mommy and listen to her from now on or else.” He said not really wanting her to get eaten if she was so bold with any other demons, or even other half-demons.
“Never said your name.” She pointed out.
“My names Inuyasha, now go to your mother and promise to listen to her form now on okay, Kari?” He said hoping she’d listen to him.
“Okay.” She said happily then bounded back to her mother wishing he would stay and play with her. Her mother instantly grabbed her and ran as fast as she could away from the “demon”. Inuyasha sighed, as if he couldn’t of killed either of them within seconds if he’d wanted to. He turned and jumped away, again cursing the dragon for burning his arm, which still stung. Trying to ignore the tear that traveled down his face at the first and only time anyone other than his mother had ever accepted him. ‘It’ll probably be the last to.’ He thought, secretly wishing it otherwise.
AN://God that’s so sad. I’m sorry. I’ll try to make the next one happier, I promise. Annnyways, please review, it’ll help me remember to make the next one happier. :)Converting /tmp/phpukgbCP to /dev/stdout