InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot/Song Fic Anthology ❯ When Frustration Comes ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome had been gone for three days. Kouga had come and asked her for her help when his pack was attacked. He had said that something had attacked them and he needed her medicines from the future to heal them. She had refused to let Inuyasha come with her, telling him that she would be too busy trying to keep him and Kouga apart.
So now Inuyasha sat in his tree. He was pouting and he was ignoring everyone around him. Miroku quietly approached his tree and stared up. “You do know that sitting up there thinking about her and pouting will drive you mad!”
Inuyasha ignored the priest, making Miroku turn away and walk back to where Sango was standing. “Do you really think that's wise?” She asked as Miroku stopped beside her.
Miroku grinned, Sango had whispered to him in the hopes that Inuyasha wouldn't hear her, but Miroku had every intention of letting Inuyasha hear what he had to say. “Well, if she decides to stay with Kouga then Inuyasha doesn't really have much to say about it.
Will drive you!
Will drive you!
Will drive you!
Sango winced as Miroku said it a little louder than need be, but she quickly caught on to what he was doing. They were both tired of Inuyasha's sulking and the way that he refused to acknowledge his feelings for Kagome. She grinned at him and nodded.
“You're right Miroku; in fact she did say that she was getting tired of Inuyasha not paying her the attention that she wanted.” Sango said, staring at Inuyasha's figure. Even from where she stood she could see him tense. “In fact she did make sure that she looked extra special before making the trek with Kouga.”
You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong or if it is right
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
You don't have to sell your body to the night
Inuyasha's hands curled into a fist at that. He hadn't stuck around the day that Kagome left, he had gone to his tree and pouted, he didn't know that they were playing a trick on him. She wouldn't leave; the little runt is still here. He thought to himself, relaxing a bit.
“And it's a shame that Shippou snuck away in her back pack, after all, he would have been the one to make Kagome come back.” Miroku said.
“Yes, that is true.” Sango agreed. “And just think, now that Inuyasha isn't there, Kouga can have Kagome all to himself.”
His eyes upon your face
Images of Kagome and Kouga flooded Inuyasha's mind. He knew that they were right. Without him there to put a stop to it, Kouga would definitely take advantage.
His hand upon your hand
His lips caress your skin
The thoughts were more than Inuyasha could bare and he leapt from his tree, running in the direction where Kouga's pack lived.
Miroku and Sango smirked to each other as Shippou came bounding across the field. He stared up the tree and at the priest and demon-slayer, briefly wondering what he had missed. “Where did Inuyasha go?”
“Hopefully to pull his head out of his ass.” Sango muttered a saying that Kagome had taught her a long time ago. When she received two very confused looks she sighed. “Hopefully to admit his feelings to her.”
Why does my heart cry?
Feelings I can't fight!
Inuyasha ran faster than he ever possibly thought that he could. Every mile that passed brought new thoughts of Kagome and Kouga to his brain, urging him on faster. He realized that she would probably “Sit” him into oblivion, but he had to know if she was really going to choose Kouga over him.
You're free to leave me but
Just don't deceive me!
He only prayed that he wouldn't be too late.
...And please believe me when I say
Inuyasha finally found the den where the wolf pack lived and could smell Kagome's human scent mixed in with the scent of the wolf demons. He crept around quietly, not really wanting to alert anyone to his presence. He said a silent prayer that they would blame his scent on Kagome's belongings since he was always digging through her bag in a never ending search for Ramen.
You don't have to put on that red light!
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
Inuyasha finally caught the strong scent of Kouga and Kagome. They were away from the rest of the pack and he followed the scent. It didn't take them long to find them, they were sitting on a large boulder under a tree. Kagome was staring up into the night, while Kouga was staring at her.
You don't have to put on that red light
“Kagome why do you stay with that half wit?” Kouga asked her.
You don't have to wear that dress tonight!
Inuyasha cringed at his question, he wanted to turn and run away, but his stubbornness kept him glued to the spot. He watched as Kagome turned and looked at Kouga. The smell of her irritation was lost to Inuyasha as the winds changed direction.
Kagome rolled her eyes and gave Kouga a look that would stop even Naraku in his tracks. “I stay with him because I am loyal to him.”
Inuyasha's ears twitched as he heard what she said, and he cocked his head to one side, straining to hear more of the conversation. “You could be loyal to me too.” Kouga said.
Why does my heart cry?
Feelings I can't fight!
Inuyasha was on his feet and running at full speed as Kouga turned Kagome's face to his and slowly lowered his face to hers. He slid to a stop mere inches away when the resonating sound of a very forceful slap reached his ears. He watched as Kouga fell off the rock, both in shock and in pain. Kagome stood above him, if fire could have shot from her eyes it would have.
“I knew there was something fishy going on here!” Kagome shouted. “I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for it!”
She spun around and froze when she spotted Inuyasha staring at her. The last person she expected to see was standing before her, grinning like a kid in a candy shop. He ran at her and swept her up in his arms, twirling her around happily. He lowered her to the ground and pressed his lips to hers, claiming her as his own.
At least until a slap made him fall to the ground. “What the hell was that for?” He shouted!
Kagome stalked away to grab her things and head home. “You can be just as bad as him.” She shouted over her shoulder.
When she was out of sight Inuyasha and Kouga glared at each other, and soon the night was filled with snarls and yelps as the two of them fought out their frustrations.