InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot/Song Fic Anthology ❯ Lies ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Don't own Inuyasha or the song “Lies” by Evanescence.
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He didn't understand what was happening to him. His mother's body was cold and unresponsive and yet still he cried and tugged on her hand. He felt someone pulling on his hair as he was roughly dragged away from the only source of comfort he had ever known.
Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears

If the man who held his hair tightly had had the same sense of smell as the small child, he would have smelt the fear coming from the quivering body. “Take a good look at what you did you worthless half breed.” The mans voice said. “Because of you you're precious mother is dead.”
The small child was dragged outside and through the streets of the large town. Once the town gates were reached the child was cast out and the doors of the gates closed. He was left alone to survive, even though everyone knew that he would probably succumb to the elements around him.
The child climbed stubbornly to his feet and threw himself at the gates, screaming for his mother. “Stop that!” A voice behind him commanded.
The child turned around to face the shimmering being behind him and with a whimper, pressed against the gates in fear. “Who are you?”
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again
“I am your brother, Inuyasha.” The being said.
“You're name is Inuyasha too?” The child asked.
His brother rolled his eyes and sighed, showing his annoyance. “No, my name is Sesshomaru.” He told the small creature. “Come, I will watch over you now.”
Inuyasha smiled and waddled after his brother. It wasn't long before the child realized that he hadn't been rescued, he had simply moved to yet another layer of hell.

You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above

Sesshomaru watched over Inuyasha, but constantly berated and belittled him, reminding him that he was weak, that he was worthless, that he didn't deserve to live. He ran away by the time he was sixteen, at least in mortal terms. He lived on his own, using the skills he had acquired after years of being left to fend for himself.
He moved around, avoiding settlements, avoiding anyone remotely like him. He heard whispers of something that could make him stronger, make him feared and he decided to seek whatever it was out.

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
He found the first love his life along with the thing that had been rumoured to hold such great power. He stayed close to the village where the human girl lived, watching over her, protecting her when she could not protect herself. In time it seemed that she began to love him as well.
Of course the fates decided that he was not allowed to be happy and he once again found himself betrayed.

But through my tears breaks a blinding light
Birthing a dawn to this endless night
She had shot him with an arrow and pinned him to a tree. He couldn't understand why she would do this when the day before they had promised to spend the rest of their days together. Only he didn't die, he simply fell into an enchanted sleep; cursing her name aw unconsciousness took over.
Arms outstretched, awaiting me
An open embrace upon a bleeding tree

It seemed that someone had decided that he had lived in enough misery. He suddenly smelt the most amazing and beautiful scent heard a voice screaming for help. His eyes opened slowly and he growled low in his throat. The woman he loved was sitting in front of him, wide eyed and scared. It unnerved him since he had never known her to be scared.
“Kikyo.” He growled softly.
The girl on the ground stared at him. He spoke roughly to her and he soon realized his mistake. Not only did the fact that she was screaming her name, which was Kagome at him, but the scent just was completely different. Still, her soul felt so familiar to him.

Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
She had been so useless in the beginning; he needed to do everything for her. But as the years went on she taught him many things. She gave him friends, showed him that it was possible for people to love him, a feeling he hadn't truly felt since the days with his mother. He decided he would protect Kagome at all costs.
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
Though along the way he screwed up many times. While the fates had been kind enough to give him a child, a brother, a sister and a woman who adored and loved him, they also threw in too many demons that he didn't want to face. The woman he had once loved was resurrected and then taken again. The fates seemed to hate him.

They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
They defeated their greatest foe and he was terrified that he would be tricked once more and became distant. It pained him so much to hear Kagome's broken sobs as he told her that he didn't love her. Told her to make the wish on the damned jewel simply so that he could be left in peace. The broken look on her face had almost been enough to kill him.
They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
“You're an ass.” Her voice broke through his thoughts.
Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked down at the ground. “What did you just say?” He growled at her.
“You heard me. I know for a fact that you hear us, no matter how much we don't want you too.” Kagome said, crossing her arms, an irritated scowl on her face.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, and looked away from her. “I told you to make your fucking wish and be gone from my life.”
He expected to smell her tears, to sense her sadness, but it never came. “There's only one thing that I've ever wished for Inuyasha.” She told him, gaining his attention. “I just wish that you could be happy, that you could see that you're loved.”

Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
A bright light filled the forest as memories of his time with Kagome hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that he was loved, not only by her, but by their friends. His life had always been so bleak and miserable, but she made him happy.
Inuyasha pushed himself off the tree and landed in the middle of the light that surrounded Kagome. They Shikon Jewel, the great power that he searched for for so long hung above them, turning from pink to white before shattering and disappearing. Kagome stared up at the spot that it had been before levelling her eyes with his.

Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
Inuyasha pulled Kagome to him and held onto her tightly, hoping that his presence could convey the feelings that he couldn't confess yet. Kagome sighed and returned his embrace, whispering her words of love to him.
For the first time since his mother held him he felt safe and loved. “Thank you Kagome.” He whispered to her before thanking the fates for giving him at least one person who understood him.
They'll never see
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me